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Everything posted by Charpig

  1. Then it's not really canon, is it? Navarre and all the other recruited characters are supposed to be alive for Book 2. EDIT: Sorry, I didn't realize you were being sarcastic in your above post.
  2. But then the partyers all grew phat because of all the caramel 'n' chocolate, even Oliver from Radiant Dawn weighed less than the average person at this party. Wanted to keep it Fire Emblem related somehow.
  3. I wasn't just responding to you, I was responding to the numerous other posts that claim that God cannot have emotions. Yes, the Bible seems to have contradictions, but you need to read the passages more carefully. Exodus 31:17 did not state that God needed to rest. He chose to rest on the seventh day of creation. It's very clear in that passage that God rested on that day in order to establish the Sabbath, which the Israelites were to observe in honor of creation. Genesis 22:12 was spoken by an angel of God, not by God himself. Abraham not withholding Isaac, his only Son, was a foreshadowing of what would happen with Jesus Christ (though Abraham didn't know it at the time). Abraham did not withhold his only Son, neither did God withhold his only Son. Many of the events in the Old Testament were foreshadowings of what Christ would do. Regarding the Deuteronomy passages, the testing was really for the Israelites to learn what was in their hearts. God was able to predict Israel's rebellion, just as Jesus predicted when Peter would deny him three times. What the Israelites did was recorded, as a testimony, so that people would know and remember what would happen as a result of disobedience, and hopefully their descendants would do right and not do wrong. When the Bible speaks of God as being strong and mighty, it doesn't mean that God craves battle. The Bible says that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:23). But, it means that God is perfectly capable of exercising his authority. He can and does punish sin, as seen in the Bible. But God would much rather have people repent of their sins and come to him. This is why he doesn't always immediately punish sin, he wants to give sinners a chance to repent. Oftentimes, the Israelites and most people could not have cared less about having a relationship with God, they frequently went their own ways. It wasn't like people were seeking peace with God and God decided to zap them instead. When people obeyed God he blessed them (at the very least, they will be blessed in the next life!). Regarding Deuteronomy 7:16, God wanted the Israelites to completely destroy their enemies, otherwise the enemies would ensnare the Israelites. Again, Israel's enemies were not harmless little lambs that God wanted killed for no reason. They would have actively sought Israel's destruction. 1 Samuel 15:2,3 was the same deal, the Amalekites would have continued to threaten Israel unless they were wiped out. I find it ironic that many people have complained about God not doing anything about evil, yet when he finally chooses to do something about it, you accuse him of being too harsh. I'm sure the Israelites would have understood why God wanted their enemies wiped out, having suffered abuses at the hands of their enemies. Regarding 1 Samuel 6:19, God had previously told the people not to look into the ark (in the Mosaic Law), or they would die. The ark had objects that were holy, like God himself. A sinner could not look upon a holy God and live, it was the same deal with the holy objects. I could be wrong, but I consider it more like death was the natural consequence of a sinner looking at a holy God, just like death is the natural consequence of jumping off of the Empire State Building. If I read the passage correctly, only those who looked into the ark died. The best analogy of this is the sun. No one can look directly at the sun without being blinded by its glorious light. The Bible's theology seems to be that no one can look directly upon God without being overcome by his glory. People such as Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Paul were brought face down when God revealed his glory to them (those people I mentioned did not die, however). The parable I posted earlier about the Pharisee and the tax collector shows that God is kind and merciful to those who acknowledge their sin and repent of it. @MGS: There are occasions in the Bible where God had angels come, but it didn't guarantee that the people followed him afterwards. The fact that Jesus became a human means that he is definitely able to sympathize with our weaknesses. What better way to experience life as a human than to actually become a human? I am saying that God didn't choose to simply look down on us from Heaven. He chose to tabernacle with Israel, and live among his creations for a short time as Jesus Christ. God has sometimes chosen to directly involve himself in human affairs instead of simply saying "Let there be" and something is.
  4. Knowing about something is not the same as actually having it happen to you. Did Jesus know he was gonna die on the cross? Absolutely, just like we all know we're gonna die someday. Jesus still felt the physical pain and emotional distress of being rejected by both man and God, even though he knew about it ahead of time. Jesus just hadn't actually experienced it before. You might already know the content of a funny video, but that may not prevent you from still laughing when you see it again. You may be told that a friend is coming over to visit, but that may not prevent you from being happy when you actually see your friend. You may know that your boss is going to yell at you if you mess up, but that won't prevent you from feeling hurt when it actually happens. Just because you know about something in advance doesn't mean it won't affect you in any way when it actually happens. God does have emotion, numerous Bible verses from both Old and New Testament indicate this. Do you believe that a world without emotion would be a perfect world? If you could never experience the emotions of joy and laughter, that is perfection to you? If you can't empathize with a sad friend, you think that is perfection? It certainly isn't to me. Yes, Jesus was a part of God. He claimed that he and God were one, and that he did everything God told him to do. Jesus was in a mortal body, that could die, just like we are in mortal bodies that can die. We know that Jesus experienced hunger, sadness, anger, joy, pain, and death. So Jesus had to face many of the stuff that we face. Jesus was not immune to the suffering in this world. Fine, I concede that by human definitions of perfection, Jesus was not perfect. But in the eyes's of Jesus's father, God, Jesus was perfect. Hebrews 4:15 "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet was without sin." Jesus is that high priest! Jesus can identify with us in our human weakness. God is not just some being who is "way out there." There is no way in heck he could have sympathized with us had he not experienced trials himself. Could Jesus have avoided the cross and subsequently, his death? Of course! Jesus told Simon Peter that he could have called down legions of angels to come to his aid. But Jesus chose not to. He willingly bore the price for our sin. For a moment, Jesus's perfection was tainted as he bore the sins of the world, so much that God could not even look on his only Son. Yet, when he was resurrected, he was resurrected in glory. Believe me when I say this. Your ideas of the perfect god are not consistent with the Bible's ideas of the Perfect God. You all seem to think that being God means that nothing affects you, ever. But that is NOT what the Bible teaches about the Christian God. Now, one last point. I don't know if any of you are actually parents (I am not). But if you were a parent, you would have a fair amount of control over your child, wouldn't you? You could physically force your child into doing what you wanted. But, children need to learn how to make good choices for themselves. Even when parents allow their children to make choices, the children still need to be disciplined and be held responsible for wrong choices. If you allowed your child to choose and he made a wrong choice, you would still discipline him or at the very least reprimand him, wouldn't you? In the same way, God allows us to choose. When we make the wrong choices God seeks to correct us somehow. Hebrews 12:1-13 is a good explanation of how God is like human fathers in discipline.
  5. Then the enemies would learn the secrets of reclassing. What if Poleaxes in Radiant Dawn were effective against mounted units?
  6. Sothe already IS all emo. If all the good guys in FE11 were Laguz..... Medeus: Ah, what a delicious assortment of sub-humans! Tiki: Su-Sub human!? How dare you! Cain: Sire, let's tear this guy to shreds! Marth: My laguz brothers, ATTACK! If Pelleas was Ashnard's son..... Almedha: I.....I don't understand.....Who is really my son? Pelleas or Soren? Soren: I have no connection to King Ashnard. Pelleas is your son. Pelleas: But, I.....I don't want to be king. I have caused Daein enough trouble already. Almedha: No, my dear and beloved son! You MUST continue to rule Daein! You are of both Daein and Goldoan royal blood! The entire world will bow to you! Pelleas: Stop it, Mother! Clearly, the people of Daein love Micaiah more than me. No one wants the son of the Mad King on the throne. But I will continue to serve Daein, but not as her king. Soren: Well, Lady Almedha, I believe that Pelleas has made his decision. I bid you good day. (Soren leaves) Almedha: Sniff.....sniff.... Pelleas: Do not worry, Mother. I am sure that Daein has a wonderful future.... Even though the above poster was ninja'd, I still answered his question because it was very interesting. What if Oliver lost weight?
  7. Ashnard: Heh? Hmm....Something about you....seems so familiar..... Zelgius: Prepare yourself, King Ashnard. I shall not allow your tyranny to continue. Ashnard: So, does General Zelgius, the leader of the Begnion Central Army, hope to stand against me? I'll show you your place! (After the battle) Ike: General Zelgius? Zelgius: What is it, General Ike? Ike: .....Thanks for your help. Zelgius: You are welcome. It was a pleasure to fight alongside you. (Zelgius leaves) Ike: I thought that....Zelgius might have been the Black Knight. But I already killed the Black Knight.....So it can't be him. On that note, what if Ike actually had killed the BK at Nados Castle?
  8. I see what you're trying to say here. But what if the opponent has higher Res than Def (which is often the case with magic users)? Then you would want to target Def, so Str is better in that case. I don't think that Magic is always much more desirable than Strength. If I have a physical fighter who cannot use magic weapons, I wouldn't want Magic for him, he can't do anything with it. No, I would want him to have as much Strength as possible. And most of the time enemy units don't have good Def either unless they are Armor Knights/Generals. The topic creator is working on making the hack for Blazing Sword, in which case a unit has either Str OR Mag. So which one is better depends on the unit. On average, do you have more physical fighters or magic users? I would say physical fighters. I think Alondite was essentially considering Str and Mag the same, because for magic users in Blazing Sword, Magic IS Strength. You just apply Res to the damage done rather than Def.
  9. How is Magic more desirable than Strength? Doesn't it depend on whether you use weapons or magic? And in the GBA games characters had either Strength OR Magic, not both.
  10. So the people beat the crap out of the ninjas with their Carameldansen moves.
  11. So, you do understand why Jesus died for us, but you are not accepting it because it makes no sense to you. Am I right? This is why I thought that you were claiming to be perfect. I do not agree that perfection cannot be tainted, however. Jesus's perfection was not tainted because he did not sin. But man's perfection was tainted through sin. Let me give you an example of how perfection can be tainted. If you have a deck of 52 cards, that is a full set or a perfect set, is it not? But if I take one of those cards and destroy them, I no longer have a perfect set of 52 cards. I have just ruined, or tainted, the perfect deck of cards. The deck is no longer perfect, but it was at one time. You see, perfection can be tainted, even by a relatively simple action. I was not attempting to troll anyone. If I came across that way, I apologize. I thought that you did not understand what Jesus did and why he did it, but apparently I am wrong about that.
  12. Then she might have actually loved Nino as well. Nergal: Sonia! Why did you not kill Brendan? Sonia: Lord Nergal, this has gone far enough. I obeyed your orders to raise Nino and be with Brendan. Nergal: Well, you are only human.....I can see why you would fall prey to such useless emotions. Limstella! Kill her just like you killed the Reed brothers! Sonia: What?! Limstella: ...... Sonia: Urrrgghh....Br-Brendan..... Limstella: .....This is quite wonderful quintessence. Nergal: Now, Brendan Reed is no threat to me. Let us continue with our plans. Then you would face a morph of Sonia in the final chapter. Speaking of which, what if Nergal had decided to make a morph of Uther for the final chapter?
  13. If you do not understand why Christ died for you, very well. We have told you, and you did not understand. I can see that further argument will be pointless. But let me leave you all with this parable: Luke 18:9-14 To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else, Jesus told this parable: "Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself : 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men - robbers, evildoers, adulterers - or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.' But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner.' I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. If you claim to be perfect, you will never be justified before God. Forgiveness comes from acknowledgement of sin, not denial of it. If someone offended you, you might find it quite difficult to forgive him if he never admitted his fault. You think that God is not logical? Read the creation story in Genesis; it proceeded in a logical manner. God didn't create animals without first giving them an earth to stand on. I think it's very logical that if God was willing to forgive us, we should be willing to forgive others (Matthew 18:21-35). That is one such example of God's logic. There is even a verse when God invites his people to come and reason together (Isaiah 1:18). But do you always expect love to be logical? People fall in love with other people, and sometimes we cannot understand why. We may not understand why God would love us or want love from us, that isn't the point. The point is that Jesus was teaching his followers to love one another, because God loved them. We love because God first loved us. I do not see how that statement can be any more logical. And note this one last point: Our salvation cost Jesus his life, but it didn't cost us anything. That is what grace is. Grace is something that costs the giver but not the recipient. You either accept it or you don't, and believe me, God wants everyone to accept it. But he refuses to force people to accept it, for reasons sufficient to himself. If it doesn't make sense to you, fine, but you're giving up a free gift. God is offering salvation to everyone, not just a select few people. That's why the early church was preaching the gospel to Gentiles (basically everyone not a Jew) and Greeks, when it was originally only preached to Jews.
  14. Rath: I'm somewhere with Lyn. We decided.....to go on another honeymoon. But it's our secret place, so I can't tell you where it is. (This explains why Lyn isn't in FE6 either.) Almedha, how could you not know that Pelleas wasn't your son? Didn't you actually give birth to Soren? Surely he would have been named right afterwards!
  15. Arione would then be a playable unit for the rest of the game, instead of just being a neutral unit for the final chapter. What if Pent was playable in Fire Emblem 6?
  16. Shanan: Man, I kept asking her to let me have Nihil! I always KNEW that someday, I would be screwed because I didn't get it..... Okay, seriously. The real answer is that skills only pass down from parents here in Jugdral. I could only get Nihil passed down if my parents had it, not my aunt. But where do the skills come from originally, you ask? I'm sorry, that is a most heavily guarded secret of the royal families of Jugdral. I cannot reveal such a secret on a Serenes Forest forum. Hey, Marth, that red/white gem on your cape kinda looks like a Poke Ball. Ever thought of becoming a Pokemon Trainer?
  17. Adam and Eve were not children, they were created as adults. They were capable of making a conscious decision, unlike the five year old child in your example. Jesus NEVER instructed his followers to fear monger or slaughter people. Instead they were commanded to have love for each other and pray for their enemies. Show me a passage where Jesus commanded his disciples to kill people. The New Testament church was not in any way established by physical force. Wasn't Peter rebuked rather than applauded for cutting off the ear of Malchus? Regarding Old Testament, Israel was frequently threatened by enemies, and there were pagan influences such as child sacrifice and sexual immorality. It's not like Israel's enemies were gentle little lambs that were mindlessly slaughtered for no reason. There are times when it is necessary to defend one's self. But under the New Covenant, we are not instructed to seek vengeance on our enemies. We are instructed to love them and pray for them. (I do believe there is a legitimate place for self defense, please don't respond with absurd examples.) About the "snapping" of fingers, that isn't real love. You can program a computer to give you an "I love you" message but the computer doesn't really love you, it's just doing what it was programmed to do. God judges the heart, and he knows the difference. Can any person make you love him/her? Could it ever be real love? God would be much more pleased with people that freely choose to love God, not because God makes them love him. If someone refuses to accept Christ, that means that he is not forgiven of his sins, and God will judge him accordingly. Now, I imagine that most of you are familiar with the doctrine that hell goes on forever and ever. But, it may not be so. Revelation 20:10 says that the wicked will be tormented day and night forever and ever. But, in the Greek, the word used there can mean "as long as a person lives." So the unbelievers burn up in the lake of fire, they don't keep suffering (this is what Seventh Day Adventists in particular believe, to give an example of one denomination that believes this). Although believers are given new and imperishable bodies, there is nowhere in the Bible where unbelievers are given new and imperishable bodies. Their old bodies would burn up in the lake of fire, thus the torment would not be eternal. I am hoping that this option is what will really happen, that would be much more merciful and just than tormenting enemies for eternity. Even better, I am hoping that people will come to Christ and not face that torment. Either way, I know enough of hell that I don't want any part of it. Regarding the death of Christ: Did I not say that Christ was killed to satisfy the demands of God's justice? The Old Testament teaching was that without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins. If you want to examine how the Old Testament sacrifices pointed to Christ, I highly recommend "Altar Call" by Roy Gane. The biblical book of Hebrews is also very good. I can explain the basics here. The main reason why the Israelites carried out sacrifices was that it was in atonement of sin. The sacrifices took the place of the people who committed the sins (so the people didn't have to die). In the same way, Christ took the place for all of us. Why would God need to do this in order to forgive us? Romans 3:25 says that God did this in order to demonstrate his justice. He couldn't simply let us off the hook without some sort of punishment (remember, mankind chose evil, they weren't dragged into it kicking and screaming). But Jesus was willing to bear that punishment for us, so God was satisfied. Keep in mind that he took the punishment for all the sins of the world.
  18. Lakche: I think that makes me queen of the world! Well, at least Queen of Isaac. Shanan and Skasaher, you are now Lakche's servants. What do you think of that?
  19. If you believe that God caused your actions, does that mean you are no longer responsible for your actions? God created this world, he created man, and he allowed man to choose. But God did not cause any of the decisions that man made. Do you think that God is causing us to have this argument about him? That would make absolutely no sense. You want a completely LOGICAL explanation of Christ. I do not think I can give you one that satisfies your demands for logic. But, if you pay close attention to the New Testament writings, Paul uses LOGICAL explanations to talk about Christ. Christ was being logical when he used parables to illustrate his kingdom. The Bible has a lot more logic than you might think. I already explained to you why Jesus had to die, but if I cannot convince you, it is better to read the Bible itself and see if you do not find what you are looking for. I was convicted through the Word. However, the Bible itself teaches that faith in Christ, not logic, is what saves us. Faith is not about logic, not in the strictest sense. It is about being sure of what we hope for, what we cannot see (Hebrews 11:1). Don't discount the Bible until you have examined it for yourself. How do you claim to be perfect? If you have ever told a lie, taken the name of God in vain, stolen anything, slandered anyone, hated anyone, or sinned in any other way, that means that you are not perfect. If you have ever made a mathematical, grammatical, speaking, logical, or cooking error (though these errors are not necessarily sinful), that also means that you are not perfect. We can get sick and die, that also indicates that we are not perfect.
  20. Linus: What?! Is this true!? That villain has MY custom battle sprite? In the name of the Fang, I shall surely put him to justice! Raven: Linus, that is MY custom battle sprite. Linus: Repent. I'll give you that much time..... Raven: YOU'RE the one who needs to repent. (Raven criticals Linus) Linus: L-Lloyd.....Don't.....lose....your....custom.....battle sprite.... Raven, do you realize that Caellach from FE8 is also using YOUR custom battle sprite?
  21. Do I believe that humans are inherently evil? The short answer is yes, but let me give an explanation. God created man in his own image, so at the beginning man was not evil. Everything in God's creation was good. But when man sinned, human nature became corrupted. Do you ever have to teach a child how to be selfish? No, you always have to teach a child how to share. Do I believe that everything about man is evil? No. Obviously, non-believers are capable of good deeds. Jesus pointed out that even evil fathers know how to give good gifts to their children. But usually people think selfishly, and they are more inclined to disobey God rather than obey God. The entire history of Israel in the Old Testament proves this. The people had to be taught to obey God, they did not have to be taught how to disobey God. (God considers disobedience to be evil, I thought I would say that since you consider evil to be subjective.) While mankind was evil, God still desired to reconcile his people to him. That's what Jesus Christ was for. Christ died for people while they were still sinners. So he showed love for man even though man was evil. But God's plan isn't to leave believers in their sinful nature for all eternity. 1 Corinthians 15:35-57 explains that believers will eventually be resurrected with imperishable bodies that aren't corrupted by sin. God does love sinners, but he does not want them to remain sinners. If God forgave you of sin, would he want you to keep sinning? By no means! If you forgive someone for offending you, do you want him to offend you again? I wouldn't think so. God does not desire anything that is evil. If he did, he would not have needed to make any sort of atonement, and he would not want people to stop sinning. Now, I perfectly understand if you do not believe in Christ, believing in Christ is a matter of free will just as choosing good over evil deeds. Much of the New Testament was written for people who already were saved (the four Gospels were written for people to learn about Jesus, so they could get saved). If you haven't accepted Christ and don't understand him, then you probably consider what I am saying to be "retarded." I do not understand how I am "missing the point" of your arguments, I am trying to explain from the Christian Bible what the Christian God is about. Yes, God does allow suffering and evil in this world, but he did not cause it. He isn't planning to let it go on forever, either. The New Testament view was to focus on the return of Christ rather than the present sufferings in the world.
  22. Uhai: The honorable men of Sacae never switch sides. Lloyd Reed, have you ever considered wielding two swords at once, like Lloyd Irving?
  23. Just because God is all powerful does not mean that he doesn't have feelings. It's very clear throughout the Bible that God experiences feelings such as anger, joy, love, sadness, and so on. Jesus was the same way. The shortest verse in the Bible and a rather famous one is "Jesus wept" (John 11:35). Compared to the other animals, we have a special position because God created man in his very own image (Genesis 1:26-27). So we can't exactly be compared to other animals. Desiring something is not necessarily a sin. It is only evil desires that need to be put to death. In the New Testament believers were instructed to desire the greater spiritual gifts, and to look forward to the return of Christ. Looking forward to something involves desiring it. And, common sense would tell us that desire in it of itself is not wrong. If I am hungry, I desire food. Where is the sin in that? If I am thirsty, I desire water. Again, where is the sin in that? If I desire to do good to someone else, how in the heck is that a sin? Sometimes, God may allow suffering (which is not necessarily evil) as a way to discipline his people. Job 33:19 "Or a man may be chastened (purified) on a bed of pain with constant distress in his bones...." The New Testament apostles considered their suffering nothing compared to the promise of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:18). So while this present world might have evil and suffering, the next world won't (at least not for believers). In the case of Job, the interesting thing is that God never explained to Job why he allowed him to suffer. But Job was restored at the end. The key here for believers is to look forward to God's kingdom, which won't have evil or suffering. There might be evil in the world now, but God isn't going to let it continue forever. No, it makes no sense that Jesus, who had no sin, would take the punishment for the entire world's sin. It doesn't make any sense for the innocent man to take the guilty man's punishment. But that's exactly what God did. Romans 3:21-31 explains why God sent Jesus to die on the cross, and what the reward will be for those who have faith in Jesus. God, in order to carry out justice, couldn't simply leave sin unpunished. But he didn't want to destroy all of mankind because he loved his creation (remember John 3:16). By dying on the cross, Jesus satisfied God's demand for justice, so now God could forgive sin. Does this make sense? It won't to everyone. But this is what Scripture teaches, and it is what I believe in. Man freely chose to do evil. Whether or not God allowed the choice is irrelevant to the fact that man chose evil rather than good.
  24. God could have stopped Adam from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (that is how sin entered the world). Sin came into the world through Adam, but God didn't want it brought in. It was not God who let sin in but Adam. It would have been more accurate for me to say, "God isn't responsible for evil in the world, it entered through Adam." As far as God being all powerful, he may simply choose not to use his powers in a certain situation. I can't tell you why God put that tree in Eden or why he didn't stop Adam. I only know that God allowed Adam free will, and we all know what Adam did with that free will. Man with his free will has often chosen evil, so that's why evil persists in this world. It's not fair to blame God for what man has done. You wish to know why God wants us to love him? Well, if you loved someone, wouldn't you want your love to be returned? If you created something, wouldn't you feel some attachment towards it? Though the Bible does not say why, it does say that God so loved the world that he would give his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). If God loves us enough that he would not withhold his only Son from us, how could he not want love in return? God would not go to such great lengths if he were not seeking something. Would you pour your heart and soul into something if you were seeking nothing from it? I would not say that God NEEDS our love, but he definitely desires it. The apostles faced suffering because their peers would not accept the teachings of Jesus Christ, not because God forced that suffering upon them. Jesus had warned the apostles that they would suffer, but the suffering was not caused by God! If I tell someone about Jesus Christ and men persecute me afterwards, is that from God, or from man? I don't expect God to magically intervene every time I am in trouble, but he doesn't have to. Jesus secures salvation in the next life, not just this life. The apostles suffered to the point of death, but they were secure in Christ. They understood that there was a kingdom beyond this world. "Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed." (1 Peter 1:13). Jesus also advised his followers to store up treasures in heaven, because there, no thief can break in and steal. Nothing impure will ever enter (Revelation 21:27). You are right in saying that there can be a world that is only good, and it is coming. God chose to take the punishment for sin on himself in the form of Jesus Christ. We don't have to atone for being "abominations" because Jesus already made the atonement for us. If we know what is good and what is evil, shouldn't we be following what is good? It doesn't matter if the choice of evil is given or not, we are still responsible if we choose it. Isn't it better to choose the good decision?
  25. We'd have yet another overpowered swordfigher available. What if Crimea had ruled Daein after the Mad King's War?
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