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Everything posted by Charpig

  1. Skasaher: Of course! I need a safety measure now that Lakche is Queen of the World..... Micaiah, I got you and most of the DB members to have tier 3 capped stats, even though everyone thinks that you all suck. What do you think of that?
  2. What would be the fate of those who are both SFers and GameFAQers? By the way, GameFAQs is actually a pretty good website, I don't personally have anything against it. Continuing the story, the SF Army defeated the GameFAQers in their first skirmish, at the Battle of Lefcandy.
  3. Cain: Like heck it is. Gazzak: Tough noogies, kid. I guess you have to settle with axefighters. Cecil, do you realize that in Final Fantasy IV, there is also a Paladin named Cecil?
  4. Yay, Fire Emblem in real life! But not everyone was satisfied with what the RNG assigned to them. So, a great war began to break out, between those who were RNG blessed and those who were RNG screwed.....
  5. Gazzak: Well, quite a few of us bosses have thought of joining Marth, but we can't move, so why would he want us? And kid, if you want moar pirates, use the reclass system. Arrrrr! Gomer, who the heck is the "Shanty Pete" you refer to in your battle quote?
  6. Gary: As if I would ever be related to a loser like Leaf! Leaf, I challenge you to a Pokemon Battle! Charizard, go! Leaf: Mareeta, I choose you! (And no, I'm not related to Gary.) Mareeta: I'm NOT a Pokemon, Leaf. Don't treat me like one. Ilyana, do you think that you could beat Yoshi and Kirby in an eating contest?
  7. So we were just left with a middle finger sticking up out of the ground. Everyone concluded it was flicking off Oliver for trashing the party (and consequently causing the end of the world).
  8. Phee: No, if my name was Phoebe the developers would have just called me that. They didn't shorten Nephenee or Micaiah, did they? Julian, does Matthis make a good brother-in-law?
  9. Micaiah: Sothe! So, this is why you looked up so much to General Ike..... Sothe: You have your secrets, Micaiah, I have mine. You are a Branded, I am really a girl. Soren: Ike.....I can't believe you..... Ike: .....This is a mess. Aimee: Ikey poo! You're a father now! This is wonderful. Talk about a messed up situation, huh? What if Nolan could fall in love with Jill?
  10. Leaf: I like wind magic, I can blow my enemies around like a leaf! Get it? Sigurd, how would you feel if in a North American release of FE4, your name was translated as Zigludo?
  11. Most players on this site are probably more concerned with actual results than simply having a higher displayed Mt. So, I would suggest you go with #HKO, since that is very useful and people on this site frequently use it to determine how strong a character is in battle. Increasing 12 dmg to 18 dmg (a 50% damage increase) is useless in battle if it doesn't change the number of hits I need to KO an enemy.
  12. Maybe so, but Tailto is easier to pronounce. The Fire Emblem Wiki has these translations: Levin -> Levn Fury -> Ferry Fee -> Phee Sigurd -> Siglud Tiltyu -> Tailto Tinny -> Teeny I've seen more translations use Midir than Midayle. And this site uses Yurius and Yuria while others use Julius and Julia. Really, I don't care too much about subtle changes in translation names, it's just interesting to see how different people translate stuff. For example, Fee and Phee are the same name, just different spelling. Makes me wonder what names will be used when Fire Emblem 4 ever does come to North America.... What issue of U.S. Nintendo Power talked about Fire Emblem 4? I'd love to see that. EDIT: I forgot Lachesis -> Rackesis on the Fire Emblem Wiki site.
  13. Nanna: I'm not a swordmaster or a hot guy. I wish I could be as awesome as my boyfriend. Leaf, why can't you become a Master Knight in Thracia 776? EDIT: Oops! I was ninja'd.
  14. Wow, this is good stuff. By the way, I noticed that in Shadow Dragon, enemies seem to go for Marth as well even if they could attack a weaker unit. I think it's because the AI is programmed to try to win, the only way you can actually lose in FE1 or FE11 is to have Marth die. So, how do you think Americans would have received FE1 had it been released on the NES for North America?
  15. It wouldn't matter, she pairs with Lowen in my game. And Wil might end up in another Fire Emblem universe..... What if Micaiah decided to invoke her rights as the true apostle and lay claim to Begnion's throne?
  16. Holyn: Take that, Lex. Lex: HAX!!!!!! Seth, are you aware that your number one fangirl is cheating on you with Shanan?
  17. I guess I could be considered a Christian, since I do believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and that God raised him from the dead. I don't consider myself to belong to any particular denomination. While I believe that Christ is the only way to heaven, I also believe that no one can be forced into accepting Christ. Everyone must make a decision freely. I believe that the greatest teaching of Christ was to have love for one another, as he names that as the identifying trait of his disciples.
  18. You'd have Dar.....I mean, Dan, playable from the beginning of Eliwood's tale. By the way, I actually intended the Hammer Bros. Hammers to still be effective against armored units. What if Leila (from FE7) had never been killed?
  19. A history book can have some errors, that doesn't mean that the entire book is false. I don't claim that the Bible is completely free of errors. I do claim that it is the only reliable source for learning about God and his Son, Jesus Christ. If any other writing wants to expand on God or Jesus, it needs to be based in Scripture. Jesus was God's Son 2000 years ago. He is still God's Son today. In the same way, the North beat the South in the Civil War. No matter how much time passes, that truth will not change. If it was true that Jesus died and resurrected "at the time," how can it not be true now? Correct me if I am wrong, but was your edit in response to volkethereaper? Because I don't remember ever saying that the Bible was outdated or inaccurate. I think many of its teachings are quite relevant to today, especially teachings of the New Testament. Yes, some teachings were given to specific people in specific times (in the apostolic letters you see specific instructions given to specific people). But, do you think Jesus only wanted people to have love for each other at only one specific time? No, I think he wanted people to always love their neighbors as themselves.
  20. This topic is about the Christian God. Forgive me for using the Bible which speaks of the Christian God. No matter how old a document is, what's truth remains truth. Even if you find an old document about the War of 1812, the facts about the war remain true no matter how old the document gets. What are current events now will eventually become history and "outdated," that doesn't mean they will become false.
  21. Malice: I'm afraid not, Holy Blood doesn't exist in Archanea for us common folks. Malice, I'll ask you another question, if it isn't against the rules. Why in the heck would your dad decide to name you Malice? It's like naming someone Hatred.
  22. Pish, that's no fun. But let's say that Oliver is an exception. Oliver reclassed to Archsage and, trying to use Flare, did a front flip and broke through the floor that everyone was partying on. Everyone was buried alive!
  23. Then he would have lived happily ever after with Eleanora, but Eliwood would have continued the quest to stop Nergal. And Ninian wouldn't fall in love with Eliwood because she wouldn't feel responsible for Elbert's death. What if there were Hammer Brothers in Fire Emblem? (With their Hammers having 1-2 range, being able to throw them)
  24. Cain, because he brings the pain Lena, because it's very easy to level staff users in this game, but I don't need the others Julian, he's a much better thief than Rickard (plus I like to keep lovebirds together) Caeda, because very simply, she kicks ass (and she lovebirds with Marth) Merric, he's very useful since most enemies have 0 Res. And by the way, I rarely reclass.
  25. Judges 2:4 When the angel had spoken these things to all the Israelites... "All the Israelites" seems to be a lot more than a "few simple people." The crucifixion of Jesus was not a private event. Crucifixions were always public, in which the Roman Empire made examples out of criminals. Jesus's crucifixion was public as well, a lot of people would have seen it. The centurion who was there acknowledged that Jesus was the Son of God after Jesus had died (Matthew 27:54). There were quite a few supernatural signs at the death of Jesus. There was total darkness (Matthew 27:45). From the sixth hour to the ninth hour would have been noon to 3:00 p.m. on our time scale. How in the heck could there be total darkness when it was normally broad daylight? Only God could have made it happen, and the people certainly would have noticed it. They all heard Jesus cry out "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" There was an earthquake as well, and dead people appeared to many people in Jerusalem after Jesus's resurrection. So yeah, I would say that these supernatural signs appeared to more than a "few simple people." God uses more supernatural signs than just angels. Romans (who were not God's "chosen ones" like the Israelites were) saw these events, and they acknowledged that Jesus was the Son of God (at least the centurion did). But the thing is that Jesus performed many miracles in his lifetime, and people still did not believe. I have heard many people claim that if they saw a miracle, they would believe. But that isn't necessarily true. Some people believed when they saw Jesus's works, others did not. Jesus walked on water, changed water to wine, and raised people from the dead in full view of men. Read the Lazarus story, quite a few people were there. I do not believe that only God's "chosen ones" get to see proof of his existence. As I mentioned above, even non-Israelites got to see miraculous signs. Let me ask you this. This planet we live on, Earth, is just one tiny speck in the vast expanse of the universe. But how is it that it is the only known planet that is the right distance from the Sun to support life? You can claim that there might be life on other planets, but as far as mankind knows, Earth is the only planet in the universe that has life. We could not have appeared on this planet by mere chance, the universe is so complex that the chances of that happening are astronomically small. No, an intelligent God had to put us here. I believe that the universe itself is proof of God's existence, and both the "chosen ones" and the not chosen ones get to see it. Even if you never look at the stars, you can see it here on Earth. Nature is highly ordered and runs according to physical laws. But this world and the entire universe are very complex! A complex, ordered machine cannot construct itself, can it? No, someone has to construct it. The universe is a complex, ordered machine that was constructed by God. The universe is something that everyone has been able to look at since biblical times. I believe in God even though I have never seen an angel. EDIT: By the way, you said that Jesus's death made the Bible a "little more dramatic." Summoning legions of angels would have made it even more so. You claim that everyone would believe in Jesus had he summoned angels. I tell you of other angelic appearances, and you blow it off by saying "a few simple people seeing angels means nothing." The crowd that saw Jesus die would not have been much larger, if any, than the crowd that saw the angel in Judges 2:4 (the entire Israelite community).
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