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Everything posted by Charpig

  1. Script for Chapter 17 (E) Narrator: Fargus's ship sails along smoothly. At last, they spot a fog-enshrouded isle on the horizon. Eliwood's father is on the isle, as is the Dragon's Gate. As they draw closer to the isle, Eliwood no longer fears that his father might be one of the conspirators. As the moment of truth nears, Eliwood only prays that he is safe. (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 17: Pirate Ship) Fargus: Ahoy, laddie! You don't get seasick, do you? Eliwood: I'm fine, sir. This is a beautiful ship. Fargus: Gwaa ha ha! For a sea rover, eh? Eliwood: May I ask you a question? Fargus: What is it? Eliwood: Why did you agree to give us passage? When we said that we wished to travel to Valor, the people in the harbor treated us as though we were mad. Fargus: I'm sure they did. It is the Dread Isle, after all. If not for good reason, we wouldn't want to go either. Eliwood: And yet...you've given us free passage. Why is that? Fargus: Listen to me, laddie. Men are strange beasts. We can't resist a challenge. Something appears in the horizon, and we immediately set sail. Some dreams we conquer, others we abandon. ...I've grown old. I haven't had a good challenge in many a year. Then you mooncalves appear seeking passage to the Dread Isle. I was impressed with your courage. I think you may be the ones to survive the Dread Isle. Eliwood: We won't disappoint you. We will return. Fargus: All right. Then we'll weigh anchor and wait for you. Light a signal fire when you want to return, and we'll pick you up. Eliwood: Thank you. Dart: Captain! There's a dory adrift to port! It looks like there's someone aboard. What're your orders? Fargus: Bring 'em aboard. Looks like we've got a visitor. Odd though, finding a boat adrift near here... Eliwood: Odd? Why is that? Fargus: The sea currents in this area... Anything drifting around here must've come from the Dread Isle. Eliwood: Oh... Fargus: Shall we greet our guest? (Eliwood goes over to Hector) Hector: Eliwood! You done talking to old man Fargus? Eliwood: You saw us? Hector: No, I heard you'd gone off with him. You learn anything? Eliwood: …We can trust him. We got lucky, finding him. Hector: Hmmm. If you say so. Lyn: Hey, you two! Come here! They've pulled the dory aboard! I wonder who's on board. It's… It's a girl!? ????: …Uh…uhnn… Dart: Oy! You there! Lyn: Me? Dart: Give me a hand, will you? I don't know where to…grab her. Lyn: …OK. Hector: Such the gentleman. Dart: Stow it! (Ninian appears) Lyn: Hm? Ninian!? Ninian! Wake up!! Eliwood: Unbelievable… What are the chances? Hector: Do you know her? Eliwood: She's how Lyndis and I met a year back. I rescued Ninian from a band of villains. Lyn: Please, Ninian! Open your eyes!! Ninian: … …Ah… Lyn: Ninian, can you hear me? Ninian: … ……Unnn… I…… Lyn: Are you well? Why were you on that boat? Where is Nils? Why wasn't he with you? Ninian: …… Ah…ah… Lyn: Ninian? Eliwood: Lyndis, something's wrong with her. Ninian: Who… Who… Dart: Captain! Pirate ships approaching from the northwest! Fargus: Do they dare attack Captain Fargus and the Davros? They must be mad! Dart: What flag are they flying? I've never seen that pattern before. Fargus: These seas belong to us! Whoever they are, they're in our waters! This is a day for strange occurrences, it seems. You whelps watch your own hides. We've no time to waste on you! (The ship shakes) Pirate: Uwaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Water!!! The hull's been breached! We're taking on water!!! Fargus: Breached? These scum are more dangerous than I'd thought! Dart: It's bad, Captain! We need all hands belowdecks, or we'll sink!!! Fargus: Take care of it! I'm going to carve these scallywags some new gizzards! Dart: We need your help! The water's up to the galley! You must come below, Captain! Fargus: Grrr… Eliwood: Fargus! Leave the enemy to us! Hector: Fighting is something we're good at! But a sinking ship? That's your affair! You have to do something, or we'll all drown! Lyn: We'll deal with things up here. Please! Hurry! Fargus: Fine!! The deck is yours! I'll be back as soon as we've plugged the breach in the hull! Eliwood: Go! (Eliwood, Lyn, and Ninian are on screen) Eliwood: Lyn! Take her to that room! Lyn: I will. Hector: Here they come! Zoldam: All we want is the girl. Kill the rest. (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) (Jake comes out, if you visited Anna in Chapter 16x) Jake: Ahoooy! Can you hold the deck until reinforcements arrive? Who? Me? I'm Jake. Hm? Aye, I'm new to the Davros's crew. Huh? You heard about me from Anna? Oh… So she's worried about me? That warms my heart, my friend! Let me give you some information. We've got merchants aboard. Buy what you need from them. This is the armory. This is the shop. You won't be able to stock up once we reach the Dread Isle. Buy as much as you can carry while you've got the chance! (If you didn't visit Anna in Chapter 16x) Dart: Ahoy! We'll leave the fighting to you. Hold on until we can help! Oh, and we've merchants aboard. This is the armory. This is the shop. You won't be able to stock up once we reach the Dread Isle. I suggest you buy as much as possible while you've the chance! (On Turn 7 Enemy Phase) Zoldam: Move 'round to the enemy ship's stern. That's where they should be waiting… That's where they'll die. (Enemy reinforcements appear on south ship) (Versus Zoldam) Zoldam: Don't worry about any ambush. Board their ship. You don't know how to fight? Go now, or die here… (Zoldam dies) Zoldam: You possess…this much…power…? Must warn… Must -- (After map is cleared) Fargus: Ahoy! I'm back! Now, who wants to die first? What's this? You've routed 'em already? Nicely done, whelps! Hector: Those sea dogs were no match for us!! Eliwood: …… Lyn: Ah! Ninian! You can't come out yet! There's blood everywhere! Ninian: …Blood? Eliwood: Look out! Ninian: …Ah! I'm sorry. Eliwood: Are you OK? Ninian? Ninian: Ninian? Is that…me? Is that…my name? Lyn: Ninian! What's happened to you… Ninian: …I… My head…is so foggy. Am I…at sea? Lyn: Yes. We found you adrift in a small boat. Fargus: Those scum were after the girl, it seems. Will you take her with you? The men are afraid she, well, she might be cursed, you know? Hector: Cursed…? Lyn: Are you suggesting we leave Ninian behind? Hector: We can't take her with us, can we? We're heading for the Dread Isle. It's dread for a reason, you know! Lyn: Regardless…she goes with us! Eliwood: Lyndis? Lyn: When I saw her, I remembered something. The last time I saw Ninian… She and her brother were being hunted by some dark-robed men. Hector: Dark-robed? Are you sure? Lyn: Yes, I think it must be the Black Fang. It didn't occur to me before, but now I'm certain. Eliwood: How can you be sure? Lyn: I can't explain… There's something in the air that hints at their involvement. Eliwood: If it's true, then she's likely to be attacked again. Lyn: Almost certainly. We can't leave her behind. I will watch over her. Please… Eliwood: I understand. We should be by her side to protect her. Lyn: Thank you. Eliwood: We're all going to that island. Will you come with us? Ninian: Yes… Please…take me with you. Hector: "Something in the air"… Are you some sort of hound? Lyn: Ah! Are you mocking me? Hector: No, the opposite. I'm in utter admiration. …Say, Eliwood. When I left Ostia, I was attacked by a dark-robed group. Eliwood: What? Why didn't you tell me this before? Hector: Many people hold a grudge against Ostia. I didn't think it had anything to do with this. Until now… Eliwood: Hector, do you think… Hector: They were all wearing very distinct black robes. I don't know about "something in the air," but… I'm convinced they were related. Eliwood: What in the world is happening in Lycia? …Father…… (On the Dread Isle) Fargus: We've arrived. Eliwood: Thank you very much. Fargus: We'll wait two weeks. Finish up by then. Hector: That's more than enough time! Fargus: And I've got a half-wit sailor who wants to go sightseeing. C'mere, Dart! Dart: I'm here, Captain! Ready to serve! Eliwood: We're pleased to have you. Fargus: His only redeeming feature is his sturdiness. Maybe he'll come in handy. Dart: Come on, Captain! I'm better'n that! Eliwood: You've done so much… I can't thank you enough… Fargus: Come back alive! That's all the thanks I need. Eliwood: All right. Farewell! Hector: We'll be back before you know it! Lyn: …There are good people, even among pirates. Hector: I don't think the old man and his group are your average pirates. Eliwood: Somewhere within that forest is the Dragon's Gate. Hector: Eliwood! No matter what it takes, we're coming back with your father! Lyn: …We'll surely find him. We'll all do our best to make it so. Eliwood: You're right. Let's make preparations to enter the forest. Hector: Oh! Ninian: Dragon's Gate… Lyn: Ninian? What is it? Ninian: It's…nothing……
  2. Script for Chapter 16x (E) Narrator: After speaking with the Ostian spy Leila, Eliwood realizes he must travel to Valor, the Dread Isle. The small island, located south of Lycia, is said to be home to the Dragon's Gate. Heading for the southern coast of Caelin, they seek passage in the port of Badon. (Chapter title is displayed - Chapter 16x: The Port of Badon) Hector: Listen! We need a boat to Valor! Man: You want a boat to the Dread Isle? You're mad! No way! Never! There's no one in this village who will sail there! Lyn: Please, we're in a hurry. Can you give us passage? Eliwood: If you won't help us, can you take us to someone who will? Please. Man: You must be on urgent business, that's certain. …..There may be one way… Eliwood: What is it? Tell us, please! Man: Pirates. Lyn: Eh? Pirates? Man: Uh-huh. They're fearless, or as close as makes no difference, and they'll go anywhere for a fee. Who knows? They might decide to accept your mad offer. Hector: Pirates… Looks like we've no choice. Lyn: Are you serious, Hector? Working with pirates? That's unbelievable! Hector: You're considering it, aren't you, Eliwood? Eliwood: If there's no other way, what else can we do? Lyn: You, too, Eliwood? I've misjudged you… It's foolishness to trust the goodwill of pirates! I'm finding another way! (Lyn leaves) Hector: Why is she so angry? Eliwood: I heard that Lyndis's parents were slain by bandits. Bandits at land, pirates at sea… They're all the same to Lyndis. Lawbreakers and murderers. Hector: I see… My parents died of illness… But I can appreciate her feelings. Shall we abandon the pirate plan? Eliwood: But… Man: Too bad about the girl, but there's no other way. Eliwood: Let's meet the pirates. We can't decide until then. Hector: That's true. Man: That inn over there is a known favorite of the local freebooters. They're reckless and unpredictable. Best be prepared. (At the inn) Fargus: What do you want, whelps? You're here to see me, aren't you? Eliwood: You're commander of the pirate armada, aren't you? Fargus: Gwah hah hah! "Commander of the pirate armada!" I like the sound of that! Are you lads that naive? Or are you just dumb? Which is it? Hector: You insolent… Eliwood: Peace, Hector! If I've insulted you, I apologize. How should I address you? Fargus: Hmph…You don't frighten easily, do you? Well, at least it seems you're not stupid. "Captain" will do, whelp. I'm Fargus, captain of the Davros. Eliwood: Fargus... Master Fargus? Or should I call you Captain? Fargus: You're not one of my mates. Call me Fargus. Now, what do you want? Eliwood: We want to book passage to Valor. Fargus: How much will you pay? Eliwood: We don't know the current rates. Tell us how much you want. Fargus: 100,000 gold. Hector: Wait, 100,000 gold? Fargus: Well, will you pay? Eliwood: We've no choice, but we need a little time. We'll get the gold and return as quickly as possible. Come, Hector. Hector: Wa-Wait a moment! Eliwood! (Eliwood and Hector step out) Hector: Eliwood! Hold on! Where do you think you're going to get 100,000 gold? Eliwood: I'm sure there's an arena here. We can raise gold somehow... Hector: What? You're not serious!? Eliwood: We've no other way, do we? Hector: Well, no. Sometimes you surprise me, Eliwood. Eliwood: Did you say something, Hector? Hector: No, nothing. Let's go earn some gold! Dart: Ahoy! Hold your ground, boys! Hector: What now? We don't have the money yet. Dart: Fool! Of course you don't! I know that. The captain's got a message for you. Eliwood: A message? Dart: All my mates in this village are going to attack you. If you can beat us all and get to the ship unharmed, he'll give you passage. Eliwood: For free? No gold? Dart: The captain's a tad off-kilter. He'd rather have a bit o' fun with you than take your gold. Smooth sailing to you. (Dart runs over to the pirates) Dart: Hey! Landlubbers! Over here! I'm over here! Hector: Oh, for... This is a joke, isn't it? Eliwood: Looks serious enough. Here we go! Dart: Listen! The captain's waiting at the docks. Talk to him, and you're the winner! Trust me though… Don't make the mistake of attacking him! You anger the captain, and there's no turning back! Don't forget!! (Lyn comes out) Lyn: I couldn't find a ship after all. But we have to get to that island… Looks like I'll have to endure pirates. Hm? What was that? Commotion in the village? Hector: Oh! Lyn! Nice timing. We need your help! Lyn: You're battling the pirates? Eliwood: Fighting and… Look, we have to reach the docks and speak to the captain! This is a test to see whether or not he'll give us passage. Lyn: I don't understand, but… I'm here, so let me help! (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) (Visiting the village just left of the inn) Canas: Pardon me! I was speaking with an old sailor a few moments ago. He told me that you're planning to travel to Valor. Is that so? Really? And that's why you're playing tag with these pirates? ……I see. In that case, would you mind if I joined you? My name is Canas. I'm a scholar of sorts… I've been seeking passage to Valor, but none will take me. My proposal probably sounds somewhat selfish, no? You should know, I can help in combat. I've some skill with a form of elder magic… Some call it dark magic, a rather biased term, if I must be blunt. But at the very least, I can take care of myself, and perhaps others. (Canas joins) (Visiting the inn) Anna: I heard about your contest with the pirate captain, Fargus. You've got nerve, I'll give you that! Let me give you some advice. Don't try to overpower the pirates. Take the narrow path next to us, and follow the wall toward the sea. Pass in front of the last house, and stay close to the sea wall. You should be able to get to Fargus and win your game! Why do I know all this? Well, my sweetie's a pirate. His name's Jake, and he's the best. If you see him, tell him Anna's worried about him! (On the second enemy phase) Damian: What an interesting diversion. Maybe we should join in. Lord Eliwood of Pherae… You don't yet know to fear the Black Fang. Start grieving…for I will teach you that fear. (Versus Damian) Damian: You're about to die. Scream if you must. (Damian dies) Damian: Gaa…ha… Crow in…triumph… you've-- (Getting close to Fargus) Fargus: What mooncalves! I would've let 'em sit there if they hadn't come any closer. Up and at 'em, mates! Attack! (Visiting the northwest village) Man: Are you interested in this sword here? It's called a lancereaver. It's an incredible sword to take against lances. Still, it is a little weak against axes. Go ahead, take it. You're going to the Dread Isle, right? If you want to avoid the pirates, go behind the shop. From there, just head straight down the alley. Good luck to you. (Got a Lancereaver) (Visiting the village to the right of the shop) Man: You're a brave soul to come to such a perilous place. Here. You should have this staff. You can use it to make those whose magical resistances are weaker than your own fall asleep for a while. Whether it works or not depends on the skill of the wielder. Ho, yes. Looks like those pirates are bearing down on you. Maybe this staff will help you get away. (Got a Sleep) (Visiting the village below Canas's village) Man: This road leads to danger. The pirates are waiting for you. Do you not think it would be better to find another route? You've risked much to come here. I can't let you leave empty-handed. Take this axe. What do you think? Nice, isn't it? However…it's cursed. It's a mighty weapon, but if one with bad luck wields it… Ooooh! Terrible, terrible, I tell you. Don't use it unless you have to. (Got a Devil axe) (Visiting the village above and to the left of Canas's village) Woman: You're being tested by pirates, with passage to the Dread Isle hanging in the balance? Here, use this bow. It's a rare beauty, eh? A Sacaen friend gave it to me, but I can't use it. Don't get yourself killed out there, OK? (Got a Short bow) (Visiting the house right of the arena) Man: Have you been to the arena yet? It's filled with toughs and bravados. You can get rich there… All you have to do is wager and win. If you're beaten, however, you lose both money and life. If you think you're going to lose, press the B Button to give up. Remember, you can't give up if you're dead, so don't wait too long. (After map is cleared) Fargus: Aha! You made it, whelps! Hector: That was… hard… Eliwood: Haa… haa… You'll give us passage now, won't you? Fargus: I'm a man of the sea. I always keep my word. Are my old eyes lyin' to me? Is this beauty really with you? Gwaa ha ha ha!! My lucky day! Lyn: …… Hector: Listen, I know how you feel, but you have to accept it. We've no other choice! Lyn: I know that! I haven't said a word, have I? Eliwood: We can go to the Dread Isle now. Please, Father …be well.
  3. Script for Chapter 16 (E) Narrator: Eliwood and colleagues defeat Bauker, one of Marquess Laus's lackeys. They then press on toward Castle Caelin. Yet inside the castle many Laus soldiers remain. Eliwood and friends begin their assault on the castle to save Marquess Caelin. (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 16: Whereabouts Unknown) Eliwood: There are still quite a few Laus soldiers in the castle. Hector: Where are the Caelin guards? Lyn: I think about half of them were killed in the surprise attack. The survivors must be here somewhere… Eliwood: They might be locked away as prisoners... We'd better rescue them quickly. If Marquess Laus decides to hold them hostage, it will make seizing the throne much more difficult. Hector: It's settled! Let's find the guards and retake the castle! Lyn: Hold on, Grandfather… We'll be there shortly. Eliwood: Seize the throne! It's time to reclaim the castle! (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) Eliwood: Mark. The captured Caelin soldiers are most likely exhausted. I'd like to protect them and keep them from having to fight. I realize that makes it difficult for you to plan a strategy, but... I will do my best to take up their share of the fighting. Now, please tell us what we should do, Mark. (Start of battle) (After first player phase) Raven: Hey, you. Let me out of here. Laus Soldier: What? Raven: Marquess Ostia's brother is among your enemy, right? Let me out, and I'll help you. But I must have the brother. I've a score to settle with House Ostia. Laus Soldier: Do you think me a fool? You work for house Caelin! I cannot trust your word! Raven: Then I'll have to break down this door and go through you. You were using Lucius as a hostage, but now he's here with me… Laus Soldier: Uh… Lucius: No, Lord Raven! You mustn't! You cannot betray your debt to Marquess Caelin. Raven: Shut up, Lucius. You think me foolish, but you don't understand… How about it? Laus Soldier: Very well. You! Get out! Remember, if you betray us, your companion dies. Raven: I see. Just remember, if that happens, you die next. Laus Soldier: Urr… Lucius: Wait! You can't go alone! It's too dangerous! Raven: Lucius, stay here and be quiet. I'll be back for you. Lucius: Lord Raven! (Priscilla talks to Raven) Raven: You… Priscilla: Hm? Raven: Can it be? Priscilla: I… Raven: You don't… recognize me. That's not surprising. You were so young when we were separated. Priscilla: What? Are you… Raymond? My brother, Raymond? Raven: You've grown, Priscilla… Priscilla: Brother! My brother!! Raven: What are you doing here? It's been ten years since Count Caerleon of Etruria took you in as his foster daughter… Priscilla: That's right. My adopted father has treated me with much kindness. But I am of Caelin's House Cornwell by birth. I still remember Father and Mother. I've never forgotten them. Or you, Raymond. Raven: …Priscilla. Priscilla: …..When I heard that House Cornwell was lost…I… I was so worried about you. Raven: So that's why you left Etruria? You've come quite a way. Priscilla: Dear friends of mine in Etruria helped me. They provided a young mage to be my escort. Then we passed through Laus… The marquess learned of my lineage and refused to let me leave. I would be there still if not for Lord Eliwood and his companions. Raven: His…companions? Priscilla: Lord Hector, Lady Lyndis… They're all such kind people. I'm so glad I came to Lycia. And now I've found you… Raven: You've become friends with…him? Priscilla: Raymond? Raven: …… I see. Then I will join you. Priscilla: Dear Brother! Will you truly come with us? Raven: I could not refuse my little sister. And besides… Priscilla: What is it? Raven: It's nothing. You're better off not knowing. Tell me, your lineage… Do Eliwood and his friends know of your heredity? Priscilla: No, we've never spoken of it. Raven: I see… That is best. Priscilla: Brother? Raven: Priscilla, we must keep our relationship secret. OK? Priscilla: All right… If you say we must… Raven: Another thing, my name is Raven now. Raymond is…a name I've discarded. Priscilla: Brother… You have your reasons, don't you? I understand. As long as we can travel together, I'm happy. Raven: …… Priscilla: If we continue on, we'll be able to see Father and Mother, too! Raven: …Priscilla… That's…… (Raven joins) (At the start of turn 7) Caelin Soldier: What in blazes!? It's getting even noisier than before. Lucius: Isn't that the sound of combat? Caelin Soldier: It must be Lady Lyndis! She's found reinforcements! It's time… Lucius: Hm? What… What are you doing? Caelin Soldier: I thought aid might come, so I hid keys and weapons here. Lucius: Oh, I see. Caelin Soldier: What are you going to do? Lucius: Uh… Caelin Soldier: Your master… He's betrayed us. Lucius, I must ask. What will you do? Lucius: I… I want to stop Lord Raven. However… In his current state, I…doubt he will lend me his ear. And so…I will…wait. I will wait for Lord Raven here. I'm sorry… I cannot fight. …Please understand. Caelin Soldier: I do. Here, these are for you. Lucius: For me? Vulnerary and a book of light magic? Caelin Soldier: You don't have to fight, just protect yourself. I've known you only a short time, but you're a friend. I don't want to see you die. Lucius: Thank you… Thank you. Caelin Soldier: All right, lads! Open that door!! On our honor as Caelin knights, we will save the marquess! (The Caelin soldiers open their cell door) (Lyn talks to the Caelin soldiers) Lyn: Are you all well? Soldier: Lady Lyndis! You're unharmed! Lyn: Please, I need all of you to help! Soldier: Yes, my liege! We are yours to command! (Wil talks to the Caelin soldiers) Wil: Is everyone OK? Soldier: Wil! Glad to see you're well! Wil: Yes, against all odds. Laus has some tough soldiers, but they can't defeat us, can they? Soldier: NEVER!!! Let's show them the might of the Caelin knights! (Florina talks to the Caelin soldiers) Florina: Everyone… Are you well? Soldier: Oh! Florina! You're unharmed! Florina: Yes, uhm… I'm with Lady Lyndis. Soldier: Nice work! Leave the rest to us! Florina: Now, I'll…uh…take you to Lord Eliwood. ……Huh? Wa-Wait for me! (Kent talks to the Caelin soldiers) Kent: Is everyone well? Soldier: Commander Kent! You're safe! Kent: Can you fight? Soldier: Of course, sir! Kent: Then let's drive these knaves out of Castle Caelin! Soldier: Yes, sir! (Sain talks to the Caelin soldiers) Sain: Rejoice, one and all! Your beloved subcommander is here to rescue you! Soldier: Subcommander! You're unharmed! Sain: Are you ready to fight? Soldier: Absolutely, sir! Sain: All right! Direct your energy on your foes and drive them out! Soldier: Yes, sir! (Lyn talks to Lucius) Lucius: Lyn! Are you well? Lyn: Lucius?! Why are you here? Lucius: Actually, I've been here for a few days as a mercenary. Lyn: I didn't know. Why didn't you send word? Lucius: Well…I'm… I'm traveling with someone, and… More importantly, I apologize for not being able to protect Castle Caelin. My lack of …strength… is truly shameful. Lyn: It's no one's fault. The attack came so quickly. I was forced to flee myself. Now I simply want to rescue my grandfather as soon as possible. That is all I wish… Lucius: May…I offer …my assistance? Lyn: It's not necessary. Lucius: Pardon? Lyn: Your hands are shaking terribly. I thank you for your offer, but you cannot fight in this condition. Lucius: I… I'm sorry. Lyn: It's all right. I do ask that you help me when you're able. Lucius: Yes… Of course. (Raven talks to Lucius) Raven: Lucius. Lucius: Lord Raven! I'm so pleased to see you well! Raven: Things have changed. For the time being, we side with Caelin. Lucius: That is good… So you've had a change of heart? Raven: No, I will still have my revenge against House Ostia. The closer you are to your enemy, the easier it is to strike, right? Lucius: Lo-Lord Raven… Raven: Let's go, Lucius. Lucius: Yes… (Lucius joins) (Versus Bernard) Bernard: I am Bernard, Knight Commander of Laus! I would test the might of those who bested Bauker! (Bernard dies) Bernard: This is a just reward… for Laus's brutality… (After map is cleared) Lyn: Grandfather! Grandfather! Where… Eliwood: Lord Hausen? Where are you? Hector: Eliwood. Here, on the throne… It's blood. Lyn: Blood? No! It can't be!! Eliwood: Lyndis! Calm down. He might only be injured. Come, let us find him. Lyn: Yes, you're right. I must be calm. There! Over there! There's someone… Eliwood: Who's there? Show yourself! Leila: …… Hector: You… Leila! Leila: Yes, it's me, Lord Hector. It's been a long time. Eliwood: You know her? Hector: Yes, her name's Leila. She…works for Ostia… All right, she's a spy. Leila: Lord Eliwood of Pherae and Lady Lyndis of Caelin, correct? I am Leila. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Lady Lyndis, Marquess Caelin is back there receiving treatment. Lyn: My grandfather is safe?! Leila: …His life is yet his own. Lyn: Ah! Father Sky and Mother Earth! I thank you for your mercy!! Hector: Leila, what are you doing here? Leila: I… I'm following Lord Uther's orders. I'm investigating Marquess Pherae's disappearance. Eliwood: My father? What have you learned? Leila: Come with me. We should talk in private. Eliwood: ….. Hector: Huh? Come on, Eliwood. Eliwood: Ah… Hector: Worrying about things won't change them. Eliwood: I know. I'm fine. Let's go! Leila: Let me start with my conclusion. Eliwood: ….. Leila: Marquess Pherae… is alive. Hector: Whooooo! Eliwood! Lyn: That's wonderful! Eliwood: Are you sure? Leila: I've been posing as a member of the Black Fang for several months. That's where I got this information. I believe it is true. Eliwood: Black Fang… They're the assassins guild that Erik spoke of. Leila: Yes, we've known of their existence for quite some time. Hector: Explain. Leila: The Black Fang is a guild of assassins founded about ten years ago by Brendan Reed. They're based in Bern. Their arms reached quickly in several other countries. Originally, they targeted only nobles who abused their positions. The masses saw them as chivalrous, defenders of the common man. Their activities found wide support. Hector: Chivalrous… Leila: Then about a year ago, Brendan got married again. Black Fang's operations have slowly changed since then. Now, they'll take on any target, no matter how difficult, as long as they're paid. And they're no longer killing only criminals; anyone is a fair target. Lyn: Is this Black Fang responsible for what's happened to my grandfather? Leila: Yes. We've learned of a mystery man named Nergal, behind Reed's wife. It seems the Black Fang is performing secret tasks across Lycia for Nergal. Nergal's trusted retainer Ephidel is with Marquess Laus. He manipulated Laus into hatching the rebellion plot against Ostia. The first to answer Laus's call for rebellion was… Marquess Santaruz. Eliwood: Lord Helman… Why would you… Hector: ….. Leila: Next was Lord Elbert, Marquess Pherae. Eliwood: You're telling me that my father endorsed this plan? Leila: I cannot say. I do know that he is with Marquess Laus currently. In a place called… the Dragon's Gate. Eliwood: Dragon's Gate? Where is that? Leila: On an isle called Valor, off the southern coast of Lycia. I apologize, but that is all the information I have. Hector: Of all places to be, Valor… Blast! Lyn: What kind of place is it? Eliwood: It's said that those who step onto the island never return. The common folk call it the Dread Isle. If that's where my father is, however, I will go and find him. And this "Dragon's Gate," too! Hector: I'm going with you. I'll tell you right now, you can't stop me. Lyn: I'm also going. Eliwood: Lyndis, I appreciate your kindness, but… Shouldn't you stay with Marquess Caelin? Lyn: Laus must be stopped. Otherwise, they might target my grandfather again. I also wish to help Eliwood's father. Losing a parent… It's an unbearable pain. It's something I'd rather you didn't have to feel yet. Eliwood: Lyndis… Hector… Thank you. You give me strength. Hector: Don't mention it. Lyn: We're friends. It's what friends do, Eliwood. Leila: I'm also going to continue searching. Lady Lyndis, I think it would be prudent to let the world think Marquess Caelin is dead. Lyn: I understand. I'll do that. Thank you. Leila: No thanks necessary. If you'll excuse me. Hector: Leila! Leila: Yes? Hector: Nergal and this…Ephidel? What are they like? Leila: I've yet to lay eyes on Nergal. I've spoken to Ephidel on several occasions, however. He's…eerie. He always wears a cloak that covers his face. And yet… Hector: What is it? Leila: His eyes glow golden… You can't miss them. They seem…inhuman. Eliwood: …… Matthew: Is that you, Leila? Leila: Matthew. It's been a long time. Matthew: What have you been doing? More dangerous work? Leila: We're spies, Matthew. Everything we do is dangerous. Matthew: That's true. So how long do you think this mission's going to last? Leila: My objective is the same as yours: to rescue Marquess Pherae. If things go well, I'll be in Ostia at the same time as you are. Matthew: Is that so? You need to visit my hometown. Leila: Is this where you were born? Why? Matthew: …To meet my parents. Leila: Hm? Matthew… Matthew: Ha ha. Well, that's that! See you. Leila: As slippery as ever… Didn't even wait for my reply. Soldier: Lady Lyndis! Lyn: Everyone… I'm happy to see you all well. I'm going after Marquess Laus. Protect my grandfather. Soldier: One moment, Lady Lyndis. Please take this jewel before you leave. Lyn: Jewel? Soldier: We were able to move it before Laus's men ransacked our vaults. Other Soldier: We will take care of Lord Hausen. Please, Lady Lyndis, return to us safely. Lyn: I will. Thank you. (Got a Red gem)
  4. Script for Chapter 15 (E) Narrator: In Laus, Erik tells Eliwood of a plan. A plot to use Laus as starting ground in a rebellion against Ostia. Eliwood needs proof to believe these accusations, and so he and his allies pursue Darin, the fleeing marquess of Laus. Where that chase would lead, Eliwood could not have known. (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 15: Noble Lady of Caelin) (Laus Castle) Hector: Blast! Where on earth has that snake Darin gone? Eliwood: I doubt he's left Lycia yet, but… Hector…it's been five days. The death of Marquess Santaruz… Our attack on Laus Castle… Word of these things must have reached Lord Uther by now. And yet he shows no sign of action… Why? Hector: I'm sure he has his reasons. My brother has other concerns tying his hands right now. Eliwood: What do you mean? Hector: It's Bern. We've received disturbing reports over the past few months. King Desmond is behaving oddly. If he sees even the slightest crack in Lycia's defenses, we believe he'll invade with all of Bern's might behind him. My brother has only recently become marquess, as well as head of the Lycian League. He can't allow another country to see weakness or discord. Eliwood: He has to present the face of stability and strength, is that it? Hector: Yes. It seems every country has a spy working in Ostia right now. They all want to assess the new marquess's temperament and skill. If they sense anything wrong, word will spread like wildfire. Eliwood: Hector, you're the marquess's brother… Would not being at his side be seen as something "wrong"? Hector: The marquess's brother is a well-known lout. If I WERE at court, they'd sense something wrong. Eliwood: You're not too proud of that reputation, are you? Hector: Not in the least. Marcus: Lord Eliwood! Lord Hector! Eliwood: What is it, Marcus? Have you heard something? Marcus: Yes, my lord. A messenger from the east! Castle Caelin has fallen to a surprise attack from Marquess Laus! Eliwood: Castle Caelin!? Hector: They've struck again. Eliwood: Lord Hausen… Is he unharmed? Marcus: We've no word on Lord Hausen or his granddaughter, the lady Lyndis. Eliwood: I never expected them to attack Caelin… Lord Hausen… Lyndis… Marcus: Lord Eliwood, Lord Hector… What should we do? Hector: They might still be alive, right? There's only one thing we can do! Eliwood: We ride to their aid! There may still be time! (Castle Caelin) Kent: Milady, I've returned, and I have brought news. Laus soldiers are scattered from the castle to the edge of this forest. There must be at least 50 soldiers! Sain: Are you sure about this, milady? We barely escaped… Going back to the castle would mean almost certain death. Lyn: My grandfather is in the castle. I left the castle on his orders, but… I can't leave him in there alone! Wil: The numbers we face… Rescuing Lord Hausen will be no easy task. Sain: I wonder if we can expect any reinforcements. Kent: I overheard some of the Laus soldiers talking. They claim that Lord Eliwood invaded Laus and drove them out. Lyn: Eliwood? Why would he attack Laus? Kent: It gets even more interesting… Not only did Marquess Laus abandon his castle, but he also left his son, Erik, behind when he fled here to Caelin. Sain: That's despicable! He abandoned his own son? Lyn: But at least we know Eliwood is in Laus. We might be able to ask him for help. …Assuming there were a way to contact him. Wil: If we are to avoid being caught, the best path would be through the forest. Shall I go? Lyn: I suspect you're right. Horses cannot move well in woods… It'll take you a while, but you can travel lightly… Florina: Lady Lyndis! I'll go! I can fly above the forest. I can be in Laus faster than anyone else. Lyn: Florina? You can't do this on your own! It's not possible! Florina: Thanks to my time here, I'm no longer as timid around men as I used to be. And I've met Lord Eliwood before. I'm sure I can do this on my own. Lyn: It will be terribly dangerous… You understand, don't you? Florina: Yes. But… I promised myself I would become braver for you. I'm not the weak little Florina I used to be. I'll be fine. Trust me. Lyn: You've convinced me. The job's yours, Florina. But you must promise me that you won't try anything impossible! Florina: Yes, my lady. Farewell! (Florina takes off) Sain: Did you hear our meek Florina? She sounded most forceful! Beautiful! Kent: She's become a full-fledged pegasus knight. Lyn: Yes, she has. Wil: All for you, Lady Lyndis. That's quite gallant. Lyn: When we lived on the plains, I was always her protector. I know I shouldn't feel sad, and yet… (Laus soldiers spot Florina) Soldier: Commander Bauker! There's something in the southern skies. Bauker: Is that…a pegasus knight? Where do you suppose she's going? It doesn't matter. We've been told not to let anyone out of Caelin. Archers! Advance! Bring her down! (Hector's group shows up, Florina approaches) Florina: To reach Laus, I must go over the forest…and fly north. Then, I'll have to… Wait! Who are those people? They fly no banner, and yet… Ah! That man in the lead! It's Lord Eliwood! He's come to Caelin's aid! That's wonderful. I have to tell him where Lady Lyndis is waiting! Hector: I've spotted the enemy… Why are their archers advancing? They're aiming at something up high. Marcus: Lord Eliwood, look! Up there! A pegasus knight! (Florina swoops down on Eliwood) Florina: Lord Eliwood! Eliwood: Could it really be… Florina, is that you? Florina: Yes! I'm Lady Lyndis's… Eliwood: Florina! Fly lower! Florina: Wha--Oh! Aaaaaaah!!! (An arrow whizzes by) Eliwood: Florina!!! Hector: Oooh! Florina: …… Ah… Eliwood: Can you hear me? Florina? Florina: Lord Eliwood? …I… Eliwood: Those archers almost hit you. You avoided the arrows, but you lost your balance and fell. Florina: I'm sorry. I'm such trouble... Eliwood: I'm just glad you're not hurt. Tell me, Florina, weren't you with Lyndis? Florina: Yes! Lord Eliwood, Lady Lyndis is beyond that forest. She's waiting for a chance to assault the castle. Eliwood: She's what!? Ah… Still, it's good to hear she's safe. Florina: She's fine. However, Lord Hausen's been captured. He's still in the castle. Eliwood: I see. Let's go then! (At the enemy troops) Bauker: Someone get up there and scour the area! I want to know if we brought down that pegasus knight! If she's still breathing, make her stop! Soldier: My lord! To the west! We're under attack! It's the Pheraen noble, Eliwood! Bauker: He's here, eh? Now's our chance to show Marquess Laus our loyalty. Our opponents are a motley band of fools! They're no match for us! (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) (Visiting the southeast village) Man: Ah, you there! You're Caelin knights, aren't you? Marquess Laus's man, the one called Bauker… He seems like a gentle man, but his skill is near legendary. Do you carry weapons suited to battling knights? Take this if you please. (Got a Heavy spear) (Visiting the southeast house) Woman: Different shops carry different items for sale. If you find something you've never seen, you should buy it, just to try. By the way, have you been to the local shop? If not, you should drop in. My daughter runs the place. (Visiting the southwest village) Woman: You're all Caelin knights, are you not? What? Lord Hausen's still in the castle? Oh… This was to be for our daughter's wedding, but… Here. Please help Marquess Caelin. Our lord needs rescuing. (Got a Red gem) (Visiting the house above the shops) Man: Weapons are only as strong as the material they're made of. Most of the weapons you have now are made of iron, right? Iron is a poor match for steel, and poorer still for silver! Slim weapons are weaker than iron ones, but easier to wield. Good weapons are expensive, but they're worth the cost. (Visiting the northwest house) Woman: Your company seems close-knit. It's vital to have friends who support and assist you, isn't it? You have to be close to someone if you really want to get along. Stay close to those with whome you're compatible to strengthen your bond. A reading by a fortune-teller will tell you who you're compatible with. But don't become so concerned about it that you forget to fight! (Lyn talks to Matthew) Lyn: Hey! You! You're-- Matthew: Um… No, I'm not. You've got the wrong fellow… Bye now! Lyn: Stop right there, Matthew! Matthew: Saw right through my disguise, didn't you, Lady Lyndis? Lyn: What are you talking about? How could I not recognize you? You're…you! Matthew: Yes, but I had to at least try to fool you. Being memorable is not the best quality for a spy to have. Lyn: Spy? I thought you were a thief? Matthew: Oops! Lyn: What's this about? Come on, tell me! Matthew: I can't… It's a… secret. Lyn: A secret? Would you have your mouth sealed if you spoke it? Matthew: You're very knowledgeable! Lyn: Very well, I'll ask no more questions. If you have any trouble, though, you can talk to me. I'm sure I'll be able to help. Matthew: Ah…Lady Lyndis? I believe that you are the one currently in trouble. You're either generous to a fault, or…something else altogether. (Lyn talks to Eliwood) Eliwood: Lyndis! Lyn: Eliwood?! You made it! Eliwood: Florina told us where you were. We're here to help. Lyn: Thank you! (Visiting the middle house) Child: Are you one of Eliwood's soldiers? You have that look about you. The villagers are saying that you can defeat an enemy in the blink of an eye. When I get older, I'm going to be that swift! Just you wait and see! (Lyn talks to Hector) Lyn: Are you an ally, too? Hector: Yep, that's what it looks like. Lyn: In that case, I have something to tell you. Hector: We're a bit busy now. Save it for later. Lyn: What? Hold on! Wait just a minute! (Lyn talks to Florina) Lyn: Florina! Florina: Lady Lyndis! Lyn: You're unharmed! I'm so relieved. Really! Florina: Was my service at all helpful? Lyn: Of course it was! You saved us! Thank you! Florina: Tee hee! I'll do even better next time! Lyn: I'm counting on it. (Lyn talks to Erk) Erk: Lady Lyndis, please stay back. I'll serve as the advance guard. Lyn: Hm? You… Is that you, Erk? Erk: Yes, my lady. A pleasure to see you. Lyn: Erk, why are you here in Caelin? Erk: For reasons of my own, I've joined up with Eliwood's company. We're here to rescue Caelin. Please, Lady Lyndis, would you kindly withdraw? Lyn: My granddfather is in the castle. I'm not going to retreat from this battle! Erk: You might be a noblewoman, but you haven't changed at all. Very well, at least stay near me. I'll be your escort. Lyn: Thank you, Erk. (Lyn talks to Dorcas) Lyn: Dorcas! Dorcas, is that you? Dorcas: Glad you're well, Lyn. Lyn: What are you doing in Caelin? Dorcas: I'm working for a Pheraen nobleman. When talk came of Caelin, he gre worried about you. Looks like we got here in time… Lyn: Yes, thank you. However, my grandfather is still in the castle. Dorcas: I understand. Let's do what we can do. Lyn: Dorcas? Is Natalie in Lycia with you? Dorcas: Uh-huh. We moved there after I saw it firsthand with you. She's waiting for me now in Pherae. Lyn: Really? That's good. I'd enjoy seeing her again sometime. Dorcas: She feels the same way about you. Someday… When you've free time, will you come for a visit? Lyn: Yes, of course! Once the fighting's done, I'll definitely come see you. (Lyn talks to Serra) Serra: Ah! Lyn! I'm so happy to see you safe! Lyn: Serra? What are you doing in Caelin? Serra: I'm with Lord Hector. We've come to save you! Lyn: Hector? Serra: Oh, come now! Lord Hector! Marquess Ostia's younger brother! He's a good friend of Lord Eliwood's, by the way. Lyn: Oh...I see. Well, thank you for coming, Serra. I'm glad to see you again. Serra: It's no trouble at all! When a dear friend's in trouble, you have to help. It's a rule! Lyn: A dear friend? Serra: Don't worry! Social positions never bother me. I know we'll get along fine, Lyn! (Versus Bauker) Bauker: Prepare to fall before your master! (Bauker dies) Bauker: We've been….defeated? Such a shame… (After map is cleared) Eliwood: Command Bauker… He was a fierce enemy. Lyndis, once we've defeated the remaining foe, the castle's yours. Lyn: Thank you, Eliwood. If not for your help, I don't know where I'd be right now. Eliwood: All of this happened because we routed Lord Darin at Laus. It's only right that we help. Lyn: You explained your motives to me, Eliwood. This is about your father. I would do the same thing in your position. What happened in Caelin is not your fault. Eliwood: Thank you. However, until your castle is yours again, I take responsibility. Lyn: I understand. Thank you. Hector: Eliwood! We're moving into the castle! Eliwood: All right. Lyn: Who's that? Eliwood: Oh, yes. Let me introduce you. Hector! Hector: What? Eliwood: This is Lyndis. She's Lord Hausen's granddaughter. Lyndis, this is Hector. He's Lord Uther's brother. Lyn: His brother? Really? Hector: Yes. Lyn: I was watching the way he fights… He's not like you, Eliwood. He's somewhat like my own knights, but different still. He relies so much on power. It's like he's never been… Hector: I haven't. I taught myself how to fight. Lyn: I've no issue with that, but the way you swing that axe around… You're a threat to your allies! You should be more watchful. Hector: What did you say? Eliwood: Lyndis? What's come over you? Lyn: Hm? Oh…I… My apologies. I didn't intend to seem so critical. Hector: …… Eliwood: Granted, Hector's style may be a tad dangerous, but… There's no one I depend on more. You may think him careless, but he's always aware of his surroundings. Hector: The more you praise me, the less worthy I sound. Eliwood: Lyndis, once you fight alongside Hector, I'm sure you'll understand. Lyn: I'm sure you're right. I apologize, Hector. I'm honored to have your help. Hector: No apology necessary. I'm glad I can lend a hand. Eliwood: Let's go inside, shall we? Lyn: Mark! Is it really you, Mark? So good to see you! Have you been well? Kent: Well met, Mark. Good to see you again. Sain: Well! This really is a pleasant surprise! Wil: Hello, Mark! Has it really been a year? Lyn: What's wrong, Florina? You needn't hide back there. Florina: Um… Nice to see you again. I don't suppose you… Do you…remember me? Lyn: Everyone who remained in Caelin speaks of you fondly. We're always saying "I wonder where Mark is…" Yes…you're right. This isn't the best time to catch up. We're here to rescue my grandfather. Mark, will you help me again? (Inside Castle Caelin) Darin: Ri… Ridiculous… Even Bauker? Hausen: Lord Darin, it's time to give up this madness. Further resistance is meaningless. For what you've done, you may never be forgiven, but it's not too late to try. Tell Eliwood everything. He'll intervene with Marquess Ostia on your behalf… Darin: I…I've…lost… Hausen: Hurry! Eliwood will be here in no time. Let me speak for you. Gurr… Guaaaa!! Ephidel: None of that now. Marquess Laus needs no troublesome advice. Darin: L-Lord Ephidel? Ephidel: There is no turning back for you now. You should know that. First, Marquess Santaruz… and now Marquess Caelin. Both deaths are on your head. Darin: What? It was by your hand that they both died! I-I never asked for this. Ephidel: Yes, I killed them… for you. Darin: To…trap me? Ephidel: Don't be absurd. I follow my master's orders. My only wish is to deliver your dreams to you. The crown of a united Lycia…. And once that is done, dominion over the entire continent. Is that not what you desire? Darin: … … … Yes… Yes, of course. That dream IS still worth a few sacrifices, isn't it? Ephidel: You're exactly right. Our plans may have gone drastically awry, but as long as we have the master's power behind us, we cannot be defeated. We'd do well to leave now, before those meddlesome worms arrive. You will leave everyone from Laus behind. We will use them to delay our foe. Darin: Everyone… My soldiers? But…who will protect me? Ephidel: The Black Fang and I will more than suffice for that task. There is nothing else you need, I assure you. Darin: Yes…I…I see that now. Where do we go from here? Ephidel: To the Dragon's Gate… Our master awaits us there. The master has informed me our hostage may be all we need. If all goes well, we may be able to perform the ceremony with him alone. Darin: Oh! Is that so? I suppose we've nothing to worry about. Ephidel: That is correct. Now please, begin your retreat. I have two or three orders to give, then I will be right behind you. (Darin leaves) Ephidel: Pathetic imbecile… Leila? Where are you? Leila: I'm here. Ephidel: While Eliwood is occupied, finish off Marquess Caelin and hide the body. The enemy will waste precious time searching for him. Leila: As you command… Ephidel: You know, you've only been with the Black Fang a short while. However, you are quite skilled… I look forward to watching you. Leila: Yes, sir.
  5. Chapter 14 (E), coming at you like a pre-promoted Paladin. Script for Chapter 14 (E) Narrator: A droll merchant named Merlinus now joins Eliwood's group. With Merlinus in tow, they set out for Laus the following day. Laus is located in the heart of Lycia, a territory ruled by the power-hungry marquess of Laus, Lord Darin. Preparations for the war of which the Pheraen magistrate spoke... The disappearance of Eliwood's father, Elbert... The death of Marquess Santaruz... Do these all revolve around Lord Darin? In Eliwood's heart, the need for truth is drowned in fear... A fear of what that truth may hold. (Chapter title is displayed - Chapter 14: False Friends) Darin: Are you certain? Pherae's heir is here? Erik: Yes, Father. We've just received word from our lookouts. He's still beyond that hill, but he'll be here before long. Darin: Lord Ephidel, what is the meaning of this? Ephidel: Perhaps when they reached Santaruz Castle, Lord Helman was still clinging to life. Darin: You can't be serious! Ephidel: He couldn't have lasted too long, but…maybe he told them something. Darin: That's terrible! Our plan! It's all for naught, isn't it? Ephidel: No need to be so alarmed, my lord. Even if he told young Eliwood something of our schemes, Pherae no longer has any power. All Eliwood could do is perhaps inform Marquess Ostia. Darin: Ostia?! That would be ruinous! Lord Uther may be young and new to the throne, but he's dangerous. That addlepated Helman! He was a coward to the end! To betray us now, when we're so close…We only need a little more time to complete our plans for rebellion! Ephidel: Then before Marquess Ostia becomes aware of any of this, you would do well to stop them here. Darin: Yes, you're right, of course. We do have a chance! They have to pass through Laus to get to Ostia. We can still silence them! Ephidel: They must not pass. No matter the cost. Darin: Let us make haste. Call up our finest troops. Erik: Father! Please, let me take the command. Darin: Erik! Tell me, Son, can you succeed? Erik: That clod Eliwood and I studied together in Ostia. He's a trusting fool. If he sees me, he'll lower his guard. And when he does, we strike! Darin: I see. Ephidel: I beg your pardon… Is this not too much for him? If, by strange chance, he fell, things could turn for the worse. Darin: No, I know I'm the lad's father, but Erik's quite clever, I tell you. Snuffing Pherae's whelp will be no trouble at all. It's settled! It's up to you now, Erik. Bring me the head of Pherae's darling son! Erik: Yes, Father! I will not fail you! (At Eliwood's group) Hector: Look around… They truly are preparing for battle. Marquess Laus! What is he scheming? Eliwood: …. Hector: You don't much look like you want to go to the castle. Eliwood: If we go and learn the truth, we may have to go to war. Hector: That's fine with me! Eliwood: I… I've no love for war. If I concentrate on the foe before me, I'm fine. If I picture families, innocents caught up in our foolish politics? If I imagine them… All I can do is pray for a way to solve things peacefully. Hector: Eliwood…. (Erik comes out) Marcus: Lord Eliwood! A knight has ridden forth from the castle. Eliwood: A lone knight? Marcus: Yes, my lord. Our scouts say it's Marquess Laus's son, Erik. He is asking to see you. Eliwood: Erik? Hector: Gah. Why did it have to be that buffoon? Eliwood: I will see him. Bring him here. Hector: I'm leaving. I never could abide him. I'll go for a ride and survey our surroundings. (Hector leaves) Erik: Hello! It's been a long time, Eliwood! Eliwood: Erik... What is your business? Erik: My business? What do you mean? I heard my old friend was here in Laus. I merely thought I'd ride out to greet you! Eliwood: ...... Erik: So tell me, friend, what brings you to Laus? Are you...on your way to Ostia? Eliwood: Hm? Why would you think that? Erik: Well, you were always such good friends with Hector. He and I never... got along very well. For a noble, his behavior was crude, and his manner of speech... You would have thought him a peasant at first glance. You're still friends with Hector, aren't you? When did you see him last? How do you communicate? Eliwood: Erik... You're after something. What is it? Erik: Pardon? Eliwood: Everywhere I look, Laus prepares for battle. What are you and your father planning? I will know the truth! Erik: Hm… I'd hoped to wait until you'd told me of Ostia. Of whether you've spoken with the marquess or not. Eliwood: What are you talking about? Erik: Hm heh heh… Eliwood, I have always despised you. How I've longed to smash you and your pathetic morality into pieces! I've dreamed of this day, and here it is at last! Hector: Too bad you'll not live to see the end of it. Eliwood: Hector! Erik: Y-You! Hector! You couldn't… Have you spoken with Ostia already? Hector: Maybe we have, maybe we haven't. Eliwood, this mongrel has troops lying in ambush all around us. Laus regulars, every one. We're in for a rough time. Erik: Heh heh… There's little point in fighting. You're trapped! My forces will overwhelm you, an unending torrent of soldiers! Laus's elite knights are at the ready as well. Heh heh… How long do you think you can survive? Eliwood: Craven cur! (Preparations screen is entered) Merlinus: Lord Eliwood! Lord Hector! I make my living as a humble merchant. If you have any items you no longer need, please let poor Merlinus take them. (Preparations end) Merlinus: Lord Eliwood, shall I join you? If you deploy my tent, I can help with equipment. I can switch items for you and hold them if your packs are full. However, my tent cannot be moved about, so if you deploy it, it will require a guard. I beg your understanding. Narrator: Merlinus's merchant tent can be deployed on this map. If you deploy the tent, any items you cannot carry can be sent to the tent. However, the tent is vulnerable to enemy attack. If the tent loses all its HP, it will vanish from the map and remain unavailable until the next map. Merlinus's tent gains one level for every battle it survives. The tent will be harder to destroy as it increases in level. (Start of battle) (At the north village) Erk: Hm. We certainly could stand some assistance… Man: I'm sorry, but it's just not possible. If we disobey Marquess Laus, who knows what might happen to us? Erk: I understand. We'll seek our aid elsewhere. Man: You'll find the same answer everywhere you go. Eventually, you'll have to do as the marquess orders. You would do well to tell your employer the same thing. Erk: Hm. Good day to you. (Erk appears as a neutral unit) (After the first enemy phase, at the south village) Man: Priscilla. Has your escort returned yet? Priscilla: No. He left yesterday in search of a way out of here… I just hope the soldiers of Laus haven't captured him. Man: His search for help must have been fruitless. Marquess Laus has ordered that no aid be given to you. There's really nothing that any of us can do. I apologize, but… Priscilla: No, no. You could turn me over to the marquess, and yet you continue to grant me asylum. I'm grateful for that. Of course, if I simply went to the castle, this would all be over. Man: Don't fret over that. None of us are overly fond of the marquess. He's always threatening us. He treats us like slaves. All of these war preparations? We want nothing to do with them. We may be divided into territories, but we're Lycians one and all. We may be invaded by another country one day, but why does he want to start a war here at home? None of us understand what he is doing. (Serra talks to Erk) Serra: Ohmigosh! It's Erk! It's been SO long! What are you doing here? Erk: Oh… Serra. You're the last person I wanted to see… Serra: Oh, that's so sweet! You wanted to see me again! Erk: …… Serra: Hey, I know! This is perfect. Come with us and lend a hand, Erk. Erk: I beg your pardon? Serra: Come on! I'll even introduce you to Lords Hector and Eliwood! I know you. You're probably just wandering about without work. Erk: No, Serra. I'm afraid I am gainfully employed. However… If you're fighting Laus… This might work out after all. Serra: What are you babbling about? Make up your mind, will you? Erk: My employer is hiding in a village south of here. If you'll help me protect her, I'll join up with you. (Erk joins) (After the second enemy phase) Bandit: Eh? What's all this? Looks like a war's broken out. Aha ha ha! Perfect! Time for a raid! Up and at 'em, mates! That village is ripe for plunder! (Visiting the north village) Man: You're battling Erik and his men, right? Let me tell you, I'm on your side! My granddaughter… Marquess Laus took her away. He found her pretty, and forced her to the castle. It's not much, but please take this. It's a large sword, so you have to be strong to use it. It's a bit unwieldy, but it is a mighty weapon nonetheless. I hope you can defeat the marquess's son, Erik. It would make our lives more pleasant. Good luck to you. (Got an Iron blade) (Start of third enemy phase) Erik: Blast! They're stronger than I had supposed! To the castle! I want all the reinforcements available, and I want them now! (At the castle) Soldier: Lord Erik is struggling! He requests reinforcements! Darin: What? Ready the men. Ephidel: Unbelievable… These numbers cannot stop them. Darin: Ephidel? W-Where are you going? Ephidel: It seems that conquering Lycia might have been too much to ask of you after all. I must inform my master. The Black Fang will be leaving at once. Darin: No! You… You can't abandon us! Not at this stage! Ephidel: Who was it that said Ostia mustn't learn of our plans? Wasn't it you, Lord Darin? The marquess of Laus himself? Darin: Y-Yes, it was. There's no turning back for me. Not now! P-P-Please! One more… Give me one more chance. I assure you, I will not disappoint Lord Nergal! Ephidel: Very well… Assemble your men. We will regroup elsewhere. Darin: Eh? You can't mean… My son…my home… Am I to abandon them? Ephidel: Would you fall in disgrace along with your son? Our master, Lord Nergal, is offering you the throne of all Lycia…Surely a few sacrifices are not too much to ask? Darin: Yes… You're right. My destiny is greater than this. I was born to be king of Lycia. Ephidel: And as for an heir? You're still young, my lord. You will have time. You must not let a moment's sentimentality cloud your judgment. Darin: …… (Back at the battlefield) Erik: Where are my reinforcements? Why haven't they come? I've no choice. I must attack! You! To the castle! Find more men! Soldier: Yes, my lord! (Visiting the northern house) Man: Is it true we're battling Castle Ostia? What could that fool of a marquess be thinking? Laus has no chance of defeating Lycia's most powerful territory! The marquess's son, Erik, is nothing but a power-hungry dullard! And the marquess himself is a lecher, plain and simple! What a pair! Do they believe they're a match for an Ostian general? Oh… Forget everthing I said. We never talked, OK? (Visiting the south village with anyone other than Erk) Priscilla: Again? Are you another messenger from the marquess? Please, do not waste your time. I will not change my decision. Pardon? Marquess Laus did not send you? I… I beg your forgiveness. It was my mistake. Say… If it's not too much trouble, might I leave with you? I'm on a journey. Marquess Laus is barring my way, and…I'm trapped. I am trained in the use of staves. Please, help me. (Priscilla joins) (Erk visits the south village) Erk: Lady Priscilla! Are you well? Priscilla: I should be asking you that, Erk. Have you been wounded? Erk: I'm fine. Listen, my lady. I've found some friends who will help us. Priscilla: Truly? Erk: We'll be joining up with Marquess Pherae's son. Traveling with them seems to be the safest way for us to continue your search for your family. Priscilla: Erk! Erk: Oh, my apologies. This isn't the place to discuss such things. Priscilla: I'm sorry, but... Erk: Lady Priscilla, my teacher entrusted you to my care. Until you have reached your goal, I will not leave your side. Priscilla: Thank you, Erk. (Priscilla joins) (Priscilla talks to Erk, only if Erk didn't visit the village) Erk: Lady Priscilla! I'm glad to see you well. Priscilla: Erk! Have you joined Lord Eliwood's company as well? Erk: Yes. Traveling with them seems to be the safest way for us to continue your search for your family. Priscilla: Erk! Erk: Oh, my apologies. This isn't the place to discuss such things. Priscilla: I'm sorry, but… Erk: Lady Priscilla, my teacher entrusted you to my care. Until you have reached your goal, I will not leave your side. Priscilla: Thank you, Erk. (Versus Erik) Erik: Laus is the true throne of Lycia! Taste my lance! (Erik is defeated) Erik: I am no one's prisoner! Unhand me! Gwaaa! (After map is cleared) Hector: Come on, Erik! Get up! Erik: You… You peasants… You can't treat a proper noble like this! Hector: It's too late for niceties! Be thankful you're still breathing! Eliwood: Erik, you must tell me. Where is your father? We've searched the entire castle, and there's no one here. Erik: D-Don't be ridiculous! My father would not abandon… No! He'd never… Ephidel… Eliwood: Ephidel? Who's that? Erik: …… Hector: Speak, cur!! Do you want to die here? Erik: Ah! Eliwood: Hector! Erik…please. You must tell us everything you know. I… I just want to know where my father is. Erik: ………Ephidel… He appeared at the castle one year ago. He came…and my father changed. Ostia's position had always bothered my father… He felt Laus deserved to rule all of Lycia. But he'd never gone so far as to speak of rebellion. Hector: Did you say…rebellion? Erik: Ephidel had something… With it, he convinced my father to set this plan in motion. My father then sent envoys to several other marquesses. Marquess Pherae, he had approved of the idea. Hector: What? Eliwood: Never! My father would never agree to such a thing! Erik: Believe or disbelieve. That is your choice. First was Marquess Santaruz. Then Marquess Pherae's reply arrived. Marquess Pherae visited here six months ago to seal his approval. Eliwood: That's not… possible… Erik: My father and yours argued vehemently that day. Marquess Pherae always distrusted Ephidel. He tried to convince my father to send Ephidel and the Black Fang assassins out of Lycia. My father would not be persuaded, and Marquess Pherae left the castle. As you know, he then disappeared. I doubt he's still alive. Eliwood: No! Hector: Shut your mouth! Erik: Eliwood said he wanted to hear everything. My father… He is but Ephidel's puppet. He'll listen to anything that villain says. Even watch his own son…die…... Those are the sort of people you're dealing with. Marquess Pherae betrayed them. They would not let him live! Ha ha…ha ha ha ha ha ha… Eliwood: Ah… Hector: Wait! Eliwood! (Hector and Eliwood go outside) Hector: Eliwood… Eliwood: My father is alive… And… I cannot believe he supports…rebellion. There must be… There has to be a reason… Hector: I know. I don't believe any of this for an instant. My brother trusted Marquess Pherae more than anyone. First, we'll find your father and uncover the truth. We'll talk to my brother after that. Eliwood: Hector, I'm sorry… Hector: Don't look like that. Your father is surely alive. Right? Eliwood: Yes, of course… Marquess Laus… Black Fang assassins… Now this mysterious Ephidel… I'll find them all and prove my father's innocence!
  6. Script for Chapter 13x (E) Narrator: The dying words of Lord Helman stun Eliwood beyond belief. "Darin, the marquess of Laus, knows all..." Despite the pain it brings, Eliwood takes this newfound knowledge to heart and sets out for Laus once again. On the way to Laus, he travels through a Caelin village. Eliwood and his party decide to rest there for a night. (Chapter title is displayed - Chapter 13x: The Peddler Merlinus) Hector: Bah! Dark already. Eliwood: We'll have to stop here for the night. We'll set out for Laus at the first sign of sunlight. Marcus, prepare the camp. Marcus: Yes, my lord. Hector: So this is Caelin? You think we ought to present ourselves to Lord Hausen? Eliwood: We're simply passing through, so I don't see the need. I am curious how Lyndis is getting along, though. Hector: Lyndis? Eliwood: Marquess Caelin's granddaughter. Hector: Oh, her. The missing heir who dealt with Lundgren last year. Didn't you have something to do with that? Eliwood: Mm. Hector: And? The granddaughter? Is she a beauty? Eliwood: A beauty? She's…I don't…she's…I think it must be her Sacae heritage. She's…striking… Hector: Striking? Too bad, isn't it? Eliwood: What? Hector: That we don't have time to see her, loverboy. Eliwood: No! Lyndis and I are…We're not… Hector: You're not? Then why are you getting so worked up? Eliwood: Hector! Don't make me angry! Hector: Ha ha ha ha! You are so much fun to tease! Huh? What was that? Did you hear something? Eliwood: It was a scream. Someone's being attacked! Hector: Do we help? Eliwood: Of course! Merlinus: Oh noooooo! Someone! Help!!! Bandit: Grrr! Stupid old fool! He's kept us running in circles for hours! Merlinus: My… My valuable merchandise! What are you going to do? Puzon: Hey, look at this. The old fool's wealthy. Bandit: Huh huh huh. Our lucky day. Eh, Puzon? Merlinus: Let go! Let go!! Will you let go!!! Bandit: What a racket! Puzon, can we get rid of this simpleton? Puzon: I suppose so. There's no reason to let him live. Merlinus: Oh my!! Eeeyaaaaahhh! Eliwood: Release him! Puzon: Who-- Eliwood: I told you to let the man go! Hector: If you move quickly, we'll let you live. Puzon: Ha! A pair of dandies like you? You know what I think? Living off your parents' names, prancing about... I despise you! Come on! Don't hold back! We'll kill you all! Merlinus: Aaaiiieeee!!! You! They call you Mark, am I right? I am Merlinus, a humble and lowly merchant. I know nothing of combat. Please! You must protect me! (Start of battle) (Visiting the village) Woman: Oh, my! Those ruffians are attacking you? Our village is in danger, too. We talked it over and…here. It's all the money we collected. If you'll chase off the bandits, it's yours. (Got 5000 gold) (Versus Puzon) Puzon: Heh. Looks like you've breathed your last! (Puzon dies) Puzon: Unbelievable… I was helpless to stop them… (After map is cleared) Bandit: Oof… Blast! I won't forget this! Hector: Then you're smarter than you look! Get out of here!! Eliwood: Are you all right? Merlinus: Hm? Oho!! I… I've been saved! Eliwood: We've driven them off. Are you injured? Merlinus: No, not at all. As you can see, I'm as fine as fine can be. Eliwood: I'm glad to see that. Good day, sir. Hector. Merlinus: Wait a moment, please! A token of my thanks… Eliwood: Do not worry yourself. We did nothing to merit reward. Hector: That's right. We've no need of a peddler's junk. Merlinus: P-P-Peddler? Eliwood: Hector! Hector: Oops! Merlinus: Ahem! I am Merlinus. You'll find no other traveling merchant whose goods compare. Don't let your eyes fool you: I'm quite prosperous. Hector: Huh? You're a merchant? Books and knives and all that, eh? Eliwood: Hector, your manners are terrible. Merlinus, please… Pay no mind to what this oaf has to say. Merlinus: No, of course not. I wasn't concerned at… Ahem! By the way, you two obviously come from highborn houses. Would you grant me the honor of your names? Eliwood: I am Eliwood, son of the marquess of Pherae. Hector: I'm Hector. Marquess Ostia's brother. Merlinus: Goodness! Ostia! Pherae! The greatest houses in all of Lycia!! Ahh… To be saved by noblemen such as yourselves… It is an honor beyond words! Hector: It's nice to be appreciated for a change. Lately, people just seem to want us dead. Tell me, Merlinus, what are your plans? Merlinus: Pardon? My plans, my lord? I had planned to travel Lycia selling my merchandise, but… It may not be possible in such dangerous times. Hector: If that's the case, why don't you come along with us? Eliwood: Hector? Hector: Our travels will not be ending anytime soon. We've gained more people and more items, right? It might be good to have help managing our things. Merlinus: Oho! Now THAT is a splendid idea! Managing merchandise is my specialty, after all! Eliwood: Are you sure? Merlinus: Quite sure, my lord. To be honest, I've dreamt of working for a noble house. To have my fondest wish granted in such a way… I cannot stem these tears of joy! Lord Hector! Lord Eliwood!!! Take me into your bosoms and keep me safe forever! Eliwood: Uh… Thank you. Well met, Merlinus. Hector: We're counting on you! Now, I've got some things I want you to carry… Merlinus: Yes, of course. Whatever you have, Merlinus will keep!
  7. Script for Chapter 13 (E) Narrator: Eliwood enters Santaruz, only to be attacked by a strange group. In a desperate moment, he is rescued by a childhood friend. Marquess Ostia's younger brother, Hector. The assailants' leader reveals that an unknown party seeks Eliwood's head... Eliwood cannot help but think this is related to his father's disappearance. In search of more traces of his father's footsteps, Eliwood sets out for the castle of Lord Helman, the marquess of Santaruz. (Chapter title is displayed - Chapter 13: In Search of Truth) (Santaruz Castle) Helman: Master Ephidel! What is the meaning of this? Ephidel: Peace, Lord Helman. Whatever is wrong? Helman: You said you were just going to frighten Eliwood! Your men almost killed him! My patience is at an end! I've decided I must tell Eliwood everything and apologize. Ephidel: …..You would betray us? Helman: I am tired of you and the Black Fang! Now, remove yourself from my castle! Your presence pains me! Ephidel: Lord Helman…Is there nothing I can do to change your mind? Helman: Nothing! Ephidel: In that case…you're no longer of any use. Helman: What?! Gaa…urrgh… (At Eliwood's group) Hector: There's the castle, Eliwood! Eliwood: We have to speak with Lord Helman... Boies: That's not gonna happen, laddie! Eliwood: Who are you? Boies: Who am I? Ah, boy, you'd do better to worry about yourself. You'll be worm's meat before much longer. Hector: You think so? I think my axe'll change your mind. Boies: Ha! The cub thinks he's a wolf! Does your bite match your bark? Tell you what: If you make it to the castle alive, we'll find out, eh? Geh heh heh hehhh! (At a fort) Black Fang: Hey, you! Yeah, the new dog! Get this right, or you're gone! Guy: I know, I know. I just got this job! I don't want to lose it! 'Course, the smart thing to do would have been not to get involved with this ugly bunch. Got to have gold if I want to eat, though. I was too picky before. If I think about the time I passed out in Caelin…Ooooh. Nothing funny about that! That man…What was his name…Matthew? If it hadn't been for him, I would've starved to death… Black Fang: What are you mumbling about? Get over here now! Guy: Yes, yes, I'm coming! At least I've got work! Lowen: Nice to be working with you, Mark! As a journeyman knight of Pherae, I'm here to serve Lord Eliwood and you, Mark! I await your command! (Start of battle) (Visiting the top house) Man: If you value your lives, stay clear of the castle southwest of here. There's a swordsman named Guy…He's young, but deadly. He carries a killing edge, a fearful sword to be sure. I'm warning you: find another road to the castle. (Visiting the south village) Woman: Ah, what good timing. Would you try this for me? It's an invention of a great witch! Me! It's a mine. It contains some very explosive magic. Hide it on the ground, and when an enemy steps on it…KA-BOOOOM!!! Hee hee hee…I'm still testing them, so that one's free. Come back and tell me how it works. (Got a Mine) (Visiting the house above the south village) Man: A merchant just went running past here in a panic. He dropped some things. I tried to tell him, but…It looked like he's the sort that drops things a lot… (Visiting the northwest village) Merlinus: This will never do! Look at the time! I must leave for Caelin now, or my business will be ruined. Time is money, after all. Hurry hurry! Rush rush rush! Character: What's this? That fellow must have dropped it. (Got a Torch) (Matthew talks to Guy) Matthew: Hold on! You! I know you! Isn't your name Guy? Guy: It's--Is that you, Matthew? Matthew: What a pleasant surprise! How's your swordwork coming? Guy: You are aware this isn't the best place to be catching up, aren't you? You and I…We're on opposite sides here. Matthew: What? Are you saying you're going to fight me? Guy: I…Well, yeah. I'm much improved. You can't beat me. Matthew: You're quite a terror, Guy. Well then… Hold on! I'd prefer it if you repaid what you owe me. Guy: Huh? Matthew: Last time I saw you, I gave you food. If I remember correctly, you said you owed me your life. Guy: I only said that 'cause you said you'd feed me if I did! I hadn't eaten in ten days, and you were cooking meat! You… This… This isn't fair! Matthew: The people of Sacae never lie. Isn't that right, Guy? Guy: Grrr… Fine! I finally find work, and now I have to throw it away! This is all your fault! (Guy joins) (Visiting the bottom left house) Man: It's good that you know not to race into a fight. But don't waste your opportunities being overcautious. (Versus Boies) Boies: What's this? You've made it this far? Ah, I paid too much for that worthless pack of sellswords! (Boies dies) Boies: You've beaten me...but you're too late to save him... Too...too bad, eh, laddie? Geha ha...geha! (After map is cleared) Eliwood: Lord Helman!! Helman: … Is that you…Eliwood? Eliwood: Hold on, my lord! Helman: I… I must apologize… Your father… He… Eliwood: Do you know something, sir? Helman: I… … If I hadn't told Elbert…about…Darin's plans…This would…never…have…Cough cough… Eliwood: Lord Helman! Helman: …..Go to Laus…Darin…the marquess of Laus…knows all. Eliwood: Marquess Laus? Helman: I'm sorry, Eliwood…I…I can't… Eliwood: Hold on! Helman: Beware…the Black…Fang……… Eliwood: Lord Helman! Hector: He's gone… Eliwood: It can't be…Lord Helman…Why……Why did this happen? Hector: Blast! What is going on?!? Eliwood: …..We go to Laus. We must speak to the marquess of Laus, Lord Darin. Hector: You're right. We should leave quickly. I'm not sure how far we can get today, but…I can't sit still. Servant: Pardon me… Hector: Hm? Servant: If I may? Eliwood: Who are you? Servant: I'm the steward of Santaruz. With our lord gone, what are we to do? Hector: First, you give Lord Helman a proper burial. After that…I'm sure the Lycian Council will have to meet. Stay here and defend the castle until you hear more. Servant: I understand. Eliwood: Let's go. We must keep moving. Hector: Yes…and now we seek answers for Marquess Santaruz, too. Eliwood: …Lord Helman…May you find peace.
  8. The prepromotes that start at Level 1 tend to be the best because they get 19 level ups. Even if they have lackluster bases they can make up for it if they have good growths and many levels to take advantage of them. But I am NOT saying that other prepromotes are bad. FE11 just has the worst prepromotes. Jagen might be needed for the first two chapters of H5, but he is nowhere near the ass kicking level of Seth and Titania. Marth, Cain, and Abel quickly surpass Jagen. By the time you get Minerva, you can already get Caeda several levels, AND she's got the Wing Spear. Wolf and Sedgar are only good because of their amazing growths, their bases are crap. The lategame prepromotes (Lorenz, Ymir) are the worst of all. If playing Shadow Dragon, I can perfectly understand Darros's aversion to using prepromotes, I hate them too in that game. Usually in SD I only recruit the prepromotes to get their silver weapons, and then I kill 'em off. But in other Fire Emblems prepromotes are at the very least useable, some of them are even better than all your other units. At the end of the day, I use the units that get the job done, prepromoted or not. The main advantages of prepromotes are: -You don't have to use a promotion item on them -They usually start with high weapon levels, even for their secondary weapons -If they have good stats, they can meatshield and weaken enemies for weaker units to gain EXP, or take out enemies that are too tough for your other units -As I mentioned for SD, they usually come with good weapons -They make the game easier (for some people that is actually a DISADVANTAGE)
  9. I don't think just anyone would be paired with just anyone, only those people that can have supports (i.e. Hector x Florina, Eliwood x Lyn, Nino x Jaffar, and so on) can be paired. Also, for the endings of Fire Emblem 7, even if characters didn't get support paired they STILL have children/fell in love. Roy and Lilina both appear in the ending even if Hector and Eliwood didn't pair with anyone. Bartre still falls in love with his mortal rival (which is obviously Karla) even if he doesn't support Karla. Rebecca forms a family even if she doesn't support anyone. Pent and Louise are ALREADY married, Nintendo isn't going to give you the option to commit adultery in an E for Everyone game. If Pent or Louise goes down they both leave, I doubt that will change. Also, in Fire Emblem 4, not every 2nd gen character results from a 1st gen pairing. Think of Oifaye, Shanan, and Hannibal. They appear no matter what kind of pairings you had in the 1st gen. Celice, Yuria, Leaf, and Altenna also appear no matter what (since SigurdxDiadora and CuanxEthlin are automatic, I think). Unfortunately, I don't think such a remake is likely. Nintendo is not going to give us Fire Emblem 7 again AND the Fire Emblem with Roy in it in a single game card. They didn't put Shadow Dragon and New Mystery into one game card, they won't do the same with Fire Emblems 6 and 7. But this is one occasion where I hope I'm not right. If they do remake Fire Emblem 6, I hope some characters such as Oswin will also be playable in it. If Marcus gets to be playable in FE6 when he is very old even in FE7, younger characters from FE7 should also be available.
  10. Here is Chapter 12 (E). Only the introduction is changed from Hector's story. Script for Chapter 12 (E) Narrator: After speaking with the village magistrate, Eliwood and company set their sights on Laus. The road from Pherae to Laus passes through Santaruz. Eliwood suspects his missing father must have visited Santaruz en route to Ostia. Eliwood arranges a meeting with the local ruling lord to see what he can learn. (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 12: Birds of a Feather) (Santaruz Castle) Helman: What? Eliwood is here? Ephidel: Yes. He has set camp up on a hill south of here. He seeks permission to enter Santaruz. He seeks an audience with you. Helman: Could it be... Do you think Eliwood's come to ask of his father? If that's the case... I... I know not what to tell him. Ephidel: Tell him you know nothing, and let him be on his way. Helman: Yet... I know young Eliwood well. His father, Elbert, and I are old friends. I've no children of my own, and I've always treasured Eliwood... I do not believe I could look him in the eye and... I could not lie to him. I could not. Ephidel: We've no choice then. Let us chase the boy away. If you do not speak with him, you need tell no lies. Helman: Wait! Do you mean to harm Eliwood? Ephidel: Not harm. Frighten. A scratch or two will leave no scars. He will run home to Pherae and be done with his adventure. He is, after all, all that Pherae has left... Helman: ... (At Eliwood's group) Marcus: Instead of entering Laus with such a small group, we should meet with Marquess Santaruz and request his assistance... I see the sense in that. It's a good plan, Mark. Eliwood: Truly so. I tell you again, I'm pleased to have you with us. Lord Helman... He's not only my father's friend. I've known him since I was a child. I'm sure that he will help us. Marcus: What? Lord Eliwood! Beware! (Bandits come up) Zagan: Heh heh heh... Noble sirs. Alms for a poor villager. Marcus: Poor villager? You look nothing like an honest man. Clear the road. Step quickly or... Zagan: Step quickly? Heh heh... Good advice. Maybe it's you who should follow it! Marcus: What? Zagan: Someone wants the boy in an early grave. A shame if you ask me, but he'll die here today. C'mon, boys! Earn your keep! Dorcas: Here we go again, eh, Mark? Just like old times... Seems our fates are bound. Natalie? Oh, she's still in Pherae. I'm working for you this time, so she's not too worried. Guide my axe, Mark. (Start of battle) (At third enemy phase) Zagan: Bah! He puts up a good fight for a pampered noble pup. It's up to me to finish him. (After third enemy phase) Eliwood: How many are there? This looks-- (At the north side of the map) Hector: Hey! What's going on over there? Looks like some rough business. You! Soldier! Are you just going to stand there and watch? Soldier: Who do you think you are? This is Santaruz. What occurs here is no affair of any foreign lordling! Hector: I believe I'm going to have to disagree with you. You see, the man they're attacking happens to be a friend of mine. Soldier: A friend? What? ...Urrrgh!! Hector: Sorry, but I'm in a hurry. Serra: Ewww! That's terrible! I loathe violence! Matthew: Nicely done, my lord! You're a fighter born. Oswin: I cannot condone resorting to force so quickly… Hector: Chastise me later, Oswin. First, we deal with these brigands! Come! We must help Eliwood! Oswin: Help Eliwood? Sounds like a convenient excuse for more violence. Hector: Oswin! Oswin: Yes, yes. I'm coming! Hector: Matthew! Take Serra and find someplace to hide. Matthew: What! With…Serra? Serra: No! I'm going with you! Hector: You are not! You'll slow us down! Serra: Oh! How rude! Hector: Oswin! Let's go! (Hector and Oswin join) (Visiting the village) Villager: Hmm... You look like you've some experience with battle. No need to conceal it. I've fought in many a battle in my time, I assure you. Let me tell you one thing about combat, though. The most important thing is technique. If you've no skill, you'll rarely strike your enemy. My instructor gave me this secret book long ago. It will improve the fighting prowess of the one who reads it. I'm too old to make use of it, so why don't you take it? (Got a Secret book) (Visiting the bottom house) Girl: It's really important to trust your companions, yes? If you have a boon companion fighting at your side, you feel stronger and more confident. Hm? Who do I think make good companions for whom? Well, I am a fortune-teller, so I could do a reading, but… (Visiting the bottom left house) Man: I saw them, I did. About a month ago…Marquess Pherae and his men passed right through here. They've all gone missing, haven't they? A group as strong as that just up and vanishing…Couldn't have been bandits, but…I don't believe it. Must've been something terrible. The world's become a dangerous place, it has. (Visiting the top house) Woman: The marquess who leads Santaruz is Lord Helman. He doesn't ask for much, and he's a nice enough fellow. I wouldn't call him weak, but he is more follower than leader. Lately, he's been meeting with Marquess Laus quite a lot. I hope nothing bad comes of it, but… (Hector and Eliwood talk) Hector: Eliwood! Are you all right? Eliwood: Hector! What are you-- Hector: Later! First let's take care of these louts. Eliwood: Right! (Versus Zagan) Zagan: Curses! What are you waiting for!? Let me show you boys how it's done! (Zagan dies) Zagan: Oh…aaurr…This…was not…so easy…as it seemed… (After map is cleared) Hector: Whew…Is that all of them? Eliwood: Hector! Where did you come from? Hector: Well met, Eliwood. Eliwood: Yes, but…what are you doing here? Hector: You wound me! Eliwood: How do you mean? Hector: You're looking for your father, right? Why didn't you send word? Eliwood: Your brother was just named Marquess Ostia. He's going to be very busy setting up his court council. Lord Uther must need your support. You are his brother, after all. Hector: My brother is not so weak. Oh, he has mentioned some things in public, but…He knew exactly what I was planning, and he let me go. Eliwood: Is that so? Well then, it would be unwise to refuse his kindness! It does me good to see you, Hector. Thank you. Hector: Think nothing of it. You know Oswin, don't you? Oswin: Well met, Lord Eliwood. Eliwood: It is good to see you again, Oswin. So you came as well? Oswin: Yes. Lord Uther was worried about Lord Hector traveling alone. I've been ordered to keep a close eye on him. Eliwood: Ha ha ha! Of course! Good to have you with us. Serra: Lord Hector! Why didn't you tell me the fighting was done!? Matthew: I apologize for the interruption. I couldn't restrain her any longer! Eliwood: Are these your companions, Hector? Hector: Oh…Yes, I suppose they are. One might have hoped for better, but… Serra: That was uncalled for! I can't believe you said that! Matthew, did you hear what he said about you? Matthew: Me? He was talking about you! Eliwood: Hector, why don't you introduce us? Hector: The noisy one is Serra. Believe it or not, she's a cleric. Serra: Yes, I am Serra, my lord. Pleased to meet you. Hector: And that's Matthew. He does a lot of…sneaking around. Matthew: My lord. Eliwood: Sneaking…around. Matthew: Well…I, er…gather information, open doors, chests, and such. I've got…nimble fingers. Eliwood: That sounds…like a thief's work… Hector: Well…Don't let it worry you. Eliwood: But… Hector: This journey…I suspect it will be harder than you imagine. You may have to accept things like this if you want to survive. Eliwood: What is it, Hector? Do you know something? Hector: Nothing specific. Rumors abound, though. A league of assassins from Bern has been moving around in Lycia. Experienced bounty hunters and mercenaries are vanishing… Eliwood: That reminds me. One of the men who attacked us said something odd. Hector: What was it? Marcus: Lord Eliwood, if I may? Hector: Marcus! Good to see you! Marcus: Lord Hector, it's been far too long. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Hector: Come now, Marcus. No need for such formalities. Tell me what you heard. Marcus: Of course. The apparent leader of that gang of thugs…He indicated that someone was watching Lord Eliwood…That someone needed him dead. Hector: Hmm…That is troubling. Actually, a captain of the guard was watching the fight when we arrived. He was a knight of Santaruz, and yet he just stood there and let a lord be attacked. I think he was planning on seeing you die. Eliwood: So, Mark. What do you think? …You might be right. Something may have happened to Lord Helman, too. Come! We must hurry to the castle! Hector: Eliwood! Who is this? Eliwood: This is Mark. I required tactical aid in the search for my father, and… Hector: Oh, I see. So this is who directed the battle plan back there, hm? You know, Mark, you're very young. We've many strategists in Ostia, but none so young. Eliwood, are you sure about this one? Eliwood: Mark is still a student of military strategy, but…We've received nothing but sound advice so far. Mark has my trust. Hector: All right. I suppose I shall witness your skills firsthand. Well met, Mark. Matthew: Hello! How have you been, Mark? Eh? My secret's revealed? Oh, that. Yes, it's true. My guise as a common thief was but a ruse. I've served House Ostia for some time as a spy of sorts! Surprised? Well, regardless, it looks like we'll be traveling together again. Here's to our mutual survival! Serra: Eeeeeeee! Mark! Is it really you? It's been far, far too long! You missed me, didn't you? Of course you did. I knew it. Hm? Didn't I tell you before? I'm in the employ of Ostia, Lycia's ruling territory. I'll be here to help you just like before! Aren't you lucky!
  11. In Blazing Sword and Sword of Seals, the legendary weapons have different stats. It could be the same case with the legendary weapons in this game. Maybe Ragnell and Alondite were much more powerful in the past and had differing stats, thus giving Altina a reason to have both swords on her.
  12. IS did program every character to get a +5 stat bonus in Easy Mode endgame, so critical immunity would not have been that far of a stretch. I'm actually more interested in how the Black Knight lost his armor's blessing than how he obtained it in the first place. It could be that blessings wear off over time, but Dheginsea had a "resilient blessing," so maybe the blessings are different for each case.
  13. From the enemy? In that case, having 30 Luck over 25 or 22 wouldn't save you. I guess you just have to cross your fingers and hope you don't get criticaled.
  14. Makes me wonder if status effects use a different RN system than regular hits, because I have got hit with a LOT of status effects at very low Hit chances. Or maybe I'm just unlucky. I don't consider Arch Mogalls more annoying than Gorgons because Arch Mogalls are simply Gorgons without Stone. And one particularly annoying monster is named..... Fomortiis.
  15. Gorgons are the most annoying, definitely. But it is possible to get their Stone down to 0% Hit if you have avoid boosting supports. Getting WTA through Light magic helps too.
  16. Ah, that must mean that enemy Berserkers have 28 Spd? WOW. So Generals ARE screwed then. Basically Lunatic means you have to have perfect stats or you die. You must also have good growth rates if your Sages can get enough HP/Def to survive a 50 Atk hit (the total growth rates haven't been posted on this site yet, so I don't know them). Paladins are in the same boat as Sages/Sorcerers, as all three classes have a 25 Speed Cap. About the weird Luck caps for Paladins and Berserkers, I have no explanation. But unless Berserkers, Swordmasters, Snipers, or other units get a significant critical bonus, it doesn't impact combat too much. Snipers got a 5 critical bonus, Berserkers got 10 in Shadow Dragon, but high Luck is still enough to cancel that out. The main problem with Generals is SPEED. Dracoknights would also get doubled by enemy Berserkers, as their Speed cap is only 23. I bring up Dracoknights because they also have a 30 Def Cap.
  17. It would be easier to kill the Fire Dragon if Aureola, Durandal, and others had 3x effectiveness. That's definitely one instance in FE7 where I wish I had an effective coefficient of 3. Yes, it is true that Fire Emblems get easier when they come to NA. I personally am not insulted by that, many of you don't like the change however. I considered the Fire Emblem games to be challenging enough as they were, especially when I was a first timer. H5 in Shadow Dragon was pretty hard, and if New Mystery has a mode that is harder than that, it doesn't seem to me like IS is making the Fire Emblems easier. A direct sequel to a Fire Emblem is harder than the original. Thracia 776 is harder than Seisen no Keifu. Sword of Seals is harder than Blazing Sword. Radiant Dawn is harder than Path of Radiance. What I say is, you can do whatever you need to do to make a game sufficiently challenging for you. I see a lot of topics on Serenes Forest that log challenge playthroughs. What is the challenge playthrough for this game? Use Generals, because apparently they suck in this game. If they need better caps, it is in their Speed. Their Strength cap is pretty good (27), so they don't need much more of that. I don't know the attack power of Lunatic Mages, but I can't imagine Paladins faring any better because they only have 3 more Res than Generals in their class bases. Regarding caps in general (again, no pun intended), that is a character's true limit. And as I said before, caps are useless if you can't reach them. Maybe they should go back to giving all characters the same caps (like in FE3 or FE5), and have the caps be 50 in everything (maybe 60 or 80 for HP).
  18. If Narga existed in FE10 and anybody with an SS in Light could use it, Micaiah could have up to 53 Spd, 43 Def, 60 Res, and 70 Atk. This is NOT including support bonuses, terrain bonuses, or other things such as the Easy mode bonus or White Pool.
  19. Amen, Brother. And no, it wasn't Freddy Mercury. Also, Peppy in Star Fox 64 says "I've got a BAD feeling about this, Fox." If Pegasus Knights in Fire Emblem start saying "Do a barrel roll!" then that's something to get excited about.
  20. If Sigrun is Elincia's sister then Begnion really does have a right to rule Crimea after all.
  21. An Archer with 4 HP.....Kinda reminds me of the Zombie Archer glitch from FE7. Now, if the game really wanted to punish you for hacking Faval would've had a 4 in every other stat as well.
  22. Thracia 776 is the only Fire Emblem game where you can never have a 100% chance to hit. Also, it's the only game in which enemies can actually buy their own weapons.
  23. I think that is only because North American gamers were experiencing Fire Emblem for the very first time with FE7. I think the dumbed down difficulty was perfectly justified. When FE9 came out, Americans were still not ready for a serious Fire Emblem challenge, so that's why Maniac mode was taken out. FE10's changes didn't affect everyone. I barely ever use forged weapons, so the forging points system wouldn't have bothered me one bit. I also try to promote people with Master Crowns at Level 20 in order to save a level of BEXP or CEXP. I didn't use Tarvos, Lughnasadh, or Calabolg a lot either. I don't know what, if anything, was changed for FE11's NA release. Why are you all so worried that Lunatic mode will be removed from FE12 when it comes to NA? Some of you are already playing the game, so you already have access to Lunatic mode. I have found Fire Emblem to be a game that is as easy or as hard as you want it to be. You can blow through the games with two or three arena abused units at maximum stats, or you can play with 0% growths. Even FE8 can be made very difficult if you want it to be. And why are we bashing IS so much when they are making the Fire Emblem games that we love so much? (Since this is a Fire Emblem based website, I make the assumption that all of you like at least one Fire Emblem.)
  24. True, if you are facing Berserkers with 50 Atk then just about everyone will die in two or three hits, including Generals. Magic users are gonna get one shotted for sure. I have never played a non-Radiant Dawn Fire Emblem where I could get a magic user to have well over 10 Def and 40 HP (thus surviving one 50 Atk hit) without cheating or RNG abusing. But magic users can at least serve as healers if they're no good for fighting. Generals are only worse off than other units because they get doubled, as well as having weapon triangle disadvantage against Berserkers. (I know there are more enemies than Berserkers, I just used them as an example.) Radiant Dawn was when Paladins and magic users got nerfed. Now it's the General's turn to get nerfed, which makes me sad because General is my favorite Fire Emblem class. Generals could defend reliably in H5 Mode of Shadow Dragon, assuming their Defense kept up. Now nobody can defend reliably in Lunatic mode of this game. 50 Atk from GENERIC enemies?! (I would like to see a screenshot of that.) See, this is what happens when we complain about games being too easy. Nintendo does pay attention when we say stuff like that. And Lunatic mode proves it.
  25. Glare's activation rate seems to be 0 against bosses. Nailah's chance to activate Glare on Jarod was 0.
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