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Everything posted by Charpig

  1. You mean when Mist marries Boyd? Heather is nothing like Boyd.
  2. Here's a stupid question people ask about Fire Emblem: "Is there any way to bring my dead units back?" when it says very clearly on the back of the game box that if your units fall in battle, they are gone forever! I know some Fire Emblems have staves that can revive dead characters but still.....
  3. The master seals and crowns are still in the NA version of FE10. What was changed was that you did not require Master Crowns to go to third tier, you could do so simply by leveling up. In the JP version of FE10 Master Crowns were required to go to third tier, and there were more master crowns to find in the game.
  4. You guys erased your data unknowingly? Yikes. And yes, this game does need to come out in the USA already. I can't wait to try the Lunatic mode. But will you get Luke back up to 30 Defense? It always sucks when you have a really great unit one playthrough but you know that you may never be able to get him that good again. May the RNG have mercy on you.
  5. Just thought of something..... What if Heather and Florina meet?
  6. At this moment, the weirdest thing I've seen..... is Hector hugging Lyn. The WTF look on Lyn's face was priceless. Also the special conversation between the two in Chapter 31x. "C'mon! Hit me! Wind up and let it fly!" Other weird things that could potentially happen: Shinon is nice to Ike, breaks down like a little baby and tells Ike about why he likes the Greil Mercenaries so much We discover that Lucius is, in fact, a girl In a scripted battle, one character misses with 90% hit and 20% crit. The enemy then counters with 30% hit and 1% crit, killing the attacker. The attacker then says "I.....I was cheated....." in his death quote. Just imagine.....A death quote acknowleding RNG Screwage.
  7. I meant Fire Emblem in general (no pun intended), not this particular game. Besides, New Mystery is not yet out in North America, where I live. I have heard that Generals are very bad units in FE6, but in FE7 Oswin and Wallace are considered good units. Generals can either be totally invincible and own the battlefield due to absurdly high Defense, or they can get doubled by every enemy on the map due to bad Speed and easily killed, not having enough Defense to cancel out damage. The latter seems to be the case in this game if we're facing Berserkers that have 50 Atk. I've been on both ends of the stick in my Fire Emblem gaming. That's what I meant when I said that Generals either kick ass or suck ass. I'm sure there are other classes that experience these extremes, it just seems to happen most often with Generals.
  8. It seems to me that Generals will either kick ass or suck ass. In Blazing Sword, Sacred Stones, PoR, Radiant Dawn, and Shadow Dragon, they kick ass. It seems that in the Japanese Fire Emblems (which I haven't played yet) they suck ass. In H5 mode of Shadow Dragon, characters with 30 Defense would take little or no damage from physical enemies, exceptions being the Manaketes and Medeus himself. Both Paladins and Generals got doubled by H5 Medeus, so neither of them was particularly better for the endgame. Hell, no matter what class you are, you have to have at least 27 Spd to not get doubled by Medeus, which is a tall order for anyone considering the shitty growths that characters have in that game. With regard to Res, most people had 0% Res growth in Shadow Dragon. The Paladin base Res was 6, General was 3. That doesn't mean crap against forged Thoron mages with 30+ Atk. Even as early as Chapter 6 you are facing mages with 20 Atk, which is still enough to make a 3 Res gain moot because you are losing over half of your health (or possibly all of it) to a single hit. So, you cannot tell me that Generals particularly suck in Shadow Dragon. Their weaknesses are the same as the other units. Almost everyone gets doubled by Medeus, and almost everyone has very bad Res and takes massive damage from the magic users. With regard to Hammers vs. Ridersbanes, there are a hell of a lot more enemy Ridersbanes than Hammers, which would in fact put the PALADIN at a bigger disadvantage. I have yet to play this game, though. Does Medeus still have 50 Atk (or higher) in Lunatic Mode? There is no doubt in my mind that he would still double Generals. And, what is the average Atk of physical enemies, lategame? Someone in this topic said that Generals need some kind of skill to benefit nearby allies. I would suggest an ability to boost the Def and Res of allied units by 3. Any unit would benefit from that, and it would make Generals more useful. I personally think that Big Shield on a General is redundant, because the whole point of a General's Defense is to already take no damage from enemies. I just want Generals to kick ass like Oswin did in FE7. Use Generals or not, it's your choice entirely. I'm gonna use 'em. That was my two cents. One last thing: No matter how high your caps are, they are meaningless if you can't reach them.
  9. You know that you will have to write a sequel for when New Mystery of the Emblem comes out. And have Scooby die somehow. "Scooby Doo and the Mystery of the Emblem" Shaggy: Like, Zoinks, Scoob! Look at all those Paladins with Silver Lances! Velma: Jinkies! If we can just find that Starlight tome..... Shaggy: Scooby! You have to hold off those Paladins! Scooby: Uh uh! Velma: Would you do it for a Scooby Snack? Scooby: No way! Velma: How about two Scooby Snacks? Shaggy: With that many Paladins he'll need five Scooby Snacks! Velma: Five Scooby Snacks?! That's all I have left! But,it's our only chance..... (The box of Scooby Snacks breaks, play broken weapon sound) Scooby:Scooby Dooby Doo! (Scooby fights the Paladins, one of them gets a 3% critical on Scooby, killing him) Scooby:R-Raggy.....I.....love.....you..... Shaggy: No! SCOOB! My best friend..... Velma:Curse you, Emperor Hardin! We'll unmask you somehow! Where are Fred and Daphne during all of this? They have just achieved their A Support and are making out in the thicket. Little do they know that a Manakete has just appeared from a nearby cave to the west.....
  10. Why isn't Elice one of the options (for magic user)? If she was I would tell you to use her. I know she comes late in the game but you can still get her to kick @$$.
  11. All right, I'm going through Eliwood's tale this time. Here is his first chapter. Script for Chapter 11 (E) Narrator: Once, dragon fought man in a war called the Scouring… Mankind vanquished the dragons thanks to the efforts of eight heroes. These eight mighty generals brought peace to Elibe. The continent was divided into nations, and the people enjoyed an easy prosperity. The hero Hartmut settled in the east and founded Bern, famed for its military might. St. Elimine moved west, and her sacred name flourished among the artisans of Etruria. The horseman Hanon's legacy lived on with the nomads of his beloved plains of Sacae. The birthplace of the knight Barigan is now home to the renowned Knights of Ilia. The berserker Durban's final glory was to create a warrior's clan in the Western Isles. The archsage Athos is said to have retired to the barren wasteland of Nabata. The heirs of the champion Roland themselves became the lords of the Lycian League. Elibe has enjoyed a peace that spans 980 years… How much longer can this peace stand before its foundations begin to crumble? Deep within the Lycian League lies Pherae, a land that has known no conflict for many generations, but which now finds itself touched by a shadow of unease. Its beloved and benevolent ruler, Lord Elbert, has mysteriously vanished… as have a number of his sworn men, loyal knights who serve at his side. A month has passed without word from the marquess. Rumors of his death abound. However, the marquess's son believes his father lives, and he has vowed to find him. Marquess Pherae's son, Eliwood: A red-haired youth who will one day become the finest knight in all of Lycia. His long journey begins here. (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 11: Taking Leave) Marcus: Lord Eliwood, we leave on your word. Eliwood: I see. Thank you, Marcus. Eliwood: Mother, it's time for us to go. Eleanora: Eliwood… Promise that you will return to me safely. I'm worried about your father, but… If anything were to happen to you… My heart could not bear that sorrow. Eliwood: I know, Mother. Please do not worry. Father is alive, I know it. I vow that I will find him and return him to your side. Eleanora: I have your word then. Eliwood: Yes, of course. Isadora, I entrust my mother to you in my absence. Isadora: Yes, milord. I will guard over her well. Eliwood: Mother, I will return. Rest easy. (Eleanora and Isadora leave) Eliwood: Well, Marcus, it looks like it's just the two of us. Marcus: Not so, milord. My man Lowen will be traveling with us. Eliwood: Lowen? That's reassuring. Marcus: I've sent him ahead to the village. He hopes to seek out a few able men who are skilled at arms. Normally, I wouldn't venture forth without a larger company, but… I bow to your will on this matter, Lord Eliwood. Eliwood: I'm sorry, Marcus, but I would rather not deprive my mother of even a single guard. The best knights in the realm disappeared with my father. If anything were to happen to my mother while I am gone, I… Marcus: I understand, milord. Hmph! What's keeping Lowen!? (At the village) Groznyi: We've all heard that the knights of Pherae have vanished, right? Well, your misfortune is my good luck! I have an announcement to make! As of now, this village is mine! Groznyi is your new liege! Now bring every last piece of gold, down to the smallest fleck! (Lowen rides up to Eliwood) Lowen: Lord Eliwood! Co-Commander Marcus! I… Marcus: Lowen! Calm yourself! A knight must be in control at all times. Lowen: The village is under attack! It's bandits! Marcus: What? Bandits? Here!? Eliwood: Are you sure, Lowen? Lowen: This girl has more details. Rebecca: My lord Eliwood? I'm the daughter of the village magistrate. My name's Rebecca. The bandits came without warning. They're stealing everything! I beg you! Please help us! Eliwood: I see. Marcus! Lowen! We must aid the village! Lowen: Yes, milord! Eliwood: Rebecca, stay here, and keep out of sight. Rebecca: If it please you, milord, I would rather fight. I hunt almost every day, and I have some skill with a bow. Eliwood: Is that so? Very well, but be careful! Rebecca: Yes, milord. Lowen: Lord Eliwood, one more thing. There is another in the village who has offered to help. A traveling tactician who was staying at the inn. Eliwood: A tactician? Lowen: Yes, milord. This is Mark. Eliwood: Mark! Lowen: Do you know this person, milord? Eliwood: Yes. I met Mark during the trouble in Caelin last year. A fantastic military advisor, if memory serves. If not for Mark, the marquess of Caelin and his granddaughter, Lyn, might not have survived Lundgren's uprising. What brings you to Pherae, my friend? Ha! Still traveling about, honing your skills? Of course… A worthy pursuit. Let's give thanks to providence for our chance reunion. We have need of your aid. Please lend us your skill. (Start of battle) (After first turn, Bartre and Dorcas appear) Bartre: Look, Dorcas! Can you believe it? It's just like that knight said! That's Lord Eliwood! Dorcas: So it seems. Bartre: What's he doing? Hey, he's taking on those bandits. Protecting innocents? That's a right lordly thing to do, isn't it? Right, Dorcas? Dorcas: You talk too much. The lordling needs our help. Bartre: Right! Leave these mountain weaklings to me! I'm Bartre the Brave! (Visiting the village) Woman: Is Lord Elbert well? We've heard nothing but foul rumors hereabouts… All of Pherae is worried for his well-being. We hear tell that Lord Eliwood is going to find the marquess. This dragon shield is our village treasure… It boosts the defenses of the one who uses it. Take it, please. And may it see you and Lord Elbert home safely. (Got a Dragonshield) (Visiting the left house) Man: There's a young traveler been stayin' with the magistrate. Been stayin' in the village for a few days now. I know, you're thinkin' it's just another good-for-nothing courtier lookin' for a handout. But there's somethin' more to this one… Those eyes… They miss nothing. Got a mission, that one has. (Visiting the right house) Man: You've got some skill with weapons, but do you understand weapon levels? The more you use a weapon, the more skilled you become. Still, you can only reach the highest level with a single weapon. …But to look at you, I think it'll be a while before that happens. (Versus Groznyi) Groznyi: What is this, a pack of children coming to play? You think you can challenge me? What? Pheraen knights!? But that's impossible!!! (Groznyi dies) Groznyi: Ugh… I thought my luck… was finally turning around… (After map is cleared) Elder: Ah, you would be Lord Eliwood, yes? Our deepest thanks for coming to the aid of our fair village. Eliwood: Think nothing of it. It's a lord's duty to protect the citizenry. Elder: Would that were true, milord. The good folk of Laus know no such protection. Their marquess, Lord Darin, is too busy preparing for war. He ignores all complaints of bandits and thieves. Eliwood: Preparing for war? Are you sure? Elder: I would not lie, milord. My brother lived in Laus until a few days ago. His home was torched, and he had no choice but to flee here. According to him, Laus could go to war any day now. It's all the people of Laus are talking about. Marcus: Lord Eliwood, if this is true, the situation is a grave one. If Marquess Laus is readying for war… His target is most likely another Lycian territory. Perhaps this is connected to Lord Elbert's disappearance. Eliwood: My father and Marquess Laus? It seems a tenuous connection, but it's as good a start as any. Let us travel to Laus. We must learn more. (Outside the village) Eliwood: Thank you for your guidance, Mark. Where are you bound for next? If you have no destination in mind, perhaps you could travel with us. Ours is a small group, with a single purpose--to find my father. I do not know where our road will lead, but… We would be stronger with you in our company. You will travel with us? Splendid! Thank you! I pray we give you no cause to regret your decision. (Eliwood leaves, Rebecca comes out) Elder: Rebecca! Where do you think you're going, young lady? Rebecca: Father, I… I intend to accompany Lord Eliwood. Elder: Don't be ridiculous, girl! Lord Eliwood is not going on a picnic. He's riding into danger. Rebecca: I know that, Father. That's why I want to go. We owe him our lives, and I want to repay him. My bow may not be all that much, but I know I can be of service! Elder: But… Rebecca: And, Father… I may meet up with my brother somewhere. You're the magistrate--you have responsibilities. I… This is all I can offer. I need to do this! Please, Father! Let me go! Elder: Dear me… You're just as stubborn as your mother was. Rebecca: I'm sorry, Father… Elder: You must bow to Lord Eliwood's wishes on this matter. If he consents, you may go. Rebecca: Thank you, Father! Elder: Lord Elbert has always been kind to us. Follow his son with a true heart, Rebecca. Serve Lord Eliwood well, as I have served his father. Rebecca: I will, Father!
  12. At last, the final chapter! Unfortunately, the ending has the forced scrolling dialogue again..... But I think most of it is already on this site, especially the scene with Roy. Since I went to Chapter 19xx, Nergal's death quote changed a little. I might do the Eliwood chapters next. Credits go to LittleAl and Bertaxx of YouTube for the Hector and Lyn special conversation. Script for the Final Chapter (Hector's Tale) (Chapter title is displayed – Final Chapter: Light) Hector: That blackheart Nergal's back there! I wonder if we should wait for old Graybeard. (Athos appears) Athos: If you're looking for me, I'm right here. Eliwood: Lord Athos! Hector: You're late, Graybeard! Lyn: ...Well? Were you successful? Athos: I was. Use this magic tome. Eliwood: What is it? Athos: A legendary item, Aureola. The strongest light magic, wielded by Saint Elimine herself. With this, we should be able to rend Nergal's dark cloak and do him much harm. And these, too, have been infused with magic that makes them more effective against Nergal. Durandal for Eliwood. And for Hector, Armads. Eliwood: It's... I can feel it already... Its power is beyond words. Hector: Incredible! With this, I know I cannot fail. Athos: ...And Lyndis, this is for you. Lyn: Hm? What blade is this? Athos: A spirit-inhabited sword, the partner of the Mani Katti. This is the Sol Katti. It's not a legendary item, but its blade contains much power. Lyn: Thank you! Athos: Nils, is Nergal back there? Nils: Unn... I sense tremendous power. ...What could it be? I feel something really odd. Athos: He should have lost most of his henchmen in that last battle. But... Mm. I read energy, too... if only a little. Nils is right. The sense of it is different than before. Brace yourselves. He is...formidable! Eliwood: We understand. Let's go, everyone! Hector: Mark, now this definitely is the last battle. Like Athos Graybeard said about Nergal... Average people and ordinary weapons won't be enough to oppose him. You've got to choose who goes with us carefully. (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) Merlinus: Lord Eliwood... Lord Hector... Eliwood: Merlinus... Thank you for everything. Hector: You're made of sterner stuff than I'd imagined. Thought you'd've fled by now. Merlinus: ...Sniff sniff... I thought as much. You're not taking me with you...... ...Sniff ooh... Hector: That's disgusting. Cry if you must, but do something about that runny nose. What are we supposed to do? You can't fight, so we can't afford to take you with us. Eliwood: Take this and return to Fargus's ship. Merlinus: ...Wh-What is this, may I ask? Hector: A letter of introduction. Take this to Ostia, and you'll be able to do good business there. Of course, if we fail in our mission, it's just a worthless slip of paper. Merlinus: But... ...I must protest!! For the rest of my days, I've vowed in my heart to continue serving you both! Please, oh please! Do not abandon me. Eliwood: Merlinus... ...... Hector: Then go get on the boat and pray for our safe return! Eliwood: ...Please. Have faith in us. Wait for us. Merlinus: ...Sniff sniff... ...I... I under...stand. Until the end of time, my lord. I will wait for you until the end of time. Please...come back... safely... Please! Hector: Yeah, OK. We're going. Bye. Eliwood: We'll be back. Merlinus: ......... Oh, Lord Eliwood... Oh my... (The party confronts Nergal) Hector: Nergal! Nergal: Pah...you're here. But you're too late. The gate is already opened. I will claim the mighty quintessence of dragons. I will become stronger and move ever closer to perfection. Hector: You're through here! You've sacrificed people like they were nothing but things! What does power mean if it comes at such a cost? Nergal: I am who I am. The pain of others, I do not feel. The sorrow of others does not touch me. Death feeds me. Death pleases me. I am the essence I consume. You fools will become corpses here, because I wish it to be. Rise and come forth, my servants! (Nergal summons morphs) Hector: This... Nergal: You seem impressed with my work. Or perhaps it's just that you've seen a familiar face? Hector: Marquess Laus!? And the Black Fang knaves... What have you done, Nergal!? Nergal: These morphs you see before you, I've given them the abilities and appearances of the people whose essences I used to craft them. Do you understand? I have power. The power to perform miracles. Oh, yes... Hector. Your brother, Uther, the marquess of Ostia? He's dead, is he not? Hector: How-- Nergal: If you would like, I could make a morph of your brother. It would be well suited for a fragile human such as you. Perhaps a heartless puppet could ease the longing in your soul. Hector: Shut up. A heartless puppet? That's you, monster. Nergal: ...What? Hector: To gain power, you think of no one but yourself. You are devoid of emotion, unable to feel pain or suffering... You are the puppet, Nergal! Nergal: Pah... Your weakness runs deep in you. You can never understand. The concepts of good and evil are devoid of any meaning, any value. These ideas prevent humans from liberating their own strengths. Such foolishness... The ultimate foolishness of the human race!! Athos: Nergal, after all these years... You have not stopped to reconsider your ideas at all. Nergal: The same is true of you, Athos. You must see the truth of it! All living creatures take energy from somewhere. We all use it to create, to change it into something better. The knowledge of Arcadia has shown us the road to the ultimate transformation. And yet you will not take that road! Why do you reject the obvious? Athos: I am not opposed to the quest for power, for greater knowledge. However, that quest must be driven from within. To fuel your quest with the stolen lives of others, this brings not wisdom but abomination. Nergal: Heh heh heh... I remember. I still remember! Those words are unchanged from when you first said them ages back. When you and the dragons conspired to bury me! (Nergal shows his wound) Nergal: Look at this wound! The wound I took from your magic!! It was a mistake. The only person who understood... The man I thought my truest friend... It was a mistake to try and destroy me. Heh heh heh heh... It confirmed some things for me. That trust brings betrayal. That friends bring weakness! Hector: You're beyond help, you craven fool! Do you have any idea how Graybeard felt? What it must have meant to cut down a former friend? Are you telling me that you don't get it? Athos: Hector... Hector: What happened in the past, what reasons drive you... None of these matter!! I have no compassion or pity for you whatsoever! The crimes you've committed are unforgivable. I care not for your excuses. Prepare yourself, Nergal! With these hands, I shall end your crimes today!! Nergal: Interesting... Let us put your skills to the test. Assuming, of course, that you can get past my morphs first. Hector: This is my fight! Stand back, everyone!! Lyn: Don't be stupid! We're fighting, too. We're not just going to leave you alone, Hector. Eliwood: I'm with you. Before, now, and from here on, too. Hector: You guys... Nils: Don't forget me, Lord Hector! And...Ninian. I'm sure she's here as well. Hector: Nils... Oh! Mark, you, too?! (The other units say their lines) Hector: Everyone... Here we go! Give it your all, and beat this knave! (Eliwood and Lyn talk) Lyn: Eliwood! Wait! Eliwood: What is it, Lyndis? Lyn: Is it true what Nergal said? Eliwood: You mean about Lord Uther? Lyn: He said he's dead... When-- Did you know, Eliwood?! Eliwood: ...Hector has been acting a little strange... So I forced Oswin to tell me. It was the same illness that took his father. The sickness came on suddenly. It took less than a year for the disease to spread. Lyn: So when we met him in Castle Ostia, he was... Eliwood: He was dying. ...Yet...he... He didn't want Hector or us to know... He pushed himself too far. I'm sure he was told he shouldn't be moving about... Lyn: Hector...when... when did he... Eliwood: Only recently... He figured it out when he saw Lord Uther wasn't at the castle. He pressed Oswin to tell him. ......After that, so as not to distract us, Hector pretended that nothing was amiss... Lyn: ...... ...That's...no-- ...That's... Eliwood: Lyndis... (Eliwood talks with Hector) Eliwood: Hector… Do you have a minute? Hector: It’s about my brother, isn’t it? Sorry I didn’t tell you. Eliwood: It’s all right. I understand you better than anyone. More importantly, have you settled things with Oswin? Hector: …Don’t talk to me about him. Eliwood: Hector… You’re not angry with Oswin. When Lord Uther was in trouble, you weren’t at his side. You’re angry with yourself. It’s true, isn’t it? I was the same way. I couldn’t save my father… I couldn’t save Ninian… Over and over, I blamed myself… Hector: Eliwood… Eliwood: But, you know, that’s just a way of running from the sadness of loss. I think you’ve realized that already. Lord Uther…and Oswin… They were thinking of you above all else. You must see that, but if you continue to pretend you do not, you will lost sight of something terribly valuable. That’s all I have to say. Hector: …… (Hector talks with Oswin, occurs after talking with Eliwood) Hector: Oswin! Oswin: Lord Hector. What is it? Hector: …It’s OK. I, uhm… I don’t have any more doubts! Nergal’s time is up! Oswin: Yes, sir! And I, Oswin, will be at your side no matter what!!! (Hector and Lyn talk, they must have an A support and Lyn must have talked with Eliwood) Hector: …What is it? Lyn: Hector… I’m certain…that… you did not…cry… So, I will… This…is your share…of tears… Don’t say…anything. Just, for a little while, let me lean on you. For a little while… Hector: …… Lyn: … … … … … … …Don’t… Hector: Hm? Lyn: …Don’t die… Please, you-- Hector: …I know. (Versus Uhai) Uhai: ............. (Uhai dies) Uhai: ............ (Versus Kenneth) Kenneth: ............ (Kenneth dies) Kenneth: ............ (Versus Brendan) Brendan: ............ (Brendan dies) Brendan: ............ (Versus Darin) Darin: ............ (Darin dies) Darin: ............ (Versus Ursula) Ursula: ............ (Ursula dies) Ursula: ............ (Versus Jerme) Jerme: ............ (Jerme dies) Jerme: ............ (Versus Lloyd) Lloyd: ............ (Lloyd dies) Lloyd: ............ (Versus Linus) Linus: ............ (Linus dies) Linus: ............ (Versus Nergal) Nergal: Be prepared. You are to be witness to a power that overwhelms all! (Nergal dies) Nergal: Why? Why must I lose? More power... I must be... stronger... I... Why? Why did I... want power? ......Quintessence? ...Don't...under...stand... but... Gaa... Not like this... I will not die...like this. With my last breath... tremble...and...despair. Hwah ha ha... Ha...ha ha ha... (After Nergal is dead) Lyn: ...Nils? What is it? Nils: ...I...don't know... Why...am I.........crying...? Hector: Don't worry. You've been through a lot. Eliwood: It's just relief. You've done well, haven't you? Lyn: Everything's OK. The world's been saved. And I know that Ninian is happy, too. (The ground shakes and a dragon roars) Hector: What was that!? Lyn: What on earth... What happened? Eliwood: It can't be... (Fire dragons appear) Hector: Ah! Lyn: Th... Are those... Dragons? Eliwood: Nergal's final warning... This is what he meant! Athos: What a calamity! If dragons return to this world... The continent will be ash in less than a month!! Hector: I'll stop this! I'll show you!! (Three dragons stand before the lords) Eliwood: So these are dragons. Hector: Look at the size of them. I've got a bad feeling about this. My... My legs are trembling just standing here. Lyn: There are three of them... I don't know if we can do this. I... We need some kind of help. Athos: I'll do what I can. I'll halt the dragons. Strike there!! (Athos lures the three dragons) Athos: Ahh... So powerful. Can they be stopped? Eliwood: Lord Athos! Flee! The dragons are getting closer!! Athos: ...If we can't stop them here, we are...lost. (Bramimond appears) Athos: Bramimond! Bramimond: ......Preparations...took time... ...OK. I require everyone's strength. Gather here the legendary power! Eliwood: Ah!! This light... Hector: Uwaa! What... What is it!? Lyn: Look! There...! (Ninian is revived!) Bramimond: Bring her back... Let the dragon girl's soul be restored. Eliwood: Ninian!! Nils: ...Ah! Ninian... Ninian: Where... Where am I? Bramimond: Girl with the exalted blood of dragons. Use that power to appease them. Ninian: ...Ah...it's not... possible. Use my power... in this world...... Bramimond: Do you not feel it? Your power returning? Ninian: ...What? ......Ah...... ...Yes... ... ... ... ...I will try. (Ninian casts Fimbulvetr on the dragons) Ninian: That's enough. I'm sorry... This is not your fault... ...I'm sorry. (Two of the dragons die) Ninian: No... no more...... Eliwood: Ninian!! Nils: It's OK. She only fainted. Thank goodness... Ninian...... Bramimond: One dragon still remains. Leave the girl to me. I shall tend to her. Athos: Chosen ones! You must stop the final dragon! You must save us all!! (After the dragon is beaten) Hector: Eliwood! Are you all right? Eliwood: Yes. Thanks to you, Hector. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here. I truly thank you. Hector: Ninny, I don't need your thanks. Friends help friends. Athos: Well done, brave successors to Roland. It's finally over. Finally, everything is... Hector: Graybeard!? Athos: Ha... Looks like I've exhausted my strength. I... I'll die before you, friend.
  13. Chapter 32x (H), the last Hector exclusive chapter. This one has very little dialogue. Script for Chapter 32x (H) Narrator: Hector gains the upper hand in the battle of Valor. Taking the lead, Hector moves straight toward the Dragon's Gate. Before his eyes, eerie ruins appear. What could they be? Are they connected to Nergal? If they overlook any enemy lurking within, they could be attacked from the rear. Without pause, they open the rusty steel door and step inside… (Chapter title is displayed - Chapter 32x: The Value of Life) Kishuna: ………… (Flashback) Nergal: …What do you want, monster? You can't fight… You can't harvest quintessence… Powerless and frail, you're naught but a false puppet, a pale imitation. Is this all I was capable of creating in the past…this fool? Absolutely worthless. You are my blunder, my failed morph… You are of no use to me. Go somewhere and rot away into dust. (End flashback) Kishuna: ………… Hector: More of them! Lyn: There are still some morphs left? So this must be Nergal's doing, too. Nils: Hey, Lord Hector! It's that weird power again… Like in the ruins below the desert. That area where magic was nullified. Hector: A magic seal? Here? Eliwood: Hector, what are you talking about? What's a magic seal? Hector: I don't know… I don't know too much about it. Nils: What's going on? It feels different than last time. In the desert, its energy felt so hostile… Now, it feels more like …sorrow? Lyn: Hector, they're moving. Hector: I don't know who they are, but it looks like they're after a fight. Show them no mercy! Let's go! (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) (Versus Kishuna) Kishuna: …………. (Kishuna dies) Kishuna: …………. (After map is cleared) Eliwood: The barrier's gone… Hector: We beat it. But what was it? We saw it here once before, and then under the desert. Was that the same creature? Eliwood: After that final blow, its body crumbled into dust. Lyn: Yeah. That's the same thing that happened to those morphs. Hector: So this thing… This magic seal was a morph, too? But it didn't look anything like the rest of them. Nils: But it was still a morph. When it died… I heard its voice call out… It called out a name… Nergal. Did you hear its voice? Sorrow… It was filled with a terrible sorrow. Eliwood: …… Hector: Everybody, are you ready? Once we get through here, it's on to the Dragon's Gate and the final battle! Here we go! Time to crush Nergal's ambitions!!
  14. Chapter 32 (H), third to last chapter (counting Chapter 32x). Anyone else wonder how Nergal is able to make so many morphs for this chapter, considering he's running out of quintessence? Script for Chapter 32 (H) Narrator: Hector moves ahead, and his brother Uther's dying wish goes with him. His destination is the Dread Isle. An enemy waits there, one who must be defeated. Nergal surrounds himself with his morphs and waits for Hector's arrival. The final battle draws near… (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 32: Victory or Death) Fargus: Well, we've arrived! Eliwood: Fargus, I can never thank you enough. Fargus: No need to worry about that. Are you sure you don't need our help from here? Fargus's pirate crew makes women smile and villains revile! We could be helpful. Eliwood: Thank you for your concern, but from here, we go alone. Hector: We don't have any idea what will happen. We'd like you to deliver a message, if you would. Lyn: Even if we successfully defeat Nergal, there's no saying if we'll survive the battle. Eliwood: We might… If we don't return. I apologize for the inconvenience, but… Fargus: I'll worry about that when the time comes. Don't worry. Eliwood: Thank you. And also… about Nils. Fargus: I know. I'll take responsibility for him. Lyn: …Nils? We're going now. Nils: …… Lyn: …… Hector: We're going to shatter Nergal's ambitions and bring him down! You wait here and rest until we get back, OK? Eliwood: Nils… I don't think you'll forgive me no matter how I apologize, but just hear me out. Our power is no match for Nergal. Even so, we can't give up. I have to fulfill Ninian's wish, too. I will never, ever flee from that duty. Nils: …… Eliwood: So…I want you to face reality as well. It doesn't have to be now… When you're past the pain. When you've…recovered… I'm sure that's what Ninian would want, too. Nils: … Eliwood: OK, Fargus. We're going. Fargus: Hey! Don't mess this up, pups!! (The lords leave) Fargus: Ahoy, Dart! Hold on a moment. Dart: Yeah? What is it, Captain? Fargus: Isn't there something you want to tell me? Dart: … … … …What?! Fargus: …… All right! Fine! Get going!! Dart: O-OK… Fargus: Dart! Dart: What? What is it? Fargus: …Don't come back dead. Dart: …… Fargus: …… Dart: Heh heh…is that it? Of course I'm not going to die! Fargus: Oh? Dart: You saved my life five years back. If I went and lost it now, you'd have my hide for a rug! I'll do whatever it takes to get back alive! Fargus: …Aye, is that so? Then get going! You'd better watch after those whelps, too!! Dart: Aye-aye, Captain! (Dart leaves) Fargus: Well then, time to get back on board and wait. C'mon, lad. Nils: …… Fargus: ………… Uh-oh! I forgot. I was supposed to give 'em something important! Nils: …? Fargus: It's something that'll come in real handy in battle. Can't believe I forgot. Nothing to be done but send someone after them… Nils: …I'll go. Fargus: Oh? Are you sure you want to do it? Nils: …I am. Fargus: …That's a relief. Live and return, whelp… (At the Dragon's Gate) Nergal: So they're coming… Limstella: …… Nergal: Go, Limstella. Bring their essences to me. Limstella: Sire… Nergal: I have given you magic stronger than any seen on the continent. Through this magic, you have gained much power. Perfect strength and perfect beauty. You are my masterpiece, Limstella. Limstella: …… Nergal: Your flesh cannot endure the power of this sorcery. Before tomorrow, your entire body will be corrupted. But this is what you desire, yes? The chance to die for me? Limstella: As you wish. (At the lords) Lyn: So far, so good. A little more and we'll be at the Dragon's Gate. Hector: We got here without much trouble. Wonder when Graybeard will show up? What do you want to do? Wait? Eliwood: Let me think… Nils: Lord Eliwood! Look out! Move!!! (A lightning bolt falls, Nils appears) Eliwood: Nils! You came!! Nils: I did. I can't run away any longer. I'll take Ninian's place. I have to do her part. No, I have to do Ninian's part and mine! I'll fight with you, and we'll change the course of fate! Hector: Well spoken! Now you sound like a man!! Lyn: Nils! Glad to see you. Nils: Sorry for worrying you. I'm fine now! And now… Stop skulking and come out! I know you're there. Lyn: Hm? What? (Limstella appears) Limstella: …… Lyn: Ah! Who? Nils: Limstella… The one who's always at Nergal's side. Lyn: Ebony hair…gold pupils… You're a morph, aren't you? Limstella: …I've come for your quintessence. …Come out, my humble servants… (A lot of enemies appear) Hector: We'll have to fight our way through! Lyn: No matter how many there are, we cannot retreat! Nils: …He hasn't called any dragons yet. If we go now, we might still have time to stop him!! Hector: Mark! It begins! The final battle! (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) Nils: Ah, Lord Hector, this is for you. Hector: It's an Earth seal! How did you get this? Nils: Fargus told me to give it to you. Hector: Are you telling me the old man had this all along?! Nils: He did say that it would help you in battle, but… Is it really that special? Hector: Yeah! It's as valuable as a Heaven seal. Doesn't matter where we use it, just so long as we use it! Nils: Uh-huh! (Got an Earth seal) (Visiting the middle ruins) Character: No one… Hm? What's this? (Got a Set's Litany) (Visiting the top ruins) Renault: …So noisy. I thought I could escape battle here on the Dread Isle. No… I'm not interested in why you're fighting. I am only looking for tranquility. If helping you will bring it to me, then I will lend you my power. Not that I will be that much help… (Renault joins) (Visiting the bottom ruins) Character: …It's just an old ruin. Sofiya: ……… Character: Ah!! Sofiya: Arch…sage? ……? Character: Who are you? Sofiya: You're…not…the… Archsage…are you? ……Um…I… I'm sorry…for…my mistake. Character: Wa-Wait! Who in the-- Sofiya: …I'm…from…Arcadia… …I wanted to speak to… …the Archsage…um… ……but…he's not… …here…is he? Character: No, he's not. Sofiya: …I see… … …Um… do you…need…this? Character: It's a talisman. Why would I need it? Sofiya: …We want… you all…to do your…best… ……For the future… …please don't lose… If the light is strong enough… it can dispel…darkness… Character: She's gone. What a mysterious girl. (Got a Talisman) (Versus Limstella) Limstella: I will take your life and your essence. All for the sake of my master. (Limstella dies) Limstella: I am not human. This body and this heart are constructs. Yes, as is this sorrow. (After map is cleared) Eliwood: That was a heated battle. Hector: I thought it was going to go on forever… Phew… Lyn: It's not finished yet. Nergal is waiting at the Dragon's Gate! Nils: Nergal. He must pay!! Eliwood: Before we go to the Dragon's Gate… Nils, if you don't mind, would you share your story with us? Nils: Huh? Eliwood: I won't force you to if you don't want to. Nils: …… OK, I'll tell you. I want you all to know about me and Ninian. A millenium ago… Man chased dragonkind from the land, exiled us. We had no place to go… not on this world. So we used the Dragon's Gate to flee into another world. When we passed through this chasm in space and time, many of us were lost. Still, we endured the journey. We found humans there, too, but they were few in number. We had a few skirmishes, but at last, we found a home. We were stable there, happy, even. But some thought back on our former home, and when we did, his voice reached out to us. Ninian was a medium in the other world, an oracle of sorts. She sat at the Dragon Shrine. She held much power. We were in prayer at the shrine when it happened… We heard a voice calling to us from the Dragon's Gate. It was the voice of an old friend…… We knew we weren't supposed to open the gate and return to this world. We had no idea that the owner of that voice was Nergal… Eliwood: Nergal… Nils: But something unexpected happened. When we opened the Dragon's Gate and traveled here again, we had lost almost all of our strength… The quintessence left within us was less even than that of an average human. In order to sustain ourselves, in order to breathe the air of this world, we took human form. We placed our energies within a dragonstone. But our dragonstone was taken…stolen. Nergal hoped to use it as a tool to summon other dragons. …Until we escaped. We couldn't let our foolishness condemn our friends. Disguised as a dancer and a bard, we fled and wandered from country to country. That's when we first met Lady Lyndis, one year ago. Lyn: That whole time… Nergal was after you? Why didn't you tell me? Nils: You were so good to us. We didn't want to cause you any trouble. After we left Lyn at Caelin, we were captured again… …We decided that the only way to escape was to cut short our own lives. That was when we met Lord Elbert. He was so strong, so kind… He knew what we were… and what we had done, and he never once condemned us. On the contrary, he tried to set us at ease with stories… Stories of his family, of his homeland. Ninian and I… We listened to his stories, and we grew to love his gentle wife and his son. Premonition… No, that is too strong a word, but we felt his son would be the one to save us. …That's what we felt. That's why… That's why, Lord Eliwood! Eliwood: …… Nils: I believe in you. Even though Ninian's gone, I will continue to protect you. I have to. That… That's Ninian's wish. It's our wish. Let's stop Nergal! You're the only one who can do it…… Eliwood: Nils! Hector: Let's do it! Eliwood!! Lyn: He's right! It's too early to give up! I mean, we're still here! We're still alive!! Eliwood: Everyone… You're right. My friends are here with me! There's no power on this earth stronger than that! Let's go! The Dragon's Gate awaits!! That's where we'll shatter Nergal's ambitions!!
  15. Now for Chapter 31x (H). Eliwood and Lyndis have an interesting conversation, it's worth noting that I had an A support between the lovebirds at this point. Things to find out later are the alternate conversations between Bartre and Karla (if Bartre kills Karla, or if Karla kills him). I couldn't bring myself to kill a pretty girl like Karla, and there was no way in hell Karla could have beaten my Bartre (she didn't even do any damage to him). So, she joins. Credit goes to LittleAl for posting me the script to the talk conversation between Lyn and Hector, if they have an A support at this point. Script for Chapter 31x (H) (Chapter title is displayed - Chapter 31x: Battle Preparations) Eliwood: We've received word from Captain Fargus. If we come to Badon, he'll give us passage to the Dread Isle. Lyn: Well then, let's get going! Marcus: It would be best if we outfitted ourselves before setting out. We will need many supplies for a campaign on Valor. Hector: And the castle town here is better stocked than Badon, I'm sure. We can empty the coffers here and sell the treasures if need be. Oswin: Harrummph!! Hector: ...Uh... Within limits, of course. Say...30,000 gold? Oswin: That seems a reasonable amount. Hector: Come on! I'll lead the way! (Castle Town) Marcus: Ostia's castle town is as impressive as ever. Shops and items of all types imaginable. Hector: For generations, our ancestors dedicated themselves to a sort of frugal militarism. Nobles and commoners alike shunned extravagance. "Corrupt neither the body nor the mind," they cried! Since the time of Roland, this has been the dominant ideology of Ostia. Marcus: I heard that when Lord Uther first participated in the Lycian Council as Marquess Ostia, he gave a scathing indictment of the peer system. Now I understand, his philosophy had its roots in the history of Ostia itself. Hector: That's right. Yet this thinking... it threatens the lifestyles of many of our aristocrats. So some groups view my brother with enmity. I must grow wiser so that I can sit at my brother's side and aid him. Of course, my fighting skills are not yet what they should be… Lyn: ...... Eliwood: ...... Hector: But this isn't the place for that kind of talk. We've got to get going. Come on! Marcus: Yes, I will go with you. Lyn: ...Curious. Eliwood: What is it, Lyndis? Lyn: Hector. He acts like such a brute, but he takes his duties seriously. Eliwood: Hector has always been a man of firm character. I've always envied him for that. His ability to conceal any doubts he feels about himself or his actions. Lyn: Eliwood, you're more than strong enough yourself. Eliwood: Hm? Lyn: Look at all that's happened in the past few months. Especially for you, Eliwood. One horrible thing after another... Eliwood: ...... Lyn: Yet you're still here. You didn't run away. Through all the battles and injuries... you've held your head high and marched on. Your... Your strength, I admire. Your kindness...I adore. Eliwood: Lyndis... Hector: Hey! What are you two doing? Let's go! Both of you! Lyn: Well... I guess we should go. Eliwood: Uh, Lyndis... Hector: Eliwood, what are you yammering about? Huh? Are you feeling OK? You're all flushed. (Hector and Oswin talk privately) Oswin: Lord Hector... About last night... Hector: Don't worry about it. No matter the clamor I raise, my brother is dead. All I can do now is try not to distract Eliwood and the others. I must put on a strong face, must be strong for them. Oswin: I see. Hector: But, Oswin, I...will not forgive you. Oswin: ...... Hector: Not only you, but my brother, as well. Why...why did you hide this from me? Only me? Am I...so untrustworthy? Oswin: ...Lord Hector, you may hate me and scorn me as you will, but... doubting Lord Uther's intentions? You should not do that. Hector: ...... Oswin: I... The last message I received from Lord Uther ordered that, should he die, I must keep that news secret from you. Hector: But why? Oswin: This is what was written in Lord Uther's letter... "He is true to his own feelings... If asked to choose between his brother and the world, he would not hesitate in rushing to my side. Though he often speaks in anger, we are brothers. We are all we have. I have never doubted his affection. Yet what if the choice were between brother and friend? To choose one would mean abandoning the other. He would come to despise himself, whatever his choice. I cannot force him to make such a decision." Hector: ...... Oswin: Lord Uther had your feelings foremost in his heart. He was also considering Eliwood, who had lost his father. ...Please, if nothing else...understand this. Hector: ...... (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) Soldier: Lord Hector! Sir Oswin! I have brought you the 30,000 gold you asked for from the treasury. (Got 30000 gold) (If Bartre is deployed) Bartre: Will you look at that! It's an arena! That is a battleground for men to test their strength! Come on, Mark! We can fight to our heart's content!! (Karla comes out, if Bartre is Level 5 Warrior or higher) Karla: No leads here either... Where in the world could he have gotten to? Ah...brother of mine… (Bartre talks to Karla) Bartre: You! Wench! Karla: Hm? Bartre: Meeting me here will be your doom! I must erase the shame I met on the Western Isles! Come! We duel! Karla: ...Oh, I remember you. You're the guy who came out of nowhere and challenged me... The one I knocked out with my first sword stroke. Bartre: The Bartre before you is not the same one you faced then! I will have my revenge for the Isles here in Ostia! Now, dig up some courage, and do your worst! Karla: Hmmm... I did not come here looking for a fight. But how can I refuse you your revenge? Let us begin. (Bartre and Karla exchange blows, if both survive) Karla: Oh... It seems you've improved some. Bartre: Quiet! We've only just started. Continue! Karla: So tell me, where have you been training? Bartre: I serve Lord Eliwood now. I'm working as a guard for him! Tough opponents every day, but we just tear 'em up and cast 'em aside! Karla: Ha... That's interesting. If that's the case, I think I'll join you. Bartre: What? Karla: My brother gravitates toward strong warriors... This journey of yours sounds like a dangerous one. Joining you might help me find him sooner. Bartre: I don't know what you mean! What about our duel?! Karla: We'll put it on hold. Don't worry. I don't run away. I like you. It would be a waste to kill you here. Someday I'll finish you in an appropriate fashion! Bartre: Hmm... OK! Agreed! You're now my sworn enemy, wench! (Karla joins) (Hector and Lyn talk, must have an A Support with each other) Lyn: Hector! Wait up a minute! Hector: Hm? What is it? Lyn: …I’m sorry. Hector: Huh? Lyn: …When we first met, I criticized your fighting style, remember? …I wanted to apologize… Hector: Oh, that? Don’t worry about it. …Why bring this up now? Lyn: I used to think you were selfish, oblivious to others’ needs. Even after all this time, I only saw you as crude and insensitive. Hector: Hey, now… Do I really need to hear this? I mean, what’s your point? Lyn: …I used to be like that, too. I relied too much on my own strength and stuck to myself… All I did was cause problems to the people around me. …I think you’re like that, too… So, sometimes, I feel I’m looking at the old me. Sometimes…I treat you horribly. Hector: Yeah, that’s true. Sometimes, you really lay into me. Lyn: …But aboard the pirate ship… and back there…what you said made me realize I was wrong. So…I’m sorry. Hector: …You apologized once before. I admitted that I’ve got a bad attitude… It’s fine, right? Just let it go. Lyn: “Let it go”? I can’t just “let it go”! That doesn’t satisfy me. …Hit me! It’ll make me feel better! Hector: What? Lyn: C’mon! I won’t move! Wind up and let it fly! Hector: You… Hahhh… Lyn: Hm? … …Hector? What is it? Are you afraid?! Hector: Give me a break. Do you think I could hit a woman? Lyn: It’s OK. Just don’t think of me as a woman. Hector: I can’t smack a woman I’ve lost my heart to. Lyn: C’mon! Hurry-- …What? Hector: Look, enough of this foolishness. Let’s go! Lyn: …What did you just say? Hold it! Hector!! (Visiting the house) Man: Weapons and items can help build your fortune, you know? You ought to search through any chest you come across. (After map is cleared) Eliwood: ...That should cover it. Let's head out for Badon. Then to the Dread Isle!! Hector: Eliwood! I forgot something in the castle. Go on ahead. I'll catch up shortly. Eliwood: All right. (Hector goes to the throne room) Hector: The throne is empty... Makes her look so small. ......Even on the verge of death, you worried about me... Blast... You were always like that, eh, Brother? I never asked it of you, but you watched over me nonetheless... Like a father... With that know-it-all look... I told you... "Don't treat me like a kid..." You never listened. ......I'm coming back. I'll take care of Nergal and end his threat to the world. I'll be back... And I'll take the throne. I may not be nearly as dependable as you, Brother, but... Even so, together we'll make Ostia and all Lycia a place of peace. We'll put an end to peerage and make Ostia a place where all are equal. ...We'll try our best... Watch and see. Brother! (The Dragon's Gate) Limstella: Welcome home, Master. Nergal: Limstella, look at this. Limstella: The children's dragon stone. What will you do with it? Nergal: I will infuse it with quintessence. (The screen flashes) Limstella: This is... Nergal: The dragon girl... Ninian's essence. Beautiful... Absolutely beautiful...... With this, I will be able to call dragons whenever I please. Limstella: Shall we begin the process right away? Nergal: No, I lost some quintessence from the injuries I took from Athos. To summon the numbers I need, I must have more essence. One must be fully prepared when dealing with dragons. If they wrested free from my control and killed me, all would be for naught. Limstella: I fear to report... that the quintessence from the Black Fang has all been used. Where shall the next harvest come from? Nergal: Heh heh heh... All the materials we need are heading this way even now. Limstella: ...I see. Eliwood and friends. Nergal: That's right. I will crush them, steal their essences, and call forth my dragons!! Heh heh heh... Haaa haa haha haha hah!!!
  16. Chapter 31 (H), we're on the home stretch now! Script for Chapter 31 (H) Narrator: Ninian is dead. Now, only Nergal's echoing laughter remains… On Hector's advice, the group heads toward Ostia. They are weary to the bone, and they need time to regroup. Ostia is the most heavily guarded fortress city in all of Lycia. No enemy should have been able to breach its walls. (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 31: Sands of Time) Soldier: Lord Hector! We're pleased to see you home alive and well! Hector: Where's my brother? Soldier: Ah… He departed yesterday for a conference in Etruria. He's scheduled to return in a half month's time. Hector: …Etruria? That's a pity. Go and prepare rooms for my companions. They need rest. Soldier: Yes, my lord. Hector: My brother's away… Oswin, did you know about this? Oswin: Uh… Yes, I was aware of his trip. Hector: Why did he choose to go to Etruria now? I don't get it. It's not like him. Oswin: …… (Hector talks with Athos) Hector: Graybeard, you know something, don't you? Tell me! What are we supposed to do now? Athos: A moment, lad… Yes, I suppose you've a right to know…… I first met Nergal some 500 years ago, wandering the Nabata wasteland. Like me, his only drive was the search for truth in this world. We were equals in power and knowledge, and we became fast friends. We believed we could solve the mysteries of the world. We truly believed… Lyn: So what happened? Athos: A…disagreement, made at the height of our quest. One day, as I charted the mysteries of Nabata, I came across the most amazing village… It was unbelievable, but in that place, humans and dragons lived together in cooperation. Hector: Dragons and humans? Are you telling me they could live together in peace? Athos: At first, I doubted what my own eyes showed me. But yes, the village truly did exist. Lyn: That's… …amazing. Athos: The dragons that I beheld there… They were both similar to and different from the dragons I had fought hundreds of years before. (Eliwood comes up) Hector: …Ah! Eliwood…are you… Eliwood: …… Please go on… Athos: …As you wish. They had refused to fight humans in the war, and instead, they retreated to this wasteland. They desired nothing but to remain hidden from the outside. Nergal and I crafted a barrier and created an oasis for them. Upon their invitation, we lived there with them. Our life there… It was calm and satisfying. At some point, the village became known as Arcadia, a place of perfect peace for travelers gone astray. Eliwood: Arcadia… Athos: The dragons' libraries were a dream come true to us. We studied their language and history with unbridled passion. A century, then two… Time passed in an eye's blink. And yet, slowly, our thoughts turned down different paths. Lyn: In what way? Athos: I wanted to share the dragons' wisdom with others. My hope was for our earthly paradise to spread outward. Hector: And Nergal? Athos: Ah, Nergal… He took the dragons' knowledge… He learned the art of stealing the essence from living creatures and turning it into power. …It was terrible. When we discovered what he was doing, the elders and I tried to persuade him to stop. But the power bewitched him, and he was deaf to our pleas. He started with small creatures and grew ever more confident. Then, he began draining the quintessence of humans. The villagers and I joined forces and…defeated him. Or so we thought, but… Eliwood: …… Athos: After he was banished from Arcadia, Nergal fled to Bern. He increased his power slowly to avoid our eye. Using quintessence, he made his "puppets," the morphs. They're bewitching in form, with intellects beyond human. I'm sure you've laid eyes on them yourselves. Jet black hair, pale complexion, and blood-red lips… Their most striking features are their glittering gold eyes. Soldier: Attack! We're under attack! Hector: What!? Soldier: L-Lord Hector! It's bad! An unknown group has breached the castle walls!! Hector: How did they get in the castle without anyone noticing them!? Soldier: They just appeared out of nowhere! The attack was so sudden, the castle guards were annihilated! Hector: Castle Ostia is famed far and wide as being impregnable… If it's been breached so easily, can we save it!? Athos: It's Nergal. His magic created an entrance for his thugs within the castle. Hector: Blast! That arrogant-- No matter what, the throne must be protected! I'll not let the castle fall while my brother's away!! Lyn: Hold on, Hector! I'm going with you! Eliwood: …… Hector: Mark! We need you! We need a plan!! If we can hold them back for a while, reinforcements will come! (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) Denning: This is a message from Lord Nergal. "I await you on the Dread Isle." This is a message from Lord Nergal. "I await you on the Dread Isle." This is a message… Hector: Tell all the soldiers!! Take your posts, and don't move. Hold your positions! All we can do is hold on until reinforcements arrive!! Lyn: Eliwood! Eliwood: What? Lyn: Don't overexert yourself. Eliwood: I'm fine… I'm not that weak. Lyn: …… Nils: …… …Ninian… Soldier: You! You're one of Lord Hector's guests, aren't you? You shouldn't be out here, it's too dangerous! Go and hide in that room! Do you understand? Nils: ……… (Versus Denning) Denning: This is a message from Lord Nergal. "I await you on the Dread Isle." (Denning dies) Denning: This is…a message…from… Lo…rd…Nerga… (After map is cleared) Soldier: Lord Hector! Are you unharmed!? Protect Lord Hector! Knights of Ostia! Attack!! Hector: Hey Graybeard! Are these guys… Athos: Yes, I'm sure of it. They are his morphs… Lyn: It's true… They're all eerily similar. That reminds me… That man on Valor, Ephidel… Black Fang's Sonia, too… Are you saying that he made them all? Athos: It is an abomination. A crime against all that is natural. When Nergal began using morphs to carry out his plans, his power had grown beyond our ability to contain him. After humans, his next target became the essence of dragons. His next target had to be Arcadia. I concealed our paradise behind a curtain of sandstorms. I then hid in the underground ruins and waited for him. I did not hope to defeat him. Just to exchange blows… and then draw him into the desert, which would be his end. Eliwood: But Nergal never showed up, did he? Athos: Correct. I've no idea how he managed it but… He called those siblings through the Dragon's Gate. And now… he plans to call a horde of dragons to this land. Hector: What do we have to do to stop him? Athos: Our last hope is the power of the legendary items. It would take too long for us to gather all of them. I will go to the Shrine of Seals and tell Bramimond everything. We must have his power, no matter the cost. Eliwood: Then we should go to the Dragon's Gate ahead of you. Athos: What!? Hector: That's a good idea. Even though you cannot harm Nergal himself, you can certainly do some damage to his troops. Lyn: If we don't answer Nergal's invitation soon… He'll continue to send out troops after us. If that's going to happen, we might as well take the fight to him! I won't have Lycia ravaged by any more of his acts! Athos: …You… You truly are Roland's children. I am old… I did not expect anything to surprise me again, and yet… Eliwood: …Lord Athos. Athos: It takes the strongest of bonds to alter the course of fate. Go… Go, my youthful friends. Set your sights on the Dragon's Gate and keep moving. …Eliwood, Hector, where are the legendary items? Hector: They're right here. Eliwood: Mine, too. I'm sorry. …I simply couldn't bring myself to wield it. Hector: Neither could I… Eliwood said it felt like Durandal moved by itself. A weapon with a will of its own? Can I really control a weapon like that? Frankly, I wasn't sure. Athos: Let me take them from you for a while. May I? Eliwood: Yes. Hector: It's fine, but… Athos: Eliwood, Hector, I understand how you both feel. But without these weapons, we won't be able to stop Nergal. …You know that, don't you? Eliwood: …Yes. When next I wield it, …I won't hesitate. Hector: Confidence is just a matter of time. I'll use it when I need to. You'll see, Graybeard! Athos: I know. (Hector talks to Oswin) Hector: …Oswin. Oswin: I'm here, Lord Hector. We won't be able to contact Fargus about traveling to Valor 'til the day after tomorrow. The guards are rotating watches to protect the castle. Lord Hector. For this one night, please get some rest. Hector: Who needs rest!? Do not talk to me of rest when Ostia needs me! There is…something that you need to tell me, isn't there? Oswin: I can think of nothing, my lord. Hector: Stop this foolishness!! It's plain that everyone is avoiding me! What you're all hiding… I know what it is! Oswin: Lord Hector, you must calm yourself. Hector: Say it! I command you!! Tell me what has happened!!! Oswin: …… Hector: …If you don't answer right here, right now, I will cut you down, knave! Oswin: …Do as you must. Hector: !! Oswin: …… Hector: ……I…see. …My brother… He's…gone…isn't he? Oswin: Lord Hector!! Hector: I was sure… He was recuperating… That he'd gone somewhere to recover his strength. I thought that was what you were hiding… But……you won't confess even now. ……That means…… Oswin: Lord Hector! Wait!! Please……!!!
  17. Now for Chapter 30 (H). This chapter is exclusive to Hector (it's actually just an alternative of the Durandal chapter with Eliwood). EDIT: Okay, I got all the forced scrolling text during the Ninian's plight scene. I know it's been a long time, but here it is. Script for Chapter 30 (H) Narrator: To the west of Elibe lies an archipelago known as the Western Isles. Here, a sacred weapon lies waiting, the seal guarding it broken. However, to retrieve the weapon, one must pass a trial. Armads, a sacred axe filled with the destructive force of thunder. To wield it, one must prove one's worth. Hector faces a test unlike any he's ever experienced. (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 30: The Berserker) Hector: Hey, it's pitch black in here! Agh, and it's full of smoke... Hey, Graybeard Athos, you sure this is the right place? Athos: Yes. Armads, the legendary weapon of Durban the berserker, who took its name as his own. Armads is here. Hector: If I've got that, I can help out Eliwood, can't I? Athos: This battle axe is so tremendous that normal men cannot even lift it. However, it's possible that you might be strong enough. Hector: C'mon, let's go. I want to get my hands on it! Athos: Slow down, you fool! The spirits of the soldiers who once fought at our side against the dragons now guard the legendary weapon even in death. Hector: ...And if I can get through them, I can take the axe, right? Athos: There are more of them than I'd imagined. You can't do this alone. You must have help. Hector: Fine with me, but how many people can come with me? Athos: Too many will simply serve to excite the guardians. Call as few allies as possible. Hector: Bah... I don't get it, but I'll do as you say. Athos: ...Be on guard, Hector. Every act of strength you perform has consequences... Hector: Don't worry, I'll get that axe! Now if we're calling allies, let's call them and get moving! Athos: Hmph... You are a bold one. That is your strength, but also your weakness. Your recklessness may one day be your undoing... (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) (Versus Kaim) Kaim: I am Kaim. You who search for power... You...must prove your worth to me... (Kaim dies) Kaim: Tremendous... ...strength... Truly...like...his... (After map is cleared) Hector: All right! This is the throne. Athos Graybeard! I made it! Durban: ...Let... Hector: What was... Durban: ...Let me fight... Me... Let me fight... Hector: Wha-What are you supposed to be? Durban: My name is... Durban... I am called Armads... Hector: What is going on here? Durban: I am power. Power without peer. I am the dragonhunter. I am the fleshbiter, the bonecrusher, the skullbreaker, the doombringer. Hector: ...... Durban: I require no seals. I have no need of this idleness called peace. Power unused is power wasted. Better to lie spent in the grave than to sit in wait. I care not who... I would fight someone... Hector: This is one dangerous-looking fellow... Hey, Durban... I mean, Armads... Whatever. Doesn't matter. Hey, you, lend me your strength! Durban: You desire strength? Then prepare yourself. Once you have gained such power... Your life will not end in a comfortable bed. You will die on the battlefield. In the savage garden of war's bloody delights. Hector: ...I don't care. I will help my friend. That's why I've come this far. Armads! Your power! Lend it to me. Durban: ...It is yours. (Outside) Eliwood: Hector! Lyn: What have you been doing? I'm glad to see that you're well... Hector: Hey, I told you not to worry. Here, look at this. It's the thunder hammer. Athos: So, you have acquired Armads, have you, Hector? Hector: Yep. OK, Eliwood. Now it's your turn. Eliwood: Mm, let's go! (At the Durandal) Athos: Now we will leave Eliwood to his task and wait outside. (Back outside) Lyn: I wonder if Eliwood is all right. Hector: He is. No need to worry about Eliwood. Lyn: You're right... Hector: Aha! Look! He's coming out! (Eliwood and Athos come out) Hector: So this is the legendary blade… Lyn: Durandal, the sword of sacred fire. …It’s strange, isn’t it? I’ve never seen it before, and yet it feels so familiar… Eliwood: I will use this to battle Nergal. Come! To the Dragon’s Gate… What?! The sword… It’s glowing… Watch out! Something’s coming… (An ice dragon appears) Eliwood: It can’t be… Lyn: It’s a…dragon! Hector: No!!! How is it possible!? Eliwood: Get back, everyone! (Eliwood kills the ice dragon with Durandal) Hector: Eliwood! Are you all right? Eliwood: I think so… My body moved on its own. It was as if the sword itself was guiding my arm. Athos: The sword of sacred fire was made to combat dragons. With so much power, who can say what it might be capable of? But this ice dragon… Surely… Eliwood: Is something the matter, Lord Athos… Athos: No… Nergal: Let me be the one to answer that. (Nergal teleports in) Eliwood: Blackheart! Nergal! Nergal: Ninian proved useless. I’ve come for a replacement. (Nils is teleported over to Nergal) Eliwood: Nils! Nergal: Don’t waste your breath. He won’t be awake for some time. Nils will do for me what Ninian would not. Eliwood: Scum! What have you done with Ninian!? Nergal: It’s not what I’ve done. It’s what you’ve done, Eliwood. Eliwood: What? Nergal: Eliwood, did you never once question it? Why the siblings were needed to open the Dragon’s Gate? Why did it have to be Ninian and Nils? Eliwood: …… Nergal: The answer is simple. The Dragon’s Gate cannot be opened by humans. Why would humans be able to open a gate that was designed… for dragons? Eliwood: …What? Nergal: It’s pitiful, really. Poor Ninian’s plight. Coaxed by my honeyed words, she passed through the gate… Though unable to return home, she refused to aid me and wandered lost and alone, until… she was slain by the hand of the one she loved. Eliwood: What… What are you saying? Nergal: Can you not guess? Or is it that you are afraid to know? Very well. Let me tell you, Eliwood. The ice dragon there… The beast slaughtered by your hand… That is Ninian. The girl you loved. The girl you swore to protect. She returned to her true form and lost all human memory. Yet you, above all else, remained in her heart, and she came here…. Look upon the creature you have slain. That is Ninian. Eliwood: …Ah… Nergal: Go on, look. She’s using the last of her strength to take human form for one last time. I believe there may still be time enough to say farewell. You know, of course, that you cannot save her. Eliwood: Nergal!! You foul demon!! Nergal: It’s not me. You, Eliwood. You killed her. You-- Eliwood: I… Aaaaaaahhh!!! Hector: Calm down! Get hold of yourself, Eliwood. Eliwood: I… I…… (The ice dragon turns into Ninian) Ninian: Lo…Lord Eliwood… Eliwood: …Ninian? Ninian: …Ah… Eliwood: Ninian! Ninian! Ninian: Eliwood… Eliwood: Ninian… Please, Ninian, don’t die… I… What have I done? Ninian: I’m glad… Eliwood: What? Ninian: You’re unharmed, my lord… I’m glad… Eliwood: Ninian… Ninian: …Lord Eliwood… Please… Ple…ase… this…land… prote…… … …… Eliwood: …Ninian… Ninian? You can’t… Answer me… …There’s so much I haven’t told you… You…can’t… Why…… Niniaaaaaaan!!!! Nergal: That’s enough. You will await the end of the world trembling in the shadows of dragons! Athos: I will not permit it. Instead, I will see you perish in flame!! (Athos attacks Nergal with Forblaze but only does 5 damage) Nergal: The purest fire… Flame breath. Very impressive, Archsage Athos. However… However, fire is no longer my foe! Look! Not even a legendary blade can cause me harm! At long last, I am impervious! Ha ha…ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Athos: …Gaa… Nergal: Miserable, aren’t you, Athos? Yet out of respect for the great man you used to be, I’ll leave. After all, 500 years ago, we followed the same path, did we not, old friend? Ha ha ha ha ha ha! (Nergal leaves) Hector: What do we do now? Not even legendary weapons can stop him! Nils: …Uhh… … Lyn: Nils! You’re awake! Are you OK? Nils: …Ninian! ……Ninian. …Ninian!? Where is my… Lyn: …… Hector: ……… Eliwood: …Nils… …I’m so sorry. Nils: …Uuh… Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
  18. Time for Chapter 29 (H). Since I fought Linus before, I'm fighting Lloyd this time. I know that Nino can talk with Lloyd, but I didn't field her. There was a very high chance she would have just gotten killed. I'll also need to go back someday and record Linus's version of the chapter. Script for Chapter 29 (Lloyd, H) Narrator: After receiving aid from Queen Hellene, Hector rushes to the sealed shrine. The secret road they follow is known only to the royal family… They pass Bern's soldiers unnoticed and unhindered. They approach the castle… (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 29: Cog of Destiny) Lloyd: I've been waiting. And now, at last, the time to bring you down is here. The Fangs let none escape. Black Fang: Lord Lloyd, the enemy draws near. Lloyd: So they're finally here… Our opponents are strong. If anyone here is afraid to die, leave now. Black Fang: For the Reed brothers' Fang must not fear dying. Second Black Fang: We are all with you. Lord Lloyd! Do us the honor of leading us 'til the end! Lloyd: I shall. In the name of the Fang, we will stop them though it cost our very lives. Go! (At Hector's group) Eliwood: I can see it… That's the Shrine of Seals. Hector: This is strange. We've made it so far without seeing a single soul. Lyn: I'm afraid that's no longer the case. Hector: What!? Eliwood: They're out for blood! Who could they be? Black Fang: You're Lord Eliwood of House Pherae, correct? Eliwood: …And if I am? Black Fang: We are the Fang, and we serve the White Wolf, Lloyd. You will atone for your sins with blood!! Eliwood: What!? Nino: It's the Black Fang… They're all Fangs. They're alive! Jaffar: Wait! Nino: What? What is it? Jaffar: Their battle lust… It's not normal. Get too close, and they'll tear you apart! Nino: Why? Why do we have to fight? If we talk to them, they'll see. Jaffar: We are no longer Fangs. No… We served Nergal. We were never Fangs. To them, we were never companions. Never. Nino: No… No… That's not true! That man mentioned Lloyd! Lloyd must be here! I need to talk to him! Lloyd will understand! I won't give up so easily!! Jaffar: …… (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) (Visiting the village) Murdock: Ah! You… Character: Huh!? Murdock: Go. I saw nothing. I met with no one. Wait. Take this staff. Thank you…for Prince Zephiel. (Got a Warp) (Vaida appears) Vaida: Here they come again, those little Lycian nobles. I'd love to take them on, but… Prince Zephiel insists it was they who saved him… Pah… What's this world coming to? (Hector talks to Vaida) Hector: You! Vaida: So we meet again, boy. Are your little playmates doing well? Hector: Take this! Vaida: Whoa! Hold on. My, aren't you quick to action… I like that. But I think you've got that axe pointed in the wrong direction. Hector: What!? Vaida: I'm not with the Black Fang. I serve only Bern. I'm here on my own personal agenda. Tell me, boy. Are you the one who stopped Prince Zephiel's assassin? Hector: How… Why do you ask? Vaida: Hmph. So it's true, is it? That settles it. From now on, I'm traveling with you. Hector: Now, hold on… Vaida: You saved Prince Zephiel. So, I owe you. Hector: Why do you owe us anything? Vaida: I told you. I serve Bern. Prince Zephiel is our future, our hope. You saved him when he needed saving, and now I will serve you. Hector: You expect me to believe all that? Vaida: You don't trust me? My word? Hector: Of course not! Vaida: Yeah, I see your point. Wait for me then. The Black Fang and I are on opposite sides. I'll prove it to you right now. (Vaida joins) (Versus Lloyd) Lloyd: It matters not who you are. It's too late… I will avenge my brother's death. One by one… (Lloyd dies) Lloyd: ……No more waiting, Linus. I'm…coming… (After map is cleared) Nino: …Brother… … … … Jaffar: …… Nino: …Why? Why did it…have to… come to this…? I… I don't understand. … … … … (Athos talks with the lords) Lyn: Lord Athos? When did you arrive? Athos: Just now… I warped in, you know? I was watching you in my scrying crystal. The most important thing is that you've made it here. Hector: If that's true, why didn't you just magic us here in the first place?! Athos: What would that have proven? You cannot hope to succeed if you cannot trust your own strength. Your own power must drive you. That is the most important thing. Now then, shall we go? Underground… Where Bramimond awaits. Eliwood: Bramimond? One of the eight legends? Is that who you're talking about? Athos: That's right. Of the eight legends, only Bramimond and myself remain. Your journey here was a bit of a test, I'm afraid. I had to see if you were worthy of wielding a legendary item. Eliwood: Legendary…item? Athos: That's right. It's a weapon that we, the eight legends, used to defeat the dragons. With it, you will be able to sever Nergal's power at its roots. Eliwood: A weapon to defeat Nergal… Athos: The legendary items are sealed in lands across this continent. The only one capable of removing those seals is Bramimond. Now if only we will be granted this one request. (Athos teleports the group underground) Eliwood: It's so dark… Hector: It's creepy… Can't see a thing. Lyn: Shh! …Someone's here. Eliwood: You're Bramimond… Bramimond: … Yes, I…suppose that is me. What do you want of me, you who live above ground? Lyn: We have a favor to ask. We seek something to help us defeat Nergal… Bramimond: That is unfortunate, for I cannot grant that which you seek. Humanity would suffer were I to remove the seals. Hector: What do you mean!? The entire world is on the brink of destruction as it is!! Bramimond: The entire world!? Why would I care about that!? The whole world can burn for all I care!! Hector: By Father Sky… Your voice… The way you talk. It keeps changing. How many… Athos: Bramimond has no self. He… She… It… Yes, it is a mirror that reflects the person addressing it. It projects no personality of its own. There are as many Bramimonds as there are people facing him. …Bramimond, do you remember me? Bramimond: …Athos. Hmm, it's been many ages. I cannot fathom why you brought these people here. Why I sealed everything away… Do you forget why? The legendary items are not meant for human hands. Eliwood: But…we can't stop Nergal like this! We need your power to help us save the world! Bramimond: …… Athos: Bramimond, remember… We, too, are human. These people, they will not be seduced by power. They came here without my aid, using their own abilities. You observed them, did you not? Bramimond: … It's true… They seem better, stronger than most humans. And yet, humans are frail. What guarantee do I have… that they will not succumb to that frailty, Athos?! Eliwood: A guarantee? There is none. We simply ask that you believe in us. Bramimond: …… …Once… There was a man much like you. His gaze never wandered. It was ever fixed straight ahead… …… ……… (A bright light flashes over Elibe) Bramimond: … The seals have been released. You may now do as you please. I'm tired. You will let me rest. (The group returns above ground) Hector: Ah! It's good to breathe the outside air again! Lyn: Bramimond is certainly a mysterious figure. Eliwood: Mm… I wonder what convinced him to release the seals. Athos: Interesting that… I believe it was darkness. A completely impenetrable darkness, the nature of which is beyond the comprehension of normal men. Regardless, you must hurry. The seals have been broken. Nergal has surely sensed this already… You must get to the blazing blade as soon as possible… Nergal: How unfortunate… You're too late. Eliwood: Ah! (Nergal appears) Eliwood: Nergal! Nergal: At last… At last, my power is restored. Come, Ninian, Nils. This way. Open the Dragon's Gate for me. Nils: …N-No! Ninian: …… Eliwood: You mustn't go! Neither of you!! Nergal: Would you like to see my powers here and now? You may choose, Ninian. Obey me, or… Ninian: …If I go with you, will you let my brother go? Nils: Ninian!? Nergal: One of you should prove sufficient. ……As you wish. Nils: No! Ninian! Why!? Ninian: …Look after Lord Eliwood… (Ninian and Nils join hands, a bright light flashes) Nils: Ninian! Eliwood: Ninian! You must not! Ninian: …… Nergal: The gate will open, and I will gain unlimited power. Nils: Niniaaaaaaaan!!! Eliwood: Don't move! Nergal!! Athos: No! Get down! Both of you!! (The ground shakes, Eliwood finds himself in a house) Hector: Are you awake, Eliwood? Eliwood: Where… Hector: Camp. You and Nils were both knocked unconscious by Nergal's parting gift. Do you remember? Eliwood: His power… It's so much more than before. Lyn: If Lord Athos hadn't erected a barrier when he did… We would have lost both you and Nils…… Athos: If he'd truly wished to kill you, even my power could not have saved you. Eliwood: Ninian… To protect us, she… Athos: Even if you catch him, you can't defeat him. Not as you are. If you wish to save the girl Ninian… The power to topple Nergal lies within the sacred weapon. Do you understand, Eliwood? Eliwood: …Yes, I know what I must do. (The party goes outside) Athos: To find the legendary item, you must travel westward. But before that… Hector, this is for you. Hector: Huh? This is… Athos: That's right, it's a Heaven seal. Hector: Listen, Graybeard… I tried one of these earlier and… Well, nothing happened, OK? Athos: Trust me. Take it, and hold it in your hands. Hector: No, I… Oh, all right… …… …… …What's happening…!? (Hector promotes to Great Lord) Hector: What's going on?! …Incredible. Athos: Hm. As I thought. It finds you suitable. Hector: It feels like there's a beast running wild through me… …What's… What's going to happen to me? Athos: For a short while, the newly awakened power will run rampant. Yet this power is your right by birth. You'll be able to harness it and use it shortly. Hector: …Power running rampant… through…my body… Eliwood: Hector! Are you all right!? Your arms are trembling… Hector: It's true… I feel like I can overcome anything. Nothing can stop me. Come on, Eliwood! Let's go get that weapon and tear that Nergal to pieces!! (Oswin speaks with a soldier) Oswin: Regarding this particular issue, please convey to Lord Uther that consent has been given. Soldier: Yes, sir! Oswin: Lord Uther, your judgment… It's too… ………… Hector: Oswin! Where are you? Oswin: …! Hector: Oswin! There you are. You just received a message from Ostia, didn't you? What word from my brother? Oswin: Nothing of any import… A simple…relaying of recent events is all. Hector: Oswin? What is it? What's happened? I've never seen you look like this before. Oswin: Is that so? I must be more tired than I thought. Hector: If that's all… Get some rest, will you? Oswin: Yes. I thank you for your concern. …By the way, did you finish speaking with Lord Athos? Hector: Yeah, we're really moving toward something spectacular. Oswin: Spectacular? Hector: There are legendary items buried throughout the world. But we don't have time to gather each one. We've settled on collecting a sword and an axe. The sword is for Eliwood or Lyn. I think the axe is to be mine. Oswin: The legendary axe… The berserker Durban's thunder axe, Armads? Hector: Impressive, Oswin. You're so knowledgeable. To get this Armads, I'm going west with old Graybeard Athos. Oswin: Just the two of you? Hector: Yeah, at first. Then I have to pass some sort of trial. Bramimond had to break the seal protecting the weapon, but now, if I'm to gain it, I have to pass a "negotiation of strength," or something. Oswin: …I see. The weapon's an axe, so you have to prove your strength. Hector: …I will get it. That's the only way we can defeat Nergal. Oswin: I believe in you. I pray for your swift return. Hector: ……Oswin. I'm going to ask one last time. Look me in the eye when you answer. My brother… There's nothing you need to tell me, is there? Oswin: ……Nothing. The message… It said that there was nothing new with the marquess. Hector: I understand. I will believe that. The vow you swore to me in Laus… That's still in effect, right? Oswin: Yes, the service I vowed still holds true. Hector: …Forgive me. When it comes to my brother, I… Oswin: That is only natural. Hector: …Oswin, this is for your ears alone. If something happens in Ostia. …No matter what, I will return to my brother's side. I've been irresponsible and foolish in the past, but… As the marquess's brother, I will do anything required of me. …So, while I'm away in the west, and anytime thereafter, if you have any worries concerning my brother… No matter how trivial they might seem, I want you to tell me. …Please. Oswin: I understand… …I'll do as you ask… Hector: Then I'd better get going. Take care of things. Oswin: ………
  19. Here comes Chapter 28x (H). Nothing special to report. Script for Chapter 28x (H) Narrator: Jaffar and Nino, Black Fang assassins. Although Hector cannot forget his hatred for Nergal's former henchman, Jaffar, Hector allows him to join the group, with Nino at his side. That night… (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 28x: Night of Farewells) Nino: Hey! Jaffar: It's very late. Where are you going? Nino: …Jaffar. Jaffar: To Sonia? Nino: …Unh. Jaffar: Do you know her whereabouts? Nino: The mountain fortress has been discovered, so… I think she's in the other place. Jaffar: The Water Temple? ……What about them? Nino: I haven't told them. They're all good people, so they would know I'm not lying. And yet… I want to see Mother. I want to hear the truth from her. So… Jaffar: Nino… Sentiment will not protect you from that woman. Nino: I know that! But she's my mother!! I'm her flesh and blood. She's the only mother I have!! Jaffar: …That is something I cannot understand… Nino: Ah! I'm sorry… I didn't mean… Jaffar: It's nothing. Nino: Jaffar, I truly am sorry. Jaffar: I will not let you go alone. If you go, I go with you. OK? Nino: Jaffar… (The lords see Nino and Jaffar leave) Lyn: I wanted to know where she was slipping off to in the dead of night… …Nino… Hector: …… Eliwood: I agree with Jaffar. There's no way Sonia will be moved by Nino's feelings. Lyn: Are we just going to let them go? Eliwood: No, we're going to follow them right away. Lyn: Of course we are! Hector: …… Lyn: What are you doing, Hector? Hurry! Hector: Jaffar's a killer. He's slaughtered our friends. I can't forgive him. Eliwood, is all this necessary? Do we need his strength so much that we now must rescue him? Eliwood: No, that's not it. I wanted those two to live on. Their lives… They've been so hard. That's why I said what I did. My feelings were confirmed in Bern. The Black Fang is not all evil. They're being manipulated by Nergal. Some of them must be fighting against their better judgment. Hector: Is that what you believe about Jaffar? Eliwood: I don't know. But you've seen how he behaves around Nino… He seems like a completely different person than the man we fought at the Dragon's Gate. Lyn: I feel the same way. Hector, how about you? Hector: He has killed my friends. He is my enemy. No matter what happens, that will never change. Lyn: So you'll let them die? Hector: That's not what I said! I want him to stay alive. He must live…so that he can suffer for all he's done! There! Satisfied? Eliwood: Hector… Hector: I've said my peace. I'm done. I won't do any more ranting. ……Sorry about that. Now, let's go! Hurry up, you two! Lyn: Wha-- Wai-Wait up! (At the Water Temple) Limstella: Sonia. Sonia: Pah. Take heed how casually you call a human by name, you puppet. …Now what do you want? Limstella: Eliwood is still alive. Lord Nergal's orders have not yet been fulfilled. Sonia: Silence, you abomination!! I know that. Though the Four Fangs are gone, I'm still here… I will finish Eliwood and his friends with my own two hands! Brendan: …Sonia! Where are you, Sonia?! Sonia, I must speak… Hm? Who's that? Sonia: … Oh, well… I suppose it's best I was done with you anyway. Hee hee… Those annoying brothers were all that prevented me from acting sooner. Brendan: Sonia…you… Sonia: I got close to you so that I could take control of the Black Fang. Take a look around you. Not a familiar face to be seen, is there? I've been replacing them one by one… Hee hee. They're all Lord Nergal's puppets. His morphs!! Brendan: So…you've betrayed me. Sonia: You've finally noticed… You're a fool, Brendan Reed! Your own sons suspected me right from the beginning. Every minute I spent with you, every caress… It was loathsome!! It was all for Lord Nergal. All to control the Four Fangs. Now it's over. Die for me now, will you? Die for your beloved wife! Brendan: Sonia! You inhuman monster!!! (Brendan and Sonia exchange blows) Brendan: Aaargh… Lloyd… Linus… Forgive your… foolish…father…… Sonia: Ow… He can't just die… Has to be the Black Fang leader even to the bitter end. Limstella: Brendan Reed… What magnificent essence. I will deliver it to Lord Nergal at once. Sonia: Be sure to tell him that it was I who killed Brendan!! …Ooh! Limstella: You appear to be injured. Shall I take over your duties? Sonia: Don't be ridiculous! I will never let a creature like you seize the glory that is mine! I was chosen by Lord Nergal himself! I'm a perfect being! Limstella: …… Sonia: I will take care of Eliwood and his companions. I! Sonia! (Limstella absorbs Brendan's quintessence and vanishes) Jan: Com-Com… Commander… They… They're monsters…… (Jaffar and Nino enter, Jan runs up to them) Nino: Uncle Jan! Is that you, Uncle? Jan: Nino!? Why have you come back? Nino: I…wanted to speak with Mother. Jan: Flee this place! Nino: Uncle? Jan: The commander is dead! That woman-- (Sonia appears) Sonia: What were you going to say about me? Nino: Mother! Jan: Aaaah… Soniaaaa!!! Uwaa… Aaaaaaaa!!!! (Jan runs) Sonia: Wretch! I'll smoke you out later. First, Nino… You failed again, and you've tarnished my reputation. Nino: Um… Mother… Sonia: Shut up!! Nino: Ah! Sonia: A thoroughly and utterly useless little girl. If only I'd known, I would've sent you off to your true parents! Nino: My true…parents? Sonia: Ha ha… That's right. What can the truth hurt now? Your true family for generations was the most famed house of magic wielders in all Lycia. They alone guarded the secret of the dragons. Thirteen years ago, Lord Nergal and I stole that secret. Nino: My…family? Sonia: Ha ha ha! No matter how wise they were, they were only human. I held a child before me as a shield, and they were powerless to act! Nino: …… Sonia: The father, the mother, and then the child I carried… After they revealed all of their secrets… And I slaughtered them with these very hands!! Nino: I… I… I'm not your daughter? Sonia: There were two children, a boy and a girl. One, the mother fought fiercely to save. She held her daughter tight as I killed her. That girl, Nino, was you! Nino: No! Sonia: You were still a mewling little whelp, but we took you with us. Lord Nergal thought you might be useful, so he let you live. I hated the very thought of it, but it was Lord Nergal's wish that I raise you as my daughter. Nino: …… Sonia: We were so wrong about you! Stupid and useless beyond all reason! A worthless piece of offal! All you were was in the way! Nino: … Jaffar: So that's why you wanted her dead. You're inhuman. Your soul is black and devoid of warmth. Sonia: I never expected to hear such things from you, Jaffar! Once, you killed without hesitation at Lord Nergal's command. What happened to the man all feared, my Angel of Death? Jaffar: Nino has changed me. I am no longer Nergal's killing engine. For Nino's sake… Sonia, you must die. And I will kill you! Nino: Jaffar!! Jaffar: Stay back. I will take care of this woman. Sonia: Aha ha ha ha ha ha!!! "Stay back"! How rich! How noble! So, shall I pass judgment on you, as the Black Fang must with traitors? Ha ha ha! I sentence you to death! Prepare to be punished! Eliwood: I won't allow that!! Nino! Jaffar! Are you OK? Hector: Bah. Look at the trouble you've caused! Lyn: We're companions now. You mustn't forget that! Nino: Everyone… Jaffar: …… Sonia: Ha ha ha ha ha! Such sweet friends, Nino… Sorry to cut short your little reunion. Ha ha… I won't let you get away. To a man, you will all die! (The ground shakes) Lyn: Hm? Wha--!? Eeek! Hector: Lyn! Look out!! This way! Jaffar: … (The screen flashes, some of the ground falls into the water) Sonia: Ha ha ha… You are the sinners who hurt my Lord Nergal. I will not let you die swiftly. Hector: Whoa! This place is filling with water!! Eliwood: The path vanished… This water prevents us from moving forward or back. Lyn: Nino! Jaffar! Are you all right? Nino: Yeah! We're fine!! Jaffar: …… Lyn: He-Hector! Hector: Uh? Lyn: Th-Thank you. For…helping. Hector: Mm… Did you get wet? Lyn: …I'm fine. Hector: That's good. Lyn: Hector… Why are you being so nice all of a sudden? Are you feeling OK? Sonia: I'll create some paths for you, so please keep coming. Of course, you can stay where you are if you like. I care not, so long as you die in pain and fear. You can't escape from the grave that's waiting for you, though. Nino: I'm sorry, everyone! All of this, it's… It's all…my… Lyn: Nino! Calm down. I told you, didn't I? We came because we're friends. There's no need to apologize. Nino: Lyn… Hector: Pathways and courtesies? I guess she's being gracious, right? Eliwood: Let's defeat Sonia and sever the connection between Nergal and the Black Fang!! For a better future! (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) (Versus Sonia) Sonia: Lord Nergal will have your quintessence! Only the chosen few will live to see the new world. Perfect people! People like me! (Sonia is defeated) Sonia: It can't be… I'm…perfect… Lord Nergal said…so… (After map is cleared) Jan: Dear little Nino. Nino: Uncle Jan! I'm so glad you're safe!! Jan: Yes. I didn't even fight. I just hid… I… I… I'm just a cowardly old man… When that woman killed the commander, I could do nothing… Nino: Father… He's dead, isn't he? … Even though I wasn't his real daughter, he treated me kindly. And yet…Moth-- Sonia…… Jan: …… You learned the truth? Nino: Uh-huh. Jan: I see… Let me return this to you, lass. Nino: A…pendant? Jan: It belonged to your real mother. The commander never fully trusted Sonia. He had his agents investigate her past. He uncovered much… Like where you'd come from. He was able to speak to a woman who worked in your house. When he told her about you, she wept with joy. She asked that you be given this. Nino: ……I loved the Black Fang. Nergal and Sonia have ruined it, but… The Black Fang that my father and brothers made… Everyone was so kind, I thought of them as my family… Jan: Mmm…mmm. That was a good time. Nino: Uncle Jan… Thank you. The pendant, I'll cherish it. Jan: Take care, lass. …Be happy. Nino: Goodbye, Uncle. See you again. Someday… Lyn: Have you said your farewells? Nino: Yes. Uh…thanks. You all came and… told me that we're friends. ……It made me happy. Can I travel with you? Lyn: Of course! Right, Eliwood? Eliwood: If that's what you'd like, we'd be happy to have you. Will you come and help us? Nino: Yeah! I'll do my best! I promise! Jaffar, too! Jaffar: …… Hector: We should be getting back to camp. We've an early start tomorrow. Eliwood: You're right. We should head out as soon as it's light. The Shrine of Seals awaits! Hector: Hey, come here a minute. Jaffar: ……… Hector: Dunno how you feel about it, but I want you to know that I don't trust you. Every time I see your face I want to smash it in. I'm not like the others. Especially not Eliwood… He's softhearted to a fault. He believes you. But if he says you're one of us, then that's that. Jaffar: ……… Hector: I've got one thing to say. You will NOT betray Eliwood. If you do anything even remotely suspicious, for any reason whatsoever, I will cut you down where you stand. Remember that. Jaffar: ……… Hector: …… (At the Water Temple) Limstella: Sonia. Sonia: ……Lea -- Leave me… …accursed puppet… Lord Nergal… …Aah…help…me. Limstella: Puppets have no essence to harvest. You no longer have any use to Lord Nergal… Sonia: What!? …What…did… What are you… I am human…… Limstella: …… Sonia: Wait! …Urrg!! …I am… …hu…ma…… ………
  20. All right, now for Chapter 28 (H). On my first run of this chapter, I let Zephiel die, thus securing a peaceful future for all of Elibe. Nah, all I got was Zephiel's death quote and a Game Over screen. I also recorded the talk conversation between Hector and Zephiel (NO, HECTOR! YOU'RE MAKING A BIG MISTAKE!). Apparently, you can't talk to Zephiel with Lyn or Eliwood if you've already talked to him with Hector. I think you might also be able to recruit Nino with Lyn or Eliwood. Anyone who knows the story to Fire Emblem 6 knows what I mean when I say that Hector is making a big mistake. Anyway, here is what I've got: Script for Chapter 28 (H) Narrator: Two assassins in the employ of the Black Fang move in. They've been set loose in the palace to murder the crown prince, Zephiel. Hector hurries to prevent them from fulfilling their contract. (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 28: Battle before Dawn) Nino: The prince's room… Is that the door? Jaffar: …… Nino: General Murdock, the prince's bodyguard, should be away. The king concocted some errand to call him from Zephiel's side… There are no guards around. This is an…easy job, isn't it? I… I can do this! This is my first mission, you know? I guess I'm a little nervous, but… I mustn't fail. Mustn't let Mother down. Jaffar: …… Nino: Are you ready, Jaffar? Jaffar: I've…no desire to be a part of your blundering… If you fail, I will, without hesitation, finish the target and then you. Nino: What!? Jaffar: Do not be so naive as to expect help from "friends." …Remember that. Nino: I…I knew that. Don't have to tell me… I'm a member of the Black Fang, after all. Ha ha… Jaffar: …… Nino: …I won't fail. I will become worthy… I will. Mother will be proud of me. She will see the daughter I've become, and she will love me. …There are no guards. It's just like we were told, but…something's strange. Jaffar: …… Nino: Listen! A voice! Someone's talking in the room! Jaffar: No… Someone's praying. Nino: You're right… It's the prince, isn't it? I wonder what he's praying for. Zephiel: I offer this prayer unto thee: My coming-of-age ceremony is tomorrow. As the prince of Bern, I've tried… I've tried my best not to be an embarrassment to my father. I know I've not met with his expectations. But I will try harder. I will please him. I vow to do better. For him. Nino: …… Zephiel: ……Hear me: Tomorrow, I will be a man… So this is my last wish as a foolish child. It's the same one I've asked of you every night for all these years, but… Please, bring Father and Mother together again. Please, let the day come when Guinivere and I and her mother… When all of us can live together happily in the castle. Nino: …… Jaffar: It's time… Nino: Oh! Jaffar… (Jaffar opens the chamber and attacks Zephiel) Jaffar: … Zephiel: What!? Villain… Jaffar: That will leave him unconscious for some time. Now, the time has come for you to do your part… Nino: …… Jaffar: …Do it. Nino: …O-OK. Jaffar: …… Nino: I…cannot. Jaffar: What!? What did you say? Nino: Listen to him… All he wants is his parents' love… To be accepted… That's all…… He's just like me. No matter how I try, Mother always looks at me as if I were nothing. Her eyes are so filled with disappointment. She's never held me… not even once…… Jaffar: Stop this foolishness! I told you! I will not permit you to ruin my opportunity! Nino: I know… Do as you must, Jaffar. I won't resist. You can do it easily. But…please don't hurt the prince. …For pity's sake… Jaffar: !! Nino: …I'm ready to die. Jaffar: …… …Come. Nino: What? (Jaffar and Nino leave the chamber) Jaffar: We're leaving. Hurry. Nino: Jaffar? Jaffar: …This is it. Come here. Nino: Bu-But if you do this… Jaffar, you'll… Jaffar: Don't worry about me. Hurry up. …No! (Ursula appears) Ursula: Hello, Jaffar. Finished already? Such magnificent skill. Is this why they call you the Angel of Death? Sonia told me that you were behaving oddly, but… It appears her fears were groundless. Nino: I'm sorry! It's not Jaffar's fault! It was me! The prince… I couldn't… Jaffar: Nino! Ursula: What's all this? Why is the girl still alive? Nino: What? Jaffar: …… Ursula: You received Lady Sonia's orders, did you not? You were to dispose of the worthless little-- Nino: No!! Jaffar: Hold your tongue. You will not speak another word. Ursula: …… So that's how it is? Jaffar, do you plan on betraying Lord Nergal? Jaffar: I will not let Nino die. Get in my way, and I'll kill you. Nino: Jaffar! Ursula: Ha ha… So you have some human emotion in you after all. You always seemed just like those creepy morphs. I bet you didn't kill the prince, either. ……Maxime! Maxime: Yes! I'm here! Ursula: Take your men and put out all of the lights. Block all the entrances. Your targets are Prince Zephiel and two traitors. Finish this before we draw attention to ourselves. Go!!! (Jaffar and Nino run) Jaffar: Go now… I will buy you time. Nino: N-No! You must come, too, Jaffar! Jaffar: Nino… You must live. You are worthy of living. (Jaffar runs off) Nino: No! Wait! Don't go! Jaffar!! (Hector's group arrives) Eliwood: This is the royal manse. Lyn: The lights have been doused. That's the sound of fighting. What's going on? Hector: I don't know, but if they're still fighting, we might not be too late! Let's hurry, Eliwood! Eliwood: We have to get inside! We have to protect the prince!! (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) (After first turn) Zephiel: Ahh… Ow… What's… My room… That man… He's gone. What's going on? Ah! We're under attack! Coming this way… 10…20… I have to get away… No… That's wrong. That's not the way. If I run, they'll simply follow and surround me… Rather than run, I should wait and face them here. (Hector talks to Nino) Nino: You! Are you from the palace? The prince is in his room! Save him! I'll take care of anything that happens out here!! Hector: Wait, hold on! You're Nino, right? Nino: What!? How-- Hector: I heard something… (Hector explains everything to Nino) Nino: …What? But… you must be lying… Hector: I'm not. It's all true. The Black Fang's responsible for the death of countless innocents. They're dancing on strings for Nergal, while he laughs in shadows. Nino: …It can't be… Hector: I know you don't want to believe all this, but it's true. Don't hide yourself from reality. You should come with us. You saved the prince. I think you'll see what's right. Nino: …… (Nino joins) (Nino talks to Jaffar) Nino: Jaffar! Jaffar: Nino? …… I told you to flee. Nino: No, these people came and helped me! Hurry, Jaffar! Come with me! Jaffar: Go. There's no need to save a life without worth. Nino: Jaffar… Jaffar: I am a corpse. I have been dead since the day I was born. Leave me… Nino: No! If you're not coming, then I'm staying! I do not want you to die, Jaffar! Jaffar: Nino… …… (Hector talks to Zephiel) Hector: Prince Zephiel? Zephiel: Ah! Who are you?! Hector: I'm from Ly… Um… I'm here to rescue you. Zephiel: …… Hector: We'll drive back the foe. Get back! Zephiel: I will not. Hector: Huh? Zephiel: I know neither your name nor your motives. Why should I trust you? Hector: Well, I guess you have a point. But…I can't tell you who we are. We've got…reasons. Zephiel: Reasons? Hector: Mm. Complicated reasons. Zephiel: ……I see. I place my life in your hands. Hector: What? Are you sure? Zephiel: If you were assassins, I would already be dead. I must trust you. Hector: You've my word of honor! (Jaffar dies) Jaffar: And so it ends… (Versus Ursula) Ursula: Tell me… Are you afraid to die? (Ursula dies) Ursula: …Uww…gaa… ……This can't… Lady…Son…ia… (Zephiel dies) Zephiel: Mother… (After map is cleared) Zephiel: Ah! The lights are back. Am I safe? What happened to those people? I have to make sure Mother is well! Hello! Is anyone there!? (Soldiers attend Zephiel, Nino and Jaffar are with Hector's group) Nino: Jaffar!! Jaffar: Nino… Nino: I'm…glad you're well… Jaffar: …… Hector: …… Jaffar: Why do you not kill me? Hector: Me, I'd like to rip you limb from limb right now, but this kid Nino is here and all… Lyn: You didn't take the prince's life. So we won't take yours. It's that simple. Jaffar: So naive. Do you know how many of your friends I've killed? Hector: You monster! I'll-- Eliwood: Hector!! Calm yourself! Hector: Get out of my way, Eliwood! I'm going to kill him!! Nino: Stop it! Jaffar: …… Hector: Hey! Why don't you draw your sword? Jaffar: I've not been ordered to. Hector: Ordered to? Jaffar: …… Nino: Please… Forgive Jaffar. I beg you… Jaffar: Nino. Hector: Bah… You live… for now. You're nothing more than a tool. It serves no one to break tools. It's more important that we stop Nergal. But don't forget, I don't forgive you anything. Jaffar: …… Hector: Go back to the Black Fang, or stay with the girl. Do as you will. I care not. Lyn: That's good, isn't it, Nino? Nino: Mm! Thank you! Thank you!! (Outside the manse) Limstella: Ursula… Beyond hearing so soon? ... ……This is quite excellent quintessence. I believe Lord Nergal will be pleased. (At the castle) Murdock: …What could His Majesty be thinking? Detaining me for so long, with no just cause! What!? No… It can't be… The prince… Soldier: Co-Commander! Commander Murdock!! You… You must come… Murdock: What's happened!? (Inside the castle) Servant: My apologies for the wait. The queen will see you now. Pent: Very well. Louise: Let us proceed. Hector: The queen of Bern… Even if it is a private audience, courtly niceties aren't my strong suit. Lyn: Mine, either. Eliwood: …Let's go. (The party meets with Hellene) Hellene: Ah, so you've returned. And you were successful? You recovered the Fire Emblem safely? Eliwood: …Queen Hellene. Has no one told you? Last night in the manse… Hellene: Oh, something about assassins sneaking in, wasn't it? I've no time for such trifles. Quickly, the Emblem. Eliwood: …… Hellene: Ah… Without a doubt, this is the Fire Emblem. Ha ha! With this, my Zephiel holds rightful claim to the succession! Now, it will never pass to that annoying Guinivere… Ha ha ha. Eliwood: Queen Hellene… Hellene: Oh, yes, I'd forgotten. Your promised reward. The road to the Shrine of Seals, was it not? Eliwood: I have a pressing question to ask of you first. What is His Royal Highness Prince Zephiel to you? Hellene: I…beg your pardon? Eliwood: His Highness Zephiel is your trueborn son, isn't he? Or is he, like the Fire Emblem, nothing more than a tool for securing the throne? Hellene: How dare you! Such insolence! To whom do you think you are speaking!? Eliwood: This has nothing to do with title! You are free to possess your desires and aspirations. But your own innocent son… How can you do anything that places His Highness's life at risk!? Hellene: What? What do you mean? Of what do you speak… Lyn: Didn't you hear us? Assassins nearly killed-- Eliwood: Lyndis, that's enough. …I beg your leave. (Eliwood and Lyn leave) Hellene: Wait right there! We are not finished! Someone! Someone stop those insolent children! Someone! Murdock: My lady Queen. Hellene: Murdock! I thought you'd been summoned to the castle by His Majesty. Murdock: That's correct. I've only just returned. One of my men told me all that happened last night. There's something that I must inform you of, Your Majesty. (Outside the castle) Hector: Well, that's that, huh? Eliwood: …… Lord Pent, Lady Louise, I ruined a perfectly good opportunity. I'm terribly sorry. Pent: You said nothing that I did not agree with. Do not think long on it. Louise: Lady Hellene has changed. Before she got married, she was a kind woman who wanted to be a good wife and a good mother. Pent: She and the king are ill matched. She has suffered much. And now, she is obsessed with the succession. Such a sad life… Lyn: …… His parents are alive. Yet they're both awful. I feel so sorry for him. Eliwood: Even if it was just, I should have left it unsaid. I angered the queen, and in doing so lost the only aid we had in Bern. Hector: It's over and done with. No sense worrying about it now. Let's consider our next course of action. Wait! Who's there? Hellene: Go no farther. Hector: Queen Hellene?! Eliwood: What are you… Where are your guards? Hellene: Your name… It is Eliwood, yes? Take this book and this seal. My reward to you. Eliwood: Your Majesty? Hellene: This book contains the road to the Shrine of Seals. The seal was a wedding present from Count Reglay from Etruria. I was saving it for Zephiel, but… I believe at this time that you need it more. Furthermore, your path will remain clear for the next three days. No matter what happens during that time, Bern's soldiers will not move. I can make no promises about the king's own troops, though. Eliwood: You've done more than enough. You have my heartfelt gratitude. But, Your Majesty…why all of this for us? Hellene: I want to thank you, not as a queen, but as a mother. For saving my son, I am forever in your debt. Now, you should get going. Eliwood: …Queen Hellene. (Hellene talks with Zephiel) Hellene: Zephiel. Zephiel: Mother. Is something amiss? Hellene: You… You've endured much heartache because of me. …I'm sorry. Zephiel: Th-That's not so! Hellene: Zephiel… My dear, irreplaceable son. From this day forward… I want us to live together as one loving family. Your father and I…and your sister, Guinivere, too. Zephiel: Mother… Hellene: I am ashamed of the way I have behaved. The king may not forgive me for the woman I have been. Yet I shall make recompense, no matter the time. I want to change. If I speak to him from the heart, someday, he will understand. After all… we are a family. Zephiel: That's right! He will see. (Outside the palace) Hector: So the book is a map, but what's this… "seal"? Eliwood: This is a…Heaven seal. To receive something so valuable… Hector: She really listened to you, didn't she? Let's take them and go! Eliwood: She listened to us, didn't she? Lyn: That's right. All of us! Hector: I guess… Eliwood: Let's make for the Shrine of Seals. Once we make it there, something's bound to happen!! (Got a Heaven seal)
  21. Now for Chapter 27 (H), Kenneth's version of the chapter. I chose to recruit Harken with Hector. All the recruitment conversations with Harken still need to be obtained, as well as the ones with Karel. The chapter's opening dialogue may change if Vaida was killed in the previous chapter. Script for Chapter 27 (Kenneth, H) Narrator: They follow the Black Fang due south. Although the trail vanishes, Lyn uses her tracking skills, and the pursuit continues. The path leads up into Bern's impassable mountains. The peaks know no seasons, and the snow covers all in a bright blanket. In this land of blinding reflections, an ancient castle appears. (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 27: Pale Flower of Darkness) Sonia: So, in the end, you failed to defeat them, didn't you? Vaida: …… Sonia: I only introduced you to Lord Nergal out of respect for your rank. I was mistaken, though, to think a former royal soldier would be-- Vaida: Next time will be different, I swear it. I beg of you, give me one more chance! Sonia: Ha ha ha… "One more chance"? Surely you jest. Vaida: Without Lord Nergal's good word, I'll never fly again! Not as a royal wyvern knight, at least! Please! Another chance!! Sonia: Ah, but you're quite skilled at begging, at least. Desist. You have fallen from our graces, and nothing will change that. Just be grateful. You are an outsider, so you are spared the Fang's judgment. Vaida: …… Sonia: You stink of failure. Leave me to breathe in peace. Vaida: ……Hm. (Vaida leaves) Sonia: Ursula, are you there? Ursula: Yes, Lady Sonia. Sonia: There are two types of people in this world, Ursula. Those chosen to lead and those fit only to serve: human refuse. That's all. Only two types. I am the former, a perfect specimen chosen by Lord Nergal. You want to be like me, don't you, Ursula? Ursula: Yes, of course. Sonia: Then you must use the refuse to your advantage. Treat them as equals, and they will only drag you down. That woman Vaida is a good example. She treats the trash as though they were people. That dooms her to failure… …She truly is a fool. Ursula: …… Sonia: You, however… You, I like. You must take care. It would be a shame to see you fail as Vaida did. Ursula: I understand. Thank you, most gracious Lady Sonia. (Just outside) Eliwood: That wyvern rider… That was the same woman we fought earlier. That proves that they took this mountain path. Lyn: Now that they've come this far, they've let down their guard. You can see their tracks in the snow as plain as day. Eliwood: And you tracked them without fail. Amazing. Lyn: Hee hee… Anything to say, Hector? Hector: Ah…uh… I was wrong to doubt you. Lyn: At least you admit it. Eliwood: The fortress there must be their headquarters. Lyn: Let's sneak in and see what we can find! Hector: Right! Follow my lead! Eliwood: …Why do those two seem to be having so much fun? Hector: Now… What have we here… What a complicated place. Eliwood: It's little more than whispers, but I can hear human voices. Lyn: Over there! Let's go take a look. Eliwood: Marcus! Wait here with Ninian and everyone else. Be ready to escape at any time. I'm counting on you! Marcus: Yes, sir. I will not fail. (Sonia, Brendan, and Nino are talking) Nino: Really? You're giving me a mission? Really and truly!? Mother! Sonia: I am. And it's a very big job at that. …It's for the king of Bern. Nino: The king!? Such an important job… for me? Brendan: Sonia, I'm against this. Giving such a dangerous job to this child? Nino: Father? Sonia: …You're right, this really is a job for your sons. However, we've seen nothing of them since their last report. Nino: Lloyd… Linus…… Brendan: …… Sonia: So my daughter will do this. And I will have no complaints from you about it. Brendan: …… Nino: Ah! Father…… Sonia: …You may do as you please!! Nino: But… Sonia: First, business! Jaffar! Come! Nino: Jaffar! Lyn: Look! That man! He was at the Dragon's Gate. Hector: Nergal's henchman. No question about it. Eliwood: …… Nino: Jaffar! Should you be up? Don't your wounds hurt? Jaffar: …… Sonia: Must you be so discourteous? It really is quite irritating. You heard the king's request, did you not? Jaffar: Prince Zephiel… He wants him assassinated. Nino: What? The prince? The king wants to kill the prince? Why? He's his son, isn't he? Sonia: Nino! Be quiet. Nino: Ah… I'm sorry. Sonia: Jaffar, this mission is yours… and you're to take Nino. Jaffar: …… You're not serious? Sonia: Yes, I'm serious. This girl is my daughter. She must prove herself as soon as possible. Jaffar: …Don't do this. This is too much for her. Sonia: As long as you're with her, there should be no problem. I'll brook no disagreement. We must have the king in our debt. Those are Lord Nergal's explicit orders. Jaffar: …… Sonia: Nino! You understand the consequences if you fail, don't you? Nino: Um… Yes. Sonia: Then we're off to investigate the prince's manse. I'll provide more details on the way there. (The three leave, Kenneth comes up) Sonia: Kenneth! Kenneth: Yes, Lady Sonia. Sonia: Where is Brendan? He just left the room. Kenneth: He went outside with Jan. Sonia: …… I wonder what he's about… …I'll deal with it later. Listen, Kenneth. You're in charge of the guard while I'm gone. Do not let anything happen to the item. Kenneth: Understood. I will guard it with my life. (The Black Fang members leave) Eliwood: Do they seriously mean to assassinate the prince? Hector: Aye. On the orders of the king, it would seem. Unbelievable… Lyn: The Emblem is essential to the prince's ceremony, right? Having the Emblem becomes useless if the prince is dead! Eliwood: We must stop the assassination! The girl, Nino… If we speak to her, she might understand. Lyn: Jaffar looks like a dangerous man… But we have no other course of action. (The lords try to leave, but Kenneth appears) Kenneth: Hello, trepassers. I bid you welcome. Imagine, the stronghold of a guild of assassins, infiltrated. Quite amusing, isn't it? Heh heh heh heh. Eliwood: Oh! Kenneth: However, you shall not leave. Sonia has given me authority while she is away. Eliwood: You… You're a holy man. What are you doing in this place? Kenneth: Are you referring to my relationship with the "gods"? Are you still held in thrall of such a concept? You've met Lord Nergal, haven't you? Then there is something you must know. Gods are lies created by the weakness in all mankind. …If a god truly exists, then it is my lord Nergal. Only him. Eliwood: Insane… Hector: Eliwood! Waste no time with that madman!! Let's get out of-- Nils: We can't! Something's blocking our way. We can't get out!! Ninian: …That man. The one in front of you… A surge of evil… Kenneth: Nothing is more beautiful than the suffering of men. When I'm watching, I'm afloat in an ocean of pure bliss… I will watch you for a long, long time. (Kenneth disappears) Eliwood: …Gone. Ninian: …It's all right. He's still close… In this building…somewhere. Nils: We've got to defeat him and destroy this barrier! Otherwise, we'll never get out!! Eliwood: …Mark! We have to find that man and escape this place! What are your orders?! (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) (Harken appears at the start of the tenth turn, if less than two promoted enemies have been defeated) Harken: Intruders? Let them go. We've nothing against you. We must gain the trust of the Black Fang and get close to that man. We must avenge the death of our liege, Lord Elbert… (Hector talks to Harken) Hector: You-- It can't be… Harken? Harken: …Oh! Hector: Hey, hang on! Wait a moment! You're one of Pherae's knights! Harken, right? Harken: …Lord Hector. Hector: You were one of Lord Elbert's sworn men, right? I'd heard all his knights died on Valor… Why didn't you return and report to Eliwood? Harken: I failed in my duty to protect my sworn lord… I am not worthy of the honor of being a knight of Pherae. Hector: … Harken: Before Nergal's magic, we were annihilated. When Lord Elbert was taken away, I was…powerless… Hector: That dog Nergal… Harken: I heard he shared some connection to the Black Fang. I searched the continent for signs of them… I intended to strike against them with my final breath. Hector: And now you are here. You can fight with us, Harken. Eliwood is here as well. Harken: Forgive me, Lord Hector. I would rather die a knight than live in shame. I will trade my life for many of theirs. Hector: Hold, Harken! Do you think that's what Lord Elbert would ask for? Harken: …… Hector: I'm not from Pherae, so it may not be my place to say, but… Eliwood waited for you… for any of you to return. Harken: …Lord Eliwood. Hector: Eliwood is in a war. If you're a true knight of Pherae, you need to be at his side. Harken: …I understand. My life is his. May it serve him better than it served his father. (Harken joins) (Versus Kenneth) Kenneth: You're doing much better than I had anticipated. But it's about time to put an end to this. (Kenneth dies) Kenneth: Does this…mean… that I…lose… (After map is cleared) Eliwood: Everyone is being driven mad by Nergal… Lyn: It must be terrifying, to lose yourself entirely… To fall completely under the sway of Nergal's power… …Hey! What could this be? Eliwood: It can't be… the Fire Emblem? Hector: So this knave had it all along? Let's take it and go! Lyn: We've finally gotten it back… Let's not waste our good fortune. Hector: Eliwood! There's no reason for us to stay any longer! Eliwood: I know! Let's make haste for the manse! We must stop the assassination! We cannot let the prince's life be put in jeopardy! (Outside the fortress) Sonia: You know your role, yes? The plan must be carried out tonight. Nino: Mother…just once… if only for a little while… may I…hold your hand? Sonia: Nino, you know how I abhor such displays. Nino: I… I know. But…I may not get another chance… And I thought… Sonia: …Very well. Nino: Huh? Sonia: If you complete this mission, I'll hold your hand as often as you like. I will even hug you and stroke your face. Nino: Oh, really!? Then I must do my best! I will, I will! I will succeed!! Wait for me, Mother! Sonia: I will. Be careful! Nino: …All right!! I'll be back!! (Nino leaves) Sonia: Ah, Jaffar, wait here for a moment. Jaffar: … Sonia: It's about tonight's mission… Jaffar: What is it? Sonia: Once you've killed the prince, kill Nino, too. Jaffar: What!? Sonia: The assassinations… Both come directly by the king's request. The prince is well loved, and his death will trigger much chaos. If the assassin is not caught and hanged immediately, the chaos will engulf Bern. A scapegoat is needed. Do you understand? Jaffar: Nino is your daughter!! Sonia: She is trash. Garbage. Human refuse. I'm just happy at last to have found a use for her. She did say she would do anything to please her loving mother, did she not? Her death will please me more than her living ever did. Jaffar: …… Sonia: …What is it? Do you have something to say? Jaffar: …… This…has nothing to do with me. Sonia: When Lord Nergal found you as an orphan, he chose you because of your callous heart and your skill with a blade. Lord Nergal does not give second chances. Do not forget. Jaffar: … (Back at the fortress) Hector: …Oswin. Oswin: Lord Hector. Hector: Have you heard anything from my brother? Oswin: When you say "anything" … Hector: …Come, you know… About his condition… Oswin: No, nothing new. Hector: I see. That's good. Oswin: Why do you ask? Hector: No reason really. I'm simply concerned for my brother. Earlier… When I saw him in Ostia, he didn't look well. When father took ill and died… I wonder if he looked at all like that. Forget it, I'm worrying about nothing. If something were wrong, I'm sure we would've heard. Oswin: Yes, indeed. Now that you mention it, I did forget something. Lord Uther sent word to you through a messenger. Hector: Oh! What did he have to say? Oswin: "Don't trouble Lord Eliwood by being overly obstinate." Hector: Just like my brother! Always the same thing! How many times have I told him to stop treating me like a child!?
  22. When promoting, instead of resetting your level to 1, just continue on to level 40 (or 60 if we're doing third tiers). Fire Emblem 4 did the same thing, but you could only go up to level 30.
  23. Whoo-hoo, now for Chapter 26 (H). The woman that tells you about the tactician might change her dialogue if you let a bunch of units die or you never created a tactician in the first place. Vaida's death quote in this chapter is the same as her normal death quote. Since the death quotes are already listed on this site, I didn't bother listing it here. Script for Chapter 26 (H) Narrator: Hector and his allies defeat the Black Fang monster, Pascal. However, they learn nothing of the Fire Emblem's location. To escape from the Black Fang, they disguise themselves once more. At Eliwood's suggestion, they head for the royal palace of Bern. (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 26: Unfulfilled Heart) Hector: We've finally arrived. I can't believe they built a palace in these mountains. Eliwood: Bern is the only country on the continent where wyverns still fly. With its wyvern riders, I imagine this castle is the best-defended anywhere. Lyn: I agree. Look at the path leading up the mountain's face. It would be impossible to scale that in a direct assault. Hector: Defenders positioned higher up would have a clear advantage. Even the best soldiers would be taken out with ease. Hm… Look at that. They don't have any sentries posted. They must have a lot of faith in their defenses. Eliwood: Look at these surroundings! They probably make do simply with patrols within the castle. The mighty Bern. I'd not like it as an enemy. Lyn: And yet, from this impregnable fortress, a treasure was stolen. Perhaps the king really is responsible for all this. It's hard to imagine any thief cracking Bern's defenses. Eliwood: You're right. But I can't imagine why the king would do this. To find the Fire Emblem, we're going to need clues. Lyn: Listen, why don't we try sneaking into the castle? Hector: That's what I was waiting for! I like the way you think. Eliwood: Whatever happens, we must not be caught. If it looks impossible, turn around and come back here. Hector: Got it! Lyn: Of course! (The three lords enter the palace) Lyn: This is… An inner garden? Eliwood: Shh! Someone's coming this way. Hector: Here! Into this thicket!! Guinivere: Brother! Hello, Zephiel! Zephiel: Ah, Guinivere. Have you been well? Guinivere: Uh-huh! I've been fine. But if you would come and see me every day, I'd be even better! Much, much better! Zephiel: Every day? Well, that's an awful lot, but I'll come by as often as possible. All for you, dear sister. Guinivere: Yippee! Desmond: Guinivere! Guinivere! Where are you, lass? Guinivere: Here I am, Father! Welcome home. Desmond: Ah, there you are. Were you a good girl while I was gone? Come, give your father a kiss. You're as adorable as ever. Zephiel: Well met, Father. Desmond: …Zephiel. Hmph… You take the same unpleasant tone as your mother. Zephiel: What!? I… I… Desmond: Silence. What bring you to my castle? Zephiel: Ah, yes… Murdock. Murdock: Yes, my lord. Zephiel: We were hunting in the forest earlier. …We found this and thought Guinivere might like it. Guinivere: Eeek! A baby fox!? How cute! It's so very cute!! Is it for me? Really? Zephiel: Do you like it? Guinivere: Yes, I do! Thank you. I do love you, Brother! Desmond: …Guinivere, go play for a while. Guinivere: OK! Come on, let's go! You lovely little fox! (Guinivere leaves) Desmond: …I've told you to stay away from the castle. Zephiel: Yes…I know… I beg your pardon. I heard that Guinivere was ill and I was…worried. Desmond: Hah, you mean you came to see if she would die, don't you? Zephiel: Father… Murdock: I beg your pardon, Your Majesty, that… Desmond: Hold your tongue, Murdock! Do not forget whom you serve! The king of Bern!! Murdock: …… Zephiel: It's all right, Murdock… Father, I would never want to see Guinivere harmed in-- Desmond: You and your mother think of nothing more than stealing my throne. You plague me. Return to the manse! Zephiel: …As you wish. I beg your leave…Father. (Zephiel and Murdock leave) Desmond: …No matter how I warn him, he comes. Why is it that the very sight of him tries my patience so? He is truly of my own flesh and blood, yet… Sonia: Hee hee hee. It is jealousy, my king. Desmond: Eh? Who's there? Sonia: It is I, Sonia. Desmond: You… Well? Is the Emblem safe? Sonia: Yes. I have it in my possession. It is all as we planned. Desmond: It is unlikely, but… The queen might attempt to win the Emblem back. Are you prepared? Sonia: I will not fail… It is secreted away within the Black Fang's fortress. Desmond: Keep it concealed until dusk of the tenth day, then return it to me. Sonia: As you will, Your Grace. Desmond: And what of my other request… Sonia: One of the Four Fangs will tend to it. There will be no mistakes. However, General Murdock, the man protecting the prince… He is young, yet well respected. Shall we finish him, too? Desmond: …Murdock… His birth is low. And yet his combat skills have won him the title of Wyvern General. It would be a great blow if Bern were to lose him. I'll think of something to remove him from Zephiel's side. Will that do? Sonia: Yes. It would be a great help. Wait! …… Desmond: What? What is it? Sonia: I…sense someone. Desmond: Where!? Guinivere: Father! Brother! Where are you?! Desmond: Do not worry. It's my daughter. Sonia: Of course. Do not forget the Black Fang's role once we are successful. Desmond: Of course. Now begone. Quickly. Sonia: Farewell. (Sonia leaves, Guinivere comes up) Guinivere: Zephiel! This kit, it… Hm? Where is my brother? Desmond: He had an errand to perform and left. Guinivere: Oh, no! No, no, no! I wanted to play! Desmond: Come, Guinivere. I will play with you. Guinivere: No! I want to play with him, not you! I'll go and call him back. Here, hold my fox! (Guinivere leaves) Desmond: …… Attend me!! Soldier: Yes, my lord. Desmond: Take this beast and kill it! Do not let Guinivere know what you do. Soldier: Understood. Desmond: …Zephiel, you knave. Trying to steal my Guinivere's love… …You will learn your place! (At the lords) Hector: That was close… I was afraid they'd catch us. Eliwood: This is worse than I'd imagined. The Black Fang has already reached the king. Lyn: Their plans for Lycia failed, and now they're targeting Bern. Hector: If a country as powerful as Bern moves, peace knows no hope. Eliwood: What Nergal desires is powerful quintessence. Calling dragons back… Does he wish to embroil the world in chaos? Whatever his plans, he must be stopped at any cost! Hector: Right. Find the Fire Emblem and return it to the queen. We do that, and she'll point us toward the Shrine of Seals. Lyn: If we go to the Black Fang fortress… Eliwood: That's our goal. I must meet with everyone and seek out their fortress. (Outside the palace) Nils: I wonder if Eliwood and the others are well. I'm kind of worried. Ninian: Mm… Nils: Um, Ninian? Lord Hector's a strange guy, isn't he? Ninian: Nils, that's impolite, saying he's strange. Nils: But it's true. He is strange. He doesn't put on airs like other nobles. He even lets me ride on his shoulders. He's pushy and rough, but nice, too… I really like him. Ninian: Nils… Nils: What if the people from long ago were like him? I just wish everyone could've gotten along better, you know? Ninian: Yes… I agree… Nils: …Tell me, Ninian. Lord Eliwood… You're fond of him, aren't you? Ninian: Nils! I… Nils: But you must not fall in love with him, you know? We…are different from them. Ninian: …I know. But I cannot… ……I… Nils: Ninian! Where are you going? Ninian: I need time to think. May I be alone, please? Nils: Ninian… (The lords come out) Hector: We'd better hurry and rejoin the others. Oh, no! Look! It's a wyvern rider! Eliwood: She's coming closer… Has she seen us?! Lyn: No, it's not us she's seen. It's… It's Nils!!! Eliwood: Let's go! Hector!! Hector: OK! Nils: Ahh! Who…who are you? Vaida: Light green hair, crimson eyes… No mistake. You're one of Lord Nergal's lost toys. Yes! Found you at last! Nils: …What are you? Why can't I sense you!? Vaida: What happened to your bodyguards? I heard they were tough. I wanted to see for myself. Well, you're here, so they can't be too far away, can they? Nils: … Vaida: C'mon, boy! Scream! Call your friends to you! I grow weary of waiting. I am not known for my patience!!! Lyn: I'm the one you're looking for! Unhand the boy! Vaida: You've come! I've been looking forward to this! Eliwood: Looking forward… What do you mean? Vaida: The chance to crush you! Then hand the children over to Lord Nergal. Hector: Nergal? So you're one of his dogs, are you? Vaida: …I'll not be called a dog by you, blackheart! True, we've a contract with the Black Fang, but… I am loyal to one master only! He who sits on the throne of Bern! Eliwood: Then why are you in the employ of the Black-- Vaida: There's been far too much talking. Let's get started, shall we? I've long hungered for someone to test my strength against. Make this last awhile, will you? I want to enjoy this!! Listen up, everyone! It's playtime! Come on out!! The palace has promised to stay out of this! Be as wild as you will!! Hector: Mark! We're all scattered about and in hiding. The enemy can pick off our weaker members one by one. We've got to get together and protect them! (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) Pent: We'll help, too. Tell us what to do. Hector: That will be helpful, but… You, too, Lady Louise? Louise: Of course. Pent: No need for concern. She is quite skilled with a bow. Those Bern wvyern riders will be sorry to meet her. Louise: Despite what you may think, I shoot much better than I dance or sing. I believe I can be of some small assistance. Hector: I doubt I'll have such a lovely comrade-in-arms again soon. I look forward to witnessing your prowess! Pent: …Now let me give you this. It's from Lord Athos. Hector: What is it? Pent: A Heaven seal… It reveals hidden strengths. It only works for a select few, but… Hector: Looks funny. Pent: Do you think you can use it? Hector: … … ……Nothing's happening. Pent: Wait for the proper time, and have the other two try it. It might not work now, but I'm sure that you will all be able to use it at some point. Just keep trying. Hector: OK. I'll hold on to it. (Got a Heaven seal) Louise: Mark… That is your name, is it not? You're the tactician for this company, right? May our battles together be successful ones. (Visiting the left house) Man: I've heard some stories about the Black Fang… I hear they've a swordfighter who wields the fearsome Light Brand. No, he's not here now. But you might run into him somewhere. You should be careful. The Light Brand is a magic sword. It'll cut you if you're close and hurl magic at you from afar. Step lightly if you know he's on the battlefield. (Visiting the right house) Woman: Do you know anyone named Mark? You see, I once helped out a weary traveler… who just so happened to be a brilliant tactician! Cared for the soldiers… Won battle after battle with no casualties… Ah, I wonder if we'll meet again… (Visiting the village) Ursula: Oh, my. It's you… Character: Me? Ursula: That's right. You're with them, right? I know that this isn't what I'm supposed to do but… I'll not hand glory over to that newcomer, Vaida… What? Oh, nothing… I'm talking to myself. More importantly, I want to give you this. It's a hammerne staff. It repairs items. It can make most items like new again. Promise me you'll bring that wyvern-riding hag down. I'll be seeing you again, I'm sure. Hee hee… (Got a Hammerne) (Versus Vaida) Vaida: Ha ha… Such a pleasant expression. That settles it. I'll start with you. (End of eleventh turn) Vaida: Pah! I've had it with being pushed here and there! Withdraw!! Ground forces, pull back! And move quickly!! (After map is cleared) Eliwood: I guess that worked out. Ninian: Lord Eliwood! Eliwood: Ninian! Nils! Are you both well? Nils: What shall we do, Lord Eliwood? Nergal's power… It's returning bit by bit. Eliwood: What do you mean? Ninian: That woman you faced… She was protected by Nergal's magic. Eliwood: Her strength… It came from Nergal? Ninian: Yes. It won't be long before he's active again. With all his power restored. Nils: We must hurry and gain the power to oppose him! Eliwood: We have to recover the Fire Emblem. If we can do that… Hector: Come on! The palace is in an uproar. This is our chance to slip away! Lyn: Wait! I have an idea. Let's follow them. Eliwood: Lyndis? Lyn: Leave it to me. I think I might be able to find the Black Fang fortress. (On a mountain path) Lyn: This way. The signs are fading, but they're really moving. I think I can track them if they keep this pace. Hector: Are you sure? Really? Lyn: Remember, I'm from Sacae. Bern's foot soldiers are slow and clumsy… And to a Sacaen, men are easier to track than rabbits. Hector: What do you want to do, Eliwood? Eliwood: Let's put our trust in Lyndis. If anyone can do this, she can. Hector: Are you serious? Lyn: Over here, everyone!
  24. Chapter 25 (H), a very short chapter compared to others (in terms of dialogue, of course). I'm sure that Fiora can talk to Farina, I just didn't send out Fiora for this chapter. Florina can talk with Farina only AFTER she is recruited by paying 20,000 gold. Thanks to the arena, I could have paid 200,000 gold to Farina for all I cared. If you refuse her (or if you don't have 20,000 gold), Farina storms off in a huff, but I didn't take that route. Oh, and don't bother asking me what happens if you send Bartre into the village with Karla. Bartre was the unit I sent to visit the village, but no special dialogue occurred. Script for Chapter 25 (H) Narrator: The Bern royal family is a pageant of power, love, and hate. Eliwood finds himself embroiled in their troubles. He has been sent to recover the Bern family treasure: the Fire Emblem. It has been stolen from the palace vault. Relying on information that he has uncovered in the city, Hector heads south to an area filled with lakes and marshes. (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 25: Crazed Beast) Sonia: You there, open the cell. Black Fang: Lady Sonia? Bu-But…the prisoner… My orders are that none may see him… Sonia: Open the cell. …Did you hear me? Black Fang: Yes… Yes! Pascal: Oho… Aren't you a lovely one? I pray you'll forgive the cramped quarters. Sonia: Pascal Grentzer, once and former count of Bern's Landskron. A man whose battlefield prowess was feared far and wide… Until you invited your citizens to your castle and slaughtered them. Stripped of your title, you fled the king and joined the Black Fang. Is that an accurate summary? Pascal: Hmmm… You know me well, it would seem. Sonia: You were even made one of the Four Fangs. Spending the rest of your days in this place seems so wasteful. I've heard that Brendan calls you "the Beast." A monster who would massacre an entire village to kill one person. Pascal: He doesn't know how to enjoy his work. "Never harm any innocents." Bah. "The Black Fang brings justice to those above the law." Ha ha ha… Quite droll jokes, don't you think? Sonia: I'm going to release you, Count. I've a job for you. Something you'll love. What do you say? Are you interested? Pascal: Hmmm… Why not? It can't be worse than rotting here. And I must say, I do love my work… Now, tell me. What is the name of my target? (Outside the fortress) Hector: This is a really remote area, isn't it? Eliwood: Yeah. Few people call this area home. Lyn: Hector, are you sure about this? Is the Fire Emblem really here? Hector: Yes, I paid a small ransom for this information. There's no mistake. Look! Do you see those three run-down fortresses? I was told the thieves who base themselves there stole the Emblem. Lyn: Thieves. Wonder if it's true. Eliwood: We'll simply have to go and confirm it for ourselves. Hector: Come on. Let's go! Lyn: Oh! Wait, you two! This looks… It's them! (Enemies appear) Pascal: It's about time. Shall we get started? Black Fang: Lo…Lord Pascal, are you sure? Shouldn't we tell the chief we've found them? Pascal: You don't understand, do you? If we tell anyone, the Four Fangs will take over. I will not let my prey be snatched away by those spoiled children. Black Fang: But… But… Pascal: If you wish to be executed for desertion, I'll not stop you from fleeing. I think it would be more fun to fight though, don't you? Shall we proceed, gentlemen? Lyn: …Looks like we're completely surrounded. Hector: Bah, I don't think we'll lose if we fight, but… These are not the most favorable conditions. OK! I don't care who, but someone needs to break out and seize those fortresses. Got that!? We seize all three of them! (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) (Versus Pascal) Pascal: I am Count Pascal Grentzer of Landskron… The man who will cut short your miserable lives. (Pascal dies) Pascal: Gahaa… Urrg…gaa… Is this…death? Is this…what I have… wrought so oft before? (Visiting the village) Karla: Hmmm… I heard there was a fighter whose swordwork was a terror to behold. I traveled a long way to see him myself, but it wasn't my brother. My brother's strokes are far more lovely. I would lend you my sword, but I'm looking for someone. Take this. It is a poor substitute, but perhaps it will help you. (Got an Elysian whip) (Farina appears, start of fifth turn) Farina: Wow! It's started! I must negotiate quickly, or all the fighting will be done! Who looks to be in charge on this side? Aha! There! That must be the leader! (Farina talks to Hector) Farina: Say, excuse me! Yes, you, the grim-faced one! Hector: Me? Farina: You're really pushing yourself, taking on all these enemies. Hector: It's not for pleasure! Hey, who are you, anyway!? You're not with those guys, are you? Farina: Me? No, I'm not. I came out here because I heard I could make some gold. What a joke! Only a fool would work for this piddling amount! Skills like mine do not some cheap. Hector: You seem pretty… sure of yourself. Farina: I am Farina, a mercenary attached to the Strongwings, Ilia's 3rd division of pegasus knights. No doubt you've heard of me! Hector: I've heard Ilian mercenaries never betray their employers. So…how much would it cost to hire you for ourselves? Farina: Ah, so you've an appreciation for true warriors after all? Let me see… I'm yours for 20,000 gold. Hector: 20,000 gold!?! That's laughable. No sellsword is worth that much! Farina: I beg to differ. Your journey is a long one, is it not? More than one battle, surely. That requires a special contract, special arrangements. Not to be morbid, but there are sympathy payments to my family in the unlikely event of my death, for example. Not to mention bonuses and hazard pay, medical treatment… Hector: Hold on! That's enough!! …Your fee includes all of that, right? Farina: Ah, so you understand? I'm so pleased. Well, what'll it be? Will you hire me? Hector: What should I do… Hey, Mark! You decide. Should we hire her? (If answer is yes) Hector: Here it is: 20,000 gold. You've no complaints, do you? Farina: Wow! Hector: What is it? You'll accept it, right? Farina: …You surprise me. You didn't even try to negotiate… Just paid the gold up front! Who… Who are you? Hector: I'm Marquess Ostia's brother, Hector. Are you going to take the money or not? Farina: Ah! My gold!! Of course I'll take it! Ostia's the biggest territory in all Lycia, isn't it? Pleasure doing business with you, noble sir! Hector: Mm. I'm counting on you. Farina: Oh, and there are weapons and vulneraries, too. All of my current possessions are included in my fee. Anything new, you pay for. I never cover those expenses. Never! Hector: You've got it all figured out, don't you? (Farina joins) (Florina talks to Farina, can only occur AFTER Farina is recruited) Farina: Well, if it isn't Florina! Florina: Farina… Is it truly you? Farina: It's been so long! How have you been? Florina: Sister!! Ah… … … … Farina: Hey! Don't start crying all over me!! Florina: …But… …Farina… …I haven't seen you since you ran away from home. Farina: Ran away? I didn't run away. Florina: But… …Fiora, she… she said that you weren't coming home again…… Farina: Well, uh…we… You know, sisters fight sometimes. I said things, she said things… It's in the past now. Florina: …Really? Farina: Really! Really! Now stop crying, please? So, um… You're fighting with Lord Hector, too, right? It looks like we'll be working together for a while. Florina: …Uh-huh! (First fortress is seized) Character: That's the first one… Now to seize the last two. (Second fortress is seized) Character: That's number two. If we can take care of one more… (Third fortress is seized) Character: Mm. That's number three. That should seal the victory for us. (After map is cleared) Hector: That's it! It's finished! You're not nearly good enough to trap us! Lyn: We should have listened to Eliwood. We should've gone toward the palace and avoided this trap. Hector: No sense worrying about it now. What we need to worry about is where we go from here. Lyn: Now you try and talk sense? You really are something else, Hector. Hector: Can't hold a candle to you, though. Lyn: What did you say? Eliwood: Peace! Both of you! Anytime we're able to weaken our foe, we've done well. Now we've got to get out of here. No telling when reinforcements might arrive. Hector: All right. Let's go. Lyn: You're right. Let's hurry.
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