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Posts posted by Doga

  1. Shit happens when the enzymes in your stomach acids break down the food molecules you consume and syphon the important nutrients. The rest is left to waste and is released through the anus. You'd be full of shit if you say it doesn't happen. (literally)

    Don't forget the large intestine. A lot of the nutrient absorption happens there too buddy.

  2. *cough cough*


    I don't think I'd engage in indecent acts with animals of all things... That's just wrong.

    EDIT: It was... interesting to read, though.

    So you're saying the Laguz are, what? Animals? Sub-human? Racist.

    Let it be known, fireemblemfan4ever is racist.


    Now excuse me but I must be off. Skirmir doesn't like me to be late for our pre-dinner intimacy.

  3. I don't know if they're 'gone', but I'd like to see the next few games reincorporate a distinction between Tomes. The last three games have had them as one conglomerate group (sans Dark tomes). I wouldn't mind having magic done in the FE10 system, with Light, Dark, Fire, Wind, Thunder, etc. So I would like some Shamans (though Dark Mages were similar) and Monks/Light Mages in the next game.

    I also liked the weapon specific armors/cavaliers and magic-specific mages.

    Additionally, magic/melee hybrid classes always interested me, so more classes like War Monk, Dark Knight, and Dark Flier, would be greatly appreciated, although the name Dark Knight didn't make much sense.

  4. Yeah, the GBA FE's really took a few steps backwards. The only things I think they improved upon were supports, and FE8 had some basic skills, an open map, and branched story paths/promotions. FE9 definitely brought a lot of old things back, and FE13 continued this expansion. The skill system based on levels reminds me of TRS.

    Do you think we would have gotten reclassing? I'm not familiar with Kaga's games, but I don't think they had this feature.

  5. How do you think the series would have been today if good ol' Shouzou didn't quit IS?

    Do you think he still plays the games to see what's going on?

    I bet he hates SD simply because they went and horribly remade his game.

    Would we see what would become TRS and Berwick, but on Nintendo systems?

    EDIT: Shit, I posted this in the General forums, and not General Fire Emblem on accident. Could a mod move this topic to the appropriate place?

    EDIT 2: Thanks, whichever mod moved this. Your work has not gone unappreciated.

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