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Posts posted by Doga

  1. In my particular NM experiences, I always end up benching Edward halfway through Part 1 because he just can't frontline like Nolan/Aran/Volug can. He can get crazy good with his growths, but I remember just sticking him with a Wind Edge for chip by 1-5.

    Plus Zihark is essentially better Eddy for a good chunk of Part 1 anyhow. I can't say that my personal experiences can vouch for the character as a whole, but I can definitely see Edward losing his usefulness as the difficulty levels rise.

  2. Gatrie has an extreme speed growth in RD, it's like 60% or something. As for using Brom, I like him. I don't know if I like him more than Gatrie, but I used him in my most recent HM run of PoR and he served me well. He slowed down near the end, but most Generals tend to do that by endgame.

    I always used Brom in part 2 of RD, but beyond that, he doesn't see much use since I feel Gatrie's speed growth makes him a more usable unit later on. I don't see an issue with using Brom altogether, though. He's a good enough unit, and although not better than Gatrie, there is little that separates them in PoR to cause much dispute. I like armor knights, so he has a place on my roster when I feel like it.

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