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Posts posted by Doga

  1. Pan-Seared Tuna is amazing.

    Any piece of beef that's not going in something like a stew or fajita should usually be at least medium rare or it's ruined (there are other exceptions).

    Pork is the best type of meat, period.

    I love all meat.

    Especially liver. Oh man, liver's cheap and amazing.

  2. What the...?

    "The angel blood boiled as he summoned the great meteor, swathed with the blood of the tiny fucklings at Hogwarts, leapt onto it, and flew into space. He encased the entire meteor in a wreath of holy fuckfire and flew through Mercury, killing the fuck out of it. Then he sent Mercury's carcass into Venus, killing the fuck out of it and making every vagina in the galaxy explode, and inside every vagina a booby sang of mortal life's fleeting precipice."

  3. Notice on how one of the early enemy phases (around 45 seconds), a monster with a melee weapon blocked you off because you had a bow equipped.

    If you had a sword equipped, an enemy with, say, a bow, could do the same exact thing and impede your movement, as well as the movement of other troops.

    A unit with a reliable 1-2 range weapon, like a hand axe, does not have these problems if they can 1RKO such enemies (which should be happening with a unit like Gerik).

    I don't get what you're trying to prove with Ranger!Gerik.

  4. I think some sort of physical attraction is required for a relationship. For me, the major reason I approach a girl is because I find them attractive on some level, mostly physical. That's not to say I only talk to very attractive girls, or only romantically pursue very attractive women. It just depends on what goes on my head in that very moment. From that point on, beyond the initial interaction, to me it's then where personality and all of that becomes integral.

    A relationship cannot flourish without a personal connection, as opposed to just physical desire. A strong friendship should grow from an initial attraction, which is where physical appearance plays a role.

  5. 1-P: 6 turns. I play slowly.

    1-1: 6 turns. Yeah.

    1-2: 10 turns. I took my time and got all of the chests.

    1-3: 8 turns.

    1-4: 6 turns.

    1-5: 6 turns.

    1-6-1: 8 turns.

    1-6-2: 4 turns.

    1-7: 7 turns.

    1-8: 14 turns. It was 10 actual turns, but I had to take a +4 penalty for using Muarim.

    That's what I got so far. I don't have a turncount goal for this draft. I think actually finishing the game is enough of a goal as is.

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