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Posts posted by Doga

  1. I'm replaying this game, and a friend of mine is playing it for the first time.

    This is his first experience with a game that uses the single RN system, and he often complains about hitrates in the 20s hitting, and his 80s missing. I'm aware of how the single and double RN systems work, but is there anything else in FE4's RN that makes low hitrates seem to connect more often than usually?

    I personally thought that he was just getting unlucky, but perhaps there are other reasons.

  2. The chances of getting a blank level with Midir is 7%, so you're likely to see a couple of them.

    Midir is very much unspectacular filler, so she's pretty lucky she's not in another game.



  3. Midir is one of those units who is probably mediocre, but ends up losing my favor by the time Chapter 2 rolls around. When I play, Chapter 2 is when I drop units like Ardan, Noishe, Alec, etc.

  4. I think what also matters is what kind of enemy arrangement you'll be going for, and what kind of units you'll have available for the map.

    I'm assuming that the house in the upper right corner is some sort of boss location, but I'm not entirely sure.

  5. When I was 14 years old, my dad sat me down and gave me one of the greatest pieces of advice I had ever been given. My father being a heavy drinking throughout my life meant that most advice he gave amounted to nothing, but this piece sticks with me to the present day:

    "Never eat chain pizza."

    At first I thought he meant pizza wrapped in metal chains, like enslaved pizza, but no.

    I live in a town with way too many pizzerias, so from an early age, there were always options that were not of a chain variety. My tastes were cultivated (though I admit I ate plenty of Dominos in my time, never again) and I grew to accept the smaller, family-owned joints to be far superior. I apologize, but Pizza Hut is revolting. This is coming from a man who openly eats Taco Bell and White Castle on occasion. Pizza Hut does not need to exist. It is a blight on humanity, perhaps not a large one, but I agree that most of us would be better without it.

    I know a guy in Elizabeth, New Jersey. A 50-something year old Greek man named Detective Slice. He knows pizza. Mostly because I get it for free because my dad knows him and every time we visit, we go in through the back. It's great. I wrote a paper about him once.

    Fuck it. I don't even care about pizza that much (although I did spend much of my high school years hanging out in a pizzeria in my town, not the Slice's, mind you). I care about Detective Slice.

    God Bless Detective Slice.

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