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Posts posted by Doga

  1. I agree with those who say it varies by game. I've not played much of Shadow Dragon, but according to what I've read, Jagen himself is just terrible. Marcus in FE7 is decent, but not anything special. Titania is great (though I still find Oscar and Kieran to be better. But Geoffrey and Makalov are worse. Far worse. Astrid is alright, but not as good either), Seth is beastly, and Frederick can turn into a beast too thanks to Awakening's reclass system and Limit Breaker skill.

    So overall, no, Jagens don't suck at all. Many are required for the hardest game modes too, as people say.

    This too. Totally. Sain is monstrous.

    How is Makalov worse than Astrid if he doesn't have horrific bow-lock?

  2. SAT scores are pretty amazing if you go to a state school. Go to a decent one of those with a really high SAT score and you're probably going for free or almost free.

    Then you do really well in said state school, and apply to the really top-tier schools for grad school, where you'll probably be getting a stipend of some sort to go there.

  3. I have my mother's eyes, and have been told that the quality of my hair is somewhat like my maternal grandmother's. My dad's a red-head, and I have dark brown hair, so I think I look more like my mother in that respect because she has brown hair as well.

    People have said I look a lot like my mom, but not so much with my dad. If I have anything from my dad it's probably my facial structure, like my face and jaw.

  4. Oh you got to hold on, hold on,

    Oh, babe you've got to hold on

    Take my hand, I'm standing right here

    You gotta hold on.

    Tibarn has 10 move rather than 9, so I'm pretty sure he's the best candidate if you just want the highest possible move.

    Thank you for telling me this. I just started part 4 and I have yet to give Haar the boots, so I'm just going to make 2 save files.

    One for the draft in which I do not have access to Tibarn, and one for experimenting with 14 move Tibarn.

  5. I just want to get the maximum movement in this game.

    It's easy mode, so I can pretty much use any strategy and beat the game. I'm not playing for efficiency or turns.

    I just wanna wreck shit with Haar, which admittedly is possible without Celerity or Boots, but this is just a fun idea. Like turning every unit able to become a Sage into a Sage in FE8 and running around in a pentagon formation.

  6. It was an FE9 file on Easy Mode. I had previously seen a friend play FE7 when it came out, and FE9 came out a few years later around my birthday, so I got it.

    I don't remember beating my first attempt, I think I gave up on 17-4 or somewhere around there. I think my memory is combining my first two playthroughs of the game, the first of which I didn't finish.

    I remember Soren dying in chapter 4, the same with Rhys. I used Titania and Shinon a lot because I didn't understand the concept of promoted units, and just thought they had abnormally high stats (as well as low exp gains). I remember being in love with Shinon's Steel Bow because he crit so much with it. I really liked using Volke as a combat unit and I ran out of knife uses and kept not buying more knives, so I couldn't use Volke until Sothe rolled around.

    In the first file I did complete of FE9, I think I used Oscar, Boyd, Ike, Soren, Rhys, Janaff, Lethe, Tanith, and possibly Largo.

  7. get wrecked

    Also my opinions have changed over time. I have learned over time to appreciate how good of a unit Titania really is, though I don't often find the need or desire to ever use her past earlygame maps. I realized how useful Reyson is as well after re-playing the game. I used to think that Rolf was amazing when I was 13 ("BUT HE GETS SO GOOD WHEN YOU RAISE HIM DURR") but now I think he's pretty shit. Usable even in HM, but that's because of BEXP and this game's laughable difficulty (coming from a guy who has yet to beat HHM, though that might just be me being lazy).

    I don't really hate any particular characters in this game, though.

    also elinciaxgeoffrey is my OTP

  8. When I was 15 I thought long hair was like the coolest thing in the world.


    Clearly I was not thinking things through.

    The answer is that long hair on men is usually not a good thing unless you're made of sex in the first place, or have a really good look going with it. That is maybe 6% of men with long hair, unfortunately.

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