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Posts posted by Doga

  1. FE has had some effect on my writing. Some characters from FE are great influences for characters in my fantasy stories. I also tried the Black Knight's Eclipse once while fencing, I lost that round. Most of all is whenever I watch a movie, if someone attacks a spearman with a sword, a little thing inside my brain hurts. Same goes for the rest of the triangle. Then someone pulls out a mace and my mind get fucked up.

    I feel embarrassed for you with the fencing thing.

    Anyhow, I don't know if I publicly display my love for the games in any other way but discussing them. I have a few friends who play the series, so typically I'll just talk about it in casual conversation. I don't own any memorabilia, other than the games. Some of the names in the series interest me, and I'll use them if I ever need a stock name, but sometimes I don't even have to resort to that.

    So, I was just bored and decided to make a topic(because we know my success rate for that in the past).

    Simple question: how do you show your addiction for FE in real life. For example:

    Shirts, stories in English class or other language classes, I'm not biased), or Dungeons and Dragons.

    Speaking of the third, I find it impossible not to make myself a walking reference to FE in DandD.

    Not to mention, in my adventures(I'm a DM), every single blacksmith is an Orc named Manuel. The story behind

    this is that they are all identical twins, and their parents gave them all the same name. Yes, I came up with the

    idea long before Awakening. Nintendo is watching me...

    So yes, in all of my D and D adventures, I have a Mexican Orcish version of Anna.

    I would love feedback, as long as it isn't negative.

    Why does Lyn have stats above 20? I'm not REALLY familiar with DnD, but I guess this isn't a legitimate character sheet. What's it for then?

    If this is an actual character sheet for a campaign though, I'm confused. A +27 modifier in a game with a 20-sided die is pretty insane (in a stupid, pointless way).

    This almost reminds me of those FE-character stat pages people would generate on like, FEPlanet, and everyone would be a Hero/Swordmaster with capped everything and a lame Prf sword with fire and stuff. I don't know if that's negative feedback. I wrote it with the impression that I was confused, and then I trailed.

    Only wanting positive feedback is kind of indicative of insecurity though, so I'd watch out for that.

  2. FE 7 explains the game the best, but FE 8 is the easiest. Stay away form the older games till you have more experience because there are a lot of different features in them that might confuse you.

    If you don't know what FE7 is, it's the first American game on the GBA, simply called Fire Emblem.

    FE8 is Sacred Stones, also GBA.

    FE9 is Path of Radiance, GCN, and FE10 is its sequel, Radiant Dawn on the Wii.

    FE11/FEDS is Shadow Dragon on the DS. I don't know if you already know this, but I guess clarifying the names helps.

    Anyway, yeah, FE7's 10 chapter tutorial holds your hand, but explains the game concepts well. Expect different games than Awakening. If you're most comfortable with Awakening's "roam around a map" overworld, try Sacred Stones, but all of them are good.

    Personally, I enjoy Path of Radiance, but its prices are pretty high nowadays (I've seen it go for like $170 new on ebay, but used is cheaper, but still above 50). All of the games, except Shadow Dragon, can get pretty expensive, though, since they're out of print. Path of Radiance is pretty easy, and it has optional tutorials that pop up during the game's Easy Mode.

  3. No, considering SMT x FE was announced. Although I don't know if you'd consider that a main game, since it's a spin-off.

    And yeah, what everyone else said, Awakening sold really well. I don't know the actual comparisons, but I think overall it sold more units than every game except the original and the third (I think? Not entirely too sure). Either way, it had too much profit and attention not to continue making them. My only hope is that the series doesn't stay on the pace Awakening set. I'd be a little irritated if concepts like Children, Map Skirmishes, and Class Change were in every game from here on out. I wouldn't mind seeing the concepts sprinkled throughout games, but not a much as Awakening laid on at once.

  4. Now, I know that if a flying unit were to rescue a regular unit who couldn't move onto water/peak tiles, they can't drop said unit onto those tiles, because they can't walk on one. But what if the flying unit dies? Say, Thany for instance, rescued Rutger and moved to a peak tile. A ballista kills Thany, making her drop Rutger. Will he be unable to move and stuck on the peak tile?

  5. This looks really cool, I'd totally be interested in giving it a try. My only problem is that I may not really have time for it.

    I don't have much time for it, either, but I can't wait to go home on summer break and start putting together a campaign and such. This will probably be as close as I can get to making my own game, since my hacking abilities stop after using Nightmare Modules to change stats.

  6. I feel like culturally we managed to find ourselves in a situation where not wearing clothes is not socially acceptable. How that culture came about? I can't give an exact answer, but I can try to guess. People wore clothes for protection, and it stuck. People who didn't have/couldn't afford clothes back in the day were probably seen as a lower social class, or maybe associated with whores and the like. Acting professional and getting somewhere usually involved wearing clothes, as it does today. It makes sense why it's illegal, because I've already been subjected to social imprinting that tells me that nudity in public is bad, which is in part why some people find streaking funny and exhilarating-- it's not socially acceptable.

  7. http://fed20.wikidot.com/

    I googled this thread's title and stumbled upon this page. It seems like it has the potential to be fun, and it's easy to tweak the game because they basically just brought over the same kind of mechanics as the games have (most particularly, Sacred Stones).

    Has anyone ever tried to run a FE Tabletop in the past? I'm looking at this site, and along with Serenes as a resource, I'm thinking I could gather some friends and have a pretty fun campaign going around. Or do you find the transition from video game to tabletop boring?

  8. Except sain has good growths and can easily be abused in Lyn Mode. Abusing Marcus gets you... nothing? He steals exp and has shitty growths. Oh right, LTC'ers love him and really that should be it. Maybe HHM peeps too who aren't man enough to solely rely on matthewxhector combo starscream attacks.

    To be fair I've been in the FE community since 2001 so... time flies amirite?

    MatthewxHector starscream attacks?

    Elaborate please.

    I need to do this in HHM.

  9. Don't think that's an error worth deleting the entire moderating team of this forum over.

    And yeah, isn't it such a nice feeling when your units cap all of their stats? Especially those underdogs like Nino and Wendy.

    I think if I had to outline all of my life's ambitions in order of importance, "Having a bunch of shiny green numbers on a stat sheet" is at least, AT LEAST, number two.

    Number one is probably making a life-like replica of the Tower of Valni (my friends and I call it the Amelia pwning grounds hahahahahaha)

    Wendy's really neat and I hate tier lists because they don't see how cool she is. Like, talk about female empowerment. IS is so sexist to men! I mean, with units like Amelia, Wendy, Sophia, Lyn, and Nino, the men can't keep up! Except maybe Raven.

    EDIT: Forgot about Nephenee. Man, she rocks.

  10. I tried going to your thread but I couldn't stand it. I mean, you promoted Sain at level THIRTEEN!?!?!? Like, you're missing out on 7 levels for Sain. That's crazy.

    I always make my units promote at 20. I remember, the one time I didn't arena abuse, I promoted Serra at Cog of Destiny and then I used the mine glitch to train her light levels. So worth it.

  11. Like he doesn't even cap any stats and just steals exp from good units like Oswin and Lowen. It's almost sickening how bad he is. The only units worse than him are like Isadora and Wallace, seriously. Prepromotes should just be avoided from my personal experiences. Pent seems... okay, but in all of my playthroughs Erk has had like, capped Mag and Spd and an A staff rank by the time Pent comes (I spent a looooooot of time training him in Lyn's mode... Worth it).

    I don't see the appeal. He has a nice steel sword, I guess, but I never play on Hector's Mode because I don't like Wire, and Lyn's the main character of FE7 anyway. Why couldn't you unlock a Lyn's mode for the full story? I would play that.

    Anyway, Marcus is lame and Sain is much better.

  12. I've witnessed a friend make a really bad card game about two years back. It was pretty awful, but it was all in good fun, I guess.

    Another friend of mine was all about making games when he was a kid, and even today, he does so. He's thought of a ton of games, though none of which I remember were card-based. My favorite of his was a game involving a pool table and all the billiard balls, and you'd take a color as your own. The solid ball was the "Knight", and the striped ball was the "Squire". Each color had its own ability that typically the knight could only invoke. The 8 ball (Black Knight) would be placed in the center of the table before a match, and if you knocked it out, you were out. Last knight standing won, and would have 4 rounds to defeat the Black Knight (controlled by the runner-up). If there is a tie, or if one loses to the Black Knight, there would be a joust: the two knights face each other one-on-one. He made it when we were 10 or 11, and it's still pretty fun. IIRC, the abilities were:

    Red- You could roll the cue ball from your position as a projectile

    Maroon- Could control another ball on your turn; if the ball you decide to control dies, you die as well.

    Blue- You can set up that triangle thing as a shield (but cannot move)

    Green- You can copy you team-mate's/enemy's ability

    Yellow- Ability to go twice in a round (broken as fuck)

    Orange- If the Knight dies, the Squire can still continue

    Purple- I forgot. Something about traps?

    Fun game, man.

  13. I don't know if this is classified as a LARP, but I've always wanted to do one of those Zombie Runs--like you're in a zombie apocalypse and you have to survive and/or outrun the zombies/make it to the end without "dying."

    It depends on how loose an interpretation you have of LARPing. I've heard of LARPs set in zombie apocalypses, but this sounds more like one of those events they have at theme parks where people dress up as monsters and try to scare you, but with obstacles put in the way.

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