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Posts posted by Doga

  1. I live in Europe. I'm also not aware of any historical American martial arts.

    I figure there are plenty of people in America who study historical European martial arts, so I didn't automatically assume you lived in Europe. One of my friends mentioned it to me a few weeks ago, but I don't think he's as likely to actually train in those styles as he is to talk about obscure types of Viking weaponry.

  2. I have a very definite list of comedians I think suck:

    Dane Cook

    George Lopez

    Carlos Mencia

    Jeff Dunham

    My favorite comedian is probably a tie between Louis CK and Mitch Hedberg. I also enjoy Demetri Martin (though I liked him a lot more in the past), Dave Chapelle, and Brian Reagan. Kyle Cease is good, too, but I haven't seen anything recent by him.

  3. I'd remove the generation system, and do away with the open world map. Class changing would be restricted in some sense, and done so that it couldn't be done multiple times ala Awakening. It'd be a fusion of Awakening and SD/NM's systems. You could only have x amount of a certain class,and the character's individual choices for class change would vary from character to character. No silly Awakening stuff like letting a Manakete also become a Wyvern Rider (it was a bit odd). Not only would you need an item to class change, but you would be charged according to the promotion: going from unmounted to mounted would cost much more than going from fighter to myrmidon.

    There would be a base like in FE9/10, and supports would be accessed in that manner, though with conversations like in 9 (obviously). Funds would be limited, and I'd like to see a few older concepts put in place again:

    1) Build/Con as a stat, for rescuing (I'm not sure about doubling up. Probably not.), as well as capturing.

    2) Weapon weight added again

    3) Fatigue

    I'd really just love to see a game like FE5, but with its full potential reached. Gameplay that takes into account other aspects, such as acquiring weapons and funds. Armories should be on the pricey side, and forging should either be cut out, or ridiculously expensive. Some kind of gritty plot with a protagonist who has to run from his enemies, lest be captured, or something along those lines. Awakening felt too cheap on its easier difficulties, and almost expecting you to abuse the map skirmishes/DLC to catch up on the higher ones.

  4. I was perusing my old photobucket account I've had since 2005 (but haven't used seriously since maybe 2010), and found some Fire Emblem comics I drew back in the day. I have 3, and don't plan on making more, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to share them with the world. I got a decent chuckle, but maybe that's more because of the memories, not the actual comic. Anyhow, here we go:


    I re-scanned after drawing actual breasts on Caeda's chest (I didn't originally because I didn't know how to go about it without them looking horrible. As you can see, I am no artist). They ended up looking like testicles:


  5. Oh my god.

    Those names are getting bad. Like, Vulk and Kindle weren't bad, but oh my god, kid.

    Maybe they never sunk in until now, but what solidified how bad the names was, "Jack-o-Lantern, the enigmatic rotting vegetable".

    Come on. You can do better. You're 16 years old. I'll hold you to the standard I expect a 16 year old to be able to perform when it comes to this.

  6. Yeah, I'll probably give a brave weapon to Arthur.

    And there are several magic swords, right? Fire, Thunder, and Light. Wind, too? I could probably pass enough around so that Ayra's kids and Patty get some. Delmudd won't need one, really, since he'll still have good strength.

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