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Everything posted by Kaoz

  1. Kaoz

    Duel Terminal Mafia

    Could I have played those cards otherwise? Obviously we had more than 3000 LP left.
  2. Kaoz

    Duel Terminal Mafia

    I don't think so.
  3. Kaoz

    Duel Terminal Mafia

    Don't be so impatient.
  4. Kaoz

    Card RPG

    Here I go then... 1) I still think having a Resistance stat in addition to Defense would be a good idea. Without one, there is basically no need to bother with Magic units. 2) Not sure whether it's a good idea to have Speed influence avoid. While this is meant to be an online game, I think designing it with the thought of an actual TCG in mind would greatly improve the final product as that way one can concentrate on the important aspects of gameplay, resulting in a better overall product. 3) Is a Skill stat needed? Activation rates could easily be influenced by HP, Power, Defense/Resistance and Speed, while the Skill Cards could take care of who can use which Skills. 4) I definately recommend adding Weapon Levels, as I think quite a bit of depth would be added that way while keeping things simple. 5) You should add Cost (in gold). 6) You should also add a field where characteristics like whether the unit is mounted or armored can be displayed. Scenario cards should definately be included. Again, they add a lot to the game without making things more complicated. You should add Hit and Range, as well as Cost. 1) I think every player should have a starting hand of 5 cards or something. 2) I'm against adding EXP cards or EXP in general for that matter. In my opinion, for this kind of game EXP is just completly unnecessary and makes things more complicated for no real reason. 3) Yes on Terrain cards, not sure about Fortification, but leaning towards no. If anything it would be easier to include forged Weapon cards. As for the playing field, I think Lord Glenn's suggestion would work really well here. I have a different opinion regarding the non generic characters, but it's not something one has to worry about this early in design. @bold Could you elaborate a bit here? Why wouldn't you allow Weapons to add crit? Not something like a 5% Crit, but rather something like Killer Weapons with 30%. You wouldn't even need to add Crit as a stat on the Weapon Card, just note it as a special.
  5. Kaoz

    Duel Terminal Mafia

    All of these questions will be answered soon.
  6. Sure, feel free to contact me when you feel like it.

  7. Note that it could be worse. Frame data wise, MK can play in a way that he can stay invincible for the entire match (actually there are two ways to do it, but one of them is a glitch). Also note that PS1 is not one of MK's top stages, so there are characteristics on other stages that he can abuse even more. Also, just because it's a really awesome set:
  8. As I said, I don't really mind. We can play again if you want, I might even stop using MK :p

  9. Kaoz

    Card RPG

    I don't have any real issues with any of this. I see what you mean with the quick start, but considering other card games with similiar mechanics like Pokemon, it shouldn't be too much of an issue. However, I'd imagine EXP to make things quite a bit more complicated, while adding only a minimal amount of depth. Sure, it'd be more FE like to include it, but I think the gains would be minimal. Yeah, I imagined that you would use a counter to keep track of gold.
  10. Kaoz

    Card RPG

    This isn't my topic, but I hope nobody minds when I'm adressing some points... I wasn't sure on the number of columns, any special reason for having 4? Having a neutral area is also a good idea I think, though it should be considered that, seeing as it looks like we're cutting Movement as a stat (and probably have foot units move 1 and mounted units 2 tiles per turn or something), the time needed to enter the opponent's area increased by quite a bit. So maybe having only one neutral row could be considered. I agree with being able to use a character card from the start, but having 10 of them seems to be a bit much. Do you think a map card is necessary? Would it even add a lot to the game itself? I disagree with having EXP cards however. You'd need a lot of them to make a difference and as you said, the deck would probably have to be pretty large. I would suggest to disregard EXP gain and instead focus on Promotion Items. There would be a Promotion Item for every group of characters (Knight's Crest, Ocean Seal etc., Master Seal would cost more gold to play), and when promoting one of your units, you could search your deck for the promotion card. Alternatively you could play promoted units from your hand as prepromotes, but their stats would be slightly decreased. As for costs, it should probably go something like this: Base Unit < Promoted Unit < Base Unit+Promotion Item < Base Unit+Master Seal Also, having character cards in their highest class to make them stand out more would be a good idea imo. As for gold, maybe instead of having seperate cards that only give you gold, you could get them from scenario cards or from selling weapons (putting them from your hand to the graveyard and you'd gain half of what they cost or something). Agreeing with the win conditions.
  11. Kaoz

    Card RPG

    Yeah, I meant crit to be a special extra for certain weapons, same with effective might. I suggested gold as sort of payment, just like lands in MtG. I think Weapon levels should be included to open up more strategies, but maybe that's just me. As for what else you could add, you might want to have some sort of Commander, who would be one of the named characters and could be played at the beginning of the game, whereas the other units could be generics. Commanders could furthermore have a special ability that affects all your other units.
  12. Kaoz

    Card RPG

    I'm inclined to agree with this. I think allowing for level ups etc. during a single game would make it more dynamic and would probably make it easier for newer players to get into as they can fight more experienced players without being at a great disadvantage. There should probably be a res stat at least. It doesn't really make it more complicated and allows for a lot more variety. If hit rates were to be added, they should probably be only on the weapon cards. EDIT: I have a bit more time that I thought, so allow me to elaborate a bit. First of all, you might want to reconsider whether you want to include maps, as combined with leveling characters over the course of many battles is awfully close to FETO. If I'm allowed to make some suggestions: 1) Playing Field As I said, you'll want to keep this simple, I think something like a 3*3 field per player, so 6*3 in total would work well as it's all you need to incorporate ranged weapons. 2) Character Cards For character cards, as mentioned before you'll want to cut unnecessary informations, so using something like Name Cost Class Weapon Levels HP Power Speed Defense Resistance should work just fine. 3) Weapon Cards Name Cost Rank Mt Wt(?) Range Crit(?) Others (Effective Damage etc.) 4) The Game I think it'd be best to have each player start out with an amount of Gold, which is used to play characters and weapons from your hand, as well as possible items (e.g. Master Seal). A player would win when his opponent is left without any units and without gold, or maybe when he can reach a Seize square on the opponent's field. Characters could be played on any square that's controlled by you, so your own starting field and everything that you might be able to get from your opponent's field. The above is just a rough outline and if you would be interested in doing something like that, I can elaborate.
  13. Because there are certain chapters where he is better than a lot of your units. For example, siege tomes are very useful in chapters 18 and 22 (the latter can be 1 turned without them, but I think you'll have to kill priests in that case). In order to use Tormod only for those two chapters (theoretically), we'd need to give him around 1626 BEXP. To get the same results with Soren (Lv 19) , he needs 2042 BEXP (slightly less because of his forced chapters, but still), both Arms Scrolls and the Boots. Even if you don't agree with Tormod > Soren/Ilyana, are you honestly going to tell me that they are a tier apart? I guess. But still, even 7 move is not very good in a game with so many strong Paladins/Flyers.
  14. I don't see how you want to get Soren/Ilyana to promotion without a good amount of BEXP to be honest. Soren will get a minimal amount of CEXP in the early chapters and when you get access to BEXP in chapter 8, Ike, Boyd and Oscar are all superior BEXP candidates. They can train a bit on the beach in chapter 9 I guess and maybe get the houses, in chapter 10 they won't see much combat, same with 11. I guess they can get some CEXP in 12, but Soren needs to be around Lv 15 just to 2RKO the Ravens. 13 can give them some CEXP again, 14 probably not so much, 15 depends on whether we 2 turn it or get Stefan. I don't see them any higher than maybe Lv 14 at the start of ch. 16. (without BEXP). Sure, Tormod would need 728 BEXP to catch up to that, but when you field Soren/Ilyana in those chapters, they will be amongst your worst units, so I'm not sure whether that's worth it. As for your Ike example, that's only true on turn 1, afterwards they will fall behind. Also Ike's move is nothing great either and he should probably be rescue-dropped when necessary.
  15. The difference is that Marcia will actually be good after she got the BEXP.
  16. I dunno about chapter 10... it's either a 12 turn with minimal combat or a 3-4 turn where she's getting left behind. I would consider adding chapters 12 and 15 to that list though (she can get a Wind for effective damage and has actually decent move in the desert for whatever it's worth).
  17. Kaoz

    Duel Terminal Mafia

    No it isn't. Claim to me if you have nothing better to do, I'm always happy about getting info :p A Mayor is a role that makes your vote count as more than 1 (usually 2, but there are variations).
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