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Everything posted by TheReaper

  1. used Nickt's advice for this edit. Hope it looks abit better.
  2. oh! wow thank a lot nickt :) that will really help with the screwy angle i ended up making. im gonna have fiddle with it now.
  3. yeah its meant to look more like his offical art..i still think he looks off though..but idk why.
  4. thank yah Lumi ^_^, his chest still needs editting. His head is meant to be at some weird angle..his pose was meant to look like Caellachs. meh
  5. 3 was more a quick shit ass thing XD. awful times. I cant work out the pillowy chest..damn XD
  6. it was kinda my second one, my Nabarl was my first but that was really really bad. made some edits. Different eyes in 1 and 2 and just his fe 7 palette in the 3rd one. I personally prefer the middle one :o
  7. this is really hard and i hate his face *dies* not done body yet..
  8. karel has hair..sorry to everyone that its fuck awful..anyone wanna give advice XD body shading hm:
  9. hes getting an edit soon, i know there are problems with the shoulder and tie.^_^
  10. body positioning..body positioning..right right! he looks as though hes leaning far back XD Though hes going to have a weird stance..more like his offical art and looking like hes gonna murder someone any second.
  11. lol thanks XD he needs some editting still but im working on that later anyway..my hamster died on friday night so i was depressed..i decided to make a different version of karels fe7 mug, this is only line art and base colours. Sadly i dont think i should be making FCs at this stage but ah well..just means a lot of blood, sweat and tears will be had XD
  12. why thank you Lumi..im doing a sheet for the Nomad Karel but idk how to animate haha anyway muggie. Referenced Nitro from FEEF's Byo mug for the suit. Men looks sexier in suits <3
  13. *palms face* why..why..XD Anyway Karel has two new classes! first in my editted swordsmaster version of him, 2nd sage and 3rd nomad trooper karel.
  14. yah I know. im just waiting to see if he wants it or not. If he does then ill make the frames and chibi..but if not then i wont
  15. frame as in the hack frames for the faces?
  16. down to 16 colours according to gimp and usenti.
  17. Thanks..I'll edit it myself tonight. I hadn't done a colour count yet. Yours lost some shading :/
  18. haha it took like 4 days and a lot of listening to Sephiran's Sorrow. XD...dear me.
  19. he got some changes. dunno if you want or not. if you do i will make him some frames.
  20. :o thats amazing Lumi <333
  21. lol you have the talent too! so you share yours!
  22. alright thank you for the advice you two :). broader shoulders it is for Sepphie. i think i did make him too womanly. And the hair hadnt changed that much..i just took it in abit. but ill fiddle with it thank you for the cnc <3
  23. sepphie yet again..slightly different to other one.
  24. hes recieving a edit as of now hahah. Yeah its Lyon for the eyes but thats it. Hair is part splice and part custom. body FC.
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