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Everything posted by TheReaper

  1. i personally prefer fe6 karels personality, he just needs a hug and a biscuit.
  2. one ...two..three.. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! KAREL!!!!!!!!!!!!! like that? hahaha, Karel would probs be best coming later in the game since he has two in game appearances and in neither he particularly forms any love with anyone or many friendships haha.
  3. :o wow thank you so much Ezra :) that means a lot to me haha.
  4. thats quite a nice set there i can see. *thinks up ideas*
  5. Aw thank you so much lightlord :) haha, im trying to improve my stuff... updated Sephiran..probably still needs work and shit
  6. meh here it is. its not very good..sorry XD
  7. ack wow..this actually looks really awesome. is there still mugs you need? i could have a fail attempt at making my Sephiran mug into his Lehran form.
  8. i tried to fix the shading..but im terrible at shading..im sorry Amelia haha. anyway i guess its alright *shrugs*
  9. ALS said i should make colours fe8..so i did. and i fiddled with the shoulder as you said Lumi. @ your avvie OMG ITS SETH AS A SWORDSMASTER!!!!!
  10. yeh its Nabarl!! haha. i prefer him as swordsmaster personally, but your taking him to his original roots <3 and thanks Ezra ^_^ heres what i'd call "the finished product"
  11. on the topic of swordsmen..my first full custom attempt. The hair and eyes took forever! Its obviously still a huge work in progress.
  12. Fine with me!!!!!!! :D *squeezes lumi* thank you !
  13. :o would you??? I wasn't here for claims :( otherwise I would have grabbed him and ran ( I did on Feef XD and threatened anyone who attempted to go near him) I'll give you...cookies for karel
  14. Pfeh... Hahaha I'll take Karel then <333 don't mind me...
  15. Cus karel is special. :) I like all the long haired swordies but karel beats them all by miles (fe6 karel. Awwwwwwwwwwww <33333)
  16. Karels hotter though...like 1000xs hotter. And he lives through fe6 and 7! That only a select few do! @Lumi XD thanks ...he looks hot still creepy haha.
  17. Yeahh definatly. But he's kinda like a less hot karel :/
  18. karel always has love xDD ooo you have had long hair? :o
  19. along as they are attractive yesss <3 *Karel= number one Sephiran= number 2 <33
  20. edfghvjvjjb karel

    1. Ansem


      Obsession is bad.

    2. BlackShadow


      Billie, why.. why are you obsessed with Karel besides his epicness.

  21. maybe ahaha, i might add him to my list of things to do, next is facial expressions for Seppy :)
  22. xDDD i was turned into a zombie first..but then i needed him in my fan girl life..so karel became zombie too! and thank you :)
  23. not demtoed Ezra! just mauled to death XD..he will forever live!
  24. editted him to all FE7 colours.. and !! enter ALS :(
  25. thank you als :). i shall do. its for my competition thing on FEEF XD
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