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Everything posted by TheReaper

  1. And these are the reasons i still really want you hair skills.Would you ever take a hair request?
  2. Her eyes seem abit droopy, like shes really tired or really sad but its not a bad mug for sure. And her right shoulder OPV seems too square, maybe move it back some pixels and see if you can make it look more rounded?
  3. Did anyone on this site used to go on FEonline around 05/06? It was pretty awesome there, i lived in the media gallery more than the forums. If anyone was a member who were you on it?
  4. Myay scales ahah, took the white on the coat down abit and editted the side of his coat now i think i should go to bed..
  5. Update on Gerard mug The jacket is meant to be a puffy style biker jacket thing. I really failed at the jacket
  6. Levin's hot. It felt good for the day to be filled with him
  7. Myes well i think its certainly better. It falls better on him and all. Palettes suck balls..Could you do a custom palette of him maybe? Clothing could be used LaRachels or maybe even proto Moulder if you want it darker white
  8. A+ grade on the new pony tail. Clothing just seems too flat now, but thats probs just the low contrast in the colours of the palette
  9. you ruint karel. terrible sprite. awful. jk
  10. :o thats not the sprite (pun intended) neither do i but im still going for it. :(
  11. for the record, i have some karel radar...i seem to know where he is being posted. OMG KAREL <3
  13. I think the pony tail looks slightly odd since it usually sits on Pent's shoulder but your Levin is abit taller than that. Maybe bring it down a couple of pixels so it actually rests on his shoulder
  14. I actually like my stuff being teared to pieces XD shows people have looked in detail at them. Thanks Seph ~ i am gonna remake it
  15. Does some party dance*~ Anyway ive nearly reached the 5month mark in my spriting life..so i dug out my first ever mug for critiquing XD Reaps first mug myay
  16. ohhh! i love the palette for him! was that your first one?
  17. Circle time On the lower part of the pony tail it seems like the hair is just really flat, shading in the bottom half needs to be less liney, Start of the pony tail seems too stacked with the shading so it doesnt look as though it flows. The eye is lacking shading near where ive circled it on the more to the left. The right hand side of the face OPV, is also too line shaded which makes his face look really straight. Also the shading circled in the collar is too dark in places and the 2nd shade is stacked again.
  18. TheReaper

    Camtech's Crap

    Um its abit messy. like round his face, heres the main areas
  19. *cough* But..it was true.. Truth can hurt bby Anyway thats my rant over
  20. Aye but it was still pretty rude of you. When your a good spriter then you can blow off people ~
  21. Critique is nice to listen to ... esp since Kanami gives such detailed and good critique. Though when your say AK or TBA level maybe then you can go "pfeh" to critique"Levin's face does look off, maybe his eyes are too be to be him. Since your doing the older version of him right? older fe men tend to have smaller eyes and more shading under the eyes.
  22. Fanks Amelia <3 :3 editted the head thingy more.
  23. entry to FEEF splice competion. Mugs were Isadora, Yuno and Farina. Stoopid set
  24. Oh cheers Astra, ill remember that ^^ changed shoulders and more serious expression
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