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Everything posted by TheReaper

  1. Joshua has been watching too much tv yo
  2. * shakes head* nu uh. It's meant to be the bottom of her bewb but maybe i should make it the second shade instead so it doesn't look as glaring .
  3. le critique de Vamp the result i now have from Vamp's critiquing, ~ editted: eyes, gloves, bewbs. and stomach shading.
  4. Full body would be nice. Or just someone that is him..irl.
  5. Voted Vamp's since he made something new and hot outta Karel the set @ Kanami...I tried but I just kept ruining Karels pretty face :(
  6. @ Vaida. It's my next cosplay. Srs. XD. Anyway .... It looks great! Cant wait to see her shaded And um...umm *trys to hold it in*...umm.. Would you ever take a request of one of them ? * hides from Vampy*
  7. Oh god you legend. Thanks dude. I'll add you tonight when I get home :D. I'll make it a party
  8. V-vamp *dies * ack!! Thank you my dear. I'll save those references you've done for me on my Pod now. Thank you for the advice *huggles*
  9. Bladdy hell! Now that's helpful critique * stares at Vamp *
  10. She is so pretty ~ After watching you sprite however...I still can't believe how good you are. Magic...srs
  11. Firstly i love the hair ~. you've pulled that off really well. It's over all a really pretty sprite. But. the body needs some shading work Sir Seph. The far arm in my opinion is shaded too light near where her clothing ends because there wouldnt be much light hitting her there. Also the shirt/dress. Where her bewbs are, it would be more clingy, so more shading round there at the bottom would make it look more realistic. Since hopefully she is wearing a bra..to stop them falling too low. and maybe this is just personal preference, but i think her eyes are too dark. they look slightly lifeless. maybe a lighter grey?
  12. Meet my new friend. half body attempt..*probably has bad shading..im sorry...*
  13. ah wow, i really like your art style. They're all so cute ^^. I have no critique.
  14. Oh my...Vamp I strongly dislike you right now. You made something amazing out of Karel...*resist insane fangirl rage*
  15. Request for a friend's hack. He is a shaman, whose meant to look some what depressed.
  16. Hey Lumi...stop being so awesome Anyway XD I love what you did to Karel...and that's something since I usually hate him in any splice but you made him look sexy and awesome ;)
  17. It's miss Kanami!!!!!

  18. Hey vamp ...do you wanna be knighted? Fuck thats awesome stuff.
  19. A drawing of FE6 Karel I did in my school lunch break. His eyes aren't very good.. :( too far apart.
  20. He is very attractive now you know.. I really like it.
  21. oh no...its karel in a set. :(...why people. Spykor...you dont deserve to live now you've ruint karels pretty face. Maybe ill make a Karel based mug.
  22. I have no comment.... My god, your mind must be creative
  23. Oh wow @ your splice entry. Epic stuff Vampo
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