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Everything posted by TheReaper

  1. *giggles* nice hair and sword :3
  2. just saiyng its best to reply to peoples profiles so they know you've replied :3

  3. *sigh* I feel so fucking jaded recently. *gives up on life slowly XD* I really shouldnt be making this but..nyeah...Needs shading.. *ive never drawn a shirtless man properly before..so sorry if the anatomy is pretty terrible* Reference:
  4. im off school and bored. *nakey time*
  5. ffffuuuuu... thats quite a hot set. fuuuuuuu Vamp's entry is hot. *cries in corner*
  6. oh hello! nice for you to join.

  7. Does anyone have any songs that remind them of characters? It could be real people, anime characters or game characters etc. Mine: Karel: <3 Snuff by Slipknot, "I'd never claim to be a Saint" Vincent Valentine: This whole song reminds me of Vincent- Razor''s Edge by William Control
  8. Oh I was confused at the word manfest xD

    And Rufus Shinra!

  9. Haha menfest?

    Vinnie was on before, I'm watching the reminisciene part :3

  10. /random watching ff7 movie ;)

  11. Naked Seth x Shanan *coughs*

  12. Tissue? Whoa wait! I need them

    *holds nose*

  13. Even the SF guys would be drooling. Like o_o

  14. Hahaha! Let's just imagine it. The imagination can do wonders ~

    If I ever get better at drawing that's so gonna be a huge piece il do xD

  15. Yeah good plan. Or a naked vinnie x Karel sig. If that ever existed

  16. Hahah it is beautiful... But I think I'm negleting Karel abit..

  17. cloud! You came. Even though you're about to break. That's a good sign. I've had that in my head all day then I go see Cloud!
  18. That was my sin. And this... this... is my punishment. ^ Base Mug... *it all goes down hill from here...*
  19. Karel. Karel Karel ... Karel. I feel like I'm neglecting Karel recently..
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