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Everything posted by TheReaper

  1. yeah the angle sucked..so i swapped it to a normal one. and tried to fix her eyes.
  2. Oh damn XD I didn't see cross eyed. Thanks for noticing it Citrus. And okay I'll take away the border colour in her hair. Thank you ~
  3. Oh dear..um could you say where abouts please? So i can try and make it better ^_^
  4. Entry to FEEF splice competition Set was Tana, Cath and Dorothy
  5. Have them arrested. It's just unacceptable to do that.
  6. We were talking about this today in Philosophy at school. I am disgusted about what they did. It means so much to many the poppy symbol. My great uncle being one of those war veterans who saw his best friend shot next to him. If we did anything to them they would just go insane and start threatening us. I personally think we British are too soft on people like this. They need to be stopped and this time they've taken it way too far and disrepected many of our heros.
  7. That's really hot. Like manly hot outfit. Lets all imagine Karel in it.
  8. Is his shirt ripped at the bottom of the mug? Awesome mug aswell
  9. I didnt like my other one..but who says i like this entry XD update evilbitchyeah
  10. yeah i can format them no worries. ill start him now ^^
  11. * gives free tree* it smells of....treeness

  12. Oh my! That would be interesting.... * I might try and write it :D* Karel and Bartre in FE7! Karel and Dayan. Two awesome Sacaen warriors Karel and Dieck. Both obviously seen a lot and had some hard fighting experiences Fe7 Karel and Renaud. Basically him talking to his fe6 self.
  13. Naw that's great thanks. He shall be my next project.
  14. A description would be pretty awesome. Cus then I'll draw him then sprite.
  15. *sigh* Umhmmm. I will get going on them. I'm just confused how to start the shaman guy.
  16. *sigh* I have no ideas for spriting right now. Dead brain is dead. Tried to clean up Camus more. This is one of my sprites i dont actually mind...shoulder trim is fucked though. ALS let me use his Sirius palette for it. thank you ALS. left one Camuuuuhhh is smiling slightly.
  17. Karel and me. <3 Karel fe6 and Geese. Maybe make some sense outta the Geitz and Karel support. Anyone and Karel..in either game.
  18. Mkay ill start with love first~ Obviously adore Karel <3 FE7 and FE6 versions of him. Though i definatly prefer the FE6 Karel, he seems just so sweet and kind towards everyone even though hes obviously had some hard times. I wish he got a paired ending with someone finally..he needs someone to love him. I would :). FE7 Karel can be slightly annoying although he does have some interesting things about him. I like the fact he is just completly insane, and..hot. He just has no rationality and i find that prettty interesting about him. But overall my view on Karel is that he really just needs a hug and a cookie. I'll give him both Haar. I love this man, hes just so..unarsed about anything. well he pretends to be anyway. He seems like a awesome guy aswell. And loyal to Mr Fizzart ( i cant spell his name ever) Tibarn. I call him bigbird for many reasons. This man is a legend. The wings, the hair, the awesomeness. I like how he is obviously pretty damn strong but he doesnt act like a complete idiot with it. Like hes not always oh yeah lets go crush people because im so big etc etc. He seems pretty level headed. Volke. Money. That is all Ike. Doesnt get sarcaism or jokes generally. He also hasnt got much of a sense of humour, Which i find funny about him. Sephiran. Another complete lunatic. And he was depressed (awww).I love his character since in POR he seems quite a minor character who i didnt think much of but in RD he just suddenly comes out and says hey im pretty much insane and i wanna destroy the world. Nabarl. After watching the anime Fire Emblem, dude this guy has gotta be taking some freaky drugs. He was the first of the attractive cold swordsmaster/mercenary type people Shinon Even though hes an ass, everything he says makes me laugh. He pretty much hates everything. Yurius I love you man. Your just plain weird. <3 Hates: Michaiahdfhg( cant ever spell her annoying name): All I can say about her is shut up and go marry someone your own age. Leave Sothe alone. The Pellman ( Pelleas): Oh just go die in a hole somewhere. If you are that stupid to believe Izuka that you are the future king of daein..making you branded..which im sure Pelleas should have realised he didnt age slowly...then you dont even deserve to live. Idiot Noah: Just no...Fir will never like you...your annoying also. Just got a really annoying face Fir: Get over your obsession with your mother and uncle and go make your own life. Think for yourself! Nino: Stop crying over not being loved. Sonia's a bitch..you should have learnt. You are useless..correct Roy: Grow some balls. That is all. Ephraim: Go visit Sigmund Freud..please..for some help
  19. Hey....wanna be my best friend? Karla or a female Sephiran.
  20. I see, well maybe Guys ending is also a mistranslation. Or people compared him to the saint of swords. ie. karel
  21. Well that could be either a mis translation, much like Bartres ending in which it doesnt take into account FE6 (Bartres ending implies he kills himself after Karla dies), or Guy became known as the saint of swords for a couple of years, but he did eventually duel Karel. Karel then winning took the title saint of swords from Guy. But because he killed Guy for the title, in FE6 this might be why he doesnt like the name saint of swords when people call him it. Chapter 23: Old Man: "Thank you! We have nothing to fear with the Sword Saint on our side." Karel: "I am just an ordinary swordsman. Rumors expand out of proportion with time, so they must not easily be trusted. ... Zeiss and Karel C Zeiss: You're the Sword Saint...? Karel: ...They gave me that name against my will. Just call me Karel Noah and Karel A Karel: You have no reason to thank me. They call me the Sword Saint... It is but a false name. Noah: ...... But... I can't imagine that what you say is true when I look at you now. You, standing before me now, are the Sword Saint that I had always pictured in my mind. What... What happened...? Karel: ...Some things you will realize only after you have lost something else. However, by the time my foolishness had left me...it was already too late. I dont think the reference to loosing something is Karla since he has only just found out that she has died from Bartre or Fir in Chapter 23. Whether it being "too late" was eventually the killing became to much and he regretted killing Guy. Since he atleast kind of trains him in FE7. S *shrugs* i need to stop fangirling over karel
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