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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. Eh, just dump them now. Or, better yet, don't spend them at all! Hoard all 1,400 flags until the time comes that Elise gets another multiplier! This seems like a good idea. I mean, Elise isn't getting another multiplier for the rest of this gauntlet, but you should save all your flags just in case.
  2. Well, that was fun. We retook the lead while not giving them another multiplier. Good job guys! But I'm running low on flags now though, I only have 3,215 left, with another 400 available in quests and the 5 for login tomorrow...
  3. Any evidence to support that (e.g., attrition rate trends for this score)? I'm nearly certain it will be enough. I had 4,810 earlier today and was ranked at around ~4,000 in the tier, so even that was above the cutoff for the moment. It gets significantly harder to obtain higher scores than even 4,820 if you don't have merged units or ones with high BST. 4,830 is ranked 2,681, which has a significant buffer between it and the cutoff. There's only a couple days left, it should be fine.
  5. *pant pant* After much frustration, I managed to score a personal best of 4830! I did it with a mixed run of Hector, Camus, Xander, and Celica for the first 3 matches, and then Camus, Xander, Cecilia, and Reinhardt for the last 4. I really don't like using Hector all that much, but his presence boosts the strength of the enemies I face to an average of 690. Tier 20, here I come! My previous score was 4,810, which, as of earlier, was just above the cutoff mark for advancing to Tier 20 -- which certainly won't last. My defense team of Est, Azura, Camus, and Reinhardt has scored twice this week. It's the first time I've tried color-stacking. Interesting to see it work! I'm sure that all the Arena quests have something to do with it.
  6. ...Permanently!! This score tracker has tabs for things like hourly gain, for an easier, more comprehensive data source: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qPm_kenHCEnycLJTt26hOKCH4CLOLPwVEdIpqNdPR9g/edit#gid=682852346
  7. Thanks! I hope her cuteness serves you well! Excellent! Welcome to the side of justice! Let's go show those pieces of Nohrian scum the might of Macedon, and we shall teach them the meaning of the word "conquest"! Oh, and if we're not friends already, my code is 8608857766! That she shall! None can stand before her almighty might! Beneath the hooves her beautiful steed shall go our enemies!
  8. I think that it would be cool if you could pick your random ally from a pool of 3, possibly the same for your friend ally too. I've gotten some impossible matchups because the rando sent me a healer. I've successfully missed every multiplier for this entire gauntlet. Go Priscilla! I believe too! ENGAGE CRUSHING MECHANISM! Our Lady Priscilla appreciates your service! And getting a Draug? What a drag. I sent you a request, I have a nice Est w/ a Brave Lance+ build. She's a blue nuke, who's got a lotta cute to boot! #TeamRedHeads #TeamBestHeads
  9. Once was sufficient, rest assured. I already know I'm off to hell for it!
  10. Eventually! There's still another round for you to not get her in! Welp, I guess I'll be seeing you there!
  11. Excellent! Welcome to the team! Let's march onward to victory!
  12. Meh, I tried the same thing with Elise, but this is what I got... Priscilla is the better best bestest troubadour! Redheads in green are awesome, and, if there's ever a gauntlet with a greenhead in red, you better believe I'd be on the hype train!
  13. More like jealousy of my awesome Est! I'd be jealous too, if all I had was a NOboro! But, if you come over to the righteous side, you can play with her! You don't really want to be Nohrian scum do you? Truly, the stats show the way to go, there is only one choice:
  14. Team Priscilla would welcome you! We'll likely be getting the multiplier more often than Elise, so... Don't think so. If not, 8608857766 is my code! Feel free to add! Welcome aboard! You have a reputation to uphold, you have to join the underdog! Join the rest of your fellow Macedonians!
  15. Welcome to the team, you can play with my Est! This is the part where you join Priscilla! Priscilla's awesomeness shall shine down upon all to see!
  16. Sorry to hear the RL issues! But let's get ready to crush the Nohrian scum! Come to Team Priscilla! We have open arms and bacon fried rice!
  17. I missed all of the multipliers, and I ended up in the 70k bracket. Thought about using 200 flags to maybe jump up into the 50k-70k bracket, but, meh, it's just 200 feathers. Very nice! I pulled in about half that, as I missed all the multipliers. But I also have about 2500 flags saved, so I'm ready to go all in! I have successfully missed every multiplier this entire gauntlet. I'm jelly!
  18. Congratulations to my fellow Elibeans! We have successfully conquered Ylisse. Hopefully we shall find new allies from amongst our former enemies... Rest, for the moment, and prepare yourself, for, soon, we march on Nohr!
  19. Lachesis wouldn't have had a chance, to be sure, but other way around with Lissa vs. Priscilla. Priscilla's lead would've been much larger without the multiplier. She consistently scored 10-20 million more votes than Lissa per hour. So far, the multiplier hasn't changed the outcome of any matches, it only threatened to do so in some cases. We'll be happy to have you! And I can compliment Lucina more, if you like. She is, after all, one of my favorite characters in the series! I spent countless orbs trying to summon her from the Tempest banner, all for naught... Ah well, at least I have the Masked Marth version! Lucina is awesome, even if she continues to elude me. Monty Python is relevant for everything. Support Priscilla for your self-perpetuating autocracy!
  20. Welcome to the Elibean Army! We seem to be crossing paths on multiple forums! And what wouldn't have happened without the multiplier? Priscilla agenda is best agenda. Vote Priscilla today!
  21. I was lucky enough to pull 2 Hinoka's, so I was able to give Est the Brave Lance+ and Hone Fliers all at once! She'll exponentially raise the cuteness quotient of any team!
  22. Great! +Atk is always good for Brave Lance builds. My Est is +Spd -Def, so, with LnD 2, she still has decent speed even with the Brave Lance. She really shines in Flyer Emblem though, because then she quads most things! Eventually, I'll promote Palla and the Whitewings can fly together...! We welcome you! You can play with my Est, if you like, as you like flyers, yes? Very! Join the fair Lady Priscilla, join the ranks of the Elibean Army! It is what Serra would want!
  23. If you want, you can add me! My ID is 8608857766. You can play with my Est! As far as I know, you seem to be the only one getting my Est! Or others have and haven't said anything. It would've been great if you had been getting Catria instead of Sharena. I seem to get Minerva, Celica, and Ike the most often. With these matches, not too much can be done if the random person sends you nonsense and you get paired up poorly against the weapon triangle. My worst match was where I had a +2 Celica, my Priscilla, and some random Lucius, versus 2 Azura's and a Felicia. Prompt destruction for us! Absolutely. I have a -Atk Reinhardt w/Death Blow 3, and he's one of the best units I have, even with the bad nature.
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