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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. ...because of jealousy due to you not being on Team Tiki? I understand. Tiki is awesome, but, instead of joining her, you decided to double down on the evil you joined in the last gauntlet... Rest assured, your actions make me sick too. Also, I was on the Tiki hype train even before it was cool. I was on that Tiki hype train before there even was a Summer!Tiki. To quote myself again (from the prior gauntlet thread): SO. TIKI! TIKITIKITIKITIKI HYPE!! NONE CAN STOP THE DIVINE DRAGON!! RAWR!!!!! GRAB YOUR DRAGONSTONES, CUZ WE'RE GOING TO WIN THIS!!
  2. Appears not. Sent a request! I'm the one with the "Astellius" username.
  3. I changed my profile pic in support of our most wonderful Tiki! Finally, another gauntlet which features another one of my favorite characters from the series! So, get ready to see what this divine dragon can do! WE'RE HERE TO CRUSH SOME MELONS, AND, ROBIN, YOURS ARE FIRST! Also, anyone on Team Tiki, feel free to add me! My ID is 8608857766. Let me know if you do, so I don't think you're some rando! Xander is out in front at the moment. Are we friends already on Heroes? I can't see signatures, so can't really check. If not, we should be! That Team Elise is an odd, sad, but kind of funny spectacle to watch, huh? To think, last time, Lady Priscilla lost to such savages that like to sit around and appreiate T... Ah well. I think we're friends, right? Sent a request! Team Tiki, the Naga of the Beaches, FTW!
  4. St. Elimine isn't a god though... She only needs to repent of her saint complex.
  5. Tiki! You're in a gauntlet! :D Although I do also like Corrin, and I really want to pull a Summer Corrin...
  6. Where's the option for "all of the characters in SS"? But I went ahead and voted for Amelia. L'Arachel is definitely up there, Tana, Marisa, and Seth too. Lyon will probably be a GHB at some point. That's probably sufficient for characters for me to list, but I do want to say that this game (along with Tellius) needs more love in Heroes! Did you not play Awakening? And Clive is confirmed to be a Tempest Trial reward character.
  7. Hm, only four, with two for each gender...? That's tough. But I shall go with: cute kitty-girl Est, Grim Reaper Minerva, pirate Ephraim, and magical girl Lucius. These are my demands, now let it be so!! I kinda like that idea. Could be a sort of Morrigan/Lilith setup? There can never be too many Lucinas...! But, for the purposes of this thread, why does it matter that she has three variations already? People are just saying what they want to see, it's not like we're hashing out ideas that are actually going to be implemented or taken into consideration by the developers. Now I legitimately want to see all of those, especially Camilla!Ike. He seems like the sort of man that could really pull off a pair of battle-panties! But he should keep his signature headband over Camilla's tiara thing.
  8. I second most of what MrSmokestack said. But I'll point out that, if you have a spare Sully, you could throw Swordbreaker 2 on her, since it's functionally equivalent for her. This is a defense team, so it's not like you have to worry about maximizing points on the pairings or anything like that. Additionally, I also think it would be fine for her to keep her native Hone Atk 3. The computer doesn't position to maximize buffs, so having multiple characters run buffs helps with that. But this slot is pretty flexible. Since you'd be running 3 mages, Threaten Res 3 would be pretty nice.
  9. I thought it was pretty obvious that I don't know what you're talking about. But fine, who is "Riceload"?
  10. About ready to hit 100k, so I'm almost done with the grind! I'm hoping that it won't be hard to get back into the 5,000-10,000 rank bracket, as I figure most people will quit after hitting 100k, but we'll see...
  11. Additionally, the -owl spells have greater attack power the more adjacent allies you have to the spellcaster.
  12. @FireEmblemMemeStar In terms of team building with what you have, a team of Camus, Xander or Eldigan, Cecilia, & Priscilla would work well for things like Chain Challenges and Tempest Trials. This is a nice Horse Emblem core team. Ideally for Horse Emblem teams, Cecilia should have a Gronnblade tome, so, the next time you pull a Nino, have her inherit it. Also, you should try to give them all cavalry skills in the C passive slot. I see you have a 3* Gunter, so promote him to 4* and then have Xander inherit Hone Cavalry from him. Priscilla could inherit Ward Cavalry from your 4* Eliwood. As was mentioned, Nino, Tharja, B!Cordelia, and Olivia would make a good team, but swapping out Olivia for regular Cordelia would make for a strong team as well. Should be noted that Olivia doesn't need to be a 5*, as she's a dancer so her main job is to refresh units, not to fight. I also prefer Fury 3 on Nino to Life and Death, since Fury gives her the ability to take certain hits, such as from a neutral Hector, and it also helps get her into Desperation range, but that's just my preference. And Hone Atk/Spd should be given priority over Savage Blow for that team. A third team could have Hector, Nowi, Eldigan, and Sonya. Alternatively, this could have Nowi, Eldigan, Sonya, and a healer. You can sometimes insert healers into teams to give them more durability for the longer challenges. Healers don't need to be 5*. Priscilla is a good healer, and I think Lissa comes with Rehabilitate, so she can be used too. Rehabilitate is the best healing spell. As for who to pull for right now, Delthea seems like she would be a good one to go for, since you don't have a solid blue mage in your roster yet.
  13. I was having a bit of a rough time getting a coherent strategy together, but this basically worked for me--so thanks! My Camus is 5* w/Fury 3, but the damage from Fury is sufficient to trigger Palla's WoM. Olivia also had a Ruby Sword, but that didn't affect the AI.
  14. Sure, but the likelihood of you losing in such a contest doesn't mean the contest is unfair. How is it unfair if you lose an art contest if you're not good at art?
  15. But how is that even remotely unfair? The point of an art contest isn't that everyone has an equal chance, it's that the best artist wins.
  16. I apparently forgot to post my reply to this, but this is certainly an improvement--thanks! I think that the Assists and Specials sections would also benefit from this, since they could be sorted by class type as well. However, the formatting still makes it difficult to look through, which is why I recommended columns. You currently have it formatted so that it creates a number of columns within a structure based on the size of the window, and then it populates those columns alphabetically by row. This makes it very awkward and slow to sort through. There ends up being a huge amount of space between the next entry in the index, so there's no way to swiftly move from one piece of information to the next. If that's not clear, here are some screenshots to illustrate what I'm talking about: With respect to the Combat Simulator, when Summer Tiki is in the defender's position, it neglects to add the 2 damage she receives from her weapon at the end.
  17. Same amount as me! Doubt it will be sufficient, but the size of the pool that will advance is pretty decent, so maybe. I'll be switching up my team to try to get higher scoring units involved.
  18. It says that any affinity is negated, so wouldn't the "With Cancel Affinity" column for the advantage be just +20%?
  19. Much like many others in this thread, I, too, dislike facing teams with dancers. It greatly increases the likelihood of someone dying in an arena run, especially if Reinhardt is also on the team. Reinhardt himself is also quite a nuisance. Those are the major ones.
  20. Well, now I'm up to 15 now! I like using a lot of people on my roster in the TT, so that really contributes a lot. Since we're listing them... Azura Olivia Reinhardt Cecilia Camus Xander Priscilla Clarine Tharja Nino Celica Cherche Masked Marth Ike Faye Since Ike and Faye maxed out, I think I'll start using my 4* Boey on the starting team. I gave him Reciprocal Aid, so maybe he can function as a semi-medic, since he comes with Renewal. Oh the shame!
  21. My list of people with maxed out HM is growing by quite a bit. I'm up to 13 people now, with Ike and Faye just about ready to max out, with over 1.9k each. Est and Hinoka both hit 1.6k+, and Sharena is sitting at 1.4k. I made Anna a 5* a few days ago, and she's already hit 800. She's pretty awesome with Noatun+Fury+Desperation, that warping action is awesome! I think I need to start completing skillsets on some of my other 5* units. I've been fielding some of them, but some of them really struggle!
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