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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. From the website, it sounds like you won't be able to use a team after they clear a map, so you'll probably need to make 5 teams that are all sufficiently strong. Doesn't sound like you can simply just use one strong team to bulldoze the series. Fortunately for me, I've tried to at least do some skill inheritance on most of my 5* characters. As a preliminary attempt: Xander, Reinhardt, Cecilia (4*+3), Priscilla Est, Catria, Cherche, Palla (4*) Camus, Gunter (4*), Ike, Celica Hinoka, Camilla, Masked Marth, Sanaki Tharja, Nino (4*), Azura, Summer Tiki Still have plenty of units leftover to play with (e.g., Hector, Roy, Sharena, adult Tiki, Olivia). I'll wait until the thing starts to think about it some more.
  2. Arggh, ahoy me matey! That thar be a nice haul o' booty! Yar booty be a lot bigger than mine! Er, that came out wrong. Those are cute! Alas, yet another Est-less person to add to the list! It would be nice if we could have some say in which friend ally to use, I think that would be pretty fun! And hopefully we shall meet again on the same team!
  3. Well, if you decide to, my ID is 8608857766! Est will be waiting! ...That Est is special and should be cherished, and that I should keep her away from all of the dirty people and unwashed masses in my friend list?
  4. I got your Celica quite a bit. She was awesome! But now we're up to you, Korath, Vax, Dual, phineas, & Wizzard of Soz... all of whom never got my Est! SO MANY PEOPLE. Great, so glad to hear! (I some how didn't see this earlier.) Finally, now at least I know two people got her, you and @Rafiel's Aria!
  5. When are you going to add me to your friends list! And who knows who'll be out in front next time? I just recently gave my Cherche the Brave Axe+ that she had been wanting for months. I'm also building up SP for my lovely Catria, who's ready to pull some Killer+Quickened Pulse+Moonbow shenanigans! Or maybe it will be Est forever! Who knows! That she is, that she is... Did my Est ever join you in our quest to vanquish the evil spawn of Nohr?
  7. SO MANY PEOPLE DID NOT GET MY EST. AND SHE'S THE BEST TOO! Geez, who else didn't get her on Team Priscilla? Should tag everyone to survey who did and didn't get her... Dual, I don't recall ever getting your Reinhardt, but it's possible I did and didn't notice sometime today. I started doing autobattles since I have a lvl 1 Priscilla.
  8. Aw, that's a shame! Did you get her @Dual Dragons? Probably not. At least @Rafiel's Aria got her, I don't know if anyone else got her. Anyone else on Team Priscilla, did you get her? Or did Aria just go all pirate and just captured my Est to keep her all to herself? I seem to be about the only person who was pretty sure from the start that Priscilla would make it this far. I think a non-Fates/Awakening character will win whenever Ike/Lyn/Hector/Roy/Marth or someone like that participates. Would be nice to reps from different series to win a gauntlet!We *sniff* Well, how does it feel to betray everything you once stood for by siding with the forces of evil and be on the winning side of a gauntlet for once? I got a lot of the same characters most of the time too. Too bad you never got Est! There should be a club for all the members of Team Priscilla who did not get my Est. I got Satsuma's Celica a lot, Alexmender's Minerva, someone's Ike, and a few others. Hm, dunno how the friend pairings work...
  9. Well, it was a valiant battle, but it seems that the Nohrians have emerged victorious. Good job my fellow members of Team Priscilla! We showed the world that us Elibeans are a force to be reckoned with! And I only got something like 6.3k feathers due to missing all but one multiplier hour.
  10. Oops, looks like I won't get to spend all of my flags! I'll have 220 leftover after my last battle. Oh well, it's not like they would've changed anything. I'm ~19k in army, ~66k cumulative. Buuut..... LET'S GO TEAM PRISCILLA! WE CAN STILL DO IT!! LET'S GET A BILLION POINTS THIS HOUR, WOOO!!!111!! NOTHING CAN STOP US!!!
  11. I think that, if they keep the multipliers, they shouldn't count for purposes of ranking. Or, if they are factored in, their impact should be significantly smaller, maybe by something like a factor of 10. So someone who puts in 200 flags with a bonus unit and a multiplier of 3 would get the 22,000 points, plus the 0.3x of his score from the multiplier, giving him 28,600 points. It's a decent incentive to hit multiplier hours, while not drowning out those who don't get them.
  12. I have two 4* Kagero's sitting in my barracks, and was wondering which nature was better: +Atk/-Spd or +Spd/-Res. I'm unlikely to 5* her anytime soon, if ever, but I thought it might be fun to get a 4* version up to level 40. I feel like the +Atk one is probably better, but any thoughts?
  13. Excellent! Thank you, I look forward to seeing how it turns out. The #1 & 2 are the big ones for me, since planning out skill inheritance is one of the main things I use the other sites. #3 is mostly just a convenience thing. For #4, I see what you mean, but I think color coordinating the columns would be a better layout. And I prefer the tile based index, you can actually find a character you want to look up if you use it. The tables are pretty awful, I would never use one of those if I wanted to find a character. But I mostly just use the search bar. Hope this helps!
  14. What a coincidence! My score of 4,830 also has over a 1,000 point cushion! Pretty sure we'll be fine. Only a day left, and I think that people are probably pretty sick of the arena by now, what with the gauntlet and weekly quests. Attrition was about 300 spots since yesterday. Only 21 hours left in the season. I'm hoping that they use the same bonus heroes again next week. The prior rotation lasted 3 weeks, maybe this one will too?
  15. This is quite a nice site--thanks for all the hard work! I primarily use it for the battle simulator for awhile, which is quite nice, along with occasionally looking at things like who has the top Atk, etc. The battle simulator is really nice for helping decide which skills would be good on certain characters. I do have a few suggestions though, as some of the other parts of the site are too cumbersome to use as alternatives to the Wiki and Gamepress sites. But a few minor changes would do wonders. In particular, currently, the Weapons, Assists, Specials, and Passives indexes just lump everything together in alphabetical order. This format makes it unnecessarily difficult to find what you're looking for. The Passives page is especially bad. It would be MUCH better if the Passives page was organized into 3 columns, with the first column having only A passives, the second column B passives, and the third for C. Not only does this make the skills easy to find, it's also useful for people browsing skills. If I'm looking to add a C passive, I can look around in the C passive column. The same is true for the other tabs (although they're much less important). With Weapons, they ought to be sorted by type (a list of swords, a list of lances, etc.); Assists can be sorted by their restrictions; and Specials can be sorted by type (AOE, in-battle offensive, defensive, and healer). With respect to the pages for passive skills, the rarity at which the skill becomes available is not listed, so a critical piece of information is missing on those pages. This is one of the main things I want to know when I'm looking up skills, so it should be present on the skill page, not just on the character pages. For the Battle Simulator, it would be nice to have something that applied class specific buffs all at once. So something where you could say Hone Cavalry and it would apply +6 to Atk and Spd in the buffs, or Ward Fliers x2 which would apply +8 to the spur of Def and Res. From a layout perspective, the Heroes Index is a bit odd. There are three columns, and the top row consists of Sword, Lance, and Axe users. That's all good. But then the second row is Staff, Bow, and Blue tome? Why not keep it consistent? The second row should be: Red Tome, Blue Tome, Green Tome. The third row then has: Red Breath, Blue Breath, and Green Breath. And then the final row can have the colorless units. With that setup, all of the red units are in the left column, all blues are in the middle, and greens are on the right. In terms of importance, I definitely think #1 & 2 are critical features, and, if implemented, would make your site a much nicer alternative to use than the Wiki or Gamepress sites when looking up stuff for skill inheritance (since yours doesn't have all the junky graphics and banners that fill up their pages). But, as it is right now, the Wiki and Gamepress pages are just way easier to use to find the relevant information. I haven't done web development in awhile, but most of those things seem like they should be easy to implement. For #2, you could probably just replicate the structure you have on the skill page that lists the characters, but change it so that the top one says Has [skill] at 4*, and the bottom one Has [skill] at 5*. For #1, the most important one is the passives page.
  16. SAME. Multiplier = garbage mechanic = demon magic.
  17. In order to get another multiplier, we would need to be down by ~3 bn points. We currently have a lead of about 1.15 bn points. In the past 5 hours, Elise cut our lead by 0.7 bn points, and we have 10 hours left in the gauntlet, so, unless something dramatically changes, there won't be another multiplier. You can always keep 400 flags just in case, So our best bet is to go all in on the defensive and stymie their advancements the best we can. Go Team Priscilla! All in! Go go go! WE CAN DO IT!! BELIEVE, AND WE CAN SEIZE OUR DREAMS!
  18. Looks like I missed two multipliers--what else is new! It doesn't look like another multiplier is possible, so I'll just start dumping my flags. Only 3,220 to go!
  19. I really want to do a Whitewings team: Est, Catria, Palla, and Minerva. It would be even better if they released a Whitewings version of Minerva sometime! That would be really nice. In a similar vein, I'd also want Elincia, Marcia, Tanith, and Sigrun. I'd also really like to put together a team of 4 versions of Lucina (e.g., regular, Masked Marth, spring, CYL) and Tiki (young, adult, summer, and another version). The last idea that came to mind was a team of fellow members of an archetype. So Est, Nino, Sophia, and Elincia could be a team. Minerva, Jill, and Milady belong in a team too!
  20. I remember my very first pull was Bartre, back when the game first came out. So much disappointment there. My second pull is Selena, who I still have, but don't use. I also pulled Palla, Clarine, and Fae. It looks like I still have that Bartre, but both Palla and Fae were turned into skill food recently. The Palla I use now has a better nature. I believe the first Palla was fed to Catria to give her Goad Fliers (and Moonbow). Fae definitely was fed to Celica for Renewal 3. It's possible both were fed to Celica, as I gave Celica Moonbow as well. Of those original 5, I still use Clarine. I promoted Clarine to a 4* while I was still doing the story, and she was so useful throughout then. She regained her usefulness in the Tempest Trials. In my second summoning session, I got a 3* Est, who I've recently promoted to 5*. It's nice that she's been with me pretty much through the whole game!
  21. I'd like to trade flags for feathers please! Thanks! But, idk when the best time to unload these would be. If the next multiplier is going to be around 6-8 am, I'm definitely going to miss it. It's probably counterproductive to use flags now. It's probably counterproductive to use flags for the rest of the round, except after the last multiplier. It's probably good that the next multiplier will way early in the morning, so hopefully it doesn't knock up Priscilla's score too much. That came out wrong. If we're to win, we'll need another multiplier to happen after that, relatively close to the end of the gauntlet. That might be possible. So, if we're getting another multiplier in 12-14 hours, that leaves Elise with ample time to recoup the losses. But is it so much time that we'll get another multiplier after that?
  22. Thanks, adding your flags to my flags, I get 6,630 flags... 17 HOURS OF CONSECUTIVE ALL OUT FLAG SPENDING HERE I COME!!11!11! My overall rank doesn't even break into any bracket, despite me playing a lot. My feather output this gauntlet is going to be terrible, because I just never hit those multiplier hours. Yeah, same with Priscilla. It's basically just be on a team that gets curbstomped or else be awake during the early morning. I've only gotten one multiplier, and I'm unranked. Super! I'm in the 10k-30k bracket in army right now, hope that I'll at least be able to break into 5k-10k, but I'm not that optimistic.
  23. Nobody wants your NO-boro! Aw, hope you feel better! But, yeah, this multiplier system really sucks, it actually disincentivizes dedicated play. There's no reward for people who do the most battles, just for those who hit the most multipliers. If they insist on keeping the multiplier mechanic, I'd prefer it if the multiplier didn't count for the player rankings.
  24. I don't even know! Ah, I feel you, this is the first multiplier I've gotten this whole gauntlet. My cumulative rank is still unranked, even with the 400 flags dumped into the multiplier. Hopefully you'll catch the next one! We were SUPER close to triggering your multiplier, as our lead reached a 9.6% point differential...! Just 0.4% points more and you guys would've gotten it.
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