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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. A type of game like this one. Where you gamble to get lucky summons.
  2. That's not that bad at all. You should change her Assist skill to Reposition or Swap, and then you have a real nice build. Positioning skills are usually better than Rally skills, and Hone Atk is better than her native Hone Def.
  3. Ah, RIP our wasted Shanna's! Coincidentally, Nino is someone who actually really wants Desperation. That's too bad. My Nino currently has dibs on my last Shanna, and I've set it up so that she'll learn Iceberg and Desperation 2 & 3 from her. But it seems Anna also would like Desperation too... argh. But at least Iceberg is nice, right?
  4. Accepted both! ...Also, did everyone on Team Priscilla get together and decide to put Celica as their lead? Without me? I have Celica too! I sacrificed my only Fae to give her Renewal 3! I could put her as my lead, even if she is -Rezzy nature...! I don't have her either! Also, she has shown up in a banner that didn't have 3 other greens. I think it was the Michalis banner. 'Twas the one and only banner I ever spent/wasted money on. But I didn't get her. Instead, I got a 3* Cherche taunting me with talk of her wyvern named "Minerva". Ferflugenskug! ...And then in the wyvern banner, I pulled a 5* Cherche. She's been one of the best members of my team, but... I still want Minerva!
  5. Sent a request! Care to add me? 8608857766. For our Lady Priscilla! I don't think that it will be a blowout for Lissa, but I agree, I'm pretty confident that Lissa will win that bout. For the first round, I believe Elise will win against Sakura, Lissa against Mist, Priscilla against Clarine, and it's a tossup for Maria v. Lachesis, but I'll just go with Maria. For the semi-finals, Elise will easily win on her side, and I think Priscilla will defeat Lissa.
  6. Once, I wasted a Shanna to have Clair inherit Iceberg. Sure, Iceberg is a great special for Clair, but it's a total waste of Desperation fodder for it to come from Shanna. Plus, I don't really use Clair, and I have a couple spare Niles lying about. Iceberg is literally the only thing Niles is good for, but I wasted a Shanna instead. At the time, I didn't think that Desperation was anything I'd really be using a whole lot, and I had 3 Shanna's at the time. I'm also in the "I gave Sharena Glimmer!" club. It's been okay, I haven't really thought about changing it. I also gave it to Azura, but Azura doesn't particularly use her special, so it's fine to have junk there.
  7. Who on Team Priscilla wants to add me? My ID is 8608857766, and Est is out in front right at the moment, because I recently 5-starred her and she's just so cute! I also finally found a way to change my username, so that's finally reading as "Astellius" now. (I play on an emulator, and Heroes doesn't recognize the enter/confirm input from regular keyboards, so being able to change the name isn't straightforward.) Let me know if you're adding me!
  8. But... Priscilla is going to win! No way we're going down!
  9. The banner of Macedon is beautiful, but... I... shan't be fighting under it this round. Maria isn't as inspiring a leader as her elder sister. I've decided, I shall be fighting for Team Priscilla. Which means... ...we very well meet again soon as comrades-in-arms! How could you.....! What is this unheard of and unholy treachery against House Macedon?? Earlier, I was wavering somewhat between joining Priscilla and Clarine, but even Clarine thinks people should join the ranks of Priscilla. I think Clarine should join Priscilla as well -- and, if she did, we must be grateful!
  10. Oh, both Priscilla and Clarine made it into the gauntlet... and they're facing off in the first round! Halp! I don't know which to support!
  11. .......REVIVAL OF THE BATTLE OF THE MAGES!!! MERRIC WILL WIN THIS TIME! But it's seriously hilarious that so many people started accidentally posting in this thread again.
  12. He should be maxed out by now. I pulled Tharja partway into the Tempest Trials, and she's already full up on HM. Hop to it!
  13. Oh, many! I enjoyed developing my Horse Emblem team of Reinhardt, Camus, Cecilia, and Xander, along with Priscilla sometimes. They've really been amazing for me. I'm also really happy to have my Est 5-starred and fully trained. She's been with me since very early in the game. Cherche has been great for me, and Celica came out nicely. Her Ragnarok + Renewal work really well. I could go on, but that's good for now. I'd suggest Cecilia, she's great in Horse Emblem, especially if you give her a Gronnblade tome from a spare Nino you may have. The -blade tomes are quite fantastic in Horse Emblem, you get +18 to your attack from a single Hone Cavalry buff (Ursula should be running Blarblade). But, yes, Cecilia would work better with that setup than Frederick, she'd be your team's green, and magic tends to be better than physical attacks anyway. So Cecilia would be the first place you should invest your energy. Your two Xander's should be fine for the frontlines, so Cecilia would be the strongest addition to your team. Camus is also exceptionally good, he'd definitely outclass Spring Xander once fully trained to 5*. Clarine is great if you need a healer. Make sure to give her Rehabilitate from a spare Wrys, if you plan on using her.
  14. I broke through 100k, and am now ranked 5,796. I used every last orb I had to try to obtain Lucina from the banner... but to no avail. Much sadness after all that work.... Ah, so it goes! I now have 9 characters maxed out with HM, and many others reached new heights and found new strength. Farewell Tempest Trials!
  15. The final hours are upon us! Push onward everyone! I just broke 90k points, but I'm putting forth a final effort into breaking 100k. Stamina potions will carry me to the end! I need those orbs. I really want to summon Lucina, so I'm putting forth every last orb I can muster towards the effort. I'll only be able to get one more summon, but maybe it will be worth it...!
  16. Well, yes, of course it will keep changing, I was curious as to where it was at the moment, to see how big the gap is, as it might help me decide whether I want to switch from grinding for SP/HM to grinding for points. I'm now at 77.7k points, but my rank has fallen to 6,188.
  17. With ~76k points, I'm sitting at rank 6,086. Anyone know what the cutoff is for the 5k bracket? I'm wondering if I should strive to land in it, by switching back to doing perfect/near perfect runs again instead of grinding SP/HM on a variety of my roster. Just a few more days to go...!
  18. He could play it on an emulator, and set the location on the emulator to a country where it's been released.
  19. Haven't managed a deathless run yet, but haven't really put in much effort, since I think I'm probably demoting back to Tier 18 anyway. 4814 last week put me at around rank ~3k or so, while the cutoff rank is something like ~2k. But I got my defense win!
  20. Just when GHB started getting easy, this rolls around... Holy crap that was hard! But Horse Emblem came through for me in the end. Camus, Cecilia, Reinhardt, and Xander succeeded in pulling it off. I sacrificed an Eliwood upon the altar of Cecilia to give her Axebreaker 1. The skills on my team were: On the first turn, I had Cecilia ORKO the Legion on the right, and I positioned Xander to take a hit from the archer, and Camus the red mage. The blue cav mage suicides on Cecilia, while Xander & Camus weaken their respective targets on the return fire. I put Reinhardt below Camus. Second turn, Camus comes down and kills the blue mage reinforcement, and then I have Reinhardt attack the Legion, and Cecilia finishes it off. Xander moves above Cecilia, where he'll tank another barrage from the archer after the lance cav opens the wall. The red mage suicides itself on Camus's Vantage. Third turn, Reinhardt and Cecilia move to the lower right corner and take out the sword cav reinforcement. Camus and Xander move to safety. After that, I don't recall the exact moves, but I mostly just picked off the remaining units while remaining out of harm's way.
  21. Finally! A gauntlet without an obvious winner! Clarine and Priscilla better be in it--but who do I support first? But I suppose such questions would be better to answer once we know who is competing. Do we have any other information yet, besides the fact that healers are involved?
  22. Well, the main thing for me is that, since I have the Quickened Pulse seal, that removes the pressure to get top scores, so now I'm focusing primarily on using a variety of characters who need SP/HM, or else I just want to use. At the moment, I've been starting the runs with Est, Catria, Masked Marth, and Nino. I recently promoted Est to 5*, and she's now all decked out, so it's fun to play with her. Catria was summoned as a 5*, so she doesn't have all that much spare SP, and I wanted her to be running with her sister Est. I put the QP seal on her, so the charge on Luna is only 1. She also likes the Hone Flier buff from Est -- it's like a support bonus! Masked Marth is new, and I like using her. Plus, she needs the SP (unless I want to merge the 4* version). She's been doing great as a medic. Nino is a 4*, but she does just fine. I put Fury 3, Desperation 1, and Chilling Wind on her, it's been great. That team usually makes it through 4-5 maps, sometimes more, sometimes less. I then switch over to something like Tharja, Celica, Azura, and Cherche to finish up. Celica is the main one who needs SP there. If they don't make it, the third team usually has Sanaki, Olivia, and Merric, along with a fourth of whoever I feel would be good at the moment. My Horse Emblem team safely holds the rearguard. The variety has been good for morale, it keeps the battles interesting. I get to use different characters, employ different strategies, and experience new ways to be annoyed by the cliff map with the bush in the middle. It's great!
  23. If it's the 803-3001 error, there wouldn't be a way to resume where you left off, because bookmarks are saved locally, and that error means your local save data was corrupted. It sucks to get one in the middle of a run, but that's just how it goes.
  24. Obtained the Quickened Pulse seal! Also, with all of the feathers from Hero Merit, Arena & Tempest rewards, etc., I promoted and decked out my Est. I'm still not fully decided on how I want to build my Lucina. I went with Renewal 2 and Reciprocal Aid, along with a HP +3 in the A-slot for the moment, so she's been running as a medic for the moment. Varying up my teams has helped prevent this from becoming too repetitious. Indeed, it's kind of fun actually getting to use a variety of my roster! I've also explicitly been trying not to max out the HM on units. I expect to be using, for example, my Horse Emblem team for awhile into the future, so most of them are sitting at ~1,700-1,750. They don't need the SP, but I have plenty of people who do!
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