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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. Triangles are way superior to squares, this is totally obvious. I mean, look, Est, Palla, and Catria do a pretty awesome Triangle Attack. They could invite Caeda to do a Square Attack, but we all know that would just look, sound, and be ridiculous. So there you have it, triangles are better, pegasus sisters think so. Furthermore, if you call someone a square, it's considered an insult. And "square pizza" was also mentioned. But there is no such thing. Square pizza does not exist. You have triangle pizza, and then there are square abominations.
  2. I'm hoping for a free Masked Lucina, that would be great. Lucina is one of my favorite characters from the franchise, and I don't have any version of her yet. :(
  3. Camus probably needs to suffer a little bit of damage first. I had Hector tank a hit from him.
  4. Completed with Hector, Reinhardt, Azura, and Ike. On the first turn, I had Hector tank an axe cav and Camus, and I positioned Ike on the tree in the middle. The axe cav dies, and Camus lives. The healer comes down in front of Ike to heal Camus. So, on the second turn, Reinhardt eliminates Camus, and Ike moves off the tree to attack the healer, knocking it down to 1 HP, and Hector finishes it off. I have Azura dance for Hector, and he pivots to the other side of her, to safety. The red mage cav attacks Reinhardt. On the third turn, I have Ike finish off the mage cav, and then I have Azura dance for him. Ike moves to tank the remaining axe cav, and he makes short work of it. Finally, Camus is here, and my Horse Emblem team can now be completed!
  5. I like it, for the most part. Some are good, some are pretty awk, and some are bad, but it's still fun. Of the last 3 I had, I thought Faye's was good (she matured such that she's not always thinking about Alm), Hinoka's was awkward, and Clair's was kind of bad (she's basically saying the equivalent of, "I like you, but not like that, my heart is for Alm! Oops, why did I just say that?"). Both Jakob and Felicia will eventually join you regardless, but Jakob joins you sooner if you make Corrin a girl (and Felicia if Corrin is male). Jakob's more likeable in the game, so I wouldn't place too much emphasis on the things characters say in Heroes, in terms of whether you would want to try Fates or not.
  6. Wow, you want to donate 120,000 feathers to me so that I can have a 5*+5 Cecilia? That's incredibly generous of you! I don't put money into this game, so I'll think of you forever when I use my 5*+5 Cecilia... :D
  7. FINALLY. HORSE EMBLEM HERE I COME!!! I now have almost 50k feathers (49,626 to be precise), which is enough for me to... - Raise Xander to 5* - Raise Camus to 5* - Create a 4*+5 Cecilia (which is the equivalent of a 5*) I have been waiting for this...!
  8. Certainly, of course there will be situations with +Spd boons or natures, etc., I simply was presenting why I thought Darting Blow 3 would look good on my Cecilia. My planned Horse Emblem team is Cecilia w/Hone Cav, Xander w/Hone, Reinhardt w/Fortify, and Camus w/Goad (whenever he finally comes out!). So Cecilia can get the benefits of Hone, Fortify, and Goad Cavalry all at once! With all of that, if Cecilia is doubling, she'll kill pretty much anything, even probably sword lords! Fury might be preferable if it allows her to kill and/or tank archers/mages better than she would with Darting Blow. This is something I don't know. But, I guess it's likely this: I probably can't go wrong with either skill in the A-slot.
  9. She's running in a Horse Emblem team, so, while 25 base isn't great in itself, the boosts from the team will make it very good. Factoring in Hone Cav, Goad Cav, and Darting Blow, her speed reaches an effective 41 on the player phase, allowing her to double practically the entirety of the cast, even a Spd neutral Nino or Lucina. With Fury 3, she doubles about 30 characters less than she would with Darting Blow 3, so that's a very considerable drop.
  10. I have a couple questions: First, I had originally planned to make Cecilia a 5* sometime in the future, but, upon thinking about it, I realized I can merge a 4* Cecilia to +5 and the stats will be equivalent to a 5* one. It seems like, as someone not putting money into the game, that actually the 4* +5 is the way to go. What do you guys think? The 4* +5 Cecilia would only cost me 8,000 feathers vs. 20,000 for a 5*, and, should I draw any more Cecilia's, they can be merged to further improve the 4* one. I'm doing a Gronnblade build, so Cecilia's 5* skills are irrelevant. Second, what skills would be best for Cecilia's A- and B-slots? She has Gronnblade, and runs in Horse Emblem. I have been using a +Res -Def one, but I just pulled a +Atk -HP one, I could switch to that one. My current thought is Darting Blow 3 for the A-slot, but Fury 3 might be good too. LnD 2 is a possibility, but I like having her be able to take a hit, so I'm disinclined towards it. Third, is the +Atk -HP nature the preferable one? Thanks!
  11. The new art looks really nice, although I'm not sure I'll pull for this banner. My stash of orbs is pretty low, I think I might just save them. Also Charlotte...? That was unexpected.
  12. My point was only that there's definitely no need to level up beyond promotion time for the Mercenary lines, since they have the promotion loop and you level up the fastest at lower levels in all classes. I didn't use the promotion loop on my playthrough, but it's available if you want to use it, it allows you to make the most powerful units possible. That's, of course, not necessary for the game. There's also a free Villager's Fork in the DLC, I believe, which allows anyone to go back to Villager. It can take a lot of experience to level people beyond around level 10, so it takes more work. I'd say put most of your work into a few favorites, and promote most people close to the time promotion is first available. Or however you want!
  13. Azura is a great character, one of the best in the game. It seems like a huge waste of time & energy to re-roll, hoping to get better than that, because you probably won't. You should only consider re-rolling if there's one specific character that's you're favorite in the series and that you absolutely need to have. You're unlikely to get a better roll unless you re-roll A LOT. There's no point in doing that, you should just start having fun playing the game!
  14. It's fine to promote quickly, but the units do end up stronger if you promote them at a higher level. When you promote, you're guaranteed certain base stats, and at least +1 to HP, so, if the unit currently has lower stats than the base, they'll gain them when promoting. If they have higher stats than the base, they won't gain anything but the HP upon promotion. So this means that, if you promote early, your units will start the new class closer to the base stats, while if you promote later, your units will start the new class higher than the base stats. Characters like Delthea and Est have great growths, so they tend to benefit quite a bit from extra levels. Characters in the merc line of classes should be promoted immediately, because Dread Fighters can promote to Villagers, so there's no reason to put the extra exp required to get them to higher levels. I think that it's useful to get at least a few characters to higher levels before promoting, but it depends on how much time/effort you want to put into that.
  15. With respect to gold marks, there's no real way to farm them before Thabe's. I believe that they're rarely dropped on the 8th/9th floors, but I'm not totally sure. So you're limited to what they give you during the game from chests and selling items like the exotic spice. You can convert silver to gold, if you have enough of it, but, with the limited amount you get, you're not going to be able to do this a whole lot.
  16. Haha, yeah, I was wondering if anyone else noticed that! I believe some of the armor in Echoes completely cover the faces of horses as well. Perhaps all you need is magic!
  17. As for me, I ship... - Mycen x Bench, they belong together, they just do. - Alm x Berkut, it's not a Fire Emblem shipping thread if there's no incest in it -- moreover, it's gaycest, so it's even better! - Nomah x Genny, she said she likes older men, and who would expect such a secret, scandalous romance! And you guys thought Saber x Genny was bad! - Clair x Clive, for FE reasons! The FE incest threshold for this thread was not met by Alm x Berkut, because they're only cousins. - Mathilda x Faye, both were terribly upset that the loves of their lives were torn away from them by weird FE shipping incest, so they took comfort in each other's arms, fully understanding the pain of the other while being sensitive to the undying love each bore for someone else. - The ships from Ch. 2 x the ships from Ch. 6, because ships should ship together. - Lukas x Mila, Lukas just seems like the kind of guy that deserves a goddess in his life. - Sonya x Sonia from Blazing Sword, the similar names & similar looks just seal the deal. Joking aside, I liked most of the canonical pairings, with the exception of Clair and Gray. Clair had good chemistry with Alm, but Alm should be with Celica. So I think Clair should've been paired with Lukas, that seems like it would be good. Well said!
  18. Spellcasters temporarily forget the spells they learn in their third tier class, and will relearn them at the level they originally learned them in their third tier class. So, for example, Tatiana learns Fortify as a Saint at level 4, when she promotes to Exemplar, she will "forget" it, but will re-learn it at level 4 of Exemplar. I think that's probably just a programming error on their part, but that's how it works. Yeah, you're unlikely to hit the cap in the main story. I think that you should've been able to promote to the overclass at around level 10. But the level grinding goes pretty quick with Lords of the Dead DLC...
  19. It's only been out for a week, and usually sales figures/estimates are based on a week, usually talked about on the following week. With that in mind, it shouldn't be surprising we haven't heard anything. I'd expect to see more information on how well it has sold thus far sometime this coming week.
  20. From the map's perspective, I believe the first teleporter room was top left, and the second one is top right. Both would be the farthest from the entrance to their respective rooms, on the right side.
  21. Indeed, that's why Catria must pine after Marth from afar, Caeda is just too good of a match for Marth. They both have blue hair, they both have noses, and neither one knows how to pants: I assumed that Catria is the one with blue hair, but I suppose it's possible that they totally botched the colors. The hairstyle of the one with brown hair is somewhat closer to Catria's, and blue hair is somewhat closer to Est's. Ah yes, the good ol' pre-nose days... IIRC, most of the characters in Bravely Default remain in that stage of life! It's supposed to be pink, although it was actually more red in the portraits from the original FE.
  22. Yes, it all works out in the end. And Wolf sometimes having purple hair is fine, because Est had red hair in her original portrait, and then there's this original portrait from the manual for Gaiden or something like that, from back before Catria had a nose: So some flexibility with respect to the hair color might be permissible with respect to Est's pairing.
  23. Love Triangle... ATTACK!! Wolf had purple hair in the games though... However, in some of the other official art, like Cipher, his hair is definitely pink, Est-levels of pink. I guess he's showing his true colors! And Wolf is badass enough that he'd actually be able to protect her, so maybe she'd stop spending so much time in prison!
  24. Give me my infinite orbs! I wanna summon forever!
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