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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. You should reveal your support for Merric now!
  2. SF is representative of people on SF! But yeah, that's about it. Sure, that's all well and good, but you made substantive claims concerning the fanbase, and I was wondering if you had any actual evidence for it, other than pure speculation based off of observations of this forum, that's all. This forum has been shown not to be particularly representative of the player base for the game, so it's probably not a good thing to base speculative observations off of. There are plenty of other sites to consider (e.g., Gamefaqs, Reddit), and other factors, such as the fact that most people that play the game probably aren't active on any of these sites. I was Team Lucina, the only promotion her awesomeness needed from me was my unwavering devotion when battling for her cause! I also wasn't active in the forum at the time.
  3. Any evidence to support any of those claims? I know a lot of people on here like Genealogy, but I don't think that SF is particularly representative of the Heroes fanbase, or the FE franchise fanbase in general. I think that the size of Julia's fanbase, for the purposes of this gauntlet, will largely come from fans of Heroes who have pulled her. Obviously join Team Merric.
  4. You should jump on the bird pun train! I mean, sure, crows eat dead robins, but don't worry about that. You should be fearless in the face of an enemy that will eat you when you die! Change of plans--you join Team Merric! This sounds optimal. Me neither. I never played Genealogy or Thracia, sooo... yeah.
  5. I'm for seriously, this game needs terrible statuses that can cover the total area of the map. Moreover, given there's no dodge mechanism, these would also always hit. That sounds like a good time! Doesn't it sound like a good time, to watch as your own allies decimate your own team while the enemy is on the other side of the map? Okay, so maybe that would suck just a little bit...
  6. Accepted! Merric shall summon winds to sweep through the competition.
  7. We definitely need Bow Cavs and Flyers, along with more mages in both categories. As for staff users, let's add Sleep and Berserk staves to the game, and the range will be Mag/2.
  8. I feel you, I only pulled one Ike too. He's pretty awesome too. Should've used a name for your username! I have signatures turned off, but feel free to add me, see the following:
  9. Both Rebecca's attack artwork and her sprite lack a bowstring. Consistency! I suppose it fits because she had trouble with her bowstring in Blazing Sword!
  10. The game has not been released for Indonesia, so that might have something to do with it.
  11. Anyone on Team Merric want to be friends? My ID is 8608857766. If Merric loses, I'll probably join Sanaki, and then Robin. Let me know if you're interested. Cherche, Azura, Ike, Reinhardt, Sharena, and adult Tiki are some of the people with sufficient SI that I can put out in front. Let me know!
  12. Yes, I have. You get feathers at 500 HM increments, and, once they reach the threshold, you'll see them in your castle hall. Their sprite will have little feathers floating around it, and they'll give you the feathers when you talk to them.
  13. The arena changes are interesting. I especially like the prospect of getting orbs in addition to getting feathers! I did a deathless run with Azura, Ike, Reinhardt, and Cherche for 4,780 points, which places me at 461 in Tier 14, at least for now. The new maps are also nice, although there are perhaps too many defense tiles in some of them.
  14. I should think that luck plays a greater role in that than sheer dedication, luck which I decidedly lack! Oh Minerva, where art thou? Or Lucina? I feel you, I thought about trying to pull Leo, but I know I'd just get Henry. And yeah, this gauntlet is missing some of my favorite mages. The last two gauntlets had such obvious choices for me. This one would've been obvious too, if they had went with Nino! I know I can't be the only one that really wants the morphs to be added to the game!
  15. Am I supposed to be summoning more Merrics? I already have two of him, one 5* and one 4*. You're right, I need infinite Merrics! But I think I'll do this: Merric in Round 1, Sanaki Round 2 (hope she wins Round 1!), and then Robin Round 3.
  16. I decided to do exactly one summon from the female mage banner. I went with red, and got Sanaki... Is this a sign??
  17. That... that's a different kind of "hugging."
  18. Cool hashtag, #hashtagsarecool. Green hair is the way to victory! I'll burn flags on Merric, and then will probably hop over to Robin. No, saying such a thing like that is utterly prohibited. Prepare yourself for destruction. Merric is going to tear Robin to shreds. It won't even be a contest. But, in the highly unlikely event that Merric doesn't emerge victorious, I'll probably go over to Robin.
  19. My thoughts on this matter. The balancing logic is that Eliwood kinda sucks and you probably shouldn't use him. Xander is better, just use him instead, if you need a swordy on your horse team. Eliwood has high res, I suppose, but why would he be tanking mage attacks? It's not like he can return fire.
  20. Pretty sure they'll have a Valentia chapter released sometime after the game. Same with Celica's banner. That only makes sense. Spacing out the banners and chapters gives two rounds of advertising: one prior to the release of the game, and one during/after the release of the game. The first one might get people interested, and, for the second, if people are interested, they can go out and buy the game. There will also probably be free orbs and stuff to commemorate the release of the game.
  21. Too many to list! I'll list a few of the top ones that come to mind: Micaiah, Mia, Astrid, Lucia, Elincia, Tibarn Sonia, Limstella, Pent Amelia, Seth, L'Arachel, Lyon Katarina, Sedgar, Wolf Milady, Echidna
  22. Yes, we shall! Your words have been marked, and we shall march to inexorable victory, guided by the wisdom of the Excalibur tome!
  23. For a Gronnblade Cecilia (+Res, -Def), I was originally planning on putting Darting Blow 3 in the A-slot, but Life and Death 2 also crossed my mind. I'm currently in favor of Darting Blow 3, because Life and Death might compromise her ability to tank magic attacks at the expense of more power, power which I don't think she especially needs. Thoughts on this?
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