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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. Welcome to the team! We have cookies and boss robes. And Nino should've been in this, I think a lot of people here would've joined her side immediately. I think that would've made things more interesting.
  2. You should join Merric, he's not "endowed" at all! Yeah, this one didn't have any obvious choice for me either. My choice was decided based on who I had at the time, which was Merric and Henry. Now, the choice there is obvious! I've since drawn a Robin, so that might be the path I follow, once Merric gets tired of winning. I also like Tharja, and married her once or twice if you count Rhajat, but I don't have her so, oh well! Plus, the feathers are better on the losing side.
  3. Thanks! I went ahead and put Drag Back on Cherche. My Ike has Reposition, and Azura dances, those have worked really nicely for Reinhardt. It'll let Cherche do the same sort of thing as Reinhardt, with good positioning after a devastating attack. I don't have any spare Wings of Mercy or Lancebreakers for Reinhardt. He'll probably just stick with Vantage for now, it's not like he actually needs anything in his B slot anyway.
  4. What are the best skills to inherit for the B slots of Cherche and Reinhardt? Cherche is running a Brave Axe w/Death Blow 3, and I was thinking that Drag Back might be useful, it would help keep her out of range of the enemies. I couldn't really think of anything else that might be good, except maybe Axebreaker. As for Reinhardt, I can't really think of anything, except maybe a blue tomebreaker? Might just leave him with his native Vantage because it gets so much use, what with all the tanking Reinhardt does! And would Ardent Sacrifice/Reciprocal Aid be a good Assist for him? He doesn't really need the HP, and, if he's not pounding the delete button, it might help others keep in their QR/Breaker ranges. And it helps him get into that all-useful Vantage zone!
  5. You are committed to making the same joke over and over, for the rest of your life, plus 10 years after that. That's just how it is. It's an immutable law of the universe, like conservation of mass & energy, or how I always have to pull at least one Subaki whenever I decide to summon blue. That's right.
  6. ...Isn't it supposed to be "bungee jump off a cliff" or something?
  7. So, is everyone hyped for Merric yet? I assume everyone has been studiously guided by the wisdom in the Excalibur tome to join the appropriate team. Of course, I suppose if you don't have Merric, the jealousy of not possessing Excalibur might drive you along errant paths... But surely something like that has never happened before, and it surely wouldn't happen here! Right? When's this thing supposed to start anyway? Let's go Team Merric! My body is ready!
  8. What sorts of teams are best on Defense? For awhile, I was getting about 1 win a week, running Sharena, Cherche, Camilla, and adult Tiki (or something like that), but I didn't get any last week (not sure who I was running). So I decided to switch it up with Azura, Reinhardt, Gunter, and Ike. I figured, "Welp, I usually hate it when the other team has either Reinhardt or a dancer, so I'll just put both on mine!" That setup has gotten 2 wins so far. Gunter's just there to give Reinhardt the Hone buff, in hopes that it helps him kill something. But I'm not really sure what thinking goes behind determining who should be in which slot (other than Reinhardt & Gunter should be in adjacent slots). Also, Azura, Ike, Reinhardt, and Camilla scored me 4,750 on offense, which is a new high score for me!
  9. Awhile back, I was contemplating promoting a Camilla to put a Brave Axe+ on Cherche, but that dream will be postponed for at least the next 3 5* promotions. But I realized--hey, I can do a budget version, and put just a regular Brave Axe on her! Plus, that means she could inherit through Draconic Aura, which looks like it would be good for Cherche, given her ungodly strength. That's all good. Or is there a better skill? But my question is this. I want to put Death Blow on her (an obvious choice for a brave user), but my source would have to be my 5* Hawkeye. Is there any good reason I shouldn't sac Hawkeye? I mean, I have a 5* Cherche, Camilla, Hector, and Beruka, so I don't see what I would be using him for. I have a 4* version of him, so my collector instincts are fine with providing snack time for Minerva sending him back to the desert. Any reason to keep him around?
  10. Reinhardt is really good, and the first thing you should do is give him Death Blow. If you have a spare 4* Klein, that would give him Death Blow 3, or you do have a 5* one capable of doing the same... Reinhardt has a spot pretty much on any team. Ike and Ryoma are both really good, but I'm not sure you'd be fielding them both at the same time all that often. And, since you have those two, I doubt Roy or Corrin will be seeing much action. Sharena or Hector would probably occupy the next slot. Sharena is a great support unit, and she would work well with Nino, since Nino needs buffs for Gronnblade. Sharena's support utility means she's useful even if she's not engaging the enemy. My Sharena has Quick Riposte, and I've found that to be really good on her. If you're fielding Hector, you'd likely want to your teammates to have support moves like Reposition to help you move him around. Dancers can help too. With Hector there, Takumi or Klein would probably help round out the team. I personally don't like using armor units because of the maneuverability issues, that's not my preferred play style. Dancers go really well with Reinhardt, because he can destroy most things in one move, so they can either help him destroy two enemies in one turn, or else destroy an enemy and run to safety, since he's so fragile. So some possible teams I think would work well together: Reinhardt, Ike/Ryoma, Sharena, & Nino/Olivia/Klein/Takumi; Reinhardt, Ike/Ryoma, Hector, & Olivia/Klein/Takumi. Those are my thoughts on it.
  11. Oh good! If you're going the -raven Ursula route, I think the best division of skills would be to put Hone Cavalry on Xander and Cecilia, and Fortify on Ursula and Peri. This would allow everyone to be Honed/Fortified, and, when Camus comes, you'd have 2 people with Hone, 1 with Fortify, and 1 with Goad. Fortify would be best on Ursula, since she least needs the benefits of it (she shouldn't really be hit, and there's no -blade benefits to consider), so Peri leaving with it wouldn't effect much.
  12. It must be coming at some point! Gunter's currently the placeholder in my Cav team, and Camus will be replacing him when he gets here. As for your team, Peri would likely be more useful than Priscilla. How many spare 4* Gunters/Jagens do you have?
  13. You can run a really good Horse Emblem team with mostly four star characters. I second Gronnblade Cecilia, she's stellar. If the Hone and Fortify Cavalry boosts are on her, that's 24 extra attack from the effects of the tome, which is crazy. Blarblade Ursula is better than a raven version because, well, 24 extra damage... Perhaps hold out a bit for another Odin? Or go with the raven build and, if another Odin comes along, go with that. Xander is good, and Gunter is okay as a placeholder. But Peri would probably be better than Gunter, she's already 5-stars, and all trained up. Priscilla can be good too, Rehabilitate is really nice. I'd think Gronnblade Cecilia, Ursula, Xander, and Peri would be good (throwing Blarblade on Ursula would make it stellar). Camus should be coming out in a GHB sometime, and he looks like he'd be really good too. Like Xander, his 5-star weapon, Gradivus, comes built in with Distant Counter. If you were to 5-star him, he would replace Peri.
  14. Thanks! I was wondering if anyone was going to respond. Gunter's not a bad unit, he's just not great. He's filling in until someone better comes along. He's bulky, so he can tank a few hits, that's his main role, and his attack is pretty good, so he's not bad attacking mages. I wasn't thinking about it, but Camus will likely replace him when he comes out. Camus comes with Goad Cavalry, and Gradivus has a built-in distant counter. So I guess the promotion schedule will probably be Xander, Camus, then Cecilia (or maybe Camus, Xander, then Cecilia). Gunter can hold down the fort until Camus comes along. And, if I need a horse healer, I have a 5-star Priscilla, and she comes with Rehabilitate, which is the best healing spell (I'm not running the team for Arena yet, their stats aren't good enough to get me high points, this is mostly long term planning). I'm running a Gronnblade build for Cecilia, so Fortify Cav does more for her than Goad. I'm planning on putting Darting Blow in Cecilia's A slot, which more than makes up for the loss of the speed boost from Goad. So I still think Reinhardt is the best candidate for Fortify Cavalry, and Camus coming with Goad makes up for Reinhardt not having it. Since Camus will be replacing Gunter, and I want 2 people with Hone Cavalry, I'll put that on both Xander and Cecilia. With this setup, everyone can be honed easily, and Cecilia will get the most out of that Gronnblade tome. I'm not even going to bother making it a Gronnblade+ tome, that seems like it would be a waste of precious feathers for an increase of 4 points to Cecilia's attack. I mean, after all's said and done, Cecilia's getting +34 to a single hit. Doesn't seem like that'll make a difference to anything. Sound good to everyone?
  15. With the addition of Xander to my Horse Emblem crew, I'm wondering who should have which horse skills to optimize the horseplay. Right now, the team consists of 5-star Reinhardt, and 4-star Xander, Cecilia w/Gronnblade fighting action, and Gunter. Xander is up next for promotion (he's gotta get dat cray Siegfried), followed by Cecilia. I'm not sure if Gunter's a permanent member of the team, but he works fine as it is. The alternatives I have (or can make) are Abel, Jagen, Priscilla, or, idk, Ursula w/Blarblade. I think I have a 3-star Frederick too. Here's what's on the table to work with. I have one Jagen to pass on Fortify Cavalry, a few spare Gunter's for Hone Cavalry, and a spare Eliwood for Ward Cavalry. Gunter comes with Hone Cavalry, I see no point in changing that on him. But what should the others have? This is what I'm thinking. Since Cecilia luvs the buffs for her blade, it wouldn't make sense to put Fortify on her, which leaves either Reinhardt or Xander. Right now, I think that it should go on Reinhardt (over his native Goad Cavalry), because Reinhardt shouldn't be getting hit, and Xander's place is on the front lines. I'm thinking that Cecilia should get Ward Cavalry, because she should be behind Gunter and Xander. This leaves Hone Cavalry for Xander. Thoughts on this configuration?
  16. The difference sounds pretty trivial, certainly doesn't seem worth it to me to throw down 20k feathers for. I don't think I would even really notice the difference.
  17. Got it on the first try, with the strategy I came up with before the map came out! I fielded Ike, Reinhardt, Olivia, and Gunter. I sent Ike (with a dance from Olivia) to attack the swordsman, he took him out. Everyone else waited in safety. The green cavalier mage suicides himself on Ike, while Xander and the lancer advance down the middle. I had Reinhardt kill the lancer, Olivia dances for him, and then I had him kill Xander. I sent Gunter after the the cleric, just so he could feel like he did something important.
  18. I did an edit of my previous post, while you were writing this. Lol. Well, aren't all three routes "canon" (for whatever that's worth!)? Birthright and Conquest were, of course, stories that could each stand alone. Revelations can't, it's an add-on. I'll consider joining Team Leo if Leo's in the second round and Merric isn't. I also saved that "Disgusting!" montage picture to my desktop. It's hilarious, and I'm honored to have been the first one you used that against! Merric's the real underdog here. And I said nothing about what you sacrificed. You're the one sacrificing dead pieces of animals and earth to her. How about sacrificing a little bit of time for Merric? Time is important. It wouldn't interfere with your sacrificial needles or thread.
  19. See my edit to my last post. Edit: I LOVE your collection of "disgusting!" quotes, it's really awesome that you did that. That's worth mentioning. :D
  20. Hm, well, I don't think Oboro wants or needs daily sacrifices (whatever those are!). And Revelations was pretty silly and way too forced, so it doesn't count. Also, a real sacrifice Oboro would appreciate, though, is if you wanted to side with some such Nohrian scum as Leo, and then ruled against it, for her sake. You had allegiance to some form of Nohrian scum, but you gave them up for her sake. That sounds poetic to me. Edit: I was writing the above post, but @Anime27Arts posted something concerning me. Here's my response: You're saying that people should support Nohrian scum. I think Oboro would agree with me, when I say that that is....
  21. Merric is a cool guy, and his robe is totally boss. We're all going to be wearing Merric robes, and we'll be getting you one too! Go Team Merric first! You know, Oboro won't forgive you for siding with Nohrian scum. She will attack you. And her personal skill will activate.
  22. Pff, stop horsing around and join Team Merric! He has green hair, like Nino! It's what Nino would've wanted. Besides Merric is going to dominate this so hard, he'll probably just stop participating in the gauntlet after the first round! He's just kind and merciful like that. You'd then be free to spread your love around to someone else!
  23. We should root for Nino. She doesn't even need to be in the gauntlet to win it.
  24. You should follow the guidance of the Excalibur tome. Its wisdom shall guide you well. It will at least guide you to cookies:
  25. Are you saying that all the Beruka's I've been summoning have been a sign from the RNG Goddess to give you my orbs, and only then will I get a Minerva?
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