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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. Upon seeing the new banner, with it's 5% chances, I decided to put in the rest of my orbs to see if I couldn't summon the lovely Azura. I was sitting on the about 50 or so orbs. The first summon set had 2 greens and 3 clears, so I thought I would try a green, aiming for Hector. It was Bartre. I also really want Hector, so I went ahead and tried the other green. It was another Bartre. Great... So I exit out and go back in, and there's 1 blue and 4 greens. I click on the blue and summon... Azura! Holy crap! On the first blue of the banner!! I was not expecting such luck. Since I got Azura, I decided to go for the 4 greens in hopes of nabbing a Hector. The first green was Gunter, 3-stars. Oh well, at least it wasn't another Bartre. Then I go for the second green, and... it was Hector! Wtf! With a +Atk -Spd nature! Best summoning session I've ever had! There are two remaining greens, and so I'm like, well, I'll go for them, in the off chance I might finally get Minerva. First one was another Beruka. But then I pull the second one, and it was...!
  2. I was having Reinhardt kill Xander and the lancer on the second turn, after they came down the middle. Obviously don't want him to suck up hits from either Xander or the mage! Reinhardt no like being hit...
  3. My precursory thoughts for my strategy: field Ike, Olivia, Reinhardt, and Gunter (for Hone Cavalry). First turn, send Ike into the right corridor (with dance help), maybe have him attack the swordsman, maybe have him wait. He'll tank the swordsman and the mage. Xander and the lancer come down the middle. Reinhardt kills Xander, Olivia dances for him, and he kills the lancer. If he can't kill the lancer, I guess maybe Gunter can go in and kill it, or else Reinhardt could retreat. If Ike didn't finish either the swordsman or the green mage, he could do that now.
  4. Oh, cool a mage banner... but they didn't put Nino in?? Wtf. No Lilina? No Sophia? Boo. Of those mages, I only have Merric and Henry, and, of those two, I only use Merric. Well, the Excalibur tome has guided me well this far...
  5. Maybe this has been hashed out before, but what skills would be best on a +Res -Spd Ike? I was thinking of swapping out his Swordbreaker for Quick Riposte. And is Aether preferable to Luna? While Heavy Blade makes Aether viable, it seems like Luna is just better because of the cooldown speed.
  6. Woo! Pulled Ike!! I had been saving up orbs for awhile, so I had about 90. I only spent about 50 of them to get him too. I sorta forgive the RNG Goddess a little for the shenanigans she pulled when I was trying to summon Minerva. Time to train him up!
  7. My Reinhardt is ready for Xander. He will first destroy him, and then he will persuade him to join my Horse Emblem team.
  8. Cherche and Subaki have both been two of my worst offenders as well. I think I've summoned 6 Cherche's and 7 Subaki's.
  9. Yeah, that error's annoying, I get it a lot. I reinstall the game, but, on rooted devices (or rooted emulators), I believe there's a way you can fix it without having to do a reinstall. It's something like, install Root Explorer, and go find and delete the .xml local save file for the game. Take a look at the 803-3001 error thread that's on here, the process is probably described there (if you wanted to do that instead of reinstall the game each time).
  10. Huh. That's strange, because Minerva was already in the game. Wonder what they're talking about. Roy was pretty useless for a large stretch because he promotes so late. So, for a lot of it, he's sitting around in the back of the bus while everyone else does all the hard work. Yeah, I hate it when teenagers are running the armies. It's pretty silly. I usually need to imagine that they're older than the canonical age. Another thing I'm definitely not a fan of is having actual children infest the armies. Kana, you're way too young for this crap. Everyone join the WWIII hype train!!
  11. No, there's no reason to believe that they would totally ban you for playing on an emulator. I've been playing on an emulator, since I only have a Windows Phone (lol). I bought orbs on one occasion trying to get Minerva and then summoned Cherche instead dammit, and had no difficulty. I've heard tales that some people got an error message awhile back when using emulators/rooted devices to try to buy orbs, but that was the only thing they couldn't do. That was it. They could do everything else, so I wouldn't worry about it; I'm certainly not worried about it.
  12. It's "bow", as in the front portion of a ship that girls use both to tie up their hair and play the violin with.
  13. As others noted, the change for the Bunny Lucina, that's what I was talking about. It's nice that they got VA's that sound like the originals. Alexis Tipton sounds similar to Laura Bailey. I'm hoping that they'll have Laura Bailey back for the CYL Lucina, and all future versions, but, if not, the new one is decent. Edit: I don't know why they changed the VA, there's been speculation, but no one has the answer.
  14. *shudders* DON'T DO IT YOU WILL DIE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE A little, I suppose. I think the placement of Priscilla's eyes in her standing portrait is worse... Apart from that, both characters have great art. Join the mourning train for changes in VA's for favorite characters... Lucina, and now Ike?? Blaspheme! At least the replacement VA's sound good though, and sound at least somewhat similar to the originals.
  15. When I look at Navarre, I see a beautiful young woman who happens to be a man...
  16. Just finished all the missions, that was enjoyable, and I'm happy that they put up the Robin GHB again, as I didn't have strong enough units to do it the first time around. My strategy for the Robin battles: I used Reinhardt (-Atk nature), Gunter (only for Hone Cavalry), and Olivia. I'm not sure Gunter was even needed. So, for the first turn, Reinhardt runs out and kills the axe guy. Everyone else just chills in the back. The two mages hit him, and Robin and the lancer start advancing. Turn 2, I have Reinhardt retreat to the square between the two walls, and then I have Olivia dance, and he retreats to safety on the upper part of the map. Robin will now attack Olivia, and this chokes up the map. Olivia barely takes any damage. The red mage moves to the spot above Robin, Reinhardt snipes it, Olivia dances, he returns to safety. Just repeat that maneuver to get rid of the lancer and the blue mage. Now, Olivia can hit Robin and she'll knock out most of Robin's HP, so she can easily be eaten by Navarre or Robin. I'm pretty sure that a similar strategy could be used with other characters. I tried it with a neutral Att Gronnblade Cecilia, and, with a +1 Att seal and the Hone Cavalry buff, it worked. For the Navarre battle, I already posted a 3-person strategy, and I just used that for Navarre vs. Navarre. Navarre needed to be trained for this, as he had to tank a hit from the axe guy and 2 from the healer. I used the earlier strategy (Brave Bow Rebecca baits the ninja, then snipes it, dances to safety; and then when Navarre and the other ninja start coming down, I have her snipe that Ninja, and then I dance her to safety). Reinhardt then attacks Navarre, leaving him with 4 HP, and Navarre comes in and kills fake Navarre. The axe guy and healer will both attack Navarre. Next turn, I have Reinhardt attack the axer, dance, take him out. Navarre can go ahead and attack the healer. The healer will attack Navarre again (mine was level 35 with the HP seal), so he survived.
  17. Yeah, actually, he probably can't do that without Death Blow, so that strategy probably won't work out for you. I'm not even sure if it will work for me, because it looks like Navarre may have to tank a hit from the axe guy, so we'll see. One nice thing about Reinhardt is killing things from a distance leaves you less vulnerable...
  18. For the Navarre v. Navarre, my Reinhardt (-Atk nature with Death Blow 3) will knock Navarre down to 4 HP, so a Navarre with a little bit of training should be able to knock that out. A Reinhardt with +Atk without Death Blow could do the same. I put a strategy for 3 characters--Reinhardt, Rebecca w/Brave Bow, and Olivia. Does Reinhardt ORKO the ninjas? I forget. If he does, then A!Tiki could be swapped for Rebecca.
  19. These new quests are fun! The Navarre one with Robin on the team was difficult, since she's just dead weight in that battle. I managed to do it with a team of Reinhardt, Olivia, and Rebecca. I took a Gordin and sacrificed his moe head to the Inheritance Gods to give Rebecca a Brave Bow. Proceeding into battle, I used Rebecca to bait the bowbreaker ninja--she could tank one round. My turn comes around, and she ORKO's that ninja, and then I dance her to safety. Navarre and the other ninja start coming down on the left, while the axe dude and the healer fight their way into the trees. Rebecca then snipes the other ninja, and Reinhardt takes out Navarre with dance assistance from Olivia. Then it's just mopping up the remainders with Reinhardt.
  20. Yeah, Horse Emblem seems really good. I axed a 3-star Nino to throw Gronnblade on Cecilia, and now Cecilia's broken when she has the Hone Cavalry buff and is near Reinhardt. Death Blow on Reinhardt is pretty insane, especially with the Hone Cavalry boosts from Gunter. I also tacked on the +1 Atk seal on him for a little boost. I put together a team of Reinhardt, Cecilia, Gunter, and Olivia, and they're just ridiculous. (If only Olivia were a cavalier!) With how effective this is, I think I'll promote Cecilia next. What special skills would be best on Cecilia?
  21. Thanks @Arcanite, @DehNutCase, @MrSmokestack, and @ILikeKirbys, I went ahead and promoted Reinhardt. I also have a 4-star Klein (-Atk), so I'll probably axe him for Death Blow fodder, which would make Reinhardt pretty savage. Sound like a good idea? With respect to Nowi, her nature is +HP -Spd, so the inverse of what was recommended. Since Characters I Like > Objectively Good Characters > Characters I Don't Like, Nowi's not likely going to be promoted anytime soon. I'll probably promote Nino next, or Cecilia. Cecilia with a Gronnblade tome on a Horse Emblem team would be devastating. I have Gunter and Jagen to provide Hone & Fortify Cavalry.
  22. Who do you guys think I should promote? I was thinking I might do Reinhardt, although his nature isn't great (+HP, -Atk). I don't have any 5-star blue tome users, so that would fill a gap in terms of covering options, and I'm also F2P, so it's not like I'm likely to get a better one down the road. I'm also considering Nino (+Spd, -HP), which seems pretty good, and promoting a Camilla as Brave Axe+ fodder to throw on Cherche, who seems like she would be unholy with a one of those. I also have Eliwood. Olivia and Felicia are also under consideration. There's also Nowi, but everyone should say no to loli dragons.
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