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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. Well, I got up not too long ago, and... So, if anyone on Team Robin wants to add me, I'm at 8608857766 with Reinhardt as my lead for the moment, but can change upon request to Ike, Azura, Cherche w/Brave Axe, or some others. Let me know if you're adding me! Sent a request!
  2. I'm being serious. The only thing that can save the Fire Emblem is a crossover with Queen's Blade. Yes, and I was just suggesting that a Fire Emblem x Kill la Kill, followed by a Fire Emblem x Queen's Blade, crossover would save it even more, in such a manner that would please everyone on this forum to the highest degree!
  3. Fire Emblem needs a crossover to save it??? I have an idea, let's do a Fire Emblem and Kill la Kill crossover! That would be pretty awesome. But, if that's insufficient, then let's proceed onto Fire Emblem x Queen's Blade. I think that particular crossover would be especially well-received on here!
  4. Way too many of them are tediously nice. At least Peri gets me, amirite?
  5. It's not real. No one likes the idea of ACTUALLY being stalked. This is fiction, and people like things in fiction that they wouldn't like for real, and it's pretty ridiculous to intentionally conflate the two.
  6. This forum is on the internet, and the internet is a well-known breeding ground for haters.
  7. ...Yes, he kinda does. Hehe... Undoubtedly good units are more liked, and I'm sure that contributed to it at least some. I don't think either Julia or Sanaki had a huge fan base prior to Heroes. Yeah, Nintendo did a TERRIBLE job of marketing the games, and producing enough of them. However, I own both of the Tellius games, and now both are worth over $100 each (I keep everything that comes with the games). I'm not exactly in a position to complain.
  8. I just broke 400k (400,140 exactly), which puts me at 2,191 in army, and 3,976 overall, so over half of the people with over 400k points are from team Merric. Looking at hourly gains for non-multiplier hours, Merric and Henry are roughly equivalent in popularity. Henry's gains range from about 8.5 to 19.5 million, while Merric's range from about 12 to 17 million. The reason Merric is getting way more multiplier hours is because Robin is significantly more popular than Leo, with Robin regularly pulling in 90 million hourly votes, while Leo gets only about 40 million. It seems that Team Merric has largely spent most of the flags they're going to, as his hourly gains have been steadily decreasing despite remaining on the multiplier. He was getting about 110 - 120 million on multiplier hours, but he got ~50 for the last hour, ~60 the hour before, and ~70 the previous one.
  9. Tharja had two multiplier hours at the beginning, which means that players had a possible 4 battles to spend multiplier flags on. Assuming they spent 200 flags on each of those, with Tharja as the bonus character. So, that's 66k x 4 = 264k (using 800 flags), leaving 710 flags for another 78.1k points, yielding a total of 342.1k points obtainable by using flags.
  10. Leo won't be getting the 3x bonus again, that's pretty close to certain, as Henry, even with the multiplier, can no longer produce sufficient gains to pass Leo, let alone go far enough to trigger the multiplier in the reverse direction.
  11. Both Tharja and Robin received the multiplier early on in the gauntlet, but neither got it after the gauntlet really took off. In terms of hourly gains, Tharja gains about 140-180 million votes, while Robin only gets about 60-95 million. So Tharja has roughly something like twice the support Robin has. The Sanaki v. Julia matchup activates the multiplier the least. Merric gets the multiplier the most often, then Henry, and then Linde.
  12. Here's a really rough approximation of the hourly gains (in millions) for non-multiplier hours: Linde: 65-80 Tharja: 125-180 Sanaki: 30-40 Julia: 35-60 Leo: 30-45 Henry: 13-19 Robin: 75-95 Merric: 12-17 So, from this, it looks like Tharja has the most substantial following, followed by Robin, and then Linde. The 3x multiplier seems to be preventing any severe blowouts so far, we'll see how it continues to play out.
  13. So far, I've used 1,200 flags for Merric (all with the x3 multiplier, ofc). I've accumulated 397,060 points, which lands me at rank 588 in his army and 1,207 overall. How's everyone else doing? I see @ErrantDShepherd is at 49 in the army--well done!
  14. Agree, Merric could easily help mop up those blues.
  15. How's my Ike serving for my fellow wind mages? We can do it, we can conquer the Robin, losing is for the birds!
  16. Here's a Google Doc that has all the team scores, along with other data. They keep it up to date, it's fun to be able to see how everyone's doing. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jI7MSCI6QuUPxLrQrYOxJk9cfuLuildhKurK-s7aOxE/htmlview?sle=true#
  17. Or maybe all of the darkness, hexing, etc. has gotten to the Arcanite's brain, and will cause them to side with Tharja after...! Okay, I switched my lead over to Ike, everyone can let me know if they want me to switch back to Reinhardt or one of the others. And I'm good, I've been filling in my colorless quest when the 3x multiplier isn't there. I'm almost done with the quests.
  18. He will! Onward, fellow green-haired wind mages, to victory!
  19. So, friends of Team Merric, is there anyone in particular you guys want me to put for my team lead? The characters to choose from have their native skills unless otherwise specified. Reinhardt is out right now: Reinhardt (Death Blow 3, Reposition, Fortify Cavalry) Azura (Escape Route 2, Hone Atk 3, Glimmer) Ike (Reposition, Threaten Spd 2, can have either Aether or Luna) Cherche (Brave Axe, Death Blow 3, Drag Back (that's the B-slot skill, not the assist), Draconic Aura) Those are the most useful and decked out ones. I have a Rebecca with a Brave Bow that I could put up, if people are especially needing the colorless, I could potentially grind up some SP to put a skill on her. Edit: Things were already weird!
  20. Sure. Someone should let the fan art commence!
  21. GO TEAM MERRICCCCC! Sent requests, I have Reinhardt as my lead right now! I had Azura as my lead, but I switched it to Reinhardt for the moment. This! School is for the weak, play Heroes instead. Do it!
  22. Excellent! I accepted. Together, with the guidance of the Excalibur tome, we shall forge the path to our inexorable victory!
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