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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. It could even be a club for tomatoes of all ages!
  2. What do you mean you don't know what kind of club that is? It's a tomato club, of course!
  3. This is probably where I will go. I mean, who doesn't love the dragon-riding-another-dragon action going on there? Revenge might be good... Especially since Robin refused to join me from the last banner!
  4. I ranked about 3k in Team Tiki. Too bad we lost! What to do with myself now? Where should I go?
  5. Actually, neither Team Robin nor Leo coasted. Both actually increased their output, but both Tiki and Xander increased even more, so that they were gaining more than the increased outputs. And feathers! =D Ikr?!
  6. Yes, Leo's victory is statistically certain at this point. The only way Xander could possibly win is in the unlikely event that all of Team Leo stopped playing altogether, or else team Xander suddenly doubles in number. In other words, unless you're concerned about divine intervention, then you have nothing to worry about.
  7. Here's the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qPm_kenHCEnycLJTt26hOKCH4CLOLPwVEdIpqNdPR9g/edit#gid=682852346 I think the link provides it to the hourly gains tab.
  8. You claimed that Lissa won because of the multiplier. I said I have the hard evidence that proves that is false, and that you can look at the hard evidence. But then you say: Okay, so I can directly prove my claim, with verifiable evidence that I can provide for your inspection, but that's not sufficient for you, so you'll just stick by your claim that is demonstrably false.
  9. On the contrary, Priscilla had a larger base than Lissa. Lissa only gained leads on Priscilla due to the multiplier. I can dig up the spreadsheets from the last gauntlet if you wanted to look at the data yourself.
  10. Great! Here's some crushed melon for you... And Julia sounds good, although I haven't got her yet. I've mostly been getting someone's -Spd Lyn... 'Tis so very sad, we're losing to a fish! A birdfish. You'll also have the dubious distinction of being the first matchup where the multiplier actually changed the outcome!
  11. Overnight, it looks like Tiki sped up and/or Robin slowed down, so now a multiplier isn't even remotely possible. Ah well! Excellent! Such is just really is the natural consequence of encountering her cuteness a few times... But don't get any funny ideas now! Robin has been working pretty good for me too. You have a nice Beruka too!
  12. Good choice! My Est is flying out in front again, so you might see her around again. Care for some melon?
  13. Actually, Leo's team gets more points per hour, and Xander has had a lead since his last multiplier (which was around 2 pm EST). Leo should regain the lead sometime in the morning.
  14. So Robin has passed us, as expected. The basic strategy for Team Tiki should be to put in as little as possible in hopes of triggering the multiplier toward the end of the round. Think of it like a relaxing lazy river... I also changed my lead from Xander to Est, but my Tiki friends can feel free to let me know if they need someone for color quests.
  15. Yay, the tradition continues! :D Leo generally gets more votes than Xander on non-multiplier hours. He gets in the ~19-26 million vote range, while Xander gets ~14-22 million. Seems like a perfectly acceptable solution. Tiki gets ~50-70 million per hour, and Robin gets ~60-80. Assuming the current trend continues, it looks like Robin will overtake Tiki around midnight or the early AM hours, and a multiplier is possible towards the later part of tomorrow evening. So maybe there'll be some excitement to come? Who wouldn't like melons as fine and fresh as hers? It's definitely very pleasant over here, you need to join us!
  16. I love Est, but her native skills are pretty useless. There's not a lot of use for Defiant Res, which is the full chain she has unlocked at 4*. I suppose you might toss it on a healer, but that would be about it, unless you wanted to do something funky, like build Sophia with Brash Assault. Seal Spd is good on Felicia, but she should get the full chain from Virion. So, basically, you should merge them, using one of the +Atk ones as the fore. I'd say go with the -HP one, since she has nice Res, which is good for Iceberg. With her strength, she likes using a Brave Lance.
  17. Go Team Tiki! We can do it! Let's crush Robin like a melon! Tiki appreciates your support! (Along with that epic butchering of the word 'necessary'!) I'd like to see Freddy do well on the male side. Yay Tiki! Agree! Keep up the good work!
  18. Go Team Tiki, we can beat Robin! And, for anyone else on Team Best Dragon who wants to add me, my friend code is 8608857766. I was sure to make my presence known! Excellent! You made the right choice!
  19. Wait, where does Corrin create water? Ever? I miss you too. But I literally did announce my intentions to join Team Tiki whenever she would appear. Why are you surprised? I announced my intentions a long time ago, and have followed through on them...? Versus you, reluctantly joining Elise last time, despite it being contrary to everything you ever stood for... and then you following that up with joining Elise again. Also, with unintentional irony, my current fore character is Xander. Well, I think we know how this ends....
  20. I can't believe you're on Team Elise... AGAIN! Why... how... can this be?! I'm pretty sure Minerva would want you to join the divine dragon as we conquer the world! I've always let it be known that I was fond of Tiki, so it should come as no surprise that I would back her even in her most bombustic iteration! Plus, I have a pattern to uphold: Minerva (redhead), Merric, (greenhead), Priscilla (redhead), Tiki (greenhead). Really, if anything, Merric is the odd one out, because he has no prominent red motifs in his color scheme, which prevents the pattern from being an inversion of complementary colors each time (Minerva has the green headband, Priscilla wears green clothes, and Tiki wears red clothes). Tiki! We here at Team Tiki would welcome you openly! We're friends! You should join Team Tiki. There are no Macedonians for this gauntlet, but Tiki was an ally of Minerva! That should count for something, right? Well, I don't think it's just because of the, uh, melons, as the cross section of Tiki's fanbase includes fans of Shadow Dragon/New Mystery (along with the originals) & Awakening. Also, the whole gauntlet features fanservice iterations of the characters, so is Tiki's art really on a different level than, say, Robin's or Corrin's? Plus, she's only 4 votes ahead of Leo, so it's not like she has an overwhelming lead over male characters. She is the sole representative of the older games in this gauntlet!
  21. I made no such remark vis-a-vis her purity, maidenly or otherwise, but rather I claimed the waters about her are impure, which entails that they would be loaded with the free floating ions necessary for the water to serve as an excellent conductor for Lightning Breath+. Well, what bearing does attire have on any of this? I pointed out earlier in this thread that divine dragons are most certainly above the need to conform to the limited human conceptions of "decency" and whatnot. The very thought is absurd!
  22. Sure, but the greasy gray waves swashing around Corrin are anything but pure.
  23. Pff, Bantu is so old, that some dust and a sneeze would give him a fatal stroke, and Marth indeed would be stunned, but only by the beauty Tiki now exudes in her maturity. I see the way he furtively glances at her in my castle--when Caeda is not around! But I see no reason why the princess of the divine dragons (and the Naga of certain bleak futures) need always present herself in accord with archaic and human notions of decent dress, particularly when she's off to relish the summer sun and sparkling waters. Indeed, who are we to impose standards of dress upon one whose station is as high as hers? Such a ludicrous idea! And who are you supporting? Whoever it is, I'm sure Tiki is fully capable of crushing their melons... Tiki is a divine dragon, not a fire one, so she has no fear of Corrin's gray waves of greasy dishwater. Excellent! The divine dragon would surely like the company of a fine ice dragon such as yourself. Accepted! Join Team Tiki! We have melons!
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