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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. Actually, the match between Fae and Ninian is the most certain, since Fae is predicted to have multiplier up for the rest of the round, but will still be 370 million behind. But both Nowi and Young Tiki are expected to get a multiplier on the final hour, but, if they don't they're probably going to lose, despite having the larger teams. The new multiplier is definitely making things even more random.
  2. @Frenzify I love your Beruka! I've been getting her quite frequently, and it's been wonderful. I'm jealous! She's been doing quite well for me! She's been the most often character I've gotten out of my friend list. Has any one who is friends with me gotten my PA Azura? Has she been good for you? Or should I change her? Let me know!
  3. The Chinese Bluestacks continues to work with 1.8.0 -- hurrah! As those of you using it have probably noticed, there's now an extra pop-up telling you to enable Google Play, which comes up after you've just started loading the game. The quickest way to get rid of it is just to hit the back button on Bluestacks. It just goes back to loading the game, without you having to click "Enable" and then click back. Also, for the two times it asks you to enable Google Play before starting up FEH, you can hit the back button to get rid of the first instance. For the second instance, you still have to click "Enable" and then hit back. While this is a minor trick, I just thought I'd share that bit of info with you guys since it shaves off a bit of the nuisance of having to repeatedly go back and forth between the enable screen. Instead of having to do it three times, now you only have to do it once, which is a small quality of life improvement. Enjoy!
  4. So, who's ready for Tiki time? Also, I'm contemplating who to send out... Right now PA Azura is out in front, but it's kinda tempting to send out Summer Tiki... Excellent choice! That looks like a nice build, I wish I had extra rare character fodder. My Tiki makes do with Def+3 in the A-slot, which gets her def to 43, so it gets the job done, but is significantly less fancy.
  5. Well, we were talking about Lucina. And there is at least one point about the original Lucina that separates her from all subsequent Lucinas in this game.
  6. But the Masked Marth version also wields the Falchion. So that's obviously not it.
  7. That's almost certainly false. But perhaps you would like to elaborate on that point, that the original Lucina is the only one that matters? How is she, significantly, different than all of the others?
  8. You didn't choose Lucina in the CYL free pick? I guess you didn't really want her! I'm not all that sympathetic on this point, since you could have chosen her, but then went with someone else.... But surely you have Masked Marth, at least?
  9. Thanks! That's at least some indication of where the points lie for the bracket, even if both of those points are in the higher percentiles of the bracket. Anyone know the lower ends of the bracket? I probably won't try for it, as it seems like it would require a significant push for me without a lot of payout, as it's only 2k feathers more and I'm kinda tired of the tempest. But there's 2x SP tomorrow, and I need to train up my new PA Azura! So there's that.
  10. What's the current mark for the 5k-10k bracket? I'm at 16k with 105k points. I know that most stop at around the 100k point mark, so I'm wondering how far off the next bracket is for me, if it might be worth it to strive for it.
  11. I'd tell her it's time to grow up! She can stay young for a couple thousand years maybe, but not forever! But that's kind of a win-win situation for Tiki fans, yes?
  12. I'm obviously going to support adult Tiki! I've updated my profile picture in support of her. One must admire and respect the voice of Naga. She may not have won the summer gauntlet, but she shall exact her divine revenge in this one! Fellow friends of Tiki, feel free to add me at 8608857766. Together, let's show them what a true divine dragon is! Obviously support adult Tiki! We would welcome you to our celestial side! That actually came out pretty cute! It's more original than what I did, which was scour the internet for some nice art someone else already made, make some minor touch ups on Gimp, figure out how to delete backgrounds & add outlines, and then add a nice background. So here's a nice picture of Tiki for Team Tiki: Praise Tiki!
  13. Brave Lucina was my choice for CYL. That was the perfect time for you to get one! But at least you have the Masked Marth variant, right?
  14. Well, I did have 60k feathers, but I just spent 20k to finally upgrade Cecilia to Gronnblade+, so I'm at about 40k right now. I have plenty of things to do with the feathers, but I also like having a decent stock of them around. I ought to promote Nino, Ursula, and Kagero to 5*, as I use them quite a bit, but have never gotten around to promoting them since they function quite well as 4* units. I'd also like to promote Michalis sometime, and a fair number of other characters too. There's also merging to be done, along with upgrading skills like LnD and QR to their level 3 variants. I've done some of this. But there aren't any pressing projects at the moment, so I'm doing all of this at a rather leisurely pace.
  15. Well, I just scored a personal best in the Arena with 4,872! Since I had been sniping for greens to get Azura, I was able to recently finish my 4*+10 Cecilia. I also decided it was finally time to upgrade her tome to the plus version of Gronnblade. So it was pretty fun being able to field her again without a huge blow to my point total. Also, I've been facing a lot of Armor Emblem lately. Has that been the case for anyone else? I think everyone is excited about having the Black Knight. I'm perfectly fine with it, Armor Emblem is easy to fight. I also fought this:
  16. Oof, I was wondering how high the cutoff was. It seems pretty impossible for someone who's F2P like me to reach the mark for staying in T20. Guess I'll be perpetually bouncing between T19 & T20 for a long while yet!
  17. Contrary to what @eclipse said, there is no pinned topic on this. Rather, the pinned topic is on the 803-3001 error code, but your error code is 803-0003, which is a different error. I am unfamiliar with the error, but I attempted some research, in the hope that it may help you. With respect to the error itself, it appears that this error has cropped up before, with exactly your symptoms--i.e., the downloading locks up at 89%. As far as solutions are concerned with respect to this specific error code, the best I can find is that you should clear your cache and just keep retrying. This is what is suggested in this Gamefaqs thread: https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/204447-fire-emblem-heroes/74937232 And this thread that's on a French forum: http://www.jeuxvideo.com/forums/42-3007592-49945667-1-0-1-0-erreur-de-comunnication-803-0003.htm You could also try contacting the person who started this thread on Reddit, to see if they found a solution: https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/5xite1/error_code_8030003_while_downloading/ Or @Bfroger6, who faced this issue before, in this thread: https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/71260-the-return-of-803-0003/ Also, you could also try contacting Nintendo about the error, if clearing the cache and trying repeatedly to download fail solve the problem. I do hope this helps!
  18. Interestingly enough, I got a 803-3001 error earlier today on the Chinese Bluestacks with all the Google stuff turned off. It's the first time since I got everything going after I got everything running with Google programs disabled. The issue arose after awaking the computer from sleep mode with Bluestacks still running. After deleting the xml file, I restarted FEH, and it said the time on the clock was messed up and that I needed to restart my device. I restarted Bluestacks, no problem since. I'm guessing that there's some sort of timestamp from the server on the xml file, and that, if the computer goes to sleep with Bluestacks on, Bluestacks might not immediately realize time has passed when the computer awakens, and thus there's a mismatch between the server time and the time Bluestacks has, and so the game treats it as a corrupted file. If I see this happen again, I'll try restarting Bluestacks without deleting the xml file. If my conjecture is correct, that the xml file isn't corrupt and it's just that Bluestacks's clock is off, that should fix the problem. I just thought I would post a heads up on this thread about that potential problem, should anyone be interested.
  19. I was hoping Nohrian Azura was going to make an appearance in the game sometime, and here she is! Plus, looking at her skills, she's going to be completely busted. Legendary weapon? Gets to buff everything when dancing? That's crazy! *Garon grunting intensifies* But I rather wish they would stop doubling up on the focus colors... Inigo looks cool, but I'd rather get my Azura without worrying about him destroying my pity rate. You could use the free pull on a red, since there's no focus characters on that and red has great fodder characters. YEP. This is going to be cancerous for the Arena, every team is going to be running a dancer now. Well, perhaps one might consider it a skill for magic tomes, since there are no brave tomes outside of Dire Thunder. We do not have any non-legendary brave tomes, so brave magic is, in itself, an exceptional quality that replaces any bonus skill. Yes, I assume that they're just doing the thing they did with Masked Marth. Maybe eventually we'll find out who they all are!
  20. I've gotten waaay too many Subakis. At least he's good for QR and Swap. I'm also tired of getting Oboro and Jagen. Wendy too. It's been awhile, but I've also gotten more Berukas, Bartres, and Cherches than is needed. I'm also tired of getting Raigh and Sophia.
  21. Even with a bad nature, Elincia is still the best red flyer in the game, and a very good red brave fighter in her own right. While a -Spd nature makes it difficult for her to quad outside of Flyer Emblem, she's sufficiently strong that she doesn't need to quad most of the time. Just with her base kit and no support, she'll have 51 attack (x2) on the offensive. This is quite good for pretty much anything. In comparison, here are some characters in the same vicinity: Cherche with a neutral nature, a Brave Axe+, and DB3 has 52 on the offensive, Hinoka with a +Atk nature, Brave Lance+, & DB3 has 52, Ogma with +Atk, Brave Sword+, & DB3 has 52, and Chrom with a neutral nature, Brave Sword+, & DB3 has 51. Her offensive stats are comparable to some of the top brave characters. She comes with DB3, so there's no investment needed on that front, and she will still do well. She will easily fill a need for a brave red with minimal investment, and she has access to flyer buffs. And, even with a speed bane, she still is okay in that department. 31 Spd means she won't be doubled too often. For the most part, in my experience, I haven't really needed her to quad. In the Arena, I regularly fight in the 690-700 point range, and she's been extremely good. I don't recall really ever needing her to quad (mine is -Def/+Res). You can certainly aim for a better one, but just having her is pretty good for most things, and especially good on Flyer Emblem. If you're F2P like me, I wouldn't worry about trying to get a better one. If you plan on incorporating him into your regular Arena team, sure, it probably would be good on him. You get more points for having costly skills like Aether, and he occasionally gets to use it. It would also be good his longevity in the Tempest Trials and Chain Challenges. He would make better use of it than most people.
  22. I'd say get all your 5* characters (except duplicates) trained up. So Hinoka, Soren, and Genny would all be good to train. You can probably wait on Eirika, since you already have Lyn. Soren is a good green mage. Genny has Wrathful Staff, which lets her function both as a healer and as an attacker. If she doesn't have Rehabilitate, have her inherit that from Wrys, as it's the best healing spell. Healers are useful for Tempest Trials and Chain Challenges. Hinoka is a strong Brave Lance user, and I would train Hinoka before Cordelia, since they occupy a similar niche, but Hinoka comes with the exclusive skill Hone Fliers. Plus, she's already 5*. Tharja would be good to train, she comes with a blade tome, and has good offensive stats. She's your best option for red magic. Eirika is an excellent buffer for blade tome users. I'd also consider training up Anna, since you currently don't have any mobile axe wielders. Promoting the Askr trio all to 5*s is an investment that definitely pays off, since they're all pretty good units, and one is always a bonus unit on rotation in the Arena. Alfonse is a bit lackluster, but both Sharena and Anna are quite good. It would be useful to get Olivia up to level 40, as dancers are very useful in a variety of contexts. Ninian should be your main dancer, but you might find yourself in need of a secondary dancer, so having Olivia ready may serve you well. You'll eventually want to train Cecilia up, as she's really good on Horse Emblem teams. She's not so great on her own though, so that's something that could wait. I think that covers most of the notable characters. There's also Klein, who's a good brave bow archer, but you've already got CYL Lyn, so yeah. Plus, you might want to use him as Death Blow fodder down the line. You could also give her a Def or HP seal, since he takes her out exactly. But he also might be running something in the A-slot that could affect it (e.g., Fury), or else be running in Armor Emblem.
  23. I completed the Infernal map with Xander, Cecilia, Anna, and Brave Lucina. Lucina only provided moral support, she could be swapped out for someone else. I tried it with Alfonse, and it was about the same. For the skills: On the first turn, I had Cecilia delete Ninian. Then I had Xander reposition Anna, who, in turn, repositions Cecilia. The lance cav will suicide on Anna and the green mage will attack her, leaving her with but a single hit point after Fury damage. I had Brave Lucina occupy the little nook. On the second turn, I had Xander block the choke point below Hawkeye and the sword fighter. Lucina moves a block down, and Cecilia moves into the nook to weaken the zanbato cav. Anna uses Noatun to warp to the block below Xander. The green mage will suicide itself on Cecilia, the sword fighter will attack Xander, the cav moves next to Hawkeye, and Hawkeye just sits there. On the third turn, Cecilia finishes off the cav, and Xander removes the sword fighter. Then it's just Xander vs. Hawkeye. Since Lucina didn't do anything, something similar might be possible with other units, like Nino and a dancer.
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