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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. Cleared Infernal with Hector, Xander, Reinhardt, and the mystery dancer. I'm pretty sure that it would work with a different dancer and horse mage as well. Hector had Vantage and Bonfire; Xander had Def +3 (dunno if he needed it), QR, Bonfire, and Hone Cav; and Reinhardt had Hone Cav. On the first turn, I had Hector be danced to the spot where he baits Ursula and the green cav mage, and I had Xander move to the spot next to him to bait the lower ninja. That takes care of all of those units. It should be pretty straightforward after that point, with Xander being the one to take on the sword cav.
  2. A few people, including myself, suggested Young Tiki. I am very much in favor of more versions of Tiki appearing in Heroes, and I'd like to have Tiki Emblem myself (although I've never pulled Young Tiki), along with the obligatory Hone & Fortify Tiki skills. That said, I'm really hoping it's a witch Maria! I think that would work nicely.
  3. So, obviously the one on the left is a witch and the one on the right a vampire. I'm hoping the witch is Maria, or maybe Young Tiki. But I think that Kana is a distinct possibility (although it's not one I'd especially want). Leo as the vampire strikes me as a strong possibility, although I'd much rather it be someone else, like Marth or Ephraim.
  4. My first seal to fully upgrade was Distant Def, and I like to keep it on Adult Tiki. She does extremely well with it! But now I'm not sure, there are lots of tempting options. I bought the spur seals, since they only cost 20 coins, but no deflects yet, I think I'll wait on those. So what now? I have over 300 coins, so I can get another one fully forged. Both Spd and Atk are all-purpose and would be unquestionably useful. But I'm also drawn to Spur Atk or Spd as well. With a Spur Spd 3 seal, I could put someone next to Brave Lucina for a 10 point increase in speed...! Atk Ploy also seems like a good one, and it would have the advantage of adding more Arena points than others (although I doubt I'll manage to escape the endless bouncing between Tier 19/20 for awhile to come). I also have a few characters I would like it for. I was thinking the Brash Assault seal might be nice for Anna, so that's similar to what you envisioned for Lyn. I do wish that I had Galeforce to give her though!
  5. Yes, I love encountering bizarre and funny things in the Arena like that! I was in the 4880s and within the 5k mark (although not by much), so you should be just fine with 4912.
  6. Yeah, the competition in Arena Assault has definitely picked up. With something in the 4880s, I managed to make the cutoff, but it was close. Used to be that even 4850s was smooth sailing for the 5k bracket. I think that access to the higher level seals has also contributed some to the inflation as well, since those can boost the base score a little bit. Yeah, I like giving out a free win the extra crest too, usually with preference for those in lower tiers, since I figure they're more likely to be in need of a defense win. And no free defense wins for teams with dancers? What about for this...
  7. This seems like a fun topic. Hm, let's see... Gameplay - Fir: She's really hard to work with, but I built mine up anyway. I gave her a Wo Dao+ and LnD to get her attack into a reasonable area, but, even with a lot of TLC, she's still one of my least useful swordies. And, unlike some others, e.g. Seth, Caeda, she can't partake of movement class buffs, so that limits her usefulness further. There's never a situation where Fir is the best character for the job, someone else can almost invariably do it better. - Clair: I just can't figure out anything to do with her. I'd really like to use her, she was awesome for me in Echoes, but there's just no real role that she fits into well. While she's a flier so can use the flier buffs, she's last in line for a blue slot on any flier team of mine. I have Est, Hinoka, Summer Corrin, and Catria, so she's just superfluous in my roster. - Felicia: She lacks any semblance of an attack stat. She's hanging out in Odin & Henry territory. Most of the dagger types got pretty screwed in this game. Now, Felicia can debuff pretty well, but I never really field someone for that reason, and she can tank mages, but that pitiful Atk stat means she rarely does much damage on the counter. She needs her special to do any damage, and I don't find that particularly useful. Art - Eliwood. Those terrible eyes.... - Rebecca. More totally busted eyes.... - Lloyd. Nuf said. - Navarre. Why are you a woman. - Nowi. Why are you a bunny. - F!Corrin. Why are you flat. - Wendy. Just everything went wrong all over the place there. - Peri. Why must your feet point towards each other. The rest of the pose it awkward too, with your chest and butt thrust backwards, while the stomach forwards. The head seems weird too. Voice Acting - Peri. Loved your VA in Fates. But alas, they got another VA for Heroes. One which is waaaaay too squeaky. So is her face. And body. And everything else. Yeah, I agree with this.
  8. Completed all difficulties! I finished Infernal with Azura, PA Azura, Reinhardt, and Cecilia, but any dancers will do. I decided to do a write-up of my strategy, entitled "Dancer, Dancer! Horse, Horse!" Hope that might be of use to someone!
  9. Your Amelia is amazing! Thanks for letting us use her! :D If any of the Adult Tikis were mine, hope she did well for you! Excellent! Glad she was good for you!
  10. Oh good, at least someone got her! And at least she surely roflstomped all of your opponents!
  11. Looks like I'll have 881,122 points for this round with F!Corrin, and 2,867,014 cumulative. Looks good for ranking & feathers! I'm hoping that's sufficient to make the 1k-5k overall. So, did anyone on Team Corrin get my Adult Tiki? I mostly got @LordFrigid's Caeda who was a lot of fun, along with @Lord-Zero's Eliwood, and a +6 Amelia from someone with the screen name of Grimoire (my apologies for not remembering who that is!).
  12. For that set, I started with a Flier Emblem team of Est (Brave Lance build w/Hone Fliers), Summer Corrin (Blarblade build), Cherche, (Brave Axe build w/Fortify Fliers) and Maria w/Rehabilitate. Running with a Flier Emblem team alleviates much of the difficulty of the Mountain of Fear map, since the initial split doesn't matter, the team can just meet up over the mountains, and they could also reposition Maria over the mountains if she needed to change sides. Even if you're not running a full Flier Emblem team, it's useful to have a flier with Reposition for that map. My flier team also cleared the Bruno map. Summer Corrin did most of the work there, with her first turn spent sniping one of the mages, and then getting repositioned so Bruno would suicide on her. After that, it was just snipe and reposition to safety for the rest of the battle. They were able to clear the first map of Ch. 12, but would usually perish on the second one where you have to clear it in four turns. At that point, I switched to Horse Emblem with Reinhardt, Xander, Cecilia (Gronnblade build), and Azura. The Ch. 12 maps have a lot of complete in X turns, so Horse Emblem works well for that. They were able to clear up until Bruno round 2, and should've been able to clear it, were it not for my errors. The final team was just an assemblage of characters to match whatever was still moving on that final map. Hope that gives you some idea!
  13. Yes, and I think you have a pretty good flier team lined up with the 5* units you have: Valter, Minerva, Caeda, and Spring Camilla. Both Minerva and Caeda come with flier buffs natively (Ward Fliers and Fortify Fliers respectively), so I'd have them keep those. Have Spring Camilla and Valter inherit Goad Fliers from some spare Pallas you may have lying about. If you only have one Palla, give Goad Fliers to Spring Camilla, since Valter comes with Panic Ploy, which is a great skill. I'd also recommend giving Caeda a Ruby Sword (can be obtained from Stahl, for example). Caeda is pretty weak, so her primary job is just to take on green units. The Ruby Sword helps her out there. So there you go! Try that out and see how you like it.
  14. This! I've made similar points in prior gauntlets concerning the relative popularity of the characters, such as with Priscilla in the healer gauntlet. It shouldn't be all that surprising that Ninian is doing so well. People will build an affinity to characters just by playing the game, so characters that are instantly useful, have good art, and good voice acting tend to do quite well. The forum likes to glitch out and double post a lot, so don't worry about it.
  15. Hurrah! It's a reunion! And I do plan on keeping Tiki up, so I hope she serves you well, should you get her. Although, with some of these gauntlets, it seems like only a couple of my friends ever get my character! Ah well! And Ryoma sounds fine to me, I'll be on the lookout for him.
  16. Ah, but mine was back in April, so no dice there! Oh, yeah, Jagen, I've gotten way too many of him too. But now I at least have tons of horses that can run Fortify Cav! I've put QR on SO MANY PEOPLE. Just glancing through my character roster: Tiki, Summer Tiki, Xander, Summer Xander, Berkut, Sharena, Lukas, Beruka, Michalis, and Gunter. That's 10 right there, and I'm probably missing a couple people. And it looks like I still have 4 Subakis sitting around.
  17. Yes, of course! Same here! Just how many orbs of mine does she want?! Just how many Subakis does she think I need!!!
  18. Okay, got you both! I'll be on the the lookout for the request!
  19. I don't think you're in my friend list yet, so, if you'd like, send me a request at 8608857766! I just switched in Tiki as my lead. Any other people heading in the Corrin direction, feel free to send me a request, but let me know if you do!
  20. Yes, indeed! We shall be comrades-in-arms once more! Ninian repeatedly refuses to join my ranks, despite me trying to summon her on every banner she's featured in. But Corrin has been with me since quite early on!
  21. Actually, the multiplier switched hands between them each and every hour, all day long. I guess you probably just logged in at the times when it was in the hands of Corrin. It was pretty crazy! But you should come to Team Corrin! You can use my Tiki, I'm putting her out in front! I gave her an extra merge as a reward for her valiant fight, along with all of the feathers she got me, and she gets to wear the newly minted Distant Def 3 seal!
  22. Adult Tiki was my last rando ally for the last fight of this round. And thanks! We shall join forces once more! I look forward to making good use of his blade, and hopefully my Tiki will have the chance to aid you in your battles!
  23. Haha, yeah, I'll be going that way too. With all of the feathers Tiki earned, I decided to give her another merge. I'll probably be putting her out in front for Team Corrin to use, wearing the newly minted Distant Def 3 seal!
  24. It was indeed! I have no regrets, I went the way of the Tiki fan. But it looks like we're heading in the same direction! As for Ninian v. Corrin, I suspect so. Yes, fate just wasn't on our side. But it was a rather crazy and interesting match--plus, I got a ton of points from the endless multiplier yo-yo!
  25. Corrin. She lucked out and is the last one with the multiplier, so she's going to overtake us. It really was back and forth with that multiplier, every hour, all day long!
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