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Everything posted by Reddazrael

  1. Well, I officially hate myself. =D But yeah, she's +SPD / -HP. No, self, I do not need to +10 B!Lucina to complete the family. My next project is Eliwood. That will be much less painful and involve much less shame.
  2. Well, that's legitimately embarrassing. I have no idea how my brain pulled 'Ephraim' out of thin air. I meant Eliwood. Jeez, brain, what are you doing up there? Although thanks for the Ephraim advice; if I ever get my hands on him, I know where to put him.
  3. Oof, that was brutal. I may build Ephraim anyway just for fun (and because Hector needs his BFF to ride into battle with him and Lyn) but it looks like Roy may end up being the one on my cavalry team. He does look like a lot of fun! Also, Galeforce = yes.
  4. B!Roy, Eliwood, or BK!Chrom for my cavalry team? The other members are B!Lyn [+SPD / -DEF], Reinhardt [+ATK], and Gunnthrá [+SPD / -HP]. Pros and cons are: BK!Chrom [+SPD / -RES] • Pros: He's already built save for a cavalry skill and he's a +10 merge, so he's pretty monstrous unless someone with magic glances in his general direction. • Cons: I've used him a lot already and I kind of want to try out someone new. B!Roy [+ATK / -DEF] • Pros: I haven't used him yet, and I really like his art. He's also supposedly a pretty good unit in general. • Cons: I only have one copy of him, so no merges. Eliwood [+SPD / -RES] • Pros: Haven't used him yet either, I like Eliwood a lot as a character, and I have over 11 copies of him so with time and effort he can easily become a +10 merge, which brings his attack power on par with BK!Chrom's and surpasses unmerged B!Roy's once I finally get a +ATK nature on him that doesn't come bundled with -SPD. • Cons: He doesn't seem to be as solid a unit as BK!Chrom or B!Roy overall? Also, I really want a +ATK / -DEF nature. How have I not gotten that nature in the 20+ copies of him that I've pulled so far?
  5. Both Mathilda and Innes have Cancel Affinity, and while Innes is only available as a 5★, Mathilda is a rather common (for me, anyway) blue pull. Granted, you do have to upgrade her to 5★ before you can inherit Cancel Affinity 3, but to me that's a better option that sacrificing L!Robin for a skill that other units (including a 4★ unit!) already have. Res Smoke 3 would be the skill to sacrifice her for, as it's unique to her. As to who to give it to? A dragon team would be able to get good usage out of it, I bet. Also mage units/teams. Keep in mind that Res Smoke only takes effect after combat, so putting it on a support unit that ideally doesn't see much combat obviously limits its usefulness. ...And yeah, that's all I've got. If anyone else wants to chime in with far better advice, please do.
  6. @Astellius Thanks very much! +SPD it is. I'll play around with that calculator as well. Much appreciated!
  7. I'm here with a F!Grima question as well, sorry! I have two: +SPD / -HP and +ATK / -HP. Which one should I build? I'm leaning toward +ATK but I've seen others say that SPD is her best boon.
  8. Since I want to make a flier team now, I decided to snipe for a second Kagero on account of the one I have being +DEF / -SPD. After way too many orbs (with the occasional blue pull when no colourless were available), I finally snagged her. +RES / -DEF, which I am 100% okay with. Okay, now I have completely finished with this banner. Tomorrow needs to come a little faster, please. I want my Legendary Robin.
  9. Lucky: Technically my luckiest was the Love Abounds banner. I pulled exactly once and I got both Hector and Lilina as focus units. Unlucky: I can't remember; I tend to block that out due to painful memories. I'm hoping that the new Legendary banner won't become my unlucky one.
  10. I am super excited that it's F!Robin. I admit that I wish she wasn't Grima, but hey, I'll take what I can get. And she's Earth! I already have M!Morgan as Earth-blessed, so that works out so well. She can replace Legendary Ike on my Earth team, which already includes Myrrh. I don't have a flier team yet, but this is a good time to build one. I am sniping the hell out of Colorless, since I definitely want F!Robin, and I want B!Lyn as well. Wouldn't say no to an adorable Halloween Sakura either. After that... Well, I want another Fjorm so I can steal her ATK/DEF Bond, and another B!Lucina with a hopefully better nature than 'neutral'. I want Gunnthrá because I don't have her yet and I like the dream lady. And I want another L!Ike for his Warding Breath. So that's every colour. Damn it. Good thing I have some orbs saved. Not a lot, but some! Hopefully I'll get lucky.
  11. Seconding this wholeheartedly. I feel like of the two sides, female Robin's gotten the short end of the stick. She's had two incarnations -- regular and summer -- to M!Robin's three, and two of M!Robin's three are in the regular summoning pool whereas neither of her incarnations are. It would be nice to actually be able to pull her as a unit and be able to build her with boons/banes and have a fighting chance at a +10 for her. Also, she needs better art.
  12. I have literally no idea because I'm terrible at math and I'm also not great with how summoning mechanics work, but you can play around with pull rates here.
  13. Neutral's fine; you don't get a boost to any stat, but you don't have to lose anything either. Fae can probably take a -HP hit? Her DEF stat is okay but not stellar as far as dragons go. I don't think I'd drop her RES, because then she can tank blue mages and take hits from green, and I don't think I'd drop her DEF because it's already, as I said, not stellar. Falchion is probably going to tear her up anyway, though. I also don't think I'd drop her SPD because that would allow for even more doubles, and I definitely wouldn't be dropping her ATK. So that leaves HP.
  14. Ah, okay. In that case, I feel that Lightning Breath+ certainly isn't a bad weapon choice for all of them. 1. Ninian shouldn't really have a -SPD nature; I'd probably go with +SPD for her with a Lightning Breath+ refine of +SPD as well, although if your Ninian is -SPD it's not the end of the world. 2. Nowi I haven't really worked with; I have her, but I don't use her and haven't built her nor really paid much attention to her stats, so I'm not really in a position to make judgement calls on her usage. Even so, +ATK / -SPD would probably be fine as far as I can tell. Speed can help her avoid doubles, but if she's going up against dedicated speedsters, especially buffed ones, it probably wouldn't matter much anyway. 3. I'm in the process of building an Adult Tiki now and I'm personally going with +DEF for her and refining her Lightning Breath+ to +DEF as well due to her stat spread, although +ATK is never a bad thing and -SPD is fine for her. 4. Fae is another one I haven't worked with, but while +ATK is definitely a good thing, I think I'd avoid -SPD if possible. But again, -SPD would not be the end of the world. Note that for Fae and Ninian you'll have to sacrifice two 5★ units, either Adult Tiki or Nowi or one of each, to get Lightning Breath+. Lightning Breath on its own will still do the job of being able to counter from any distance, but you can't refine it and it's not as powerful, so I'd save up feathers and raise another Adult Tiki/Nowi up to be fed to your Fae and Ninian. Disclaimer: This is just my opinion; I am not an expert and I still ask for build help myself.
  15. Which heroes were you planning on using? Myrrh, for instance, would probably work better with a build of +DEF/Great Flame/Distant Counter (although +ATK/-SPD would not be a bad thing). Fallen Heroes Robin already has Expiration, so Lightning Breath+ is unnecessary but +ATK/-SPD would be a great nature. Ninian is probably better off with a +SPD nature, or at least not -SPD.
  16. @Cute Chao @Infinite Dreams Thanks, both of you! I don't think I've ever gotten so lucky before. I'm going to quit while I'm ahead and (hopefully) save up that luck for the next legendary banner. Good luck to you both with your own pulls!
  17. I know I said I was done with this banner, but I got a pile of orbs from unfinished Lunatic story quests and the tap battles, so let's give it another shot. I kind of want either Kagero or a better-natured Alfonse. Let's see what I get. All 3★ pulls? Really? Well, no point in pulling red, there aren't any seasonals to be had in there and I'm overloaded on red units anyway from all my pulling for Chrom and Morgan. Let's try another round. ...I'm having no luck at all, huh? Let's try once more, then I'll save for the next legendary banner. Oh, wow! This could be good! Never seen so many greens in one go. First one's a 4★ Cherche, but number two... DAMN IT, BOEY. YOU BROKE MY PITY RATE. Ugh, fine, it's not like I wasn't gonna pull the rest anyway. ...Oh. OH. Let's check his stats... +ATK / -HP? Gonna pull the rest, see if I stay lucky. Green Orb #4 turns out to be a 4★ Hawkeye, that's fine, that's fine, wasn't really expecting another 5★ but I wanted to try anyway to see if Sharena would pop up. One orb left and it's a blue. I'm not really looking for Catria, but what the hell? It's a cost of three, might as well. A happy ending!
  18. I lived for Jagen's disparaging comments about how bad Kris' stats were in my one particularly unlucky playthrough. They were hilarious. All through the supports Kris talks about how tough her grandfather's training was, and then Jagen's just like "lol no"
  19. If you work out enough, taking a dagger to the face will cause no damage.
  20. @Ice Dragon Oh jeez, I just don't have the patience to +10 everyone. I tip my hat in utmost respect to you, sir. ~DRAGON TEAM~ Ninian [+ATK / -RES] → Profile Image ◉ Light Breath+ (+SPD) ☗ Dance ▶ Sol A: Distant Counter B: Wings of Mercy 3 C: Fortify Dragons S: Speed +3 Myrrh [+DEF / -SPD] → Profile Image ◉ Great Flame ☗ Reposition ▶ Bonfire A: Distant Counter B: Quick Riposte 3 C: Hone Dragons S: Close Def 3 Robin (M) (FH) [NEUTRAL] → Profile Image ◉ Expiration ☗ Swap ▶ Aether A: Fierce Stance 3 B: Vengeful Fighter C: Ward Dragons S: Distant Def 3 Tiki (Adult) [+DEF / -SPD] → Profile Image ◉ Lightning Breath+ (+DEF) ☗ Reposition ▶ Bonfire A: Mirror Stance 2 B: Quick Riposte 3 C: Threaten Res 3 S: Defense +3 ---- I picked Sol for Ninian because it has a lower cooldown than Aether; I worry that she'd take too much damage before getting a chance to replenish her health. I originally had Fury 3 on FH!Robin, but I loathe Fury's damage and he's an enemy-phase unit anyway so I'm wondering if Fierce Stance 3 would be better with the massive ATK boost that comes with it. I could do Steady Stance 3, but I don't really want to give up my only Shiro. Tiki will be the Great Wall of Archanea. Mirror Stance 2 is a question mark, though. I don't know how much her RES is worth shoring up. It's not horrible, and that extra four points might save her at some point, but... am i improving yet
  21. Thanks so much for all of your input! Unfortunately, I don't have Wrath available. I'm about one step away from sacrificing a goat in the name of summoning Nephenee, because so far I've had no luck in getting her. I wouldn't think twice before giving her Wrath to Hector. I'll find another skill for Zelgius, then, especially as I don't have any merges. Would Atk Smoke 3 or Heavy Blade 3 be better choices? I'll swap out Pivot for Reposition/Swap. Probably Reposition, actually, since I'm already going to put Swap on Hector and Robin. Thanks again for taking the time to help!
  22. Ah, that was what I wanted to do, but unfortunately I do not have a spare Hardin to give Hector Bold Fighter. And I've built an Armor Emblem team that is hopefully viable(?) that gives that combo to the actual Hardin, so I don't have Quick Riposte 3 for Hector either since you can only have one of each seal. :/ If I ever pull another Hardin, though, you bet I'll be immediately conducting a blood sacrifice in the name of turning Hector into a weapon of mass destruction. I really do thank you for your input, though! Much appreciated.
  23. I caved. This game is not good for me. Sniping green now, so let's see... Brave Ike. Well, at least I have Steady Breath fodder now. Let's try again... Hector! Wrong banner, my man, but I'll take it. Hector! WRONG BANNER, MY MAN. But I'll take it. Soren. No. Sharena! FINALLY. I mean, I would have preferred your brother, but you're adorable. +RES / -HP. No idea if that's good yet, but we'll see. Soren. NO. Uggggh, six orbs left. One more try. Two green, of course. Which one... ...
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