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Everything posted by Reddazrael

  1. @KMT4ever For what it's worth, I'm really sorry that you didn't get your daughter. That's so frustrating. I swear that the Morgans actually had a lower pull rate than usual, or at least lower than Chrom, considering all the trouble some people had getting them. --- As for the new banner... I've got my TT orbs, let's try for Alfonse. Free pull, a single green orb. Maybe it's meant to be! 3★ Cherche. Ugh. Fine. Try again... No green orbs. Fine, I'll go for Kagero. 3★ Azama. Try again. NO GREEN ORBS. Try for Kagero again, what the hell. 3★ Matthew. I have enough for one more try, two orbs. Hey, and I got two green orbs this time! 3★ Beruka. Once more... Maybe the final time's the charm? And wow, I got the smoke this time! There's an actual chance! ...4★ Hawkeye. UGGGGH. I think I might be done with this banner. But I want Alfonse so badly... and I wouldn't say no to Sharena. But after I nearly whaled myself on the last banner, I really do not want to spend anything on this one. So I might have to pass you up, Alfonse. Sorry. I've still got a few more orbs to earn in TT, though, so I'd better get cracking if I want another shot. Back to the grind.
  2. @Usana Thank you for the advice! I haven't really made much use of breaker skills thus far, but I should probably rethink that. In the mean time, my attempt at Armor Emblem: Hector (LA) [+DEF / -SPD] ◉ Berserk Armads ☗ Swap ▶ Bonfire A: Distant Counter B: Vengeful Fighter 3 C: Ward Armor S: Distant Def 3 Robin (M) (FH) [NEUTRAL] ◉ Expiration ☗ Swap ▶ Aether A: Distant Def 3 B: Vengeful Fighter 3 C: Ward Armor S: Close Def 3 Hardin [+ATK / -SPD] ◉ Gradivus ☗ Pivot ▶ Aether A: Brazen Def/Res B: Bold Fighter 3 C: Armor March S: Quick Riposte 3 Zelgius [NEUTRAL] ◉ Alondite ☗ Pivot ▶ Black Luna A: Mirror Stance 2 B: Warp Powder C: Ward Armor S: Deflect Magic 3
  3. I'll probably give him Distant Def thanks to his lower Res, and keep him away from dragons. Thanks!
  4. 1. Fire Emblem Switch 2. Pokémon Switch 3. Detective Pikachu 4. Queen's Crown 5. Praey for the Gods
  5. I find myself in need of advice again. How does this build look for LA Hector? Hector (LA) [+DEF / -SPD] ◉ Berserk Armads ☗ Swap ▶ Bonfire A: Distant Counter B: Vengeful Fighter 3 C: Threaten Def 3 S: Brash Assault 3 Suggestions are welcome.
  6. Sonuvabitch. I was hoping Myrrh could tank the hits, and she could have made it, but that red mage tears up her health (unsurprisingly). She needs some Res and Atk buffs. Morgan's Spur Def/Res is not nearly enough. Ugggh, I was hoping I could get away with this team. I don't have that many heroes trained up. ...Maybe if I swap in Soleil and Fjorm to stack with Morgan for the Drive/Spur buffs? And S Rank her with both Morgan and the Summoner? Gonna do some calcs and see. I really want Robin so I can +2 the one I have. But I have literally never beaten an Infernal map before. I'm really bad at thinking outside the box. Welp, I guess it's time to start!
  7. I'm sorry. :( I tried, okay?! I'm still rooting for you.
  8. @KMT4ever I just want you to know that I've got my fingers crossed for you that your daughter will appear.
  9. @mcsilas Thanks for the sympathy, haha. I just kept the vanilla Lightning Breath+ on her and used The Workout Lunatic map to farm 54 SP per round. Expensive as far as stamina goes, but much more reliable for steady SP gain. It more than evened out in the end. Now she has Lightning Breath+ (+SPD), and thanks to my blunder I ended up with enough Divine Dew to upgrade Chrom's Falchion to its unique effect form, so maybe it was a good thing in the end? Now he's healing 20 HP every other round; more than enough to keep Fallen Celica in the game. I think I'll change my lead to Morgan for a while, though. As badass as Fallen Celica is, he's turned out to be a force to be reckoned with, honestly. He's mama's little monster and I couldn't be prouder. <3 Not creepy.
  10. Just upgraded Ninian's Light Breath+ to Light Breath+ (+SPD) It was supposed to be Lightning Breath+ I upgraded. asdfghjkl; Well, there's 350 SP down the drain. And it is so frustrating to SP farm with her. She's not like Hector, who can just be set loose by himself in Lunatic and kill the map on Auto Battle. She is a fragile flower whose every move must be determined by the rampant idiocy tactical brilliance of the Summoner, aka me. >:( Back to the grindstone...
  11. Thanks for the advice! I actually have 5★ Female Robin; she's currently running the Gronnraven + Triangle Adept build and it has been serving her well, but it'll be easy enough to swap her over to Keen Gronnwolf for a while. Just need to grind for SP. (Oh joy.)
  12. Yessss, more Sacred Coins... I can upgrade to Quick Riposte 2, finally! Making progress! ...Now I have to save up 94 more Sacred Coins to get to the last level. Damn it. :/ I'm still only passable at the Arena and I'm terrible at Arena Assault. I wish there were more plentiful ways to earn Sacred Coins.
  13. I am not ashamed to say that I want Alfonse very badly. Not, like, Morgan-badly, but. Badly enough. And Sharena is adorable, my god.
  14. Hector: +HP / -SPD Ike: Flip a coin? I'd go with +HP / -SPD, myself. But both kind of suck.
  16. @XRay I... don't actually have any of those options, haha. But I've got a spreadsheet of 'future builds' that I want to try, so I've made note of them. Thanks for taking so much time to help me out, by the way. I actually feel kind of bad for needing so much guidance, but I really, truly appreciate that you've been so willing to give me such in-depth advice.
  17. Update. The star number in brackets is the rarity the hero started with. In order obtained:
  18. You are indeed correct. That is Exhibit A in my Why I Am Bad At Strategy Games (Yet I Struggle On) gallery. Hone Spd it is, then. I've also just given him Reposition. Thanks! I always really appreciate any advice. (I even try to learn from it!) Vanguard Legend Ike (NEUTRAL) ◉ Ragnell ☗ Reposition ▶ Radiant Aether A: Warding Breath B: Vantage 3 C: Hone Spd 3 S: Quick Riposte 3
  19. @XRay I ran some calcs, and while Zelgius and Hector are manageable even when they initiate, it seems that LA!Hector is indeed a pain in the ass. I guess I can't just throw my own LA!Hector out there to even the odds. Hector x Hector = NEVER TOO MUCH HECTOR??? I'm thinking of tossing VL!Ike in there. Haven't really used him yet, although he's Lv 40 with neutral IVs. Vanguard Legend Ike (NEUTRAL) ◉ Ragnell ☗ Pivot ▶ Radiant Aether A: Warding Breath B: Vantage 3 C: Savage Blow 3 S: Quick Riposte 3 Steady Breath would probably be better on him, but I'm short on that unless I pull another BH!Ike. Savage Blow is kind of a filler skill; I don't know what to put there. His base Def Tactic sounds nice but it's not a fully mixed team, so it wouldn't do anything. At least Savage Blow would soften things up for his teammates.
  20. @XRay Those are really helpful, thank you! I have changed up Ninian's skill slots a bit and hopefully built a viable(?) team consisting of: If images are not your thing, here's the text: I know that Fallen Takumi is probably a questionable choice, but I want to give him a chance. I... should probably swap him out with a staff user. Hmm. I just don't like them in Heroes for some reason. But I might switch.
  21. @Zeo Congratulations on pulling Morgan! He's an elusive creature, I swear. Free pull on the single red orb from the new banner gave me... 4★ Olivia ...Into the pile with you. Damn, I really want to pull on this banner for 5★ Chrom because I want to get the built one I have to +10, but I already mini-whaled for the Branded banner and I really should not do that this time. EDIT: Spent 5 orbs, got a single red orb. Pulled it, and... 4★ Olivia I think the game is trying to tell me to not bother. EDIT EDIT: Decided to give it one more try, and... 5★ Chrom! He's +SPD / -HP, so I don't even have to feel bad feeding him to my main Chrom.
  22. @XRay Thanks so much for your response! I don't have any of the special dancers, sadly -- I hope they come around again! -- but I do have a +ATK / -RES Ninian that I would like to run alongside Morgan. Before your advice, I had created what is probably an absolutely terrible build for her, but I'm still kind of new to this? I'm trying to learn good strategies, I swear. (Note: I haven't started building this yet; just planned it with the intent of asking for advice.) Ninian (+ATK / -RES) ◉ Lightning Breath+ (+Spd) ☗ Dance ▶ Moonbow A: Mirror Stance 2 B: Wings of Mercy 3 C: Threaten Res 3 S: Quick Riposte 3
  23. Uggggh 35,586 points and the grind is starting to get to me. On the whole, my team of E!Chrom/B!Lucina/M!Morgan/F!Robin can auto-battle through Lunatic 5 just fine... until the final map, because the AI insists on putting them within range of Grima before ending the player phase, and it's like, why. WHY. He's not a nice dragon.
  24. I'm thinking of sticking Drive Atk 2 onto M!Morgan, which should stack with Rally Attack if I'm understanding my buffs correctly, to give my team some more firepower. His build would look like this: Yes, no, maybe so? I'm just not sure I want to sacrifice Micaiah for it unless it's really worth it, even if she is +DEF / -SPD. As a note, I know what the effects of Grima's Truth are, but the Rally Attack is for when he can't get off an attack first and someone else needs just a few points of extra damage. I actually use it pretty often, so I don't plan on switching it out at the moment. Alternatively, I could give him Drive Def 2 or Drive Res 2. (Probably Drive Res 2, because I don't have the feathers to promote Roderick and I don't have Arden, but I do have lots of Soleil.) I'd also like to run Ninian alongside him as a renewing unit. I'm tentatively considering the following build: It's probably terrible because I'm NOT VERY GOOD AT THIS GAME but I'm trying to learn.
  25. I'm so sick of things being Dark and Gritty. Mainstream comic books in the last decade or so are full of Dark and Gritty crap where things aren't profound or deep or moving or whatever and nothing's winning points with critics unless everyone's depressed and the world is without hope. Tragedy moves to tragedy in the name of "realism" and you're like, god, why am I even bothering with this thing if I can't see any light at the end of the tunnel? What is the point of suffering through this world if I'm just going to leave it feeling worse than I did when I first showed up in it? Fire Emblem, in my opinion, has always done a decent job of mixing serious with quirky. I like it that way. The games aren't completely serious, just like life is never completely serious. On the whole, the plots are serious, but some of the characters are not. Sure, war is hell and all that, but for god's sake there's room for laughter in the trenches once in a while. Even in the midst of real-life wars, between the mourning of friends and the terror of combat, you'll find soldiers pulling pranks on each other, and playing cards games, and talking about the good things in their lives, and just generally being human beings. What they're going through is serious, yes, but the vast majority of people just cannot live without some semblance of light in the darkness. So, no. If "more serious" means "darker and grittier", where everyone is Srs Bsns and there's no room for a smile, you can count me out.
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