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Status Updates posted by Astelaine

  1. Eee, happy birthday! <3

  2. Happy Birthday, Agro!!! <3

    1. Agro


      naw astel thank you <3

  3. Hey hey, how are you? :) I haven't seen you in awhile! Hope you're doing great and kicking school's ass! <3

  4. Omg Furet <3 Have my birthday babies

  5. Happy 18th, Ken!

  6. Happy Birthday, Astra! <3

  7. Thank you so much! :) I was determined to make an FE4 character out of the set and it happened to work out. Glad you liked it!

  8. Happy Birthday, Ubel!

  9. Happy B-day, nephew! <3

  10. I keep forgetting that I can TALK to people on the INTERNET!

    <3 you lady!

  11. Hey Acha!

    If you're looking to learn to sprite fur, try this tutorial by Square Root of Pi:

    Hope it helps! Best of luck!

  12. Happy Holidays! <3 <3

  13. Happy Birthday, eCut! May you sprite all the things and eat a killer cake!

  14. I laughed so hard at your new name. Very nice <3

  15. Happy Birthday, Yeti!

  16. Happy Birthday, Tang!

  17. Happy Birthday, Lumi! Congratulations!


    Good luck with the show!!

  19. I'm not dead!

    Glad I caught you on Skype again :)

  20. Char! :3


  21. Happy Birthday, Acey! Keep up the spritin'!

  22. Happy Birthday, Furet!!

  23. Happy Birthday, Ken! :)

  24. Shucks, thanks! I'm glad you like it. To me, though, my sprited hair isn't "strandy" or detailed enough, like AK or Pi's; it feels too simple and smooth, like toothpaste. Hrrf. Must fix.

    A custom hair tutorial would be cool. Or maybe even an open thread where each spriter discusses their own approach. Hrm, gotta grab some references.

  25. Haha, I'm only a touch younger than you. We gotta bitch at these punk kids to get off our lawn!

    Not too much on the sprite front lately - still fiddling with a pile of WIPs, and trying desperately to be better at hair. One day... *shakes fist at the universe*

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