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Posts posted by ILikeKirbys

  1. Hmm... Well, if we can pass down proc skills between units, then the first thing I'm gonna do with that is give my Nino Dragon Fang via free Sophia (or maybe Draconic Aura?), and maybe give my Roy Ignis via my extra F!Robin.
    Also, wonder if we'll be able to put attacking proc skills on healers? Because I kinda wanna give my Lissa Luna. There's no reason behind this really, I just wanna try it out.

    And maybe I could give Olivia Miracle or something, find out of Dancing actually lowers the cooldown like healing skills do.

    And I could maybe put Seal ATK on Julia and Nino
    That would be pretty helpful

    The possibilities for this are endless, unless Nintendo puts limits on this. Which they hopefully will.

    2 minutes ago, Elieson said:

    [Fujin Yumi]

    [ ]


    [Distant Counter]


    [Wary Fighter]



    Yes, I'm feeling it.

    I'm really feeling it!



  2. My apologies if this has been asked before in this thread, but does Panic (turns buffs into debuffs) affect Gronnblade's power? Since Gronnblade adds all buffs on the user to its power (or something like that), does that make it weaker because the user has debuffs? Does it just make it not add the buffs since they're considered debuffs thanks to Panic? Or is there no effect and the buffs are added as though Panic hadn't been applied?

  3. So I threw a bit of money at the game, because I've been enjoying it and wanted a few more chances to get Nino. This happened:

    First Pull: No Greens. Went for a Blue orb on the off chance that there's an Azura in there. There was a 4-Star Cordelia. Which is nice, since now I have a whole team of units who basically have Triangle Adept (Roy and Cordelia who actually have it, and Narcian with his Emerald Axe), which would be interesting to try out. Then I back out.

    Second Pull: One Green. Here's hoping it's Ni-
    Pulled a 4-Star Camilla. Which is nice, but not what I'm looking for. Then I back out.

    Third Pull: No Greens again. Went for a Red orb this time, because whatever. Pulled a 3-Star Olivia. I'll keep her for the moment, but she'll probably be feathers sooner or later. Then I back out.

    Fourth Pull: 1 Green. Finally got Nino! 3-Star, but I'll grind her up.
    Then I decided to pull a couple of Blues, because still kinda hoping for Azura. Got Jagen (4-Star, might keep) and M!Robin (already have one, and he's promotion-ready, so I'll probably dump this one for feathers). Then I back out.

    Finally got who I was looking for.

  4. Just now, Othin said:

    The thing is that f!Robin has Blue Tomebreaker. That played a big role in guessing Ursula, but I'm inclined to trust any data-mining over that.

    Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that! And she gets Defiant RES too! She'd actually be pretty alright at handling Blue mages too! F!Robin could be really useful against Ursula!

    Still, if datamining says Camus is next, then I can't mind too much. I've seen Ursula before, but I really just forgot about her after beating Battle Before Dawn. Camus interests me tho, IIRC he shows up in a few FEs, yeah? And he has a super-lance in Gradivus(Gradvius?), which could be useful for taking on the endless swarm of Red units, which would be nice.

  5. 1 hour ago, Othin said:

    Hmm, he's another blue cavalry like Ursula, so that does fit the hint as well, just not quite as directly.

    I'd say it makes more sense, if F!Robin's just like M!Robin stat-wise.

    If that's the case, then F!Robin will have more DEF than RES, making her better for taking physical hits and thus taking on physical-attacking opponents, and she's a magic attacker, so she'd probably be better fighting a physically-oriented blue unit like Camus than she would be against a magically-oriented blue unit like Ursula. So I'd bet that Camus is the next Great Hero Battle.

    I wouldn't mind being wrong tho. Ursula would be neat too.

  6. So, I beat F!Robin's maps this afternoon.
    Normal was easy with my max-level team, Julia and Roy just annihilated everyone, it wasn't even fun.
    Hard was more difficult, but Julia was able to survive attacks from all the mages and the axe guy thanks to Sakura's Fortify DEF and M!Robin's Spur DEF. After that, Julia and Roy handled the mages and axe/lance guys (I was afraid Roy was gonna get killed at one point, but the axe guy attacked Roy and barely lived instead of the lance guy who probably would've killed Roy), though M!Robin got attacked by F!Robin once. She took him to a little over half HP, while he barely scratched her. Still, it was fine; Roy reached F!Robin next turn and did to her what he does to all Green units. It was hard (as it should be), but ultimately I think I only had Sakura heal once (which I believe was Julia after she tanked the opening onslaught of mages and axe guy).

    So, now that I have 3-Star F!Robin (with her horse-devouring wolf heads and ability to auto-double Blue tomes and finally having a Robin with Ignis because M!Robin not having Ignis kinda bothered me until I saw this and stat-wise being just like M!Robin which kinda makes sense since they're pretty much the same person I think), I kinda want to build a team around her for grinding her up (which I feel like I should, since apparently she'll be useful for the next Great Hero Battle), so who do you think goes well with F!Robin? I'm thinking F!Corrin might be a good choice (she provides an ATK- & SPD-debuffing attack so enemies that reach F!Robin aren't doing as much damage, drops enemy RES after any combat so F!Robin can damage otherwise-high-RES enemies, can provide Hone ATK to pull Robin's damage up a bit, could maybe handle Red units that Robin would rather not have to deal with), perhaps Marth (Falchion means he can slaughter dragons and self-heal, he can run away with Escape Route if necessary, and he has Spur SPD to make F!Robin a bit faster), maybe Olivia (Dancing utility is great utility. Plus she has Hone ATK to make Robin a bit stronger, like F!Corrin, though her stats suck, or at least my Olivia's stats suck), and possibly M!Robin (covers Colorless as well as Red, is fairly tanky for a mage (at least mine is), can make F!Robin slightly tankier with Spur DEF), but I'm not sure who else would work well with her... Or if those units I picked would work with her... Any thoughts?

  7. 27 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    When people datamined the game for artwork, they found an unused Santa Robin with a tree, and unfinished Christmas Tharja art. People say Heroes was probably ready for release last year in the fall, but it was delayed for the sake of Super Mario Run.

    Ah, that makes sense. I suppose releasing this alongside Run wouldn't been the best call.

    Though, do you think those'll be reused in December? Like, maybe as a Holiday Hero Battle? With Christmas!Robin and Christmas!Tharja, and one set of Christmas Cavaliers (Cain/Abel or Stahl/Sully or maybe Oscar/Titania-or-Kieran or Sain/Kent if those two sets get added in by the end of the year...)?
    Still, now I'm picturing a double focus banner in December with two sets of Christmas Cavaliers (the red/green cavaliers, I listed some examples above) on one banner and Christmas!Robin/Christmas!Tharja/two-more-holiday-lord-variants (maybe another Ike? please no, we're already getting two, give other heroes a chance to shine. Like Hector, maybe. Or perhaps the Switch FE lords (assuming multiple lords here) to promote their game if it's coming out in early 2018?) on the other. D'you think they might do that?

    27 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    A moment of silence for our beloved Axe Lord:

      Reveal hidden contents




    Poor Hector.

  8. 18 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    I think the unused Santa M!Robin is actually a Sword unit, since he swings the tree.

    Wait, what? Santa Robin? With a tree? When was this announced?

    Also, F!Robin is finally dropping? And as a Great Hero Battle? Cool. I had hoped Zephiel or Ursula or Camus or someone else would be next, but I'd been hurting for a good green mage until yesterday (and then I got Julia).
    And hey, I might actually be able to pick up the 3-Star version this time (since I have max-level Roy, and his greatly magnified WTA and higher RES should let him destroy F!Robin with minimal effort... Of course, odds are IS has considered someone cheaping her out with something like Roy and put out a Brave Lance or a Sapphire Lance or something to wreck me for trying that...). Definitely gonna get the 2-Star at the very least with my level-high-30s team.
    Alsoalso, wonder what F!Robin'll have for skills...

  9. 57 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    I just met this monstrosity in the Arena.

      Reveal hidden contents


    Who the heck has enough money to get 11 Julias?  This is pay-to-win level stuff.

    Oh, well, I still won the match.

    Damn. And I thought my Julia was a powerhouse (and, yeah, she is, just nowhere near this level). Though this guy's Julia has almost three times as much Defense as mine... Why can't my Julia break out of single-digit Defense? At Level 34? :cry:

    Also, how did you win?

  10. I tried pulling for Nino again today with the rest of my orbs. My prayers were... kinda answered.

    First pull I got a 3-Star Cherche. Not even close to what I want. She became feathers. No more greens in this round, so I backed out.

    After a while, I went back and tried again. I didn't get any green orbs in the first round, so I got a 3-Star Draug to make feathers (already have a 4-Star version) and backed out for another round.

    Second round, I got a 5-Star Julia! And she's awesome! I mean, she has no Defense (and she's +HP/-DEF, so that won't be improving all that much), but she's so ridiculously strong! I am loving her right now!

    And then I backed out since there weren't any more green orbs, and decided to try one more time and got 4-Star Hawkeye. He was a dupe, and is now feathers.

    So, no Nino. Kinda disappointing.
    But I shouldn't complain, since I got Julia and she's awesome.

  11. I just pulled 4-Star Florina (who I merged the 3-Star Florina I already had into, might train this one up at some point in the future), 3-Star Niles (150 feathers), 3-Star Barst (150 feathers), 4-Star Frederick (gonna keep, not sure I'll use him but gonna keep), and 4-Star Hawkeye (Looks good, and I liked watching Hawkeye crit people to death back in FE7, so if he's anything like he was there I might train him up at some point).

    Not the worst pull (I am no longer limited to Narcian for usable axe users, and Florina might turn into something I want some day), but not what I was hoping for either... Hopefully my next pull will have green orbs... I get the feeling I'm gonna need a green mage that isn't Cecilia soon if I want to beat Lunatic...

  12. 37 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    I know the enemies hit really hard on Lunatic, but I'm not sure if Hana + Sakura buff and debuff would be enough.  You can have Hana stand next to Sakura, then have Sakura use Fear, then place Hana between Zephiel and Sakura and end your turn.

    Fae has only one job, and that is to murder Robin.  He's actually the hard part of the map for my team.  After that, Virion kites and makes life hell for everyone, while male Corrin goes to town because -7 Speed shuts down a lot of offense.

    Ah, that... I dunno, Hana's defenses are really bad, but on the other hand I'm not sure if they're bad enough that Zephiel'd still one-shot her at -10 damage.
    I was just gonna have Robin attack Zephiel to soften him up, then send in Hana to finish him without eating a counterattack (possibly after Sakura Fears Zephiel to make sure Hana can survive if Robin isn't strong enough and/or doesn't get Bonfire on Zephiel and she has to eat a counterattack).

    Also, is Robin really that bad? Because I'm gonna need to either get Narcian up to speed real quick or pray for good Green units on my next pull if that's the case.
    And because I just did 8-1 with my Roy/Robin/Jeorge/Clarine team, and my only strategy for beating Robin there was to have Jeorge bait him out, survive a couple of turns thanks to Seal Attack to distract Robin while my Robin and Clarine dealt with the knight and Tharja until Roy could get over there and wreck the axe cav, then had Clarine heal Jeorge and had him finish Robin. Not sure how I'm gonna deal with that chapter just yet... Need to sub in a Green unit to deal with 8-2 Nowi right now, she's gonna wreck my whole team as it stands (Roy can't do anything to her (not sure if I should grind up Lyn or Marth for this one... Marth's probably gonna end up a slightly better unit, but Lyn is closer to Roy's level right now...), Robin and Jeorge can't do enough damage to her to kill her before she kills them, and I doubt Clarine's gonna have better luck on that front... but I can't just throw Narcian at her since Henry's there to magic him down... This is gonna be a tough one unless I get very lucky with my next pull and get a good Green unit...).

  13. 20 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    Nope, it's only one attack.  Then again, Gordin doesn't really give a flip if it's an enemy archer.

    I'm almost there!  Need to grind a bit more to get Fae to level 40, so I can wreck 8-5.  If Zephiel doesn't OHKO Hana, she might be able to win.

    Ah well. That would've been a bit too good, I suppose.
    Gonna stick with Jeorge for now, then. My Gordin can't deal damage to most non-flying enemies, which makes training him up in the Tower annoying, while my Jeorge has addressed his power problem with the last couple of levels (though his defenses are still questionable), and his support skills (Attack Seal, Speed buff for adjacent units) have proven quite useful for my current team through the last couple of Arena runs and the last couple chapters of Lunatic.

    Now that I think about it, Robin's probably my best bet against Zephiel. Hana might be able to do massive damage to Zephiel, but between his if-I'm-remembering-correctly rather high Attack stat and Hana's horrible defenses, he'll probably one-shot her unless mine happens to be +DEF (which I'm betting she isn't), she gets Sakura's Fortify DEF bonus, and Sakura gets the opening shot in to Fear Zephiel's attack down a bit. Hopefully Robin'll be able to deal with Zephiel, or at least weaken him enough that Hana can run in and finish him without risking a counterattack.

    And good luck with 8-5 (though how does Fae help with 8-5? Isn't that the one with Lucina, who has WTA and effective damage on Fae via Falchion?)! I'm gonna see if my Roy/Robin/Jeorge/Clarine team can handle 7-5 tonight!

  14. From Tellius:
    Ike (PoR and RD Ikes as separate dudes please... just because I like PoR's look better)
    Mist (I liked her back in PoR, and she could be a weaker mounted sword user with Distant Counter (I remember seeing her with a unique 2-range sword back in RD in a Let's Play I read once, so why not), which would be cool and maybe balanced)
    Micaiah (Never played RD, but Micaiah interests me, so I'd like to see her in)
    Sothe (Honestly I don't care for him, but he'll probably come with Micaiah)
    Nephenee (I like Nephenee, I don't have a better reason than that)
    Mia (I like Mia, I don't have a reason than that)
    Elincia (A flying sword unit with a Brave-type effect on her 5-Star weapon... I would like this)
    Ashnard (Would be a cool Great Hero Battle, assuming they just put villains in there [which, given Narcian, yeah that seems likely to me])
    Greil (He's never been playable, but apparently he was awesome in the backstory, and maybe it could be a Great Hero Battle with him being backed up by Ike and Mist, and I don't really have a good reason for this I'd just kinda like to see it)

    From Blazing Sword:
    Sain (If we only get one of Sain/Kent/Lowen, I'd prefer it be Sain, just because he was always my best cav back in 7. Of course if we get two then get Kent in there as well)
    Ninian (Give me a dragon dancer please)
    Jaffar (I want him to be a Sword user, not a Dagger user, but really I just want my murder machine however he comes... preferably with Night Sky/Astra, Life and Death, Pass and a Killing Edge)
    Canas (A good dark mage, if I remember correctly, and I like his monocle)
    Dart (Just to have a Pirate unit, hopefully with some kind of skill that lets him cross any terrain so he can walk across water/mountains/lava to axe people)
    Guy/Karel (Guy was really good back in 7, but I remember Karel carrying me through the later half of my first playthrough, so I just want either of them)
    Athos (Great. Hero. Battle. Please.)
    Leila (So Matthew can finally reunite with her in this world)

    From Magvel:
    Myrrh (For another Green Dragon primarily, though she could also have a skill that lets her move like a flying unit without being super-vulnerable to archers since she has wings... I could see that ending up a bit OP, but I don't really care)
    Joshua (He's cool and I like him. No other reason)
    Neimi (preferably following the Ranger promotion line, because BOW HORSES need to be playable)
    Lyon (For a Great Hero Battle probably, I like Lyon)
    A Trainee (Between Amelia, Ewan and Ross I don't really have a preference, just bring at least one of these in)

  15. 1 minute ago, eclipse said:

    My Gordin wound up with -ATK and +DEF, which means he's got more Defense than Attack.  Vantage means he can shoot mages before they shoot him, and if they're at low health, they'll die.  I use Gordin as an anti-flier and a physical tank.

    Huh. I was thinking Vantage+Brave Bow meant that Gordin might end up doing the Brave weapon double-attack when he got attacked and Vantage kicked in, but I haven't been able to test it for myself (I decided to stop grinding up Gordin for a while since he couldn't damage most non-flying enemies I fought while trying to bring him up), and I'm guessing since you didn't mention it that this isn't the case?

    4 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    The Armorslayer sword works against Narcian, albeit as a sword, and not an armor-slaying thing.  Hana will most likely double Narcian and make him rethink his life (I hope).  If you run Hana with Sakura, you should be able to mitigate 10 damage from an enemy armor - 4 from Fortify Defense, and 6 from Fear.

    Ah, I see. That makes sense. And yeah, I would be running Hana with Sakura most likely, since Sakura's pretty close to replacing Clarine right now and will almost definitely get there well before I manage to get Hana ready for Lunatic.
    Though, will I need another knight-killing unit to deal with Zephiel, or will 4-Star Robin and/or Hana (assuming Nintendo doesn't just drop 10,000 feathers on everyone again in the near future) be enough to handle him? I'm not too worried about the other armors, but Zephiel will probably cause problems for me if I let him get a hit in (especially on Hana, she's so damn fragile).

  16. @Sire Ah, I remember 9-2. That's the one with Ursula, yeah? It was pretty annoying, since I don't have something that both wrecks armors and doesn't get nuked out by Ursula (I have Oboro, whose Resistance is crap, and Hana, whose defenses are nonexistent). Maybe I should train up Cecilia for that one? It's a ways off, but still, no time like the present. On your comments about my team...

    I do have a 5-Star Lyn and Marth that I could replace Roy with. Lyn is serviceable, and has great Speed and Attack, but her Attack is matched by Roy and Marth (who was 10 levels behind her when he was equal to her, and is now a couple of points ahead thanks to some grinding) and her defenses are outstripped by Roy (and will most likely be by Marth as well, if only in Defense). I don't really have a good setup to use Galeforce with her either (Olivia is weak, and frail, and kinda sluggish, or at least my 3-Star one is), so I dunno if she'd be my best choice. Marth will most likely end up as fast as or a little faster than Roy unless he stops growing Speed soon (he's at 23 Speed at level 22), has self-healing via Falchion and can run away with Escape Route when I need him to live, so I suppose I'd replace Roy with Marth for maps where Roy won't help (unless there's something about Lyn that I'm missing, she's really mostly better for Galeforce stuff and having great Speed and Attack).

    Good to hear Robin's gonna stay good. He nuked Xander on my Hard run of 9-5 (where Jeorge died early killing the healer and I had to sacrifice Roy to a Blue mage late so Robin could get healed), and I'm hoping he'll serve well on Chapter 9 Lunatic too. Dunno what his Boon/Bane are, but if I had to guess based on how he is now I'd guess +Atk/-Res (but I won't know for sure until I promote him, which won't be for a while).

    Clarine is indeed a healbot, and being on a horse is helpful, but I'm not keen on her getting hit ever (even if she can take a magical hit and live). Sakura's mostly my replacement of choice since she looks to be similar to Clarine stat-wise (except that she'll most likely end up a bit better), buffs my team's defenses (which they need sometimes), and can neuter enemies with Fear, but I'll keep Lissa in mind (I have a 3-Star Lissa that I got in my first pull, lucky me, and I could promote her whenever if I needed Rehabilitate).

    Jeorge... Yeah, not killing stuff, that's my problem right there. I'll look into raising up Gordin (especially since my other archer, Setsuna, is shaping up to be worse than Jeorge).

    As for fielding my two best units (Marth/Lyn/Roy and Robin in my case), a healer (Clarine/Sakura) and a dancer (Olivia)... That's an interesting idea. If I ever have trouble bringing up a good unit, I'll see if that works. Can't do that right now, since among other things I need to train up Marth, but maybe in the future.

    @eclipseWait, why is Gordin so good with Vantage? I mean, he's my only realistic choice for bows now (unless I somehow pull Takumi in my next pull... so yeah, just Gordin) so I'm gonna train him up, but why would Vantage+Brave Bow be good? He's still gonna get doubled, and he won't deal that much damage with his one counterattack at the beginning of combat, so wouldn't he still get wrecked on enemy phase?
    Also, related maybe-a-problem: Does Gordin normally have low Attack? My 4-Star Gordin has 20 Attack at Level 21, and I'm not sure if it's because he's gotten crappy levels or because he's got an ATK bane, and it's starting to worry me (and makes leveling him up annoying when a level has no flying enemies).

    As for Sakura, yeah, that's pretty much what I was looking for. Good to know I'll still have some support unit when I bench Jeorge.

    Also, when you're talking about bringing an Armorslayer for Narcian... did you mean Zephiel? And if so, wouldn't Robin be able to handle him with WTA and Bonfire? If not, I can grind up my 4-Star Oboro with her Heavy Spear (she has Rally Defense and Threaten Resistance too, so maybe I could run her with Robin or some other mage if I ever pull another good one), or maybe my 4-Star Hana with her Armorslayer and really high offensive stats (she'd probably die on enemy phase, but she'd most likely be able to kill Zephiel).

    Thanks for the Lunatic tips, guys! Sorry for taking so long to respond.

  17. So, uh, I just beat Hard with my team, and I'm starting to worry about Lunatic (currently at 7-3 Lunatic, since I did some Lunatic orb-grinding when I got stuck on Hard 9-4 for a while and wanted to pull for more units). Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but...

    My current team is:

    5-Star Roy, Level 36 | HP 41 | ATK 39 | SPD 29 | DEF 24 | RES 28 | Binding Blade / Shove / Triangle Adept 3 / Seal DEF 3
    Primary physical damage dealer. Murders everything Green, does pretty good damage to Red and Colorless too, can take magical hits best out of anyone on my team at the moment, and lowers Defense so he can kill things better. Dies horribly to Blues (except sometimes when they're magic users, for some reason my Roy has good enough Resistance to take a blue-magic hit from near-full HP and live), but those can be dealt with by the rest of my team usually. My best Red unit, and I kinda need that (could train up Lyn or Marth to replace, but I like Roy and want to keep him since he's so close to the level cap anyway).

    4-Star Male!Robin, Level 36 | HP 36 | ATK 32 | SPD 24 | DEF 24 | RES 17 | Blarraven / Bonfire / Defiant SPD 2 / Spur DEF 3
    Primary magical damage dealer. Does magic damage, has advantage over Red and Colorless, kills things with Bonfire, buffs Defense, is kinda tanky, but doesn't deal too well with magical hits for some reason. I assume he'll get better when I promote him to 5-Stars. I need him.

    4-Star Clarine, Level 33 | HP 31 | ATK 26 | SPD 27 | DEF 14 | RES 27 | Fear / Martyr / Imbue OR Swift-Winds Balm / Resistance +2
    Healer. Dispenses heals from horseback. Also becomes a better healer and lowers enemy Attack when she fights (rarely, but it has happened, usually when she gets attacked), and can tank magical hits almost as well as Roy (who has better Resistance for some reason, I'm assuming that'll change if I ever 5-Star her). I may replace her with my recently-acquired 5-Star Sakura when I finish leveling her up, I haven't decided on that yet.

    4-Star Jeorge, Level 33 | HP 32 | ATK 37 | SPD 22 | DEF 18 | RES 15 | Silver Bow / Blazing Flame / Seal ATK 3 / Spur SPD 2
    The problem. He's here primarily because I didn't have a good Green unit for the longest time (used Cherche for a bit, but had to bench her, she just wasn't working for me) and Jeorge was my best non-healer Colorless at the time. He was great for a while, but lately he's just fallen off a cliff, being unable to score most kills that I need him to and being incapable of taking hits, and I'm not sure that getting him to 5-Stars will fix that. He's why I'm here today.

    Given this team composition, I need to drop Jeorge. Here are the units I can grind up reasonably quickly that could take his place:

    1) 4-Star Narcian, who feels like a weaker (partially because he's not a 5-Star like Roy, I'm sure) flying Green Roy, and I like Roy, so this would be welcome, but his low Resistance is a problem, he hates Reds at least as much as Roy hates Blues, and he has a weakness to archers (which hasn't killed him yet, but it has set up kills on him), so I'm not sure that he'll be that much more surviveable than Jeorge is right now.
    2) 4-Star Gordin, who has a Brave Bow and can probably do player-phase nuking but will probably not last on enemy phase thanks to his lacking Speed, which is still better than Jeorge's inability to get kills when I want him to but still leaves me with a glassy unit since he'll be getting doubled a lot.
    3) 4-Star Setsuna, who has anti-bow and anti-dagger utility and can function as an emergency healer with Reciprocal Aid if I need that, but her defenses are craptacular, and that's part of my problem with Jeorge, so...
    4) 4-Star Cecilia, another Green unit, and a magic one too, with WTA over Colorless like Robin thanks to Gronnraven, considerable Attack (or at least it will be when I'm finished grinding her), Escape Route to maybe escape bad situations, and Rally Resistance, which could come in handy for when Robin needs to engage in a magic duel. I don't like how slow she is, though, and her Defense is poor, which I guess should be expected of a mage, but it still kind of annoys me.

    Of these options, what do you think is my best choice for replacing Jeorge?

  18. 3 minutes ago, Big Smoke said:

    Damn, how to you guys get so many orbs!? Most I've pulled at once is 3, and that was when I first started and you're literally bombarded with Orbs.

    Best I've gotten was 5* M!Robin, but have 4* Roy above level 20. All I need now is great badges and hero feathers lol.

    I just did the Story mode, did most of Hard Story, and am now working through Lunatic Story with my main team. Waited until I had 20 Orbs every time before pulling so I could get all 5 orbs, which generally worked pretty well for me. Also, the daily free 2 Orbs, the various quests that gave Orbs, and weekly special Orb maps helped, so you should clear those if you haven't (there are two special Orb maps so far, so you'd get 12 Orbs total if you clear them on both difficulties... which I think you still can, dunno for certain tho).

    Also, you got a 5-Star Robin? Nice. Best of luck getting feathers for your Roy, mate.

    2 minutes ago, Finn1412 said:

    Too bad raising rarity resets levels. If they'd remove that I'd use Eliwood or Hinoka.

    That's not too bad, usually. Gives you an opportunity to train up some other units you haven't leveled up much while you bring your formerly-high-level unit back up to speed. At least, that's what I do.

  19. Just now, NickV said:

    I quit because I wasn't gonna push my luck in that round haha

    Ah, that makes sense. Wish I had done that sometimes...

    Like the pull before my last one, where I got a bunch of largely-useless-to-me units (3* Stahl, 4* Ogma, dupes of Adult Tiki and Olivia) and a Wrys. If I hadn't been hoping for Seliph, I might've stopped after Wrys (pulled third), but...

    6 minutes ago, Finn1412 said:

    I already had Effie and Roy is... kinda there, I mean his skills make him good against axe-users, but if he fights a lance-user he's dead. I'll try to use him, thanks for the tip. Just have to finish grinding Corrin.

    Ah, I see. And yeah, Roy's been a bit annoying for me since I don't have a good Green unit yet (gotta finish training up Narcian and Cecilia at some point), so you may prefer to keep Corrin even after training up Roy unless you have at least one of those (preferably one axe and one magic user, so you have options for when one of those won't work for a map).

  20. I just got fairly lucky, I think (forgot to get a screenshot tho). I pulled:

    3-Star Gunter. Kinda disappointed, I was hoping for Julia/Nino/Fae/pretty much anyone else, but hey, free feathers.

    3-Star Florina. I already have Shanna for a pegasus knight, but I'll keep Florina for now since she has Breath of Life and that could come in handy some day.

    5-Star Sakura! Exactly what I was hoping for, a Physic user with defensive buffs (and Fear, which is nice too). I just found a(n eventual) replacement for my 4-Star Clarine.

    3-Star Saizo. After getting lucky with Sakura, I was hoping my remaining two colorless orbs might have a Takumi in there somewhere... They did not. The first one had a Saizo, and I like Saizo, but this one's a dupe, and the other one's a 4-Star, so I'm not sure if I should merge this one into my 4-Star for SP or get feathers out of him. Bit disappointed, but only 'cause I had high hopes.

    4-Star Setsuna. Still not Takumi, but closer! Maybe if I'd had 4 colorless orbs... Still, Setsuna looks great in her own right. Breakers vs. two other weapon types (including her own, which might make her alright for taking on Takumis), Reciprocal Aid for emergency pseudo-healing, HP+ for better Reciprocal Aid, and I dunno how she'll turn out but I'm looking forward to it!

    This is mostly a good pull, yeah?

    21 minutes ago, Finn1412 said:

     All my 40 orbs and I couldn't get a good one. Marth is really the only worthwhile thing here and even then I wanted Erika's buffs to support and have her be a second liner. Now I have to wait for tomorrow's 2 daily orbs to try again for Ephraim. He and Hector really are the only thing my team lacks. Does anyone know when the daily orbs are going to be over?

    Right now, daily orbs end March 14th, I think.

    Also, you got a Roy and an Effie in that batch. Did you already have those, or is there some other reason they aren't worthwhile for you? Just curious (since Effie's a solid wall of Attack and Defense, and in my experience Roy's pretty great if someone else handles the Blue units), feel free to ignore this if you want.

  21. @SatsumaFSoysoy Wow... Julia's kinda ridiculous, huh? Or is that just against Dragons?
    Makes me wish I'd pulled her today... Just got another Stahl, another Olivia, an Ogma, another Wrys, and another Adult!Tiki, and merged everyone I got dupes of. Was kinda looking forward to getting someone new... Well, I guess Ogma's new...

    Also, what's with that other banner? I can't make sense of the selected characters... Adult!Tiki, Fir, Maria and Hawkeye? I'm not seeing any common pattern here.
    Alsoalso, Female!Robin's gonna be a Great Hero Battle? Awesome. Wonder who I should start training up for this one...

  22. Just now, Rezzy said:

    Yeah, I had Maria locked in a room with Ryoma.  That wasn't fun.

    That map surprised me too. Fortunately for me, my healer was on the outside of Ryoma's Fun Time Room (he was locked in with... I want to say Sharena, but it might've been Lyn... either way, whoever he tried to 1v1 wrecked him fairly easily and got healed up afterward), so it wasn't so bad.
    Though I'm gonna be coming up on this map in Lunatic in a day or two... Hopefully I'll remember to put Roy as my leader for that map.

    Still, getting your healer stuck in a 1v1 with Ryoma... Damn, that's gotta suck.

  23. Just now, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    I'm thinking Green, since it's a Wind tome. There are currently no good Green Mages in the game (Merric is kinda bad). Hopefully when they release F!Robin, she'll be a good Green Mage too.

    Alm gets a Falchion really really late, but it might function differently from the Archanea Falchions. I hope it does, honestly.

    Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

    And hopefully they'll release F!Robin soon. It kinda bugs me that she's not available, despite M!Robin and both Corrins being available.
    Another thing that bugs me: Neither Corrin shows up in the World of Conquest or World of Birthright, and Azura doesn't show up in either of those either. Are they going to show up in a World of Revelation?

    Also, I looked up Alm's Falchion... and it's just a lesser version of Marth's. Doubt it'll work any differently from the Archanea Falchions, but hey, at least Alm's guaranteed to have a good final weapon if that's what he ends up with. Unless he gets a different final sword in Echoes. That'd be cool, I think.

    4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    I would settle for getting formation on Story Mode and Training Tower maps.  I can sorta understand them wanting to just throw us into the Arena at random and see how we do, even if starting position has cost my a few matches.

    For the other maps though, I don't see why we can't place our troops as we like, like every other FE game.

    Also, seconding the bolded part. This is kind of annoying at times in Story mode, where I've had to figure out which unit in my main team was going where, switch around my units on the Edit Team screen until I had them starting where I wanted them, go back to the mission and try it again. It isn't fun.

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