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Status Replies posted by Randoman

  1. Leaving on April 30 for a hiatus until further notice.

  2. You know, I really admire your positive outlook. It's such a rarity nowadays, that often times I feel alone in that mindset

  3. So how have things been?

  4. Out of curiousity, if I really did use that My Little Pony Bee Shake GIF as my signature, what would your reaction be?

  5. Even if my "2 Weeks of no FE/Ike in the SSB4 thread" was an April Fools joke of mine, I still don't get how that makes me a hypocrite for making it.

  6. So things have been quite rough for you as of late?

  7. Weird question, but you're the kind of person that prefers games that don't require fast reflexes and quick thinking (like Pokemon and other RPGs) over ones that do require fast reflexes (like Mario and other platformers), right?

  8. So since you mentioned you got a Wii U a while back, how are you enjoying it? Also, what games do you have for it and what have you been playing on it lately? I've personally been playing lots of Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze.

  9. oh i've seen >1mb ones. not common, natch, but it happens.

  10. Weird question, but you're the kind of person that prefers games that don't require fast reflexes and quick thinking (like Pokemon and other RPGs) over ones that do require fast reflexes (like Mario and other platformers), right?

  11. nah, i've got a good enough computer to handle even the silly ones sfers use without hitches (though that's a great argument against them imo). i just think they're overkill and a privilege prone to be abused with oooo flashing pictures and 2mb sigs and shit.

  12. nnnnno. some of them are funny but they're more of a pain than they're worth imo

  13. Weird question, but you're the kind of person that prefers games that don't require fast reflexes and quick thinking (like Pokemon and other RPGs) over ones that do require fast reflexes (like Mario and other platformers), right?

  14. Weird question, but you're the kind of person that prefers games that don't require fast reflexes and quick thinking (like Pokemon and other RPGs) over ones that do require fast reflexes (like Mario and other platformers), right?

  15. Weird question, but you're the kind of person that prefers games that don't require fast reflexes and quick thinking (like Pokemon and other RPGs) over ones that do require fast reflexes (like Mario and other platformers), right?

  16. You've been using that Frederick avatar for so long I keep thinking the guy in it is female. Blame my weird logic (Anacybele is female, avatars represent the poster in a sense, Anacybele=female, Anacybele=Avatar, therefore avatar=female)

  17. Weird question, but you're the kind of person that prefers games that don't require fast reflexes and quick thinking (like Pokemon and other RPGs) over ones that do require fast reflexes (like Mario and other platformers), right?

  18. Weird question, but you're the kind of person that prefers games that don't require fast reflexes and quick thinking (like Pokemon and other RPGs) over ones that do require fast reflexes (like Mario and other platformers), right?

  19. Since I'm playing Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds a lot lately, I just wanted to randomly tell you that you remind me of Jedi Master Echuu Shen-Jon quite a bit, personality wise (he's a good guy overall, don't worry).

  20. Since I'm playing Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds a lot lately, I just wanted to randomly tell you that you remind me of Jedi Master Echuu Shen-Jon quite a bit, personality wise (he's a good guy overall, don't worry).

  21. wowe rando what anime is ur av from

  22. yeah but signature .gifs are for cunts

  23. wowe rando what anime is ur av from

  24. Since I'm playing Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds a lot lately, I just wanted to randomly tell you that you remind me of Jedi Master Echuu Shen-Jon quite a bit, personality wise (he's a good guy overall, don't worry).

  25. i guarantee you somebody does.

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