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Everything posted by LycopolisKing

  1. I like Iote's story of coming from straight from the bottom, from being a slave to saving himself, and then, rather modestly getting the rewards. I dislike Altina just because I'm not a fan of overly broken characters. I can't really begin to fathom just what the heck she was on, and I didn't catch a personality from her at all. It's personal preference: what's voting about.
  2. Best: Iote, Runner up to Elimine. Worst: Altina
  3. Best: FE 7, no contest. The very first playthrough I had Eliwood and Ninian at an A support, and then WHAM. Runner up to FE12. Worst: FE 8. Ehhh. Lyon twist was good but horrible at the same time.
  4. Best: Yumina & Yubello for being epic, both of them. Worst: Daniel & Jorge for being annoying, and even more so in RD.
  5. Best: Medon. Sounds dramatic to me. Worst: Doluna. I just can't take that seriously, even when it's Dolhr (or something). Actually, just about all the country names in FE1/11 were pretty bad.
  6. Sup! Nice Avatar, and welcome to SF!

  7. Best: FE9 Boyd. Just get him past his ridiculous stage in his first few levels as a fighter. Worst: Wade
  8. Limited to the one's I've played, but I liked all of them. Best: FE12 Worst: FE8
  9. Ha, sorry! Merry Second Day After Christmas, I hope you had a good one.

    I'll be sure to get on more once I'm done with all the dreaded college applications that I'm still finishing up.

  10. Stupid finals and college applications, making me miss Best/Worst Princess... Best: Marth, no contest. Runner up to Zephiel for being awesome, Yubello for being 13, and Ephraim and Michalis for taking action. Worst: Does Hector Count? If not, Kurthnaga. Nominate Best/Worst Fire Emblem Theme.
  11. Worst: Mordy. Sounds too much like Moldy. Best: I have to go with Cougar. Nominate: Best / Worst FE Theme.
  12. *haven't looked at the gender thing?

    Post cut short by character limit.

  13. Yeah, and her talk with MU in Prologue 4 casts a seemingly condescending mood onto her as well, but I just think that it's just been misinterpretted. If she really is condescending, it fits her quite well, I'd say. I've never really understood how she warranted so much hate. She's a beautifully noble character.


    Have you always been a girl and I just haven...

  14. I knew this topic would end up all over the place. Very confused on how to select pairs. Is this a 'I thought/wish they could be paired' thing based on their support conversations? Best: Caineghis X Elincia, a personal invention and favorite. Runner up to Rolf X Mist. It had so much going for it - where the heck did Boyd X Mist come from? Worst: Ike X Soren, runner up Ephraim X Eirika and all the other sibling pairs. I nominate Best/Worst Talking / Text noise. (New Mystery finally fixed it, in my opinion.)
  15. Hey! Could you bump your drafting tourney? Please?

  16. Wow! Amazing! I love your style and shading.
  17. Very nice B X M = That. I thought with the squarness of the face / chin you were going for a little of Boyd, because I couldn't find him any where else. Wow, Fire Emblem chess! I would buy that, I love chess. That fish laguz is really tall! I think his left arm looks alittle thin. Ha, nice idea - how would anyone fight that though? XD
  18. Oh, you're right, she did. Sorry for the scare - your translation skills remain as impeccable as ever.
  19. Canonly, however disturbing, it's Soren and Ike.
  20. Heck yeahs! XD And congratulations, official translator! I knew mages were ninjas. Rickard is awesome. I don't know why people hate him so much. And I love how Lena says Matthis has all the luck in the world when he has none. XD Bantu is so much more hilarious than I pictured him, but Est was perfect. Did you notice Abel's newspaper? So I guess that FE has photography and printing? Amazing. I love this manga! Great job!
  21. Yeah, no idea about Clea and Safy as well, but I kkow about Teeta and her scandal with Caekus (Camus/Zeke/Sirius) so I don't like her much either.

    So revised list of favorites: Maria, Mist, Elice, Nyna, Yumina, Lena...

  22. I haven't seen Malliesia and Yumina in actual gameplay, no, but I know just about everything I can about them due to pre-game hype. :D So Yeah, I like both of them, but not so much Malliesia for some reason.

    So yes, I have not seen Jenny, Adean, Mana, and Rana, and have no idea what they are like.

    Oh, and Elice is one of my absolute favorites as well!

  23. I love how hardly anyone is commenting on the Marisa one - XD - Well, it made me laugh so hard I almost hurt myself. About Lithena, Her boobs are lopsided! /shot I think she's got alittle too much curve in her back, but other than that, looks good! I love your comics, keep it up.
  24. I do like all of them in the ones I've played (7-11, and 6 & 12 briefly) but my favorites are Maria and Mist.

    The only one I can say I dislike is Ellen from my brief experience with FE6, and I'm neutral on Natasha.

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