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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. Okay, so I checked the code using a debugger (Thank you Cam), and it appears my code works fine. Arch, did you kill off three units, or did you kill off MORE than three? The code only returns true if more than three are dead. And it has to be IFAF since apparently IFAF and IFAT are in reverse (IFAF activates when the argument is true, and vice versa). Though, that might depend on your event assembler version.
  2. When I find the time, I'll get to fixing it. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  3. Your ideas are pretty interesting. I probably won't use all of them, but some of them stood out to me, and are within my ability to do.
  4. There's already an ASM for that, and I don't wanna have to do extra spriting (Or rather, have my colleagues sprite more). So like, the Continue/Charge skill?
  5. If you're willing to answer more questions I have on skype, I can work on making it percent based.
  6. Yo, Kitty of Time. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/35795576/IfMoreThan3AlliesDead.dmp Mind testing this for me? CheckPlayerAliveQuantity: .thumb .org 0x00 mov r1, #0x00 @Cycler mov r2, #0x00 @True or False mov r3, #0x00 @Death Counter CheckCharacterID: ldr r0, =0x0202BD50 @Loads start of character ID pointer offset ldr r0, [r0, r1] @Looks for a pointer cmp r0, #0x00 @Checks to see if a pointer exists bne CheckCurrentHP @Continues code if there is, meaning there is a character there b DeathCheck @If there is not a pointer, meaning no character, then begin next phase CheckCurrentHP: ldr r0, =0x0202BD63 @r0=Offset of current HP ldrb r0, [r0,r1] @r0=value of current HP plus slot cmp r0, #0x00 @Check if current HP is zero beq AddDeathCounter @If so, add to death counter add r1, #0x48 @If not, next slot and try again b CheckCharacterID AddDeathCounter: add r3, #0x01 @Add 1 to death counter add r1, #0x48 @Prepare to check next slot b CheckCharacterID @Proceed to check next slot for a dead unit DeathCheck: cmp r3, #0x03 @Compare death counter to the number 3 bhi returntrue @If it is higher, return true mov r0, #0x00 @Otherwise, return false bx lr @End code Returntrue: mov r0, #0x01 @Return true bx lr @End code
  7. I'll consider it. You want it to be percentage-based, right? I could probably make something like that.
  8. I "considered" making it. That doesn't mean I will. Maybe for a quick laugh I might. To answer your question, I'd probably not make shops sell it. Could we please get back to suggesting ideas to me now? I don't particularly appreciate the discussion about making detrimental novelty items.
  9. I had a feeling this thread would be loaded with more posts when I got back from work. Anyways, after calming down and reflecting on the things I said, I feel that I got a too defensive when the usefulness of this code was questioned, and for that, I sincerely apologize. Criticism should be welcomed with open... eyes? ears? Eh. You get the idea. That said, I understand that this kind of thing isn't going to appeal to everybody, and I've no intention of changing that. This hack was made for my own Fire Emblem hack, Fire Mumblem. I felt the code could be useful to others who similarly prefer this kind of game over condition over losing their lord (There are "revival" codes out there that would greatly compliment this code.). If you don't need it, don't download it. I don't wish to argue over it's value, so if we could please drop it, I would greatly appreciate it.
  10. For a joke item, I actually considered making a "Suicide Pill" with the description "Cures your neverending sadness..."
  11. What if someone wanted to make those things exist in FE? There's no rule saying FE hacks must all have permadeath and a lord that causes a game over if s/he dies, and some people, like myself, prefer the lack of permadeath.
  12. Alright, what about most RPGs? Final Fantasy for example. Even if your main character dies, the game doesn't end unless you lose all your fielded party members. Normally in FE, if you edit the death quotes so that the main character's death causes no game over, the game will be on an endless loop if you lose the rest of your units. This conditional code fixes that problem.
  13. I don't see why it's so extreme. FE8 did it with it's skirmishes, the Tower of Valni, and Lagdou ruins. You can go to each of those without your main characters and get a game over if you lose all your fielded units. It's also helpful if you don't want your main character to cause a game over, but rather when all your fielded units die. It also allows you to not have to field your main character just so the game doesn't glitch if you DO lose all your fielded units. Frankly, I think that getting a game over by losing a percentage of your units seems far more arbitrary. You still have units to fight with in that scenerio, so there's no reason to consider it a game over.
  14. Perhaps I should specify. It's for all fielded units, not your entire roster of units.
  15. Heeeeeey everyone. So I decided to make an ASM conditional code that checks if all of your currently fielded units are dead. It's great for people who would rather their game overs be caused by not having any units than a specific main character dude dying. This is for FE7. Download Basically just paste this dmp into an area of your rom and then you can call the condition in your events with IFAF [Conditional ID] [Offset plus 1]. CheckAllCurrentHP: .thumb .org 0x00 mov r1, #0x00 @Sets cycler to 0x00 mov r2, #0x00 @False CheckCharacterID: ldr r0, =0x0202BD50 @Loads start of character ID pointer offset ldr r0, [r0, r1] @Looks for a pointer cmp r0, #0x00 @Checks to see if a pointer exists (Not Zero) beq EndCode @If there isn't a pointer, meaning no character, then end code CheckIfDeployed: ldr r0, =0x0202BD60 @r0=Offset of current X position ldrb r0, [r0,r1] @r0=value of current X Position plus slot cmp r0, #0xFF @Check if their position is 0xFF beq CycleNext @If equal, Skip CheckCurrentHP: ldr r0, =0x0202BD63 @r0=Offset of current HP ldrb r0, [r0,r1] @r0=value of current HP plus slot cmp r0, #0x00 @Check if current HP is zero bne EndCodeFalse @If not, set to false and end code mov r2, #0x01 @If so, set true and continue to next unit CycleNext: add r1, #0x48 @Allows the checking of next slot b CheckCharacterID EndCodeFalse: mov r0, #0x00 bx lr EndCode: mov r0, r2 bx lr
  16. A'ight. So. News. I'm still working on this. The reason why I haven't given out updates lately is because most of our updates have to do with stuff like weapons, classes, and other things that most people probably don't care about. However, the reason why I am updating today is because I recently learned how to ASM hack, and I fully intend to put it to use. I've been brainstorming some ideas on how to use it, such as pulling an FE4 and making talk conversations up stats. For example, maybe Lussaria will have a talk conversation with Feltyn that involves her speed issues, so he teaches her how to be a bit quicker on her feet, resulting in a +1 speed for Lucy. That's a pretty simple ASM hack though. I recently made an ASM hack where I gave all the enemies 100 HP, which was hilariously ridiculous. I also did an ASM hack that temporarily disables the RNG, making all of your attacks hit and land crits given they have at least 1 of either. I also had this crazy idea that I'm thinking about using for my defense mission where engaging in combat with any enemy causes them to copy your stats. Unfortunately I don't know any way to make the game change the specific enemy you engaged with, so until then, I'll probably not use this idea. Blazer suggested a pretty neat idea that involves having a blacksmith who can upgrade your weapons (IE: Iron Sword -> Killing Edge) for a price. I could make it so that this is the only way to get Mythril Weapons (Silver sword -> Mythril Sword). My friend Manbreakfast suggested a "Poison Fog" chapter where you lose health each turn unless you're close to an enemy who isn't effected. That's just a few things I might try. I'm interested in what you guys/girls want to say. Feel free to give me suggestions.
  17. Which "Enemy Moves Forward"? Royal Advance, or Haze of Innocence? The Army of Alm Seeks A Remake ~ A Desperate Assault is a remake of theme, which is the theme for the final map as well as some cutscenes.The Army of Leaf Seeks a Remake ~ Leaf's Last Stand is a pseudo remake of FE5's Together with Leaf, which is the theme for the last few maps. The song was changed to be in minor key, and some parts were changed completely to sound more menacing. Sophia's Exhibition ~ Unveil the Mystery is an entirely new song I made. It's the first player phase theme of my Ragefest III submission, The Corruption of Roy. Sophia's the main character of the hack, which is why the theme has her name in it.
  18. Thanks. I'm especially proud of Make A Decision ~ Lucy's Destiny, since it really captures the feel of late-game map music such as Champion's Fate/Hero's Destiny. I don't actually know what those chord progressions are (Never took any music classes outside of a class that teaches me how to write the notes and staffs or whatever), but I'm going to assume you're referring to my frequent use of the "Sad, forlorn" chords. I noticed that as well, and it frustrates me quite a bit. Whenver I try to do different chord progressions, I don't "feel" it as strongly as I do for my usual progressions, so changing it up, while definitely a goal, is going to be challenging for me. I'm very good at projecting negative emotions (Sadness especially) in my music. Positive? Not so much. At lot of times, I end up making it sound disgustingly cheery. I think the closest thing to a cheery song that I've made that isn't painful to the ears is Handful of Hope. If I find a good balance, I'd probably make a killer score. [/ego] Thanks. I actually need to update the list a little since I forgot to add a few new songs to it (Actually I think it's just handful of hope, but... eh.).
  19. Updated to look better, and to fix the new "Choose your level" feature so that the stats can't go over the cap. The yellow cells are what you are allowed to edit.
  20. Updated to include a separate... thingy that allows you to customize the level before and after promotion, so you can now do things like average stats of a 15/15 unit, or 12/19 unit, etc.
  21. There used to be a Microsoft Excel file that you could use to calculate average stats, but every time I try to download it, I get redirected to the main page of the download site it's hosted on, so I decided to make my own version. Open Office Version! Microsoft Excel Version! Instructions Put in your characters base stats in the "Bases" column, then in the "Growths" column, put their growths. Lastly put in the promotion gains they get in the "Promotion Gains" column. Then you will see their average stats from 1/0, 10/0, 20/0, 10/1, 20/1, 20/10, and 20/20. You can also go to the "Level before Promotion" and "Level after promotion" spot and change the number to their right to see the unit's average stats at specific levels, and when promoted on a specific level, and leveled to a specific level. Changes over the original stat average calculator - Stats are rounded to the nearest whole number rather than displaying the decimals. - More color so it looks nice. - If a stat goes above it's cap, then it's brought down to the cap for accurate stats. - Capped stats are bolded in and colored. - Yellow cells indicate what cells you can edit. Let me know what other features you'd like and I'll put them in.
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