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Everything posted by AVahne

  1. Two of my current favorite series with a crossover....Nice! They probably chose Nidhogg because it looks reptilian. Though, I still wonder how many people will actually play the Wii U version, considering it's not sharing servers with any other version.
  2. Love that they're using his FE12 design, though I wonder if this eliminates any chance of Lucina being a costume swap. Most likely they're bring Chrom to replace Ike, but if they decide to keep Ike I hope they use his RD Vanguard appearance instead of his PoR Ranger one.
  3. FE11-12 ruined Swordmasters and FE13 just killed them off as a relevant class. A real shame, as I LOVED them in FE6 and 10.
  4. I'm just hoping that the DLC sales have been good enough to warrant a 3rd set of DLC. I want my Princess class.
  5. That's...a lot of least favorite votes for Tharja....
  6. Meh, Morgan is Morgan. I just want there to be a season 3 of DLC that includes one that lets you recruit the other Morgan. I wanna finally be able to marry off Lucina.
  7. Happy Bday Inigo! Your wife Morgan has reservations at the most luxurious and expensive restaurant in Ylisse just for this occasion. You're still paying though.
  8. Married Tiki on my main file because she's Tiki.
  9. Marth would most likely be Mercenary and Hero due to the fact that that class tree is pretty balanced like the base Lord class. Also because Marth needs a Shield. btw, funny thing about Marth's merc model: Since his head is basically short-haired Lucina's head, which is a female head, when paired with the male version of the merc's body his head will look too small and it'll also be slightly disconnected from the body. Just a funny and kind of disturbing little glitch.
  10. Very high quality looking figure. The sculptors did amazing work with this! Won't be buying it though, since I don't have $100 to spend on a figure lol
  11. It's between Lucina and Severa for Male Morgan for me. Speaking of those two girls...I wish they had a support conversation.... As for Female Morgan, I have a hard time deciding for her. Just chose Inigo after pairing the other kids. But Gerome and maybe Owain are good, too.
  12. It's best for Legendary weapons that you don't want to have to find again (and makes former unbreakable weapons like Ragnell unbreakable again) and for your favorite and/or expensive forged weapons that you don't want to reforge.
  13. I'm hoping sales of the game and DLC were good enough for IS to consider making a season 3 of DLC.
  14. Gangrel just wanted to take revenge, so it wouldn't matter whether or not Chrom gave the Emblem or not. Besides, the Fire Emblem has other purposes other than what we know as the modern purpose. If any of his people read any books on history, perhaps someone could tell him how to lift the seal off any remaining Earth Dragons. The Shield of Seals and the orbs should still be pretty powerful on their own as well.
  15. Either Owain or Nah. Or Severa. I like a Chrom-fathered Cynthia as well, though I won't be having her like that in my main playthrough.
  16. Sometimes I do, but the framerate drops too much for my liking when it's on though. Especially in battles where there are lots of effects on display, like rain and whatnot. It looks great on the map though, with birds flying across your field of vision.
  17. Owain - I can't see him in anything other than blonde, so his dadda is Vaike. Inigo - Lon'Qu's hair color was okay on him, but I'm liking Chrom's blue on him more. Brady - I could never really decide who to father him, so I just have him sporting Ricken's red/orange. Kjelle - Dark hair, though she ends up looking a lot like a very attractive female Kellam because of that hair. Cynthia - Freddy's dark brown looks nice on her. Severa - Dark Brown, she just looks beautiful with it. Gerome - I really don't know, he does give off a cool aura with Virion's silver-blue color though. Morgan - Tiki green for female Morgan and Chrom-Blue for male. Yarne - I just stick with Gregor's dark brown. Laurent - Dark Brown. But people really say black a lot here, but I don't see anything that can really count as black in this game. Noire - White...kinda ironic. Nah - Orange or Brown, I think she's pretty in Orange though. Then against she's pretty in any color I think.
  18. Nintendo doesn't seem to have patched the game at all. There's still a few other problems I'd wish for them to fix.
  19. Nice to see an explanation on the no feet, though personally I didn't mind. They looked nice and worked well with the style of the models. And I DEFINITELY want a third round of DLC. Perhaps give us a playable soldier class and halberdier class? Please? Pretty please? Would also love to see them update all the DLC characters to at least give them all unique heads. The bodies can stay generic, I just want the heads to actually match the characters and not be just glorified spotpass avatar-type units.
  20. Tharja's birthday is 4 days before mine...I'm getting shivers.
  21. Wow, Henry really skyrocketed. I would've chosen the two most popular, except Tiki is a choice. So I chose Tiki. Because she's Tiki.
  22. Nice job reorganizing all the supports, but is there not a support between Female Morgan and Lucina as her mother?
  23. Sumia seems to be most canon-likely, but I like the idea of pairing him with Olivia better.
  24. People seem to love complaining about guest art. Keep doing it! Gives the artist more attention!
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