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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Slime and snails Or puppy dog tails Thunder or lightning Then baby said...
  2. I saw my baby Crying hard as babe could cry What could I do?
  3. You kids...can't even solve...a cookie jar mystery...leave the adult business...to me...
  4. That's the most unique way I've seen someone envision me. I doubt any of this is entertaining Kiryn though, so let's try harder.
  5. By the way, do you actually imagine me to be David Bowie and even have his voice?
  6. It's boring because Bianchi isn't on to wreak havoc. And Fireman isn't on to get his shovels. And all the fun that does go on is condensed into one or two threads. And people aren't being chill enough. And stuff. And.
  7. That's alright. I mean, it's not like you'll never watch it, right?

  8. Has it been a second yet?

  9. Nightmare


    If you want people to post and discuss a game, make a first post that will actually stimulate thought and discussion. What you've done is really no different (and might even be worse) than just posting a topic saying "Discuss" with nothing else in the first post. This kind of stuff belongs in Far From the Forest, not here. You're not really helping either, Iced. Next time you make topics, please have a better first post. Like I don't know, talk about the game and your experiences, whatever works! Topic locked.
  10. You're slacking!

  11. It is totally badass and you will love it...I hope.

  12. ^And just a few days ago I was looking at an old topic and thinking "RFoF sure used to use >_> a lot."
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