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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Yeah, like I said, it is pretty weak, so I guess they didn't think about it that far and mostly designed the game for those who had played PoR before. A shame, really.
  2. I think the writing is relatively weak and watered down from the magnificence that was Path of Radiance, and the same could be said for the characterisation (barring some, like Dheginsea). The story is also constructed a bit sloppily, with some poor decisions (like Black Knight's true identity, etc.), but I found it all to be entertaining, overall. Other than that, I love everything about it. The mechanics, maps, units and especially the music. <3 This is something I see, and I see it a lot. Let me tell you that Ike has a personality and a very well defined one, it's just much more subtle than a lot of other characters, Fire Emblem or otherwise. Seriously, do characters need to scream and shout and/or explain every single thing about themselves, their morals, their goals or whatever the hell to have "personality?" No, they don't. Ike has personality, and it's made subtle, perhaps purposefully so, to also reflect, guess what, his actual personality! Even characters who have absolutely no spoken lines have personality, and how do you think this personality is evaluated? Through their actions, and as they say, actions speak louder than words. Combine all of Ike's spoken lines and his actions and you get a character just brimming with personality. Even Gareth has personality. It's really only a tiny bit and insignificant, but enough to build upon it and have a clear understanding of what kind of a person he is. Seriously, it's not hard to look a bit deeper into things. Writers and game developers aren't supposed to tell you every insignificant detail about a character to give a vague understanding of what their "personality" is. They use what they feel is necessary to convey that character's personality through various messages (in Ike's case, they focus on his selflessness and apparent apathy to petty and pointless [at least from his perspective] matters by showing him in various situations that would make these traits of his shine, like how he rescued Leanne, doesn't care for racism, and all such), and the rest is left up to the reader to interpret. And before anyone says that RD Ike doesn't have any personality, does he really need to? I do agree the characterisation and writing is weak in this entry, but it is first and foremost a sequel to Path of Radiance. All of the characters from that game received enough expansion and such that there is little to no need for anything further to be done in this game.
  4. Jesus Christ, none of you are any fun.
  5. Certainly not impossible, especially if the reincarnation can imbue said male with the Triforce of Power, Ganondorf's personality, memories and visage. I'm not sure how all that would work though. I'm still going with my theory in the first post, but let me clarify on it a bit more: When the different tribes were being formed, Ganondorf formed his own tribe of Gerudo people. This Ganondorf, by some twisted divine comedy, would later come to bear the Triforce of Power. That is how he survives until the time of Ocarina of Time (which I believe and hope to be the first game in the series' time line). It is now the age of civilization. By this time the Gerudo have formed a strict feminism among themselves and kill all male children, with them respecting one and only one male: Ganondorf. At the end of Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf is imprisoned. For the next hundred years, he remains imprisoned and then suddenly breaks free of the chains tormenting him. That is how the male is born, or rather, reborn. He then partakes in sexual activities with the Gerudo women to sustain his tribe, because they obviously are so condescending that they won't do it with other males as much as Ganondorf. Phew, that took a lot of energy.
  6. So then, are you saying the witch was a part of this family? And did she partake in the family's...interest? I'm sorry but, that's nonsense. There is no way the witch would turn her own family into Skulltula bondage traps. We are assuming here that she partook in those family "gatherings". If that is the case (and it most likely is) then the witch wouldn't take away her only source of amusement from herself. Unless the witch didn't know that she was a part of the family, in which case she still wouldn't cast that curse upon them. Seeing as how the whole family is mutually interested in incest and bondage, it must run through their blood and as such, they are able to detect such things when close together. If anything, the witch would try to track down her lineage or talk about it with the family before casting her curse. But if we are to deem that she was indeed, the one who cast the curse upon them, then she must have been purified in some way or another. This may have been done in an accident involving magic or her conscience was weighed heavily with guilt which caused her to do it on purpose. This last theory is, however, still not very possible. My one theory is that the witch may have been a part of the family, but she wasn't the one who cast the curse. It was rather, and outsider who was disgusted with this family, either because she thought their "gathering"s were sickening or she had a grudge against them from old times, which can lead to many more theories involving this mysterious family.
  7. It is said that the Gerudo women go to Hyrule Castle Town every once in a while to find a boyfriend. While that is true, I'm not sure if it actually means they have a child with that person. But even if that were to be true, it brings up the issue of how exact they must be, and the chances of a single male being born exactly when it has been one hundred years is low. Perhaps it's magic, but do remember that every single time, that single male has been Ganondorf and that Ganondorf has been the exact same Ganondorf we see in every single game that features Ganondorf.
  8. I was thinking about this for a long time. There are a whole bunch of mysteries (and all of them related to sex) in Ocarina of Time. Here we go: Mystery #1: How do the Kokiri reproduce? My thoughts: They either spring from the ground or are actually the nuts that fall from the Great Deku Tree. They are also born as kids of around 10 years of age with common knowledge, skills and abilities from the get-go. Possibility of this theory: Eh...I'd say it's so-so. A bit convincing, but nothing more. Mystery #2: How exactly IS a male born once every 100 years in the Gerudo Tribe? My thoughts: Well...this one is a bit tricky. I'm assuming every time Ganondorf appears/is born in the tribe, he hits up around 50 chicks so the tribe will sustain during his absence. But the thing is, that still doesn't answer this question. So let's go way back...when a certain male (Ganondorf) was first born. Or when he first brought the people together and made the tribe. I'm assuming this was done before OoT began time, since OoT seems to be the first game in the timeline (I hope, at least). Okay now...in OoT Ganondorf is apparently immortal, or turns immortal due to the power of the Triforce piece he possesses. So then...a male isn't born every 100 years but rather, reborn. Because there's absolutely no way pregnancy can last 100 years (give or take). Possibility of this theory: Quite possible, considering there is no other way (that I know of) it could happen. Mystery #3: Why does that one apprentice of the carpenter act flamboyant? My thoughts: Well he's...homosexual, obviously. At first I thought he was just slightly effeminate/metrosexual when he commented on his soft hands being ruined by the work, but when he called Link a "cute boy" then I definitely knew something was going on. And that doesn't make him just homosexual, he's a paedophile as well. Sick bastard. Possibility of this theory: Extremely likely, given that there is almost no room for doubt here. Mystery #4: Who are the cursed family of Skulltulas and why are they cursed? My thoughts: I'm thinking once upon a time, a family of one father and four sons were into incest and bondage but they couldn't get enough. So when they see this witch they ask her for supreme bondage. The witch, being disgusted, cursed them to turn into Skulltulas instead. All the bondage they could get! ...Except it wasn't so pleasant. They had it coming, the sick fucks. But here's another question: Why do I think all of this? It's obvious. Once you free each boy, they jump up with huge grins on their faces. Obviously happy to be freed. And when you free the father, he does this homoerotic dance. Always. And has an overly happy expression on his face. Always. And gives you a large sum of rupees. ALWAYS. Obviously the rupee is him wanting Link to strip but since he's an idiot and knows nothing about this sort of stuff he thinks it's his reward. And the last question, but obviously not the least: Why are they happy to be freed? You're an idiot if you don't know the answer to this one. Possibility of this theory: As possible as fanbrats becoming extinct. In other words, not at all possible. But at least I tried, and that's the only thing that counts, right? Conclusion: I did a lot of thinking on this one. My brain almost melted. I hope you all enjoyed reading and will debate this to its fullest extent with me.
  9. This is almost on Peter Chimaera's level.
  10. He only likes TWEWY's soundtrack because it's JPop.
  11. It's your birthday over here, so happy birthday!

  13. ^Actually, that's how I sleep most of the time. So yeah, none of them for me either.
  14. Excellent. Never knew Dedede is homosexual.
  15. M Rated Kirby game: Meta Knight guts DeDeDe and eats his entrails.
  16. Madam, that is a monster, not a sandwich.
  17. I'll make a sandwich so irresistible and handsome, you can't help but fall in love with it and eat it whole!
  18. Soundwave is communications officer, Megatron is the leader, Starscream is the commander of the Seekers, Shockwave oversees operations on Cybertron...etcetera etcetera. Choose whichever you want.
  19. A sandwich battle. Who can make the best sandwich? Obviously I can but I'll humour you.
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