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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Did Brady's VA change? I don't think Patrick Seitz voiced him in Awakening, unless I'm misremembering things... Looking it up, yeah, looks like another one of Travis Willingham's roles went to Patrick Seitz. Guess Travis doesn't work on FE stuff anymore like Laura Bailey. I'm guessing unions, or they are focused on more higher-profile roles. * * * * * I still don't play FEH, but it's nice to see these characters show up with new art and more voiceovers.
  2. Link to Discord, link shouldn't expire: [REDACTED] EDIT: Link removed to limit Discord members to those involved with the project.
  3. I wonder if Three Houses will end up being the flagship Nintendo title for E3. (Honestly, I don't think so, but imagining the Nintendo section filled with Fire Emblem props and scenery was fun.) I just remember Splatoon 1 having its own thing when it came out, and Super Mario Odyssey was big too. * * * * * Now that we are closer to E3, here's some updated stuff from my last post... Show Floor Decor - Super Mario Maker 2 Fire Emblem: Three Houses - New Trailer - Treehouse Coverage - Hints at a darker storyline and/or "confirmations" of some Reddit Leaks? Nintendo Direct "Bombshell" - Smash Brothers DLC Character Reveal (Personally I want Banjo, but I think a Dragon Quest rep is more likely due to previous info. Maybe it'll be both, who knows.) -- Treehouse Coverage of DLC The Nonsense Corner - Smash Brothers "Subspace Emissary 2" (Not gonna happen, but I want it anyways, damnit. World of Light is more of a combination of Adventure Mode and Events.) ====================================================== Moar Stuff - Newly Added! Just got done watching Nintendo's World Championship thingy. 1. Super Mario Maker was pretty fun to watch. A part of it is because I was rooting for Jirard the Completionist, but I was happy with how the whole thing turned out even though he lost. 2. Splatoon 2 was pretty hype. Then again, Splatoon matches have always been enjoyable to watch for me. I haven't touched the game in a while though since Switch Online became a requirement. I may have to try and get one so I can take part in the final splatfest though, since I missed the finale from the first game... 3. Super Smash Brothers was a bit meh. Then again, I just like Smash on a casual basis and am not extremely into it. From what I watched, it was a curbstomp and matches were basically one-sided. // One thing I took away is that Smash fanatics are not fun people to be around. The chat revolving around Smash was not an enjoyable experience, and they were expecting an early DLC reveal. Come on people, that would be saved for the Direct and E3 proper... A part of me wishes I skipped the Smash Tourney, but it is what is. I look forward to Tuesday for the Nintendo Direct and more Treehouse coverage!
  4. Yeah, I know the term Oifey, but it seems "Jeigan" is used as a catch-all term these days instead of differentiating the two. (or I'm just blind.) - - - - - On a different note, will the proof of concept be refined somewhat further, or will progress be transferred to the main project once more groundwork is done?
  5. I want to say the purpose of Jeigan is to kill troublesome foes and to tank hits your normal units cannot handle. The "noob trap" is actively using Jeigan to kill everything with their Silver Weapons, as the "kill EXP" is desired by other units since Jeigan have poor EXP gain. The punishment here is the EXP loss and the durability loss on the Silver Weapon. "Veterans" know to converse the silver weaponry and simply use the Jeigan to weaken enemy foes, if the Jeigan is used at all. - - - - - Then there's the distinction between the different types of Jeigans, such as those becoming essentially useless after early-game (the orignal Jeigan), and those who remain useful throughout (such as Seth, Titania, and Frederick). Current usage of Jeigan seems to refer more of the latter though.
  6. Finished the demo. Overall, it was a fun enough experience. I'm guessing the project will be going the lighthearted route when it comes to storytelling. 1. Manaketes needing to transform first before going into combat took some adjustment, but using the Manakete character we had was fun. I look forward to a possible Manakete Triangle Attack in the full game (if that's gonna be a thing.) -- I played and finished Shadow Dragon, but my memories of the game is basically nonexistent. If I sit back and think hard on it, I'll recall some things, but that's it... 2. I had fun with my first full playthrough of the demo, but the SRPG assets seemed to hinder my enjoyable a little. When I turned off the music and just had the SFX and unit graphics, I had a lot more fun with it. -- Granted, this is more of me complaining about SPRG Studio than the demo itself. I don't know why, but SRPG Studio's stuff just looks off to me. The battle sprites and animations are all right, but the overworld map sprites and tileset bother me... * * * * * These are just my first impressions. It took me some time to look up the controls and see what all I could do (such as looking up tooltips and unit skills). I could try to deep delve into it, but on the surface everything looks good from my end. I look forward to the full version whenever we can get around to working on that.
  7. Yeah, the Discord Link is expired on my end as well. I sent a PM with my Discord username. * * * * * Plot idea sounds good to me. // I'm just wondering how character recruitment (and character roles) will be handled.
  8. Yeah, I basically dropped this game entirely. There are times where I want to go back to it, but then I remember the company behind it and all the "little things" again. Everything piled up to the point I could not overlook them anymore, so I just stopped playing. I got too involved with the community it had as well, so that's another reason why I'm distancing myself from it. - - - - - I'm now playing Another Eden instead which I am finding to be extremely enjoyable because of its story and JRPG aspects, even though the company behind it did pull a stunt with its gacha rates during the JP-Only days. Otherwise, I still got Fate/Grand Order installed and play that a bit as well.
  9. This comes from a serious game. Honest! (Been watching a Yakuza 0 LP. Game looks great, and I definitely see why it's compared to Shenmue all the time.)
  10. Huh? Multi generation? I think putting that in is simply adding more features just for the sake of it. More gameplay mechanics does not necessarily mean more fun. It would be wise to be focused on the core points, which currently seems to be a "Fire Emblem fangame with Serenes Forest members." However, I'm just a bystander tossing in my own input. The final decision is up to you guys. // If such as system is introduced, my character will simply go across generations, but is older. There's no marriage or kids for my stand-in. Then again, I'm supposed to be late-game anyways, so I probably wouldn't even show up in Gen 1 at all... * * * * * Let me try to round stuff up again for clarification. 1. Serenes Emblem is a Fire Emblem fangame made in the SRPG Studio engine. 2. Serenes Emblem main feature is having forum members be characters in the game. 2A. The playable character roster is currently finalized. No new applications will be considered, unless something changes. Regarding story... 1. The prototype will feature eclipse as the main character leading a band of knights against some bandits. 2. The main game itself does not have a story set in stone yet. 2A. Possible ideas are: Members vs Moderators/Admins, Serenes Forest vs Fire Emblem Villains, Serenes Forest vs Serenes Emblem OCs. 2B. I have a proposal for the main story below. For now, I'm sticking to numbered points though to keep things somewhat organized. As for some questions I would like to have cleared up... 1. Are we using any existing Fire Emblem characters at all? This includes them being playable, villains, cameos, and so on. At the moment I am leaning towards no, but a definite answer would be nice. 2. Are Personal Skills going to be in the game (like in Fates)? If so, the current roster will need to update their profiles to include a personal skill. 3. What will the tone of the Story be? Will it be somewhat serious, or off the rails comedy? * * * * * Now, for a story proposal. In short, it focuses on Serenes Forest characters, using the Members vs Moderators/Admins. Further details are in the spoiler.
  11. Gonna reorganize the list for my reference, it's in the spoiler. I may be missing a few things and made some mistakes though. * * * * * So, "story-wise" I'm guessing we are pitting the members against the Admins / Moderators. Will we have a "Lord" character, or will it simply start out as a group of random members adventuring together?
  12. Just gonna post my musing here in addition to the poll since I was a bit late. - - - - - Class Promotions - Traditional is amazing for its simplicity and being true to Fire Emblem, but my desired class (Great Knight) technically comes from a branching path. Typically we have Cavaliers (Sword, Lance) -> Paladins. One way to get around this is to create a new "Axe Cavalier" class that promotes to Great Knight. Then again, I was hoping to be a late-game prepromote anyway (starting off as a Great Knight), so a Tier 1 equivalent may not be needed. However, if Great Knights will not work in the system, I suppose I could change my class to "Bard" and become the refresher of the group. I envision the character to be like Bastian from Tellius, speaking with Shakespearean flair. (Just remember, Great Knight is still preferred over Bard for my character.) Class Schemes - While I love the 3 Tier system of Tellius, I believe it brings unnecessary complexity and "fluff." So, I'll go with the standard 2-Tier system of the GBA games. STR / MAG Split - While I personally prefer them split, it really doesn't matter to me. Echoes did fine with just having a single stat affect both. Skill System - While I get the Telluis love, I wonder what exactly is meant by "3DS Skills." I'm assuming this is the Awakening/Fates equivalent and not Shadows of Valentia. FatesAwakening focused on classes giving out skills, with a personal skill being added in Fates. SoV focused on weapons providing skills, and they cost HP to use. Personally, I prefer the 3DS games over Tellius, but wouldn't mind seeing SoV skills implemented instead. Slim / Heavy Weapons - I know Slim weapons were normally shared with the first tier and the Tellius games having "heavy" weapon equivilants for each tier (Silver Lance -> Silver Greatlance, Steel Sword -> Steel Blade, etc.) I sorta see it as extra fluff, but don't mind their inclusion/exclusion. Daggers - Gotta go with Tellius on this one, with Daggers being melee and Knives being ranged. I disliked Fates expanded weapon triangle. Trinity of Magic - Gonna go GBA on this one with the classic Light, Dark, and Anima. // As an aside, I wouldn't mind if we took the SoV approach to magic, where everyone basically had low RES and Magic was extremely deadly. Granted, magic was somewhat balanced due to their HP cost since they were skills, but still. * * * * * For other news, can we see the current pool of characters and their classes? An organized list would be a nice reference for newcomers who want to expand the roster. If we have around 26 playable characters and are aiming for around 25-30 chapters (outside of the possible prototype chapter), then the roster may large enough. There doesn't need to be a new recruit each chapter as some may be added to the party in sets.
  13. I finally got Ishtar! Woo! Now I can save up for King Hassan and Eresh, provided I don't get sidetracked by Merlin and Maid Artoria Alter. Sire's Summoning Ishtar Attempts - Final Total: ~215 (~45 Tickets, ~ 481 Quartz) ...Downside is that I'm going to be in material and QP hell for a while. I already have no real QP as I'm spending it on upgrading my Waver whenever I have the chance. Oh well, I'm content at the moment. Ishtar is now in my Chaldea after trying to get her for a while. Hopefully King Hassan and Eresh will be easier to obtain. * * * * * As for the event, I tried doing the 2 BP 3 Million node. I guess I get why people run it (easier to 2-turn it with proper setups, and possibly obtain more materials), but for some reason I find running the 3BP 6 Million to be better for me. Doing less runs, despite taking longer, just feels better for some reason. Maybe this will change if I go into hardcore grinding mode.
  14. Somewhat random, but I'm gonna toss this out there. Instead of making a full game, how about making a "prototype" chapter first? Doing a prototype will help lay down the groundwork for future development, and if the whole game doesn't go through, at least there may be a playable prototype map to mess around with. Making a "single epic map" should be easier than making an entire game. Of course, this is but a suggestion. Feel free to do whatever you want. - - - - - Be it map or full game, I see the following at minimum requirements... 1. Base game engine (I'm assuming we are going Fire Emblem at this point, or something similar to Fire Emblem) 2. Volunteer Members (To fill out the playable cast, and possibly villains. There are some who are interested in being the antagonists already.) 2A. Character Sheets (At least the name and class the individual wants to be. Going further with portraits, support convos, and other story stuff would be nice but can technically be considered optional) 3. Story Outline (This also includes character recruitment and "gaiden chapters," if any.) * * * * * * * * * * Going off of my application again, maybe it may be wise to streamline the process. Here's my submission, but in template form for easier viewing. Username: Sire Game Name: Sire Desired Class: Great Knight (Axe) Desired Archetype: Gotoh, Lorenz, or Camus
  15. Ideas are well and good, but from experience I find that concepts and ideas mean little in the long run. What most people seem to care about is just the results (the finished product) and not so much the stuff that happens beforehand. You can have the entire blueprint of a game in your hands (script, dialogues, gameplay mechanics, etc.) but it means almost nothing if it is not actually implemented in an actual product. Game design means little. It's the programmers, artists, and composers that get the most attention. Seeing an idea actively implemented and working will get generate far more interest than fleshed-out concepts. In other words, the plan doesn't matter as much as its execution. Game development is not a sprint, it's a marathon. The passion is there during the concept stage and perhaps early implementation. As time passes, enthusiasm can falter and it either leads to burnout or a "let's just get this done" mindset. * * * * * That said, here are some of my suggestions... 1. Figure out how the game will be developed. Is it a "modded" GBA game that features Serenes Forest members? Is it even a Fire Emblem game? SRPG Studio? Determining the platform of the game will help contributors decide if they can help out, as well as decide the direction the game will go. 2. I also support the idea of keeping this "Serenes Forest" title separate from main canon. Create its own universe, or make it a spinoff in the vein of FE:Warriors if you want Fire Emblem characters to also appear. 2A. This also calls into question who the antagonists will be. Will the bad guys be OCs, be Serenes Forest members, or classic Fire Emblem villains? 3. If I were to be added in the game, I would like to be a prepromote Great Knight. I'll probably end up joining near the mid-to-end of the game to carry unlucky players.
  16. Skies of Arcadia is getting a "re-released soundtrack" with SoA: Eternal. There's some other stuff too, such as a Vinyl print, music box, and a booklet with dev/composer commentary. I loved Skies of Arcadia on the Dreamcast. Hopefully this release may signify a return to the franchise. Source: http://operationrainfall.com/2019/05/21/skies-of-arcadia-gets-music-box-vinyl-and-cd-soundtrack-release/
  17. Huh, Arash eh?... I do have a Grailed 70 Arash, so maybe this could get somewhere. Alas, my Waver isn't 10/10/10 (or at the very least, have 10 for Damage), so it may not be as effective... Now I need to run tests to see if my NP1 Jalter outdamages my NP3 MHX... (Using a damage calculator, Jalter wins out because Dragon Witch and Ephemeral Dream.) Hmm. Oh well, let's try the in-game tests and see how horribly I do... // Using Jalter (Damage CE), Arash, Waver, Support Waver, Kintoki Rider, Mash. No pure NP kills, but this is because my skills aren't fully maxed and Jalter is just NP 1. I also don't have a 2nd MLB Carp yet. ... Thinking about going pure NP, there's always the Robin Hood method. I remember seeing Robin Hood doing insane amounts of damage, but I think that involved heavy buff stacking
  18. I forgot how I fought Ibaraki, so I tried using my NP3 MHX and Santer Alter and wiped the hands first. That wasn't a wise idea. I couldn't land my first kill and ended up just outlasting that fight. Then I decided to say "screw it" and bring Jalter. Things went a bit more smoothly, but then I was reminded of RNG crits. I forgotten how much I had to "reset" a turn because of the boss not being cooperative. At the moment I'm running Jalter, 2 Wavers, and a Santa Alter for AoE clear. The other two slots are currently Mash and Cu (FSN) to hold the support CEs. // I guess the "whale" (or lucky) setup would be x2 Merlin, Jalter, and Santa Alter. Santa Alter wipes hands and Jalter Critbusters Ibaraki to death.
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