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Everything posted by Sire

  1. I take what I said back about Guild Rewards. THEY ARE AMAZING! 10 class materials of your choice for some Guild Points. I caved and just upgraded Lana (45 class mats) for the Black Hole ability and now she wrecks Goblins like no tomorrow. Heck, due to Black Hole, I even decided to say "screw it" and redeem my Bozel. I'm gonna get his Faction Buff first so no Black Hole or Seal for me in the near future, but man... Hopefully the guild earns enough points so I can just nab my Runestone for the month, otherwise I'm gonna have to quickly grind some points before the month is over. - - - - - That aside, trying to do the Secret Realm stuff without Dailies sucks. I need to wait to level up my Bozel and I really want my Angel troops (just one upgrade away, I already got the rainbow tome). At least my Bonds tab is sorta open now since I got Liana and Cherie to 4-star status. Probably gonna focus on Lana (almost done), Bernhardt, and Bozel.
  2. So about those Guild Battles... 1: Holy heck do they take up a lot of time. Doing dailies takes long enough, but now I get to toss Guild Battles on top of that. When do I ever have time to progress in the Time Rift or the main story? This is not even counting stamina consumption! (At least Guild Battles doesn't use stamina, they just block the character from being used for that day in GB.) 2: The rewards are nice. The monthly Runestone is definitely one of the items to shoot for, otherwise it mostly seems to be getting Class Materials and some Gems to upgrade Equipment. Easing the load on the Time Rifts for Class Mats is appreciated, but I haven't actually bought any yet so I don't know if they are actually worthwhile. 3: Guild Battles definitely reward players who keep up a well built roster. Thinking about just building 6-8 Heroes? In Guild Battles, once they are used, they go on cooldown for the day. I hope your roster is somewhat built and leveled! Oh, and factions are important too for the separate mapwide buff effect. You could go off-faction, but the enemies get some buffs too... Overall, nice rewards (especially the monthly Runestone), but man it is draining if one wants to keep up with it daily. * * * * * * * * * * As an aside, I keep forgetting to do my Bozel dailies (at least I got the shards to redeem him). I just get caught up in everything else. It doesn't help that river map with the lancers hard-counters my Sonya. At times like this I wish I had a Ledin so I can just toss him in there and let him have at it...
  3. 1st ambush is the diagonal plain tile between the main forest and the small "tree forest." 2nd ambush is 1 tile away from the southern "tree forest." (next to the path) // Not the adjacent tile, but the tile after that. Guide looks great and fine to me! No objections here.
  4. Yeah, but it's probably one of the best investments. It is just a dollar a month, you get more out of this dollar than spending it at a vending machine (and probably cheaper too!). * * * * * Speaking of Joint Battles, for Angelica's Guardians, just abuse the tile ambush system. 1: Clear first group. 2: Trigger 1st ambush, clear them. 3: Put a unit on the 2nd ambush tile trigger, leave them there. 4: Clear final boss group. 5: Regroup for 2nd ambush. 6: Clear 2nd ambush and win. This is brought to you by MagusofMemery and people of the Langrisser Discord. I failed 3 JB and am a bit ticked off because Anjelica is a complete idiot who will suicide onto enemy units...
  5. Matthew might be able to replace Diehardt if you want to be on-faction, but Matthew will want to be an SR rank (basically do the Time Rift missions until Matthew upgrades his rarity through getting more stars). Honestly, I've been doing well enough not using faction buffs (Liana's Gospel helps with that). I still want to save up for the next banner which is the Focus banners (guaranteed 5* focus hero if you don't own them - first SSR pull only). I really need Luna, but I don't have Tiaris. Tiaris is amazing (%Damage & %Damage Reduction is insane, and her talent healing is nice), but I like Liana more and don't want a Tiaris spook. Then I would love to have any of the other three (Elwin, Ledin, Leon). Personally leaning towards Leon because Leon OP, but Elwin is a great Infantry Leader and Ledin is a great Tank Leader. As for the BS tricks, yeah the game loves to do that. I'm honestly considering dropping $1 on that Rewind clock (think Mila's Turnwheel from Shadows of Valentia) just so I don't have to worry too much about this stuff. Rewinding a turn helps deal with this nonsense and may help reduce mistakes as well as being more efficient. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Serenes Langrisser Mobile Friend List
  6. No updates on my stall team yet, but I will post the FGO IDs because I haven't done that in a while.. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Serenes FGO - Friend Code IDs
  7. Considering I've been trying to write guides, create builds for personal use, and end up researching most of the stuff myself, I decided to start contributing to the Langrisser Wiki. I'll finish up my Cavalry Substitute Guide on Reddit and then just maintain the other guides I have on there. The rest of the time will be trying to transform the Wiki into something actually useful... For what I've been working on: https://langrisser.gamepedia.com/Max_Stat_Table I figured if I was going to theorycraft each individual character on my own (as part of a guide or otherwise), I might as well make it public and document it on the Wiki. EN documentation is solely lacking and difficult to find. Hopefully by contributing to the Wiki we'll have players come out with some fun and crazy stuff! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Serenes Langrisser Mobile Friend List I also figured I might as well start maintaining one of these for this topic alongside FGO. I think there is a "Group" function ingame that is separate from Guilds and may work for cross-server chats and stuff. I'll look into that once the maintenance is over and I get some sleep.
  8. Trying a stall team for the Challenge Quest as I have no Merlin. (Tamamo [NP2], Mash, Support Jeanne // Kuro, MHX, Herc) I'm at Turn 30 and just got Salter to halfway HP on her first phase... Send help pls. This is a terrible idea...
  9. Oh no. Pls no. I still haven't gotten around to doing later Time Rift misions (decided to go back to clear Elite stages and beat a story map), but if this is how the Time Rift is then I really need to start upgrading my Lancer soldiers. They are still just level 7 (compared to my Archers who are level 6)! On the upside, I'm still really close to unlocking Angels! Soon... Soon... * * * * * Welp, I may have to start rethinking my roster. I still do not have a Luna, and if I don't get her today, I'll be without a Princess leader for my girls. Sure, there's a new heroine in the upcoming banner who also has a Princess faction buff, but I'm not that interested at the moment. So, what do...
  10. Man, I really need to pay more attention to FGO. I almost missed out on MHXA's story which was really, really enjoyable! I tossed what Tickets I had and 30 Quartz at her, but she didn't show up. Extra tickets may go her way if I get them in time, otherwise I'm still trying for that Ishtar fund for May.
  11. Welp, this is extremely useful to know. I was wondering what the "Begin Trial" button did. Now if only I had the spare Stamina to spend to progress in Timeless Trials... I managed to clear 4-3 last night using my mainstay team (Sonya, Cherie, Liana, Lana, Freya). Sonya, Lana, and Freya had T3 soldiers. My second attempt failed because of the cavalry trigger (I lost a crucial turn where I thought I was close enough to trigger them, but they didn't move). At least I got the "Less than 1 Hero Sacrificed" feat. My third attempt ended in victory after optimizing my strategy. Man, having T3 soldiers makes things so much easier. I still haven't progressed farther in the story or the Time Rift, but I'll likely get around to that in my next play session.
  12. Yeah, the fixed damage changes will help Freya a lot (as well as Bernhardt who can use Sever). Ledin may still be better overall, but at least Freya can be used now. - - - - - I'm still having problems with 4-3 Elite. I managed to clear it, but I need the 3* status so I can actually sweep the thing to farm Samurai Scrolls for Cherie. However, I'm wondering if I may be able to unlock Angels within the next week through the Training Grounds. The hard part is trying to clear Level 40 solo and getting someone to carry me through 45... Edit: On the Events screen, click the "Go" button regarding the update preview for some free stuff. I have a feeling we'll have to visit it occasionally as only one reward is available at the moment.
  13. Man, Youtube does not like Grandia II videos (or at least videos from a certain Youtuber). Anyways, here's one: Nightmare Village Milm ~ A Good, Unknown Anxiety * * * * * * * * * *
  14. Cleared the challenge quest in 35 turns, but I did have to use my Command Seals to pull it off... (And I just got "Update Data" as soon as I finished it. I better get that Crystallized Lore! Okay, I got it. Whew.) I went in semi-blind as I didn't really know who to bring, so I tried Jalter, Mash, Support Merlin, Kuro, Tamamo, Herc. Mash + Merlin didn't work out as well as I would have liked since the "Healing Effect Down" debuff hurt me a lot. I also didn't take into account Lancer Alter's Curse which countered my backline Herc. Still, I cleared it and I had the Command Seals to spare, so I'm not too concerned about it. Regarding the event, I may just skip the Shop CEs and Valentine CEs so I can just go for the materials. I haven't been hardcore farming for FGO and I can use the mats a lot more than fluff text. (I can always cheat and look at the Wiki for them anyways.)
  15. Liana's Dancer Egyptian skin is a lotto. I saw the full art via Youtube Video and sorta lost interest. It's a nice design, but not what I had in mind. // Regarding the skins in the video, the only ones that are of high interest to me are Sci-Fi Narm (Store) and maybe Summer Lana (Store Limited). Actually, after seeing the video, I think I have newfound respect for the Angel Cherie skin as it seems like one of the better ones, but I'm still done with the lotto. For whaling, there are Zerida skins (one Echo of Light, another Limited) that I am highly interested in, but definitely do not have the means to raise the money for them when the time comes. There's also the matter of getting Zerida in the first place and her personality as a playable unit. * * * * * Regarding Reddit's Crossover Costume Poll, they are now in the Finals. The three choices are Trails of Cold Steel, Disgaea, and Growlanser. https://www.reddit.com/r/langrisser/comments/argara/langrisser_costume_crossover_finals/
  16. Picked up the Gift of the Goddess pack and decided to give another roll on the lotto for Cherie's Angel skin. I had 4 balls left, which, if each ball had the same chance of appearing, gave me a 25% chance for the skin (Rainbow), 50% for Gold (Runestone or SSR Accessory), and 25% for the SR Spirit. I got the SR Spirit. Nope. Walking away, this is not worth it. While I really like the Angel skin for Cherie, she has been screwing me over as of late while Sonya has been picking up the slack. While apparently lotto skins are planned to have a rerun at some point, there's future lotto skins I rather save for. * * * * * Speaking of future skins, here's a topic regarding them on Reddit. Some are restricted to whale-tier, others are time limited, while others are gained from events or the lotto.
  17. No need to panic, it is still a long ways away. I'm just stating what I've heard from the CN server. If we follow the schedule, it may be around 5 months before we get the collab event (provided we get it at all).
  18. Just a heads up for those wanting Trails in the Sky heroes. They are time limited and will no longer be available after their event is over. So, if you want the characters, better start saving and/or putting money to the side to get them! We currently do not know if they will return at a later date. This is the first time heroes are time limited, so we don't know what will happen.
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