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Everything posted by Sire

  1. I just have 42M damage dealt. My current setup... Orion+Tamamo+Support Waver || Mash, (Varies, currently Santa Alter), Georgios ... gets the job done, but I still can't reliably kill the 6M, much less also nab the hands. I have been using JSND's Waver with the MLB Golden Carp (much thanks for the support!), but I don't think I'll be able to get any reliable kills in without a MLB Shana-oh (and this is with my entire team using Golden Carps) Only time I managed to clear everything was my latest attempt and that had a lot of luck with it (due to Waver's stun variability). Current strat is just to solely focus on banana oni while the team uses skills to manage enemy NPs. I swap out Tamamo or Waver for Mash when the NPs come in. * * * * * I guess I'm just not really feeling this raid event, probably because stalling for 15 turns is extremely boring and I need to do so many runs of it. I think I'll have to do 60 runs total of the 3BP node since I can do about 5M per run. Maybe I'll do better on the Saber and Assassin arcs, but I am not that motivated to farm unlike previous events.
  2. I stopped caring about min-maxing and all the stuff about Heroes. These days I just play with the characters I like with little regard to what nature they are and so on. Heck, I even don't do Arena these days anymore despite the rewards. (The stat increases still rub me the wrong way, but since I'm not as invested as I used to be I can overlook them.) Let the players mess around with their Master Reinhardts, Dragon Daycares, and their Firesweep/Brave Weapon builds. I still got classic Erika and Emphrain I can mess around with, alongside my Cherche, Kagero, and F!Morgan. Personally, I find Fate/Grand Order to be a better title. This is my story bias showing because I love stories in video games (FEH is nonexistent while FGO is a VN). If there is two major cons in FGO it is that their rates for getting new characters (and merges for 4&5 star Servants, outside of events) are abyssal, and their limited servants are really limited (some have re-runs, but if you miss out, you're screwed). However, raising characters are significantly easier as all one requires are EXP cards and materials to level up their skills and "ascend" the unit. I also find the events in FGO to be far more entertaining than Heroes, especially since most events have a hefty story portion and excellent rewards to go with them.
  3. Jeanne Alter is underleveled, but she still does tons of damage compared to my other characters. Either way, I decided to go with a different setup (until I get more CEs and know I can kill the boss reliably). I tried the Orion+Tamamo+Support Waver || Artoria Lancer, Mash, Georgios team. I did about 2.5M and got a Carp CE out of it. (Getting the CE was worth sacrificing the 2 Rice Balls and the 2 failed attempts.) Orion and company deal damage to the main boss as much as possible while trying to survive. Artoria Lancer comes in later to wipe out the hands and deal some last minute damage while Mash and Georgios try to live as long as possible.
  4. My plan was to deal 2M damage and then outlast the 3BP node. I never intended to kill the 6M on these runs. For my teams... 1st Attempt: MHX, Jalter, Support Waver (10/10/10) || Lancer Artoria, Mash, 86 Georgios (with Kayneth CE) 2nd Attempt: MHX, Jalter, Support Waver (10/10/10) || Cu FSN, Mash, 86 Georgios (with Kayneth CE) First try I did pretty well but my team died with 2-3 turns left. I think my problem there is that I killed the hands too early. 2nd try I think Waver was focused down by the AI and I got crit to death. - - - - - If I try 3BP again, it'll be when I have several Carp CEs and possibly with the Orion+Tamamo+Waver combo. Alternatively, it'll be when I maxed out on my CEs so I can nuke that flipping banana back to whatever domain it came from.
  5. ...6 BP down the drain trying the 6M, with two rice balls gone. First try was pretty awesome. I tried using MHX and my 70 Jalter to deal tons of damage to the boss (over 2M with only a support Carp), and managed to wipe the hands with Lancer Artoria. Problem is, the boss then wiped the rest of my party when I had 2 turns left. Second time I tried focusing on more on survival, trading Artoria Lancer for Cu FSN. My team got annihilated instantly and I was wondering what went wrong. Even my Volumen Hydrargyrum CE can't save me. * * * * * So, screw 6M until I am fully prepared. I just wanted to deal damage and then stall so I can get 2M from the 3 BP instead of running 2BP constantly.
  6. I've been doing the 2BP one with Lancer Artoria, MHX, Support Waver, Jalter, Georgios, and Medea. The general idea is Lancer Artoria handles the hands, MHX does single target damage, and Waver does his support magic. Jalter is present if I need another ST nuke, Georgios tanks, and Medea is my panic button. I want to start doing the 6M raid, but I do not have a Golden Carp CE of my own yet. I can try the Orion+Tamamo+Support Waver combo, but a part of me likes killing off the hands for extra drops with an AoE NP.
  7. Man, the grind for Ursula's quest sucks. I wanted to get that quest done before NG+, and she basically has me anchored here while I wait on the accursed Merc Missions and their timers. At least I got 80 in Vocals and about 70 in Soul and Looks, so I should be nearing the end of this... (Also insert mandatory complaints about Field Skills.) I don't know if I can take on Artifice Ophion so I can get those Block chips. I can farm Moon Matter chips from King Ken easily, but I haven't tried the other superbosses yet since my party is just level 86. Otherwise, I guess I can run around and try to fill out Zenobia's Affinity Chart so she can get crazy damage bonuses. It's a shame she doesn't seem to fill them out while doing Merc Missions (at least for me). Alternatively, I start looking into where I can get those endgame accessories.
  8. I got my 2nd MLB His Rightful Place! Much celebrations were had. As for the upcoming event, I'm not sure how I'll be handling it. I have Jalter and Robin, but they are not maxed out since I lack ascension mats and EXP. I guess I could try an ARTs team with Tamamo using Medea or Shiki as damage dealers. Alternatively, I do have my NP3 MHX, but I don't know how effective she will be compared to other options.
  9. Huh, a Monster Hunter game for the Switch? Guess I have another game to place on my wishlist. Hopefully my lack of recent MH knowledge (I only played Tri on Wii and MH3U on 3DS) will not screw me over too much.
  10. Welp, time to put Warriors Orochi 4 on my wishlist for the Nintendo Switch. I just remember I ended up loving Pang De in Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper, even though I have not played any of the Dynasty Warrior games. I found his moveset to be rather enjoyable and he ended up being my highest level character when I played WO3H regularly.
  11. Source for the datamine? I'm interested to read it further if there is any information. As for my response to it...
  12. 5-9-2018 Changelog * * * * * Currently I'm a bit torn on whether to focus my efforts on the Vindictus-like title or trying to sit down and start writing some of the script for the Danganronpa fan-game. I find working on the Vindictus title to be a little easier since it focuses more on game mechanics instead of storytelling, but I want to flesh out the Danganronpa project a bit more. Alternatively, maybe I should dust off my Battle for Wesnoth campaign Red Winter since I can actually make real progress with that and show results. It is one project I can actually "finish" in terms of gameplay and story, and if I sat down and properly worked on it I may be done in a week or two. However, I'm discouraged from working on it because I like to have all the pieces together before fully committing to a project, and I am lacking art assets. (Portraits for characters, custom animated sprites, as well as artwork for chapter introductions.) The lack of drive and motivation does not help any either.
  13. Funny, I was just listening to Despair Searching myself. It was a different video, but still!
  14. I'm still casually farming the Zero Event in hopes of getting another "His Rightful Place" CE so I can have 2 MLB copies of it. I had crazy luck before so I'm hoping it'll pull through for "just one more copy." I may end up spending apples if I don't get one...
  15. I spent all of my orbs on the Legendary Banner and got... Legendary!Lyn (A bonus and my first 5* off of the banner. I find it fascinating I got all the Lyns save for the original Lyn, and I wasn't gunning for any of the Lyns save for the original [Brave!Lyn was from the free selection]) Genny (I got spooked by Genny. I got like 4 Gennys on my roster and no Elise for Wrathful Staff. Maybe I should look at their natures and actually start trying to raise one. I love Genny, but I love other characters more.) PA!Inigo (Another spook. He's not my Liam Inigo, so I'm not interested. Actually, now that I think about it, I got all the PA heroes save for PA!Olivia. PA!Azura is amazing, but I like PA!Olivia more...) Halloween!Henry (He may be high on the lists, but he spooked me. I don't really want him, honestly...) Fallen!Celica (Finally, one of the characters I desired! I got her on my last summon session of the banner.) I wanted Legendary!Lyn, Erika, Ephraim, Fallen Celica, and Micaiah off of the banner. I would have loved if Genny, PA!Inigo, and H!Henry could have been a desired character, but RNG is RNG...
  16. I'll probably pass on the Genealogy banner since I'm broke on Orbs and need to save up again. (The Legendary Banner devoured my orb stash.) Ares looks all right and has some interesting skills. Lene's weapon looks interesting, but otherwise I'll just stick with Olivia. Ishtar I enjoyed using as a Spotpass unit in Awakening, but her default artwork in Heroes puts me off a little.
  17. The new stuff sounds cool. However, I don't think I'm prepared for any of that yet... As for my personal hopes of the datamine and future stuff... * * * * * * * * * * Meanwhile I'm trying to finish up some of my post-game stuff so I can finally start NewGame+. The sidequests are starting to get into "use a guide or you are screwed" territory as well as getting ridiculous with their Field Skill checks. (Did I mention I hate Field Skills? I hate Field Skills. Seriously, I send a good number of my Blades on Merc Missions and then I get blocked on quest progress because of stupid field checks. Also, Story Blades suck at raising their affinity charts on NG as I can't just ship them off on a Merc Mission so it can fill it out for me. JUST LET ME PLAY THE GAME DAMNIT.) [On an unrelated note, I think X still has the more memorable sidequests. Sure, XC2 has voice acting, but the writing in X for some of the sidequests are just that spectacular. I sincerely hope for a Switch port so I can replay X again.] While I would love to get KOS-MOS and try her questline before NG+, I'm probably just going to try and get Theory and at least finish up Dagas' sidequest. Defeating Superbosses is out of the question at the moment as my guys are just level 80 and I do not think I'm prepared for any of them. The fact there is a bug when using a "super special IV" with story Blades sucks. Besides, when I come back later during NG+ my guys should be far more prepared (especially Tora and his army of Poppi). Of course, being prepared and everything will probably be tossed out the window as soon as "Hard Mode" comes in, but I'll worry about that later.
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