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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Team Compositions & Unit Builds - MOV-Type Teams But first, an announcement! I updated the original post with the rest of the units. That is all. ...Poor attempt at humor aside, this time I decided to tackle the Cavalry, Flier, and Armor Teams - taking Skill Inheritance into account. So, to the spoiler! * * * * * Contents (Update: 3/18/2017) 1. Team Minerva II (Cherche, Hinoka, Palla, Catria) 2. Four Horsies (Reinhardt, Ursula, Frederick, Eldigan) 3. Newton's Mobile Wall (Effie, Draug, Hector, Gwendolyn)
  2. Oh boy, this is gonna be a bit of a post since I was an avid Youtube watcher back in the day. I toned it down a bit, but still watch a decent number of people. Favorite Personalities The Completionist - As a fellow "completionist" myself, I enjoy Jirard's content as he goes through completing various video games, as well as his general humor. Currently, the Completionist and his related channels (Jirard the Completionist, Super Beard Bros) are what I watch the most on Youtube. Angry Joe - Don't let his persona fool you, Angry Joe is actually a fairly good guy who gives his honest reviews on video games. It also helps he makes the reviews entertaining to watch by their production value and humor. // I mostly just watch Angry Joe for the entertaining Angry Reviews, but he does other content as well. Personally, I'm a bit concerned for Joe due to his toxic fanbase. Joe is a good guy, but having the "Angry Joe" persona may have brought in the wrong crowd of people, and I fear it is taking its toll on him. GameXplain - Not really a "personality" per se, but these guys are the newest addition for me. I watch them for their Nintendo news and discussion, and their other content (such as Derrick's streams) are fairly enjoyable as well. Smooth McGroove - Also not really a personality, but he makes awesome video game "vocal arrangements" on Youtube. Here's one of Gerudo Valley. Good Personalities Jesse Cox - Generally a funny-ish guy, I mostly watch him for story playthroughs as he is a story-oriented player. One of my favorite shows of his is the Scary Game Squad, which features some of the Completionist people (Jirard, Alex) as well as Davis from the Warp Zone. However, even though I watch Jesse, there are times where he rubs me the wrong way. This is especially the case when he starts getting salt while playing games (intensified or not). // Jesse Cox also runs a podcast and has an animation channel called Cox n' Crendor, where an artist makes hilarious animations based off of the Cox & Crendor podcasts. TotalBiscuit - My original go-to guy and perhaps the man who got me watching Youtube in the first place. Specifically, I used to watch his WoW Cataclysm videos before he transitioned into the video game critic he is now. My liking of him varies, probably since I somewhat dislike TotalBiscuit but like John Bain (the man behind the persona). This dislike may be due to his ongoing condition as he becomes a little more irritable and may lash out at the viewers, but I still watch his stuff on the rare occassion. Honorable Mentions The Yogscast (specifically Lewis & Simon, Hat Films, Sips, and Sjin) - I enjoyed their content because they were just a group of guys getting together to have some fun. Then, every now and then they would come out with something amazing. However, after a long while of watching them, I came to a realization that I was spending way too much time doing so (it became more of a chore to go through all of their videos, even is just listening to the audio). That, and all I was doing was watching a couple people get together and have fun. Why I should I watch others enjoy themselves when I can go outside and do that myself? I started watching the original duo (Lewis and Simon) around the time of WoW: Cataclysm. This was due to the collabs between them and TotalBiscuit at the time. I enjoyed their various Minecraft adventures and shenanigans elsewhere, but as time went on the magic just disappeared for me. // Hat Films have high production value and can also put out quality content, but their vulgar nature does put me off at times. // Sips may have become my favorite member amongst the Yogscast due to his laid back nature, but he started to play games that did not interest me so I eventually stopped watching. // Sjin is my second favorite (a part of that may be due to the other "iconic duo" of Sips & Sjin), because of his general personality and Minecraft building skills. // However, like I said, it became draining to watch them all. The Yogscast might have become too big for its own good. omegaevolution - Probably a lesser known personality, but he may be one of the oldest ones on Youtube (since 2006). I marathoned through several of his Let's Plays after wondering what Project X Zone was like (since I can't properly play it because my L&R buttons on my 3DS are broken). I watched through Project X Zone, Project X Zone 2, Valkyria Chronicles, Valkyria Chronicles 2, Resonance of Fate, Bravely Second: End Layer, and Odin's Sphere: Leifthrasir. Also, most of his Let's Plays are not commentated over, so it is just pure gameplay being shown (with some silliness thrown in on occasion). NicoB - I watched him fairly late, and discovered him after marathoning through omegaevolution's stuff. Specifically, I remembered an off-hand comment on how 9 Persons, 9 Hours, and 9 Doors was an amazing story, and I ended up landing on NicoB's channel with his personal playthrough of it. Shortly thereafter, I marathoned through all 3 of the Zero Escape games (999, Virtue's Last Reward, and Zero Time Dilemma), as well as his Steins;Gate Visual Novel playthrough (since I also heard that was pretty good). // After learning of Steins;Gate, that became my obsession for quite a while - watching the anime and researching all I could on Steins;Gate lore. I still need to get around to watching other Steins;Gate content (Steins;Gate Zero, the two side Visual Novels and the Drama CDs). Specifically, I'm hoping NicoB does a playthrough of Steins;Gate Zero so I can continue with that. knightwing01 - I mostly just watched him for his intensive Batman content and knowledge, but as I am not currently in "Batman Mode," I am not watching his stuff.
  3. Team Compositions & Unit Builds - Sire's Picks Originally taken from my post in the Skill Inheritance topic, it has been updated and revised several times since then. Now, note that my builds may not necessarily be the "most efficient," as I do like to mess around with gimmick builds or what just looks cool. Will I ever be able to fully complete all of these teams with ideal natures and perfect skills? Heck no, but it's fun to think about (for me anyway). * * * * * Contents (Update: 3/20/2017) 1. Askr Team (Alfonse, Sharena, Anna || Matthew, Viron || Alt Virion, Alt Anna, Alt Alfonse) 2. Sire's Arena Offense Team (Ryoma, Ephraim || Erika, Marth, Camilla) 3. Chrom's Shepherds (Chrom, Lissa, M!Robin, F!Robin) 4. Lighting Dragon Duo (Adult!Tiki, Nowi || A!Tiki 2, A!Tiki 3) 5. Carefree and Outspoken (Azama, Serra) 6. Nile's Angels (Niles, Kagero, Felicia) 7. Team Minerva (ATT Cherche, DEF Cherche)
  4. Since I make too many walls of text, theorycraft a bit, and like sharing my thoughts (instead of putting it all on lonely Notepad), I made my own thread! Specifically, this topic will be used to post my various skill builds (since I plan on doing almost every character) and also unit stats and comparisons. Think it like Elieson's topic, but a lot less professional and in-depth. This is more of a rambling and general guide to things. Please keep general discussion and questions regarding Skill Inheritance in it's respective thread. This includes asking for suggestions on what skills to put on a unit, unless one really wants an in-depth response from me for some reason. * * * * * Contents: 1. Original Post & Useful Links (You are here!) 2. Team Composition & Unit Builds - Sire's Picks (Link) 3. Team Composition & Unit Builds - MOV-Type Teams (Link) 4. Brave Weapons + Desperation: Theorycrafting (Link) 5. Brave Weapons + Desperation: Raven, The Brave Hero (Link) 6. Team Composition & Unit Builds - The Awakening Trio (Link) B: Adult!Tiki Team Composition (Link) B: Team Counterstrike (Link) B. Special Skills - Nino & Damage Comparisons (Link) B. Jaffar Builds (Link) B. Brash Assault, Guard, Obstruct, Watersweep, and Windsweep (Link) B. SP and Skill Inheritance: Mini Write-up (Link) * * * * * * * * * * Useful Links: Sire's Character Builds for Fire Emblem Heroes (Google Spreadsheet) - More of a personal (but public) notepad, I put various character builds on this spreadsheet. This resource is likely to be more up-to-date than the detailed write-ups here and is useful to just look at the builds without the walls of text. Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki - Max Stats Table - It also has various filters, such as Weapon or Movement Type, as well as sorting from High to Low or Low to High on various stats. (If you were looking for my original chart here, it is gone since the Wiki now has a proper system in place.) Fire Emblem Heroes - Damage Calculator - I do not know the owner or the source for this, but it is nice when running battle calculations!
  5. Sacrifices Man, sacrificing some of these units are hard because I eventually want to merge some of them. However, thinking "realistically," when will I ever get enough feathers to get a solid 5* team and then begin the merging process "for fun?" So, into the grinder they go... Subaki -> Ryoma (Swap) Beruka -> Ephraim (Defiant DEF 1-3) Abel -> Ephraim (Swordbreaker 1-3) Cherche -> Ephraim (Pivot || Attack 1, Fortify DEF 1) Chrom -> Anna (Daylight, Sol) Other Comments 1. Looking for a particular skill? Double check other characters who also have the same skill. They may have their "3rd Tier" unlocked at 4* rank instead of 5*. 2. SP Gain rather low? Take advantage of leveling up characters before unlocking their potentials if possible. Alternatively, merge characters together to get a stat boost and extra SP! * * * * * Also, I'm gonna post my latest theorycrafts before getting some much needed sleep. I discussed most of the details elsewhere, so I'll just post the skills here. I am unsure if there are any changes from then and now.
  6. Are we discussing Inherit Skill here or in it's topic? I did a small write up of random findings over there. Is it confirmed that Close Counter and Distant Counter are transferable? If they are, then that opens up some options I thought were restricted... Edit: Found my answer on the Serenes Forests news. Apparently they are transferable! Battle Cleric Lissa and Melee Thief Matthew are a go!
  7. Some random findings... 1. Kagero can pass on Poison Dagger to other users. 2. When learning skills, it does not take the entire skill tree into account. So, instead of just learning "Hone Attack" you have to learn "Hone Attack 1, Hone Attack 2, and Hone Attack 3." There goes your three skill transfer slots! 3. As DehNutCase has mentioned, the "sacrifice" must be able to learn the skill in order to pass it on. So, you cannot pass a 5* skill without a 5* unit. (Example: Frederick can only pass his Hammer + and Wings of Mercy 3 if he is a 5 star unit. Alternatively, if you want Frederick for Luna, then he must be 4* rank and must choose New Moon before also getting Luna.) 4. Skills can be transferred across colors (I was trying to give Sharena Frederick's Luna.) 5. Weapon-Type limitations are in place. You cannot give an Axe user the Swordbreaker skill. (Tested with Camilla trying to learn Abel's Swordbreaker.) 6. Unique Weapons (like Falchion) can't be transferred to other characters. 7.Svalinn Shield may be restricted to Armor Types (tried to give it to Nowi from Sheena.) Exact wording says "movement type limitations." 8. Cavalry Units can learn (blade) skills. (Went Nino to Cecilia). Buff Teams are go! 9. Hone Cavalry is restricted to Cavalry units. (Tried giving Gunter's skill to Felicia, an infantry) 10. Dragon Breath weapons transfer. (Tried looking at F!Corrin's Dark Breath to Adult!Tiki) ...and that's all I am going to do for now. Request: - Is Merric's Excaliber Tome transferable? - Is Linde's Aura Tome transferable? == I don't think they are, but would like to know as I do not own these units. * * * * * Welp, Skill Inheritance will definitely be slower than I originally anticipated. No matter, I can get a Swordbreaker Ephraim! Now, I just need to think if I really want to sacrifice Abel or wait if I can get a "throwaway Sully" to transfer...
  8. Still so much fear over Inherit Skill. I guess I welcome our Vantage Takumi overlords as I figure out ways to counter them. (Seriously, no one is intrigued by the fact you can make your favorite units more awesome? It seems everyone has their magnifying glass on the Arena and "OP Units will be more OP." Does no one play in the Lunatic Training Tower? Take a step back and relax!) Hero Merits for more Feathers? I'm on board, but I do wonder just "how much" Feathers we will be getting. If it's anything like the Friend's List feathers, I'll be greatly disappointed. New combat and objectives? Definitely excited about these! It gives my healers new life! Arena matchmaking changes? I look forward to using units I like (and having good team composition) instead of relying on base stats all the time. It's also nice they they include skills in addition to character levels, star rating, and merge count. The equippable item sounds nice, but I'm not really sure how it will be implemented. We already have some "items" (Svaliin Shield) as passive skills, and generic stat boosters are covered by "Passive A." // Wait a second, is this the return of Vulnaries and Elixirs?! Grand Hero Battle Plans have been intercepted. We are adjusting battle tactics to formulate a new strategy... (Personally looking forward to Zephiel and Xander!) Future Plans - Gonna go all "classic" on us? I got one Hype Ticket for the Hype train, so I'm ready to go!
  9. I decided to take RedEyedDrake's bait and started fishing for clues. I think I may have found something, as well as remembered something from one of the earlier chapters. So, into the fire we go! To preface, I am going to make this assumption: Zacharias and Bruno (and thus the Masked Man) are one and the same. Bruno is his real identity, but he took on the name Zacharias when he was with the Order of Heroes. There is one (possibly fatal) flaw in this theory, but here are my points. 1. Very early in the game, it was mentioned that Emblia and Askr were close a long time ago. (Paralogue 1-1) However, it did not mention exactly "how long ago" this was. We also do not know "how long ago" Zacharias disappeared in the World of Awakening. 2. Compare the armor of the Masked Man to Anna, Alfonse, and Sharena. Then, compare his armor to Veronica. Save for the obvious difference of black and purple versus white and red, his overall design is more similar to the Order of Heroes than Veronica. So, if Zacharias was a part of the Order of Heroes and disappeared while on a mission, it makes sense that he may still be using a similar outfit. (This is symbolic reasoning and not a logical one. Logic will dictate that the Heroes Trio will immediately recognize the design [and voice, and person overall] if this was the case.) 3. The Masked Man is affected by a condition, and may be the same condition that Veronica is suffering from. He is searching for answers, not only for his own sake, but also Veronica's. (Blazing Shadows, Part One) 4. Veronica may not know she has a brother (or he was never around) and thus may be why she is lonely all the time. (Veronica: "It's all so lost on me...sisters and brothers...families... All of it's so...") Her father was bloodthirsty and died during his conquests while she may have never knew her true mother (the first Empress of Embla). After the Emperor died, the rule was passed over to the second empress who ruled peacefully. The war started again when Veronica took the throne. (Emblian Empire) The Order of Heroes knows that there is an Embla prince named Bruno, but no one really knows who he is. Veronica does not really understand family love and is lonely all the time. If Bruno is actually her brother, where could he have been all this time? I dare say Bruno was in the Kingdom of Askr, under the guise of Zacharias. It was not until the Awakening incident when he returned home. 5. Reposting this again, but the Masked Man directs Alfonse to Veronica after 9-4 has been completed. He says "he is not with Embla," although this may be more symbolic than literal. Based off of new information, if the Masked Man is indeed Bruno, he is opposed to Veronica's warring on Askr, even though Bruno himself is an Embla prince. (See my spoiler below for the script, had to type it out myself.) 6. Another repost, but the Masked Man comes back to tell Alfonse not to search for Zacharias. Why would the Masked Man do that? This falls into my initial theory that the Masked Man is Zacharias, but if the Masked Man is also Bruno, it makes sense on why he tells Alfonse not to look for him. (The script for 9-5 is in the spoiler below.) 7: Now, here comes the possible flaw. The letter from Zacharias in Blazing Shadows, Part 3. The thing here is that Zacharias says the main villain is Bruno, not Veronica. However, if Bruno and Zacharias are the one and the same, why would he say Bruno (himself) is the bad guy? Here are some possible reasons: - The Masked Man wishes to protect his sister, Veronica. || We (the audience) know that she is being influenced by her bloodline to be violent. - If the Masked Man does succumb to the curse, he wants the Order of Heroes to stop him. || This furthers the theory that the Masked Man is Bruno. - Zacharias is the Masked Man while Bruno is actually someone else not yet seen. || While possible, there are too many Zacharias & Masked Man connections. Yes, the datamined name is Bruno for the Masked Man, but who says he cannot have another identity?. Batman, the comic superhero, has one, Gerome Bruce Wayne. * * * * * * * * * * The main point of the storyline is to more or less ignore the datamined information. Doing this will lean the player towards stating that Zacharias is the Masked Man. Now, if we take in the datamined information into account, things can be a bit more confusing. However, put Bruno and Zacharias together, and things start to make sense again. Think of it from a storytelling standpoint. If Zacharias was not the Masked Man, then we might have seen a flashback sequence already showing off what Zacharias actually looks like. Then, if use the datamined info, Bruno is the name of the Masked Man. With the additional story-driven Xenologues and Paralogues, I can see why the Masked Man can also be Bruno. Why can't he Masked Man be both? So, ultimately, while Embla are the current "bad guys," they are being driven to war mostly due to their evil god's influence on the royal family. The Masked Man (Bruno) is looking for a cure or a way to stop the bloodshed. Thus, the real "big bad" is that evil god of Embla, who will no doubt be resurrected in some story arc in the future and we fight it. // Right now though, we gotta figure out Veronica and the Masked Man. ...Is it wrong I'm enjoying Heroes' minimalist story over Fates? Halp. = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 9-4 and Chapter 9-5 Script are within the spoiler below. I had to play the chapters again since there is no documentation on the Fire Emblem Wiki or anywhere else that I know of.
  10. Looks like since the Voting Gauntlet is over people are starting to get back to doing Arena. Alternatively, a lot of people happened to get their hands on bonus characters, making them more competitive... Using the same team as last time, I got 4269 as my score (last high score was 4412). It was not a perfect run, so I hope to improve the score by trying out Deathless. Offense Score: 4269 Current Ranking: 18521 Team: Ephraim (173), Ryoma (174), 4* F!Robin (143), Marth (173) || Total Rating: 663 * * * * * At any rate, I'm looking forward to the Arena Revamp in April. While I hope to be able to to use other units, I am liking my Ryoma, Ephraim, and "not perfect" Math on my team. Given the meta changes, this may be the perfect opportunity to bring back my precious Felicia to tank magic units since base stats will matter less in the revamp. It helps she can provide some heals too.
  11. Gonna copy and paste my wishlist from a previous topic.
  12. I want Fog of War to return! I don't want it on every map, but Fog of Way is a nice mechanic and adds another layer of strategy to the game. It also gives Thieves greater purpose due to their vision ranges, and staffies can use the Torch staff to illuminate an area. As for Fire Emblem Switch, I'm hoping it leans more towards a Tellius style of doing things. I miss ledges, Shove, Canto, Base Conversations, Various Shapeshifters, Separate Map & Battle Music... Biorhythm was an experiment and I could live without that, and while Bonus EXP was nice, I do not need that either. Now, from what I am seeing from Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, the battle sequences and voice acting are definitely a jump up from previous titles. Specifically, the battle sequences there remind me a bit more of the Tellius games. If FE:Switch improves on Valentia's presentation due to more powerful hardware and provides a solid story, it may become the best Fire Emblem game yet! Too much optimism? Anyone? No?
  13. Also, regarding Zacharias taught Sharena how to wield lances... 1. Lances are Blue. 2. The Masked Man is also Blue, even though he wields Tomes in his current incarnation. Now, as for characters wielding different weapons, we have examples in Catria and Raven. Both wield swords in their respective games* and have swords on their person, but in Heroes they wield different weapons (a lance and axe respectively). So, it would not be too out of place for the Masked Man and Zacharias to be the same person, but there are still too many questions... - - - - - - - - - - * Catria wields swords in her original FE 1 & FE 3 incarnation, not the remakes Shadow Dragon and New Mystery.
  14. If this was me I would also want to know all of the IVs and natures of the units, but since it isn't... I vote Erika. I have Sacred Stones bias, and she also performs well as a support unit due to her weapon buff (+3 ATT to adjacent allies), Hone SPD, and Drag Back. It is also fun sometimes seeing Erika charge at the enemy, kill them, and simply dance back one space. Also, it's Erika! She has beautiful artwork and a somewhat fitting VA. She is one of my favorite units in Heroes.
  15. @Ryuke The story arc? Maybe. But Heroes will have plenty of other stories to tell, I'm sure. * * * * * My initial belief regarding the Masked Man (Bruno) is Zacharias. My reasonings for this come from the original Main Story (Chapters 1-9). 1. The Masked Man is not necessarily hostile towards the Order of Heroes. They do fight each other, but there is no real hatred in his actions. 2. The Masked Man directs Alfonse and company to Veronica after 9-4 has been completed, which is an "act against Veronica" even though he is on her side. 3. The Masked Man tells Alfonse not to look for Zacharias. This happens after 9-5 is completed. However, recent developments have put doubt on this claim. These are found in the Paralogues and Xenologues. 1. Apparently there is another prince of Emblian Empire who is rarely seen. This "prince" may be the Masked Man due to his behavior with Veronica. 2. The Emblian Empire has a cursed bloodline, and the Masked Man is searching for something. 3. The Masked Man does not seem to know who he really is. 4. Alfonse receives a letter from Zacharais telling him Bruno (datamined to be the Masked Man) is the bad guy. Thing is, we never see Zacharais, but we did see the Masked Man looking for stuff earlier in the Xenologue chapter arc. - - - - - Now, I really don't know. A part of me wants to say they are separate people due to Zacharias' letter, but it may still be possible "Bruno" and "Zacharias" may be different personalities in the same body (Masked Man). As it stands, it looks like the Masked Man is an alright guy, looking after Veronica (who is actually being influenced to be violent). We do not have sufficient information to really determine what is going on, but if I was to take a wild guess, I want to say Bruno is the good guy while Zacharias is the bad guy.
  16. Regarding Karel's comparisons... Name HP ATT SPD DEF RES Total Karel 47 43 35 25 20 170 Lyn 37 44 37 26 29 173 Ryoma 41 50 35 27 21 174 Above is information from the "Max Stat Chart," provided Karel's stats are accurate. Honestly, even though Karel has 3 less points than Lyn, I would rather field Karel than Lyn. The reason for this is his high HP. HP matters far more on speedy units as they tend not to be doubled (save for by brave users), and HP can technically count as "both DEF and RES." // Now, Lyn's DEF & RES equals Karel's HP difference (+ 10 DEF & RES for Lyn vs +10 HP for Karel), but the higher HP helps Karel stay alive longer and makes Reprisal more deadly. If we removed the Weapon differences, (Karels +13 vs Lyn's +16), then both characters would have the same total base stats. As for Ryoma, I just threw him in there because I saw him mentioned. Lobster Lord is Best Lord.
  17. Gotta say, the more I see, the more I like what I am seeing. It also seems they went all out with the voice acting, even voicing level ups and Alm's little "Dungeon Monologue" describing the history of the catacombs. However, it does seem I will have to get used to the different style of actual strategy. With ranged weapons being different compared to the Fire Emblems I am used to, I am not sure how to best maneuver my troops around. Hopefully the tutorial levels or the in-game guide can teach me some tactics...
  18. Round 20 [Blazing Shadows] 3* Donnel (+DEF, -HP) || 3* Beruka (+DEF, -RES) || 3* Nino (+ATT, -DEF) || 4* Draug (+HP, -RES) || 4* Jakob (+SPD, -DEF) Round 21 [Blazing Shadows] 3* Gaius (+HP, -ATT) || 3* Sophia (+ATT, -HP) || 4* Draug (+RES, -ATT) || 4* Gunter (+HP, -RES) || 4* Abel (+DEF, -RES) Round 22 [Blazing Shadows] 3* Wrys (+RES, -ATT) || 3* Saizo (+SPD, -DEF) || 4* Jeorge (+ATT, -SPD) || 4* Viron (Balanced) || 4* Stahl (+ATT, -RES) Round 23 [Blazing Shadows] 3* Sophia (+RES, -HP) || 3* Serra (+ATT, -SPD) || 4* Erika (Balanced) || 4* Subaki (Balanced) || 4* Jeorge (+ATT, -RES) Black = 3* Unit || Blue = 4* Unit || Orange = 5* Unit || Red = Reserves (Character Merging, Skill Inheritance, Retirement) * * * * * * * * * * To read walls of text, open the spoiler!
  19. I never played Gaiden, but as a "veteran" Fire Emblem fan, I am looking forward to playing it. I don't mind if Echoes sticks close to the original formula, but it would be nice to adjust some things if there were implemented poorly or if they could be improved upon while staying "vanilla." If the original did not have support conversations, I would not mind (and would actually prefer) if Support Conversations were added for Echoes. If Gaiden did not have Anna, Echoes can introduce her. As for Shadow Dragon concerns, it was a decent game. I had fun with it for a while and it was nice to delve into that universe, but it does not have the hook like the other Fire Emblem games do. I find it more of a "forgettable" entry to the series because of how simple it was. Fates, despite its flaws and heated discussion, still had some positive aspects and replayability to it. I believe Shadows of Valentia will be fine, and I'm not too worried about it. Now, if they start adding Avatars, Children, and everyone marrying each other, then we have a problem.
  20. I never played Gaiden, so forgive me if I suggest something insane. How about if Alm and Celica head over to the "Akaneia" (Marth's Continent) and perhaps wrap up the story of the Pegasus Sisters and Zeke? This is best suited for post-game, and maybe there are some postgame level foes over there (making it the "Postgame Continent"). I also would not mind an endgame dungeon for postgame, with an additional challenge dungeon (think Apotheosis for Awakening) added as DLC.
  21. New artwork teasers? Woo! Lucius: Still not feeling it, and I think I stand by my original plan on passing him. Rebecca: Oh boy, this one looks extremely off. She has the same problem as Eliwood does, and a part of me wants to say its the same artist. Jaffar: He looks okay. I much prefer his Cipher variant though. Priscilla: She also looks okay, but she looks younger than I expected. Maybe she actually is that young, but when I look at her Blazing Sword official art, that Priscilla seems to be a little older. Karel: This guy looks amazing. I may have to put him back on my wishlist of units due to the artwork! Ninian: She does look rather nice, but the artstyle is not exactly my favorite. Still, I too want a Manakete Dancer!
  22. @Arcanite I'm think the 20 Orbs from the Voting Gauntlet was a special event due to being the "first voting gauntlet" and not necessarily an indicator of future orbs. If we were guaranteed 20 Orbs per Voting Gauntlet (which is likely once a month), then add 20 Orbs from 2 Paralogues, (2 paralogues a month, bi-weekly), 9 orbs from monthly quests, and finally 4 orbs from logging in on Sunday, we get 53 Orbs a month. Then there is no doubt there will be events tossed in there and other factors to modify those numbers, so for easy estimations I'll just say we get 60 Orbs a month. That's not bad at all for 3 full pulls a month. However, I honestly think we will not be Orbs from future Voting Gauntlets, making the number go down to 33 Orbs, but I'll say 40 Orbs for easy estimations. This is what I would expect, although I will obviously be wanting "moar orbs." It is even more demanding for me since I want "perfect natures and a perfect team," which is extremely difficult in a gacha game since it relies purely on RNG. - - - - - As for newcomers versus veterans, it really doesn't matter. Veterans will have plenty of characters stockpiled to mess around with while they wait for new Orbs, while newcomers have plenty of opportunities for Orbs due to all of the story content. I am more concerned about the pacing of the game, specifically the hardcore players. When they have all of their characters up to 40 and hit the "Feather Wall" and "Orb Wall," what will keep them interested to continue playing? These hardcore players are the ones who tend to do in-depth analysis, run fansites, write walkthroughs, and generally show their support of the game. If they lose interest, other players may begin to follow suit. I also understand the "Orb Drought" is intentional to entice players into purchasing. I will admit that is one factor for my purchases, but other factors including supporting the game as well as trying to get favorite characters. However, it is a balancing act. One wants there to be a drought for the temptation, but not keep it too dry so that people lose interest and simply go elsewhere. I know I'll make a terrible businessman as I rather have a happy customer than taking every penny the customer is worth. Perhaps I'm just too generous a person... Now, for rerolling, one of the things I dislike about the F2P system is the prevalence of alt accounts and rerolling. Players should be rewarded for sticking to one account, not having multiple ones. However, F2P is F2P, and if there is a way to get an advantage in the system, people will use it. I need to stop writing walls of text. Send halp.
  23. In response to Sevasmios, 1. I'm a bit torn about this one. While I don't really use it, I find it interesting on occasion to see whatever people talk about in these types of chats (WoW Trade Chat, Warframe Chat, Path of Exile, etc.) However, I am a bit worried about some of the "undesirable elements" of the fandom bleeding into the worldwide chat. Since I am far more invested into Fire Emblem than other titles, I don't want the public space to become toxic. 2. Useful, but is generally considered the norm for chat features. However, Nintendo seems to have a "hands off" policy regarding chat, or at the very least restricting it. We may had MiiVerse for a while and there is the Splatoon 2 App that allows for communication, but I don't know if they will implement it in Heroes. 3. This may be fun and adds additional Friends List functionality. I support this idea. 4. I can see Guild Battles being similar to the Voting Gauntlet, where the player's leader is teamed up with 3 random characters from the guild and fights against an opposing 4 man team. However, I was never really active in guilds, so I don't know much about various "guild features" firsthand. * * * * * As for me, gonna repeat some thoughts. 1. Preparations Screen: I want to be able to redeploy my units and know the map layout before being thrown blindly into battle. Bonus points if they reveal additional information about the enemy, as shown in 2. 2. Detailed Enemy Status: I want to know more than just the color and weapon type of my foes, including knowing more than just the Leader in Arena matches. -- Are they Infantry, Armor, Cavalry, or Fliers? -- What Star Rank are enemy units? -- Are any of the enemy units merged? 3. Feather Costs: This may be addressed in the coming update, but a common concern is upgrading a unit to 5* ranking sucks. Either the cost needs to be lessened (common consensus says 10k is more reasonable), or more feathers need to be provided. As it stands, we now can obtain 200 feathers per week due to the daily login bonus and apparently it will be easier to get Arena feathers. However, as it is not released yet, we don't know how much the Arena Rewards will be modified. 4. F2P Orbs: This is especially the case now that the "2 Orbs Daily" will now be removed from Heroes. Currently, the only boost in new Orbs is "10" every two weeks due to Paralogues (3 chapters, 3 difficulties, 1 orb from a quest), as well as some orbs from monthly quests. Throw in the occasional "Event Orb," and we may have a decent number of orbs, but the question is if it is enough. -- Personally, I think one full pull a week (20 Orbs, ~7 days, 5 Heroes) is a good ratio for F2P players. Remember, even though players can get Heroes, they may not necessarily be optimized or at 5* rank. // Granted, weekly pulls is probably too generous. I expect 2-3 pulls a month instead. // Notice: This is for "new orbs for orb scavengers." The ratio does not affect players who got into Heroes late and have plenty of Story, Paralogues, and Xenologues to play. -- Random Trivia: Since February 2nd (the release date of Heroes), I have done 19 pulls. If we subtract 5 from that due to my purchases, then I have done a total of 14 "completely free" pulls since release. Let's say 6 weeks have passed since then, making my average about 2 pulls a week. This is obviously frontloaded due to the "Story Orbs," but it does suck trying to scavenge for Orbs after the initially supply runs out. 5. Orb Costs: Another concern for players (including myself) is that Orb Costs are a bit too high. While some still purchase despite this price (myself included), others refuse to do so unless the costs are lowered to a more reasonable level. Currently, it costs ~$11 for 5 random heroes. Players would be more inclined to purchase if the price was lowered to $9-$8 for a full pull. -- Granted, Orbs do more than just summoning heroes, but who actually uses Orbs for Stamina Potions, Dueling Crests, and Light's Blessings? (outside of those who have far too much disposal income.)
  24. Round 19 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* F!Corrin (+HP, -SPD) || 3* M!Robin (+ATT, -DEF) || 4* Marth (+HP, -DEF) || 4* Azama (Balanced) || 5* Kagero (+HP, -SPD) I caved in and spent another $40 on Fire Emblem: Heroes, putting my investments up to $80 total since release. Man, and here I thought monthly subscriptions were expensive at $15 a month. I went into Sibling Bonds as I wanted a 5* unit due to the chances, and the game did provide. However, it decides to give me Kagero, a character I already own at 4 stars, and gives her a poor nature. Be careful what you wish for, they said... Anyways, this is not a bad pull by any means. I finally got F!Corrin in my collection, despite her subpar IVs. Then I pulled a better M!Robin (+ATT, -DEF instead of +ATT, -SPD), although I would still prefer +ATT, -RES or +SPD, -RES. Then I got another Marth and Azama to add to the Archon merging pool. Kagero at 5* rank will be merged into my existing Kagero once I get around to promoting her (my 4* version is +ATT, -DEF). I will be saving up the rest of my orbs for the upcoming Focus, even though I did not obtain any focus character from Sibling Bonds after 4 full pulls. It's not that big of a deal to me, while there are characters here I would like, they are not "must-have" material.
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