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Everything posted by Sire

  1. So far, $80. $40 near its February release (think it was Deep Devotion), then $40 in March for Blazing Shadows. I was tempted to blow another $40 for the Hero Fest banner, but money is tight at the moment and I can live without pulling my favorite characters. There's always the chance down the line to pull them anyway. That, and when I spend money on Heroes, I don't seem to get any 5* characters. If I'm lucky, I'll get good skill inheritance fodder and maybe a character or two I actually want. I tend to restrict myself to $50 a month for video game money, and so far, even with Heroes, I follow that trend. Granted, my money spent on Heroes can easily be spent elsewhere for far more "value" (other games worth $40 can be worth hours of entertainment, more so if I pick up several on sale like on Steam), but I'm also one of those crazy people that don't mind spending money on Fire Emblem stuff, such as picking up all the DLC for Awakening or buying all three paths for Fates.
  2. Beat it using Ephraim (with Swordbreaker), Erika, Nino, and Ryoma (with Swap). // Erika may be able to be subbed out as she is just there for buffs, and Nino just handles the lance guy. || Ryoma is probably the only required unit here as he can hit melee and counter at range, while any blue with Swordbreaker should be able to do my Ephraim's job. 1. Get everyone in position to get buffed by Erika. 2. Move Ryoma to get hit by the Green Tome and Red Sword. // He defeats the Green Tome and damages the Sword. Healer warps on over to heal the Sword. Xander and Lance Guy advance. 3. Nino kills Lance Guy. Ephraim (with Swordbreaker) kills Xander. // Ryoma swaps with Ephraim so Ephraim can kill Sword Guy on the counter attack. 4. Ephraim kills Sword Guy. We finish off the healer. Was an easy Hero Battle for me, but it helps I have three 5-star exclusive characters (Ephraim, Erika, and Ryoma).
  3. @Arcanite Here's your Jaffar writeup! I should have BANRYU's post done later today if all goes well. Jaffar Theorycrafting D. Jaffar Deathly Dagger || Glimmer, --- || Life and Death, ---, Threaten SPD 1. Jaffar Deathly Dagger || Moonbow*, Any* || Life and Death, Poison Strike*, Savage Blow* 2. Jaffar Rogue Dagger* || Sol*, Any* || Close Counter*, Renewal*, Threaten ATT* Name HP ATT SPD DEF RES Total Jaffar 41 26 33 25 22 147 Jakob 39 29 31 25 24 148 Matthew 41 25 34 30 18 148 Honestly, there is not much potential for the Angel of Death besides his Deathly Dagger unique. Almost anything Jaffar can do Jakob can do better, even if Jakob has 2 less SPD. Jaffar’s good stats are his HP and SPD, but they mean little if he can’t do any actual damage. Sure, he can chip away at enemies due to the Deathly Dagger special, but that means he requires someone else to actually finish the job. So, I tried making two builds for him. I recommend getting a +ATT Jaffar, with the bane either being -RES or -HP. Jaffar 1 – Savage Angel: This Jaffar focuses on chipping away at the enemy’s health with Deathly Dagger and Poison Strike, allowing him to do 17 Damage after combat he initiates. Savage Blow lets Jaffar deal 7 area damage to opponents in the area, while Moonbow is present in case Jaffar needs to try and kill an enemy himself (Glimmer is pointless on Jaffar due to his actual low damage output. // If you do not want to run Moonbow: Draconic Aura, Draconic Fang, and Luna are decent offensive choices for Jaffar.) Depending on how you want to use Jaffar, you can keep L&D if you want him to deal some damage. If you are just using him for the damage effects, try replacing L&D with something else. Jaffar 2 – Guardian Angel: Taking advantage of Jaffar’s SPD and HP, this variant focuses on a more defensive Jaffar that utilizes the Rogue Dagger, Sol, and Renewal to stay alive. In comparison to Matthew, Jaffar has weaker DEF in exchange for more RES, allowing Jaffar to tank mages better than Matthew. Essentially, Matthew is a physical tank (although Saizo arguably does that better) while Guardian Angel Jaffar is more of a balanced tank. Close Counter is present so Jaffar can retaliate against melee users. So, Jaffar can run in, debuff the enemy while buffing himself, and then finish the enemy off when the enemy retaliates on their turn. However, feel free to put something else there instead since Close Counter is a rare skill.
  4. For the previous topic and its insights, see here. As for the Masked Man, my initial theory was that he was always Zacharias. This is most apparent in the main story, chapters 1-9. The only thing that threw off the theory was that the datamined name for the Masked Man was Bruno (which we now know is his "true identity"). Then I started doing some more digging and ended up with this analysis. Long story short, I still believe Bruno and Zacharias are exactly the same person. Come on, Bruno makes an apparent 180 and starts attacking Askr in 10-3, but then suddenly Zacharias shows up to save the day at 10-5. A part of me really wants to say Bruno is "acting the part" (with some of the curse's influence) instead of actually believing in what he says and does during 10-3. * * * * * I have to agree the best story bit in Heroes is the Blazing Shadows Paralogue (the FE7 Paralogue) because it focus on character interaction and actually progresses the story instead of the usual "Oh no, they did 'x!' We have to stop them now! // Good job team! We the best!" // Honestly, the Paralogues had some of the better writing moments than the main story, although it too had its moments (there was too much fluff, but Heroes is more about the gameplay and collecting characters than the story.) As for characters, I also have to agree with Gustavos saying that Heroes Anna sucks. Sharena is a fluffy ball of optimism while Alfonse has some backstory with Zacharias. The Masked Man is currently the most interesting character, and Veronica might be the second due to the Blazing Shadows paralogue showing a different side to her.
  5. Been a long while since I last did one of these. I was going to do a full team, but decided to release the detailed information character by character instead. So, I'll start off with the "mascot" of my hypothetical video game company, Crystal.
  6. Some old skills... Some new skills... A Slot = = = = = Battle Ready (Adds +2 to the Special Cooldown Charge at the start of the battle.) Makes units ready up their special skills at the start of each map. For example, Aether is a 5 charge skill. With Battle Ready, Aether will start out needing only 3 charges to activate. // Note that this does not change the actual charge. Once the ability is activated, it will need to be charged up like normal. Continuing the example, if Aether is used, it will need the 5 full charges again to proc despite its early usage due to Battle Ready. || Another example is Moonbow, a 2 charge skill. With Battle Ready, Moonbow is ready for activation immediately. War Staff (Allows staves to deal their full damage. Staff users only.) Makes Healers viable in dealing damage. Sealing Staff (Allows the usage of Seal skills. Staff users only.) Allows Staffies to equip Seal skills in their B slot passive by sacrificing their A slot passive. B Slot = = = = = Combat Healer (Allows the usage of offensive Special skills. Staff users only.) Allows Staffies to use offensive skills such as Luna and Sol. Works best when combined with War Staff. Disengage (Stops combat and retreats one space away from the opponent after the first strike. Melee weapon users only) Has a variety of uses. It can act as a hit and run for a "free attack" before retreating, or help keep the unit alive when on the defensive. // Note due to the nature of this skill that it will be difficult for the unit to retaliate as the hero only disengages and retreats from the enemy after being hit once. The only exception is if the unit cannot disengage as the tile behind the unit is impassable, thus allowing normal combat to take place. C Slot = = = = = Bond (Grants allied units with the Bond skill within 2 spaces ATT/SPD/DEF/RES+2 during combat.) As Bond acts as a “Spur” skill, a full Bond team will grant allies +6 to all stats during combat. // Needless to say, this skill requires at least 2 characters with Bond equipped on the same team to work. I would have made it a buff, but that feels like making (color)blade team extremely powerful despite the existence of the Flier and Cavalry super buffs.
  7. Q: Is +SPD, -DEF Young!Tiki worth keeping? She is the first Y!Tiki I ever got, and while I appreciate the +SPD, I don't care much for the -DEF bane. Otherwise, I plan on passing on Flametongue+ to her adult self for my optimal A!Tiki build. (specifically, running Flametongue+*, Bonfire, "Assist," D. Counter*, Quick Riposte*, "Passive C" // Of course, Distant Counter and Quick Riposte are in high demand and are rare skills, but at least I can start somewhere, right?) * * * * * After doing the calculations (Healer ATT - Defender's RES), healers get a "hidden penalty" by halving the damage dealt. So, for example... Healer: 40 ATT Defender: 20 RES 40 - 20 = 20 Damage (Which is normally expected, but...) 20 / 2 = 10 Damage (This is what actually happens. The damage of Healers are halved, perhaps not to outshine Mages.) There was detailed discussion about it somewhere, but I can not recall where it was and it is not listed in the first post of Ice Dragon's research thread.
  8. Desired Characters 4.5* - Effie (Never pulled an Effie despite pulling like 37 times now. However, I might have missed the glory days of Effie since the Arena changes, but I can still use a good Armor.) 4.5* - Ogma (I could use Noontime and a Brave Sword+, plus Ogma is sorta awesome.) 4.5* - M!Corrin (Never got a male Corrin, and he might be useful.) 4.5* - Reinhardt (A new addition, but I can use his combat abilities. I am a little tired of facing Reinhardts and miss the days of fighting Takumi.) 4.5* - Klein (Guy seems all right, and he is useful for passing on Death Blow) 4.5* - Priscilla (Sorta wanted Priscilla) 4.5* - Lachesis (Never played her game, but the character and artwork interest me.) Skill Fodder 4.5* - Fae (I need Renewal. I will sacrifice the chicken for Renewal 3! It must be done!) Honorable Mentions 3.5* - Laslow (Don't think I ever pulled a Laslow. I would be more disappointed if he was properly voiced, I do not care much for the replacement. His artwork is not to my tastes either.) 4.5* - Cordelia (I would be more crazy about Cordelia, but her artwork puts me off.) 4.5* Other Heroes - Lilina, Lukas, Merric, Lucius Catria, Est (Only got the free ones, never pulled either.) * * * * * * * * * * Characters I could use more pulls Frederick - I pulled Fredrick twice, but I could definitely use more of him for Luna and to get an optimized version. Fir - I only pulled one Fir, but I really want to get an optimized Fir since I love her character. Roy - I only pulled Roy once, but that was before Skill Inheritance and I sent him home because I had Marth. I really need to sacrifice him for Triangle Adept... Hinata - I pulled like 3 Hinatas before Skill Inheritance and sent them home because I didn't care much for him. If only I knew Fury was useful... = = = = = I thought I posted this, apparently it didn't go through or I forgot? Oh well, here it is again. Luckily the editor does something useful and saves the content...
  9. Choose my own Focus?... 1. Jaffar (Life and Death & Threaten SPD) 2. Klein (Brave Bow+, Death Blow, & Quick Riposte) 3. Cain (Brave Sword +, Escutcheon, Wings of Mercy, & Threaten ATT) 4. Hector (Distant Counter, Distant Counter, & Distant Counter) Needless to say, I'm focused far more on Skill Inheritance than the characters themselves. I would have thrown Takumi in there for Close Counter, but I find Distant Counter to be more in demand for my own personal units. // However, if I was to choose four favorite characters... 1. Hector (Come on, it's Hector! The unstoppable juggernaut!) 2. Ephraim (Sacred Stones was my first ever Fire Emblem game, and I am a proud supporter of Team Ephraim!) 3. Lyn (Always loved the classic GBA games, and I also do not have Lady Lyndis yet.) 4. Cherche (Gotta give this spot to my Awakening avatar's spouse. I love her character and personality. // Special mention to Elise for competing against Cherche for the 4th spot.) Honorable Mentions: Elise, Lucina, Erika, Azura, Selena, Fir, F!Corrin // Ike, Arthur Just in case if you are wondering where the other dudes are, I am waiting for Nolan, Duessel, and Mycen. Fire Emblem Heroes needs more bad*** old men. (I like Gunter, but his story arc puts a stain on being a favorite.)
  10. This is a welcome development as my launch 3DS is rather aged and worn (broken L&R buttons). I never really used the 3D functionality of the 3DS, so losing that is not a big deal. However, I do dislike the "accents" they put on. Can't I have just a plain black New 2DS? I don't need colorful buttons and the like as I find them distracting. A shame it releases in late July though. I would like a New3DS so I can play Echoes with amiibo functionality, and would like to pick up a Switch over the summer so I can play Splattoon 2 (among other titles). The lack of income is definitely not helping my case with wanting the new shiny stuff, so chances are I'll have to pass on everything until Christmas if I am lucky.
  11. Probably going to end up support M!Robin since I actually have him, even though he is not optimized. It's just a shame I have no one in this gauntlet that is actually a 5* character... I would go for Linde or Julia, but I don't have those mages. Leo could be fun just for the sake of farming feathers from ranks, but I don't have him either. I am indifferent to Sanaki, Merric, and Henry. As for Tharja, she may be a good unit (and is the other mage I actually have and is actually optimized for stats), but I still don't care much for her despite her overwhelming popularity. Then again, the temptation of "free feather bandwagoning" may sway me into Tharja's favor, even with the underdog mechanic. We shall see what happens.
  12. So far, I only manage to promote Sharena and Nino to 5* status. However, due to Skill Inheritance, I find myself just promoting characters on a whim. Sometimes I need to promote a 3* unit to 4* status so I can inherit a skill, and sometimes I want to promote a Level 40 3* unit so I can start training them some more for that precious SP. Furthermore, I started even training duplicates due to Hero Merits and inheriting skill transfers. There has been an increase in feather supply since release, but feather demand has also went up over time. Initially I thought the new supply was okay, but I would like to start building my 5* army at a reasonable rate again... * * * * * As for future plans for 5-starring heroes... "SS" Priority: F!Robin, ATT Cherche, DEF Cherche (Could use some more Greens, and it helps these girls are somewhat optimized with their skills already. I'm leaning towards DEF Cherche since I already have Camilla and Nino as 5* units. [even if Camilla is not optimized in terms of natures...]) "S" Priority: Kagero, Chrom, Hana (Kagero and Chrom have a 5* waiting to merge into them, with some "learned transferable skills" ready. For Chrom, it is nice to have Falchion and Aether transferred, freeing up SP for other skills. Hana still needs a Brave Sword+, but is otherwise performing well with her built in Life and Death and inherited Desperation.) "A" Priority: Nowi, A!Tiki, Tharja (Would love to promote Nowi and the rest of these characters, but they are not optimized for skills yet. I really need Triangle Adept and Quick Riposte for my heroes, and that is not counting the Close / Distant Counter skills I want to play with...) "B" Priority: Felicia, Jeorge, Ursula (While I have a bias for Felicia, other units need the promotion far more than her. Jeorge could use it so he gets his unique weapon, and Ursula is an okay horse mage who can't be obtained as a 5*.) "C" Priority: Alfonse, Anna, Jagen, Serra (Alfonse is hopeless, Anna needs optimized skills but will lack SP, Jagen is just the Fortify Cavalry guy, and healers don't really need to be a 5* unit to do their job. My level 20 Azama with inherited Rehabilitate does wonders.) Edit: It doesn't help I want to 5* Michalis, Zephiel, and later Xander too, but I need to get them to 4* status first (I focus on the 3* versions for the SP. I think one gets 600 SP from leveling up from 1-40 [8,12?,16,24] but I do not remember the exact numbers.)
  13. Holy crap, I forgot Dragon's Dogma! I love Dragon's Dogma immensely, picking up Dark Arisen on PC when it went on sale during last Christmas. I put 128 hours into that game, and hope to put in more at some point for my eventual Hard Mode run (did two Normal runs). Everything about the game is awesome, the music is good, the gameplay is superb, and some of the major sidequests were also all right. I loved the banter and talking that the Pawns did as well, both in combat and out of combat. Telling me to hop onto their shield so I can be launched to grab into a Gryphon (or Griffin), telling me background lore about the area, or even giving me hints on how to proceed. I could've swore my female pawn even said something like "Hydras! Why did it have to be Hydras?!" at some point, but I could never replicate that sound byte... (she was a max "talkativity" rating.) Some things I want to see in a possible sequel is... A: Actual difficulty - After the initial wall on Normal (the very start where Bandits and Lizardmen can easily own your party), the rest of the game was mostly easy once I got my proper equipment and skill setups. The only real exception is Bitterblack Isle which is post-game content, which is more challenging, but even it too can be trivialized. // I would like to see a reworked Hard Mode (scale the enemies better instead of nerfing the player's stamina usage) and an even harder difficulty. B: Keep the Female Pawn's voices - I grown too attached to my female Pawn (custom party member) and love the voice she has (I it was Voice 6). If that is set and they modify some of the lore regarding Pawns and their respective Arisen, especially if both are the opposite sex, then I'll be good. Romance Pawn Option when. They available selection are not masterworks all. One can clearly go wrong. C: If doing Postgame, go all out - I was somewhat dissapointed into going to Postgame content as the only major change was the road to the starting village to the main city. Aside from some special encounters in special locations, nothing else in the world changed, which saddened me since I could still steamroll everyone. D: More than one Save Slot - Seriously, one save slot sucks. While there are ways to get around this, I rather have it be included be default.
  14. While giant maps and massive battlefields definitely have their allure for the sense of scale, in practice the gameplay tends to suffer because of it. Of course, mileage will vary depending on the actual game, but in Fire Emblem's case, I rather take shorter condensed maps than super large ones. (I liked Radiant Dawn's maps - there was plenty going on at all times and provided a great sense of scale with all the battles going on.) - - - - - I tried making a giant map in a different TBS game called Battle for Wesnoth, but the gameplay turned into a slog and instead of being fun and "look at the massive battlefield and all of these units!" it turned into "Right, so I gotta move my army from one edge of the map to the other, and nothing really is happening in the meantime..." One can still have the scale of a massive battle, but just break it down in more sensible chunks. Maybe cut the battlefield in half and make the chapter a two-parter so the experience is condensed while preserving the "massive scale" somewhat.
  15. Round 34 [World of Shadows]: 3* Oboro (+RES, -ATT) || 3* Gunter (+DEF, -ATT || 3* Raigh (+DEF, -RES) || 4* Barst || 5* Clair (+ATT, -SPD) Round 35 [World of Shadows]: 3* Eliwood || 3* Sophia || ???4* Henry??? || 4* Sophia || 4 * Barst Round 36 [World of Shadows]: Oboro || Selena || Hana || Gaius (+RES, -HP) || 4* Barte Round 37 [World of Radiance]: 3* Hana || 3* Felicia || 3* Sazio || 3* Sully (+ATT, -SPD) || 3* Donnel (+HP, -DEF) Blue = Active Duty (Good or Perfect IVs, New Desired Character)Red = Reserves (Character Merging, Skill Inheritance, Retirement) * * * * * * * * * * Did some more pulls with the free orbs over time. I lucked out and got a 5* Clair (even if her stat distribution sucks) on the World of Shadows, but I still wanted to complete the rest of the focus. Needless to say, that did not come to pass and I got no one of real interest in any of the other pulls. Since I also didn't write these down, I am missing a character (likely used for inheritance, might have been a Henry, I do not remember). As for Oboro, Gunter, Gaius, Sully, and Donnel, I do not have optimized versions of these characters so that is why I reported their natures. The rest I either already have optimized or will likely be used for skill inheritance. However, I don't care much for Gaius and Donnel, so they are likely to be sent home unless they have a useful skill. In other news, I seem to have an army of Sophias. The massive amount of available Dragon Fang and Fortify RES is nice and all, but I really want an optimized Fir, Lon'Qu, and Palla that are also pulled at 3* to 4*. I really, really want to use Fir as she is one of my favorite characters despite having never played Binding Blade, but it seems I end up with mass Sophias instead... (I can also use some Henry for Ignis, and Hinata [who I had like 3 of before skill inheritance - they were sent home] for Fury.) I suppose my luck had to run out at some point, but the 5* chain pulling was nice while it lasted. I just really wish there would be more 3* characters to pull from aside from the original cast from launch, or if 5* exclusives now have a 4* variant. It would be nice if Lyn, Elise, and Klein could drop down and become 3* to 4* characters, like M!Robin and Eliwood (Lyn & Elise are personal preferance. Klein is there so I can start passing on Quick Riposte). Takumi, Hector, and Minerva could also have a 4* variant if only to see the tears in people's eyes so more people besides whales have a chance to utilize Close Counter, Distant Counter, and Life and Death 3 (although Minerva will likely keep L&D at 5* and pass on Ward Fliers instead at 4*...). * * * * * Past Pulls
  16. If Fire Emblem died off, I'll be saddened at the loss of yet another beloved IP, (Populous, Dungeon Keeper, Mercenaries, Star Wars Battlefront, Command and Conquer - all dead. Actually, I think all of those games died at the hands of EA...) but still carry on with the community discussing the classics and "modding" the GBA titles. In this scenario, hopefully some dedicated fans may get together and make an "open source" Fire Emblem engine and fans of the franchise can still play their beloved Fire Emblem, as well as new entries even if they are fan-made. Fan entries may include re-imaginings of the original games, fan expansions to the original titles, or straight up an original title altogether with Fire Emblem mechanics. - - - - - This is how Command and Conquer still exists. Multiple dedicated communities exist to the franchise, from OpenRA focusing on the classics to Mental Omega expanding on Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge, while Twisted Insurrection is a "what-if" scenario if the "bad guys" won the first war. Even the shooter spinoff with C&C Renegade lives on with Renegade X. Sure, all combined the number may not reach 5,000 active players, but the franchise lives on in the hearts and works of the dedicated fans.
  17. Holy crap, someone else actually played CIMA: The Enemy?! I definitely enjoyed that GBA title, even if it was essentially one big giant escort quest and the fact I had to restart the entire game because one of my characters was not strong enough during the endgame sequence (I forgot to upgrade the doctor's weapon and armor). I loved the design of Ivy and decided to use her as a basis for one of my OCs, but that is for another topic. * * * * * As for me, remakes or sequels... 1. Ogre Battle (Both) - Like Jedi, I have an undying love for the Ogre Battle series and am saddened that the series was never properly concluded. A part of me would like to see a remake of the SNES game March of the Black Queen, while I believe the N64 version visuals can probably still stand up to modern standards due to the aesthetic. 2. Xenoblade Chronicles X (Sequel) - I was hooked and obsessed with this game, clocking in maybe 100 hours in less than a week. There are so many unanswered questions and so much potential for a sequel that I really want to know what happens next. The adventures of Seth piloting the Black Hand must continue! 3. Warcraft III (Both) - Before I discovered how vast the gaming world was outside of Nintendo and a few PC titles, I mainly played War3 all the time when I was younger. While I loved the campaigns (especially the Frozen Throne Bonus Campaign), the custom games was the main appeal to me instead of the actual multiplayer. Nowadays I know what to do in skirmishes. I would love to see a remake or remastered version of Warcraft 3. If Starcraft can get remastered, I really hope Warcraft III (and II) will be remastered as well. Maybe Blizzard will even add a "proper" CG cutscene for the end of the Frozen Throne instead of having the battle with in-game models. As for a sequel, ignore World of Warcraft and continue where Warcraft 3 left off. WoW was fun for a time, yes, but the universe could use a soft reboot or a parallel storyline that makes sense and is actually captivating. 4. Gauntlet Legends (Both) - Another title I deeply cherished, alongside the expansion of Dark Legacy. The simple arcade style of gameplay and figuring out some of the puzzles using the switches is appealing to me. Sadly, the series started becoming more and more like Diablo and less like Gauntlet, but I would love a return to the Legends style of gameplay. Thing is, the play style may seem archaic to the modern audience and may not be captivating enough to do well outside of being a niche title... * * * * * I probably could think of a lot more, but I'll leave it here for now.
  18. Been fairly busy for the last month. I got a maintenance job during the night shift, it didn't work out, and I had to resign. So, I'm back to the drawing board on where I can find a source of income without losing what remains of my sanity. (A Psychology Major who wants to make video games and eventually found his own company. Good things are coming, they say. Honest!...) On the topic of Fire Emblem Heroes and my various Theorycrafts, I now have a Google Sheets document available for viewing! It is still in the process of being updated, but right now it contains more my own characters and the builds I use for them instead of the theory crafted ones. Once I am able to get myself situated, I'll post my builds here and update the sheet. The detailed explanations will be in this topic, while the sheet is useful for looking at builds at a glance. // As for how this topic will be structured in terms of updates, any revisions I make will now be added in the latest post as well as being edited in to their proper locations. Then, as an aside, I "reuploaded" my various written works to a Google Document instead of putting it back here in the Creative Section of the forums. They are not really Fire Emblem related, but if you enjoy "medieval bard tales," poetry, and some small pieces of fiction, then feel free to give it a read! Edit: @Arcanite Do you still want me to try and make those builds for Jaffar and Karel? I'm over a month late, but I can still give it a try if you want.
  19. Q: Does Renewal 3 stack with Falchion's self heal (Renewal 2)? I am playing around with an idea of a super-self healing Lucina with Distant Counter and wondered if it could work. (Currently playing around with giving Erika distant counter so she can tank mages instead of Ryoma.)
  20. Was expecting another Shadows of Valentia banner, but I guess they are saving Celica and company for the worldwide release, leaving us with Ike and friends. // I'll add Ike and Titania to my wishlist. Mist is all right (and depending on her rarity, another staffie who can pass on Slow besides Wyrs), while I do not care for Soren. While I am tempted to put on Defiant Atk and Vantage for Ike to mimic the classic Wrath & Vantage combo, his default skills (Heavy Blade & Swordbreaker) are too good to pass up. All that is left for me to see is their stat distributions... (Also, as a side note, it looks like they are adding the Tellius defense map. It seems like a high contender to that new game mode with reinforcements that was teased about previously.)
  21. Back when I was younger, had lots of free time, and didn't know how expansive the gaming world was, I would always finish my video games. It helps that I tend to absolutely love the games I wanted to buy - I can think of only five or so times where I regretted my purchase. Nowadays though, I have a huge backlog of games. I do intend to start (purchased but other games are taking priority), finish (beat the main story) and complete (varies, but typically means do sidequests, beat superboss, get all achievements, etc.) the games I do own. However, time and immediate interest deter me from doing everything I want to do. This is not even considering games I want to go back and replay at some point... For some titles in my backlog...
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