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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Magic - Magic is changed due to the effects of Terrain. Overall, Magic would be in an okay place, but those Arcanists with Mire are rather annoying to deal with (but doable). As for Witches, ever since I learned their teleportation pattern (they tend to target the outside of your formation), I would A: not field low level units when Witches are around, and B: put High RES units on the outer edge of the formation when possible. Witches suck due to the RNG, but I haven't experienced a Witch Sniper and I'm halfway through Chapter 4. Terrain - Terrain "sucks" because in Echoes, the terrain naturally favors the enemy most of the time. This makes some sense because the player is almost always on the offensive and attacking enemies on their home territory, whether it be laying siege to a fortress or crossing the desert. If there were some defensive maps, I'm sure players would appreciate the Terrain a bit more. Honestly, the main problem I have with terrain is the downtime when dealing with lava, swamps, and the desert. The bonuses themselves are easily bypassed with a magic user. Bows - I've been using Tobin and Leon a lot and they are acting like Legolas for me as they easily take out enemy archers and even a mage or two when needed. Enemy archers are annoying to deal with (especially when fielding fliers), but are otherwise manageable with a good defensive front line unit or a counter Archer. Weapon Triangle - It is not added due to the Terrain & Magic synergy going for Gaiden. Honestly, I do not mind its absence. Fatigue - I haven't really experienced this mechanic in dungeons because I do not stick around to grind, but maybe it'll start making a difference in the marathon ones near endgame or the postgame dungeon. I don't mind Fatigue, but given the choice I rather be without it. Let me use what units I want. Fun and enjoyment is more important than realism in this case, at least for me.
  2. Overall, I think I prefer the classic designs more than the DLC ones. A couple of them look pretty neat (I really like the Faerie's [Cleric's] outfit), but are otherwise a little too over the top and out of place for my liking. (Archer) - Probably the most outlandish of the DLC classes, but it does look sorta nice. (Cavalier) - Looks to be the most grounded out of all of them, but I could live without the helm. (Soldier) - More or less a classic Spartan. Looks awesome and I wouldn't mind messing around with it, but out of place. (Pegasus Knight) - As far as I am concerned, it is a Dark Flier. I do not mind this development, even though it fits practically no one. (F!Mage) - A dark female Mage it seems. Probably an excellent fit for Sonya, but seems out of character for the other mages. (Cleric) - I do like this outfit compared to the Saint's, so chances are I'll be having this on all my Clerics. (Mercenary) - I think I like this outfit a little more than Dread Fighter, but a part of me misses the classic simplicity of the Mercenary / Myrmidon classes.. (M!Male) - A dark male Mage, and apparently a summoner too. (Alm) - Looks fairly nice and the animations are cool, but I think I rather stick with normal Alm. (Celica) - It looks all right design wise, but it does not fit Celica in my opinion.
  3. I am at the start Chapter 4 and while I have been doing what sidequests I can, I tend not to grind as I am trying to avoid grinding for my Hard/Classic run. The only exception is when I unlocked the Dragon Shrine for Celica and noticed the Entombed in there. Valbar and company (Kamui, Leon) were one level away from their T3 promotion, so I ran and just tried to fight the Entombed. Thing is, they don't really respawn, so I avoided the other fights after everyone was properly situated. So, my mainstays for Celica's party are almost all T3 ("Celica," Mae, Genny, Valbar, Kamui, Leon, Palla) while Alm's group just has a couple T3s (Gray, Kliff, and Lukas // Tobin is ready to promote while Silque and Clair are 1 level away).
  4. I love the Steel Bow's Heavy Draw art. +8 Damage and +10 Hit for only 2 HP? It is great when facing enemies that the character cannot double or when one-shotting an enemy has better chances than two-shotting them. Also, I enjoy the Steel Sword's Sunder and Crosswise Cut. Sunder is a weaker Heavy Draw while Crosswise Cut is useful when dealing with foes on terrain (+30 Hit & +3 MT is pretty good!)
  5. As outsiders, it is easy to run with Alm on his side of the argument. I even sided with Alm as it is clear he cares for Celica while Celica seems rather quick to refocus herself on her mission. However, when looking at it again, Celica does have several reasons for doing what she did. * * * * * 1. She cares for Alm. That much is apparent during the happy reunion and when she thinks of him. 2. She had a vision where Alm died fighting Rudolf. The fact that she finds out Alm is leading the Deliverance takes its own emotional toll on her as she does not want the vision to come to pass. 3. Alm accidently ends up insulting Celica because he did not know of Celica's true lineage. If Alm knew, he would have apologized immediately (like with that happened when Clair got kidnapped and Alm said Clive was the cause, before learning that the two are siblings). 4. Celica is trained as a Priestess of Mila, and both Duma and Mila serve as the main religions for the Valentia. As Mila does have the power of a Goddess, it makes sense on why she wants to visit the temple and believes that "everything will be okay" as soon as Mila is met and talked with. Also remember that Mila's ideals are that of peace. Fighting should be a last resort or only on the defensive and not used for invading another nation. 5. These are human beings suddenly thrust into a situation. Sure, we can reflect, discuss, and do all of this from an outsider's standpoint easily. However, when put on the spot, there is no knowing what will happen. Things can be said without thinking, emotions can override logic and reason. 6. Imagine this situation: You just had a reunion with the love of your life after many years of being apart. However, things change over time and both parties have responsibilities to uphold. The small time frame where they met one another was still filled with emotional upheaval and does not leave much space for logic and reason. If Alm and Celica had a day or two to think things over and talk to each other again, things theoretically should have gone more smoothly. // At least these two end up getting their happy ending together. There are plenty of real life examples where that does not ever happen. Real life does not have Mila's Turnwheel to fix mistakes or strive for a better outcome.
  6. @SSJDennis I recommend... (based off Hard Classic and starting Chapter 4) Gray -> Mercenary (He practically always wants to be a Mercenary, I find it difficult to picture him as anything else.) Tobin -> Archer (Some may prefer Tobin as a Mage, but my Archer Tobin is like Legolas and kicks so much ***. It's a matter of preference - do you like having a strong early spellcaster that can eventually learn Physic or do you like to attack stuff at long range?) Kliff -> Mage (I personally love Kliff as a mage due to his wide variety of spells, and being paired up with Tobin helps a lot with his Hit Rates [since magic hit rate is locked.] I think I may have shown some favoritism towards Kliff because he is comparable to Mae in my current run [although Mae still hits harder due to her ATT]) Faye -> Cleric (While I personally run Cavalier Faye, I hear Mathilda is one of the better characters of the game and she is a female Paladin. Also, Alm has plenty of Cavalier characters, so having another Cavalier may be redundant. // As for being a Cleric, the extra heals can go a long way and Faye can learn the "Anew" spell which allows her to "dance" for an ally. // Another possibility is Mage for early Seraphim to help Alm's party deal with Terrors when they show up. // Lastly, there is Pegasus Knight as that class seems to showcase Faye a lot in the promotional materials, but arguably there is Clair as a Pegasus Knight and she shows up fairly early.) TLDR Faye: Cleric > Mage > Pegasus Knight > Cavalier Atlas -> Mercenary (I found the stat boosts upon promotion too good to pass up, even though I originally planned on making him an Archer. Then again, I really don't plan on having Atlas on my main team and Celica already has tons of Mercenaries, so yeah...) * * * * * As for units, I'll leave the latecomers out as they tend to be good when they join up, and planning that far ahead is a little crazy. Good Units - Alm - General: Aside from the villagers, most of Alm's best units come later for him, past mid-game. This is important as Alm's only other healer comes in late, leaving Silque to heal everyone unless Faye is made a Cleric or a Sage/Priestess has been promoted. Also, the best mages come around midgame for Alm, as well as some awesome Cavaliers during the late game. - Clair: Sole Pegasus Knight. She will require some training, but she can turn into a beast if managed well. // Clair is obtained early on. - Mathilda: Clive calls Mathilda a "Goddess of the Battlefield" and I can somewhat see why. She has excellent stats upon joining Alm and serves as a Female Paladin. // Mathilda is obtained about halfway through the game. - Luthier & Delthea: Pretty good mages who join up around mid-game, but Delthea has a special recruitment requirement. Good Units - Celica - General: Celica has most of her party around mid-game, with two units being unlocked late game (including the only Cavalier). Out of her main initial party, Mae and Saber are the main standout characters. Boey can be retired, although Mae can be missing his support bonus. // Honestly, I think almost everyone in Celica's roster is viable, it is more just a matter of playstyle and what group you want to run (Valbar's group or the Whitewing Sisters). I am mostly running Valbar's trio and the three of them are carrying my team when Saber is not doing the heavy lifting or when Mae is not nuking everything (with Boey acting as a cheerleader, Mae likes the +10 Hit Rate from supports). I guess I just find three Pegasus Knights to be a little overkill... - Sonya vs Deen: Do you want another Mage in an army full of Mages or another Mercenary in an army full of Mercenaries? I personally chose Sonya to recruit as she has some pretty good spells, and I could have used Deen's equipment sooner since I looted his stuff. That, and I like Sonya a bit more than Deen.
  7. 1. If you plan on playing through Echoes normally (not grinding but doing sidequests and dungeons), then promote as soon as possible. The stat gains and class-specific upgrades are worth the promotion. I have been doing this on Hard Classic and can handle most maps without relying on Mila's Turnwheel. For reference, I am at the start of Chapter 4. 2. If you are planning on Postgame content and like to grind, then feel free to get up to 20 before promoting. This is especially the case for characters who are not in the Mercenary line, as Dread Fighters can loop back to Villager for more level ups. In the long run, waiting until 20 will likely give you more in terms of stats.
  8. Finished Characters Ryoma +SPD, -ATT Raikinto Astra Swap* Defiant ATT Vantage* Hone SPD Ephraim +DEF, -RES Siegmund Moonbow Rally Resistance* Defiant DEF* Swordbreaker* Threaten DEF Nino +SPD, -RES Gronnblade+ Draconic Aura* Draw Back Fury* Desperation* Breath of Life* 1. Ryoma: The easiest to finish as all he wanted was Swap and Vantage. I am tempted to change Astra for something else, but I don't really know what to put there and Ryoma functions just fine with Astra. Galeforce might be fun, but that means I need to find a suitable character to sacrifice first... 2. Ephraim: My latest creation, Ephraim has finally finished his build. // However, it turns out that a Triangle Adept + Lancebreaker Ephraim with +ATT, -RES is better overall, but I'm fairly happy with the Ephraim I have. 3. Nino: Nino is prepared for battle! I chose to run Fury over Life and Death so Nino can tank Blue Mages such as Linde and Reinhardt. When I have no need for Fury or I need Nino to save her HP (like in defense maps), I replace it with her default +3 RES. Works in Progress Erika +SPD, -HP Sieglinde Iceberg* Rally Defense* Distant Counter*Renewal* Hone SPD S!Lucina +SPD, -DEF Blue Egg+ Glimmer* Rally Speed Swift Sparrow Seal RES Spur ATT* S!Camilla +ATT, -SPD Gronnraven+* Bonfire* Rally Attack Triangle Adept* Quick Riposte* Threaten ATT Chrom (+SPD) +SPD, -HP Falchion Aether Pivot* Defiant SPD* Quick Riposte* Spur DEF Hana +SPD, -HP Brave Sword+* Escutcheon* Rally ATT Life and Death Desperation* Threaten DEF* Xander +N/A, -N/A Siegfried Bonfire* ??? Defiant ATT* Vantage* Spur DEF Cherche (ATT) +ATT, -RES Brave Axe+* Dragon Fang* Pivot Life and Death* Lancebreaker* Threaten DEF* Cherche (DEF) +DEF, -RES Hammer+ Blazing Flame* Pivot Iote's Shield* Quick Riposte* Threaten ATT* F!Robin +N/A, -N/A Gronnwolf+ Ignis Rally ATT* Close Counter* Blue TomebreakerThreaten RES* Michalis +N/A, -N/A Hauteclere Blazing Thunder Harsh Command* Iote's Shield Quick Riposte* Threaten ATT* Kagero +ATT, -DEF Poison Dagger+ Moonbow* Draw Back* Life and Death* Poison Strike* Savage Blow* 1. Erika: She just wants Distant Counter and Renewal, but I am seriously considering about running Triangle Adept instead. Erika is more of a rally bot, and having Triangle Adept will help Erika stand her ground when dealing with Hectors and other Greens. 2. Spring Lucina: I just put her down here since she is a 5*. I actually don't know what to do with her yet. 3. Spring Camilla: She doesn't have any of the skills and with Triangle Adept and Quick Riposte in high demand, I don't see her being optimized any time soon. 4. Chrom: I'm having fun with SPD manipulation with this Chrom so he will be doubling enemies a lot (29 + 7 = 36 SPD). I can run Threaten SPD for more craziness, but right now he is just a 4* character and others have higher priority. 5. Hana: Just get her to 5* status and give her a Brave Sword+ & Threaten DEF, and my Hana will be set! Until she gets her Sword though, she is on the backburner. 6. Xander: Not the most original build, but it works for me. I am more or less going to play him like Ryoma. 7. Cherche (ATT): Needs lots of skills to be optimized, probably won't be happening any time soon. 8. Cherche (DEF): I am tempted to use Iote's Shield as a swap-in on her as it is not as useful as I thought (When archers are around, great! If not, it's a waste of a slot). I am thinking about giving her Heavy Blade so she can charge up the Blazing Flame faster. 9. F!Robin: Just a fun little build. I could just transform her into a Green Robin (-raven + Triangle Adept), but opted to stay with the anti-cavalry tome to save SP. It also makes her a little more unique. 10. Michalis: Has priority over my lovely Cherches because he is pre-optimized over my DEF Cherche build due to Hauteclere. Give him Heavy Blade and call down the thunder! 11. Kagero: Would be a prime candidate, but she lacks Life and Death as well as Savage Blow. If I can get Life and Death on Kagero, her priority would jump up because I already have a 5* Kagero waiting to merge into my "prime version."
  9. I just started Chapter 4. The storytelling (presentation) is great, but the story itself does have its flaws... (Spoilers Ahead) Edit: Remember that while I love the presentation of Echoes, Fates: Conquest and the Tellius games still have the best gameplay due to the varying objectives and awesome map designs.
  10. I say it is not the "best Fire Emblem game" because there are some issues with it (some map designs and BS enemies [Cantors, Witches]), but the presentation is sooo good! I can rave all day about how amazing Echoes is in terms of presentation - the voice work is top notch, the music is amazing, and the art is beautiful. The character interactions really bring everyone to life, especially with characters such as Gray/Tobin/Lukas and Mae/Boey/Saber chipping in every now and then. If future Fire Emblems takes Echoes and refines its formula, I'll be a happy man. Echoes is the happiest I've been with a Fire Emblem title and I love it more than Awakening and Fates (considering I started back in the day with Sacred Stones). If Sacred Stones is remade, I highly look forward to the finished product. To think all the music re-imagined and the characters all voiced...
  11. I went with the classics (save for Faye who I made a Cavalier instead of a Pegasus Knight or Cleric)... Grey: Mercenary - Grey as a Mercenary is wrecking lots of stuff on Alm's side, but I feel like Saber on Celica's route is superior. Tobin: Archer - Never count Tobin out! At times, I have Tobin acting like Legolas and he is just shooting everybody without a care in the world. Kliff: Mage - Went with the canon route with Kliff, and he appreciates being near Tobin for that useful Hit Rate boost due to supports. The Hit Rate and Kliff's wide variety of spells is pretty nice, and I feel like support bonuses are left out when doing unit analysis. Faye: Cavalier - I went Cavalier because I wanted a mounted unit and didn't particularly want a Pegasus Knight. I have her be a defensive Cavalier, so I throw her in front of the army as a meatshield. Her RES helps with dealing with mages as well. Atlas: Unknown - I'm leaning towards Archer for high chip damage, but I don't plan on actually using him.
  12. Q: For the "Blitzkrieg" medal, does it count turns rewinded with Mila's Turnwheel, or just the overall amount of turns to beat the final boss? I am trying to do most of the sidequests and explore as much as possible, but also am not really grinding whatsoever on Hard Classic. I'm just wondering how difficult the medal can be to obtain.
  13. While I would like to say I finished these characters, I am still missing confessions for two... Anyways, the first character is Crystal, who I already posted previously, while the Evelyne, Marianne, and Iris are brand new characters (although arguably they can be considered repurposed expies from other titles, notably Mabinogi and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles). All four of these girls are somewhat meant to work together as a functional team, but they can be separated and work individually (save for Marianne and Iris who are practically inseparable). Update: Version 2 is now available. Confessions for Marianne and Iris have been added! * * * * * Changelog Crystal - Carefree Sentinel Evelyne - Forest Guardian Marianne - Abyssal Guardian Iris - Guardian Priestess
  14. I had no real problems on Hard Classic (first time clear, no resets), but that may be because... A: I got lucky and didn't have to worry about Valbar's crew that much aside from Leon (he almost died, but still had a small amount of HP left.). B: I played super aggressively with a Leather Shield Celica in an attempt to draw away the enemies from Valbar's group. C: I promoted as soon as possible instead of waiting until 20 like I would for other FE titles (based off forum suggestions). Although granted, this is not really possible for this particular battle unless one farms the graveyard for EXP. Also, thus far (Chapter 3, beat Desiax as Alm, beat the first battle as Celica) I had no real reason to use Invoke save for some some occasions for out of curiosity and for kicks. I usually just let my characters handle everything like vanilla Fire Emblem. Shields are pretty useful! - - - - - Man, playing Echoes (and Heroes) makes me happy since Pair Up is gone. It was an okay system, but I find creating strategies to be so much easier without Pair-Up. I would not mind seeing Pair-Up retired and being exclusive to Awakening and Fates, but that is a different topic entirely. * * * * * 1. Dungeon Camera - I have to echo this complaint. I still have my original (busted, L&R buttons do not work) Launch DS and sometimes it is difficult to see what is going on. I have been ambushed several times because I couldn't see the enemy coming because of the camera (and because I was happily cutting grass and breaking crates). 2. Village Scenes (Opinion) - While I like visual novels and their style, I do not feel it fits with Fire Emblem. Instead, I would have liked a more open ended approach to villages like they did with dungeons (so being able to run around and walk up to people to talk to them instead of the VN point and click style). Item interactions can remain even if they went this route, see the game Skies of Arcadia as a reference. 3. Witches & Cantors (Opinion) - Well, teleporting Witches as just as annoying as I heard them to be. I probably wouldn't mind seeing this type of enemy near the end-game or post-game where I expect this type of "Power Level BS," but seeing them early as mid-game is somewhat troubling. Also, Cantors with their summons are rather annoying. So far I just had to deal with one Cantor, but I can easily see the chaos as soon as there is more than one Cantor on the map. Then there is the fact that Witches are apparently also summonable, so I am not looking forward to "Cantor Hell" some speak of. Give me Forts with Reinforcements like the GBA titles instead. Heck, I'm tempted to even say I rather have the "enemy phase reinforcements" that ambush you instead of dealing with Witches and Cantors (if they do ramp up to get insane later in Echoes). At least with the former players can plan around it after their first initial experience... 4. CG Cutscenes (Opinion) - While they look nice visually, the animations are rather stiff compared to Awakening and Fates. This is most apparent when seeing Alm and his generic army charge at the enemy. If the animations were smoothly, I feel the CG would have been a whole lot better.
  15. Played some more and now I am at the start of Part Three. There was an "optional encounter" in Part Two that was a difficulty spike on Hard Mode, forcing me to use Mila's Turnwheel a lot while I tried to figure out a proper strategy so no one died. Otherwise, almost everything was smooth sailing save for the fact I ran into my first Cantor (the summoning guys). I have a bad feeling about this in future chapters, even if allies can call upon aid too... Music, graphics, and presentation are still amazing as always. Now that I've been though Celica's route, I have to say I tend to like Alm's party a little more. Sure, Celica has Saber and Mae, but Alm has Gray, Tobin, Lukas, and even the rest of his roster like Forsyth and Python. While I love all the characters (even Leon, whose character type I am normally indifferent too), I just find Alm's party to be more likable overall. In addition, I love the Dungeons, but the more I play, the more I begin to realize that the novelty of the "VN" village scenes is wearing off on me. I would have prefered an open ended style for villages like the Dungeon system, while keeping intact the character commentary on various objects like in the "VN" mode. (Skies of Arcadia comes to mind.) While I like VNs, as a whole it does seem a little out of place in a Fire Emblem game, not to mention it does not seem as polished as everything else. Also, I absolutely love the Memory Prisms. Even as something as two characters talking in the woods (Foryth and Python) focused on why they are joining the Deliverance is amazing. Echoes nails down character interactions like in the GBA titles, and the voice acting sells everything - even if the support conversations may seem a little on the short side. I do love the "Echoes Base Conversations," but those are more character monologues than character interacting with one another like the Tellius games. I want to see more interaction! Lastly, I love the maturity and humor of this title. Boey drooling over a maid offering "thanks" after Celica's party is gold, as well as Mae's and eventually Saber's reaction. They bring back the slaver aspect which does make the world feel like a darker and more realistic "medieval fantasy" setting instead of a more idealized one in the more recent titles (Awakening, Fates).
  16. It's a nice way to "reset" an encounter or a bad play instead of plain out restarting the entire game (or chapter) over again. The most mileage I got out of it is when facing the optional Necrodragons on Celica's route as they have insane Movement and deal tons of damage. (I made the mistake of fielding everyone, should've took the hint and left some people on the boat.) I like it and would not mind seeing a similar mechanic return to future titles. Sure, it may make classic mode a "little easier," but ironman enthusiasts can easily get by without using it whatsoever. I personally like the option, since I tend to reset anyway as soon as someone dies or if I do not get the best outcome (such as having an NPC die).
  17. Just in case anyone missed their feedback since I edited my original post, here is the post in question. It covers DarkLordIvy characters, ILikeKirby's Revised Kirbys, and Ludrert's heroes. As this thread has been blazing along as of late, I'm gonna sit back for a while and enjoy Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia instead. Hopefully I'll be able to get back properly on Sunday and post four more OCs that are all meant to be on the same team.
  18. Loving it thus far. I think I put 2 hours into it and I'm still at the very beginning trying to do side quests on Hard Classic. The presentation is top-notch, and I absolutely love the voice acting and music. Gameplay wise, everything seems tame, but that is just because I am still in the early game. I wonder how my opinion will change once I start getting into the later chapters where the flaws may become much more prevalent. (Also, all my characters are on their "canon classes." I don't know what Faye's is, but I made her a Cavalier instead of a Pegasus Knight. I was tempted to make her a Mercenary though for the lols.) Also, I had one of those "rare Dungeon Super Mobs" show up on my second visit to the Thieves Shrine to give the Brigands a thrashing. I ran into it my first time and I had to go back to a previous save because how powerful they are. I couldn't even last long enough in battle to retreat proper...
  19. Feedback time! Also, in addition to the feedback, I'm also updating the first post again with links to the revised characters and new heroes. (Halp...) Nightmayre's Characters BANRYU's Characters I'll get back to the other characters (ILikeKirby's Revised Kirby Heroes, DarkLordIvy's characters, and Ledrerts' revised Heroes) later. Seems like I'm being called upon once again... Edit: Back to our scheduled feedback stuffs... (Also, added in the quote feedback for Allison. It was initially missing.) DarkLordIvy's Characters ILikeKirbys' Characters Ledrert's Characters
  20. Response to Nightmayre's Feedback (Dawnbreaker) I was going to try do so some character analysis here, but it seems like I got other stuff to do at the moment, so that will have to wait. So, I'll put in my feedback for Innes and Tana later, as well as do something for BANRYU's heroes.
  21. (And now for something completely different...) Looks like the only way to get ranked in Cumulative is to side with whoever has the disadvantage so they can take advantage of the multiplier. I managed to show up for a multiplier once, but only got one round in (since I was Team!Robin the entire time.) Then again, I wasn't using a Robin for pure optimization since I didn't have a 5* Robin, so I just did other stuff instead. Getting a good Cumulative score is better than just winning a mere 500 feathers for winning rounds 1 and 2 (for 1,000 total). Not only that, but taking advantage of the multipliers will also increase one's own personal score for that round, earning yet even more feathers. So, I guess for maximum feather gain, side with the "losing side," and exploit the multiplier if the mechanic decides to stay around. As for the mechanic itself, while the numbers were closer, I really didn't feel any "epic battle" when I was tagging along Team Robin. Maybe I just wasn't paying as much attention to this gauntlet like I did with Ephraim, but I still feel Ephraim vs Chrom was the best thing ever and may not be repeated again...
  22. Thanks for the responses, Nightmayre! Here are the reasons why I did the things I did, alongside some more revisions based off your feedback. For Moonlight, the key here is to compare it to other 2-range legendary tomes as I made it Marcus' personal tome (even though it was generic in Awakening. Previous iterations borrowed more from the Awakening counterpart, such as the +10 heal.) So, for some comparisons... Name MT Range Effects Moonlight 14 2 After a battle initiated by the user, user recovers 7 HP Aura 14 2 Restores 5 HP to adjacent allies after any combat this unit initiates. Brynhildr 14 2 If unit initiates attack, restricts foe's next-turn movement to 1 space or less. Cymbeline 14 2 Grants adjacent allies Atk+4 through their next actions after any combat this unit initiates. Excalibur 14 2 Effective against flying units. Ragnarok 14 2 If unit has 100% HP at the start of combat, unit receives Atk/Spd +5. If attacking, unit will receive 5 damage after combat. The closest thing Moonlight would come to is Linde's Aura. However, Linde heals nearby allies (allowing for a potential 15 HP heal a turn) while Marcus only affects himself. However, I will concede that 7 HP is probably still a bit much since it is a guaranteed heal every time Marcus attacks. I'll reduce the recovery from 7 HP to 6 HP instead (so it is +2 heals from the Eggs). The MT will remain the same at 14 to remain as a "Legendary Tome." As for his backstory, he has a full on recruitment chapter for his Awakening and Fates counterpart, full dialogue (includes all the misc stuff such as managing shops and DLC quotes), and even some support conversations! While each incarnation is not exactly the same person, the general idea carries through per iteration of Marcus. If you enjoy his character, I recommend checking out the full write-ups for Awakening and Fates. (I will probably end up doing one for Echoes too once I get my hands on it and become familiar with its mechanics.) Dawnbreaker has always been a point of contention, and for the longest time I went with the motto of "Legendary Weapons are OP, so it doesn't matter." The biggest detail that calls to my attention is the existence of built-in Distant Counter on weapons, as well as how powerful Falchions can be. So, doing a comparison for Dawnbreaker... Name MT Range Effect Dawnbreaker 14 1 Deals damage to opponents DEF or RES, whichever is lower. Gradivus 16 1 Enables counterattack regardless of distance if this unit is attacked. Ragnell 16 1 Enables counterattack regardless of distance if this unit is attacked. Raijinto 16 1 Enables counterattack regardless of distance if this unit is attacked. Siegfried 16 1 Enables counterattack regardless of distance if this unit is attacked. Durandal 16 1 Grants Atk+4 during combat if unit initiates attack. Yato 16 1 Grants Spd+4 during combat if unit initiates attack. Eckesachs 16 1 Inflicts Def-4 on foes within 2 spaces through their next actions at the start of each turn. Fensalir 16 1 Inflicts Atk-4 on foes within 2 spaces through their next actions at the start of each turn. Hauteclere 16 1 Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Mystletainn 16 1 Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Sieglinde 16 1 Grants adjacent allies Atk+3 through their next actions at the start of each turn. Siegmund 16 1 Grants adjacent allies Atk+3 through their next actions at the start of each turn. ---------- Fólkvangr 16 1 Grants Atk+5 at start of turn if unit's HP ≤ 50%. Tyrfing 16 1 Grants Def+4 in battle if unit's HP ≤ 50%. Sol Katti 16 1 If wielder initiates attack at HP ≤ 50%, any follow-up occurs immediately. Armads 16 1 Unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack when attacked at HP ≥ 80%. Binding Blade 16 1 Grants Def/Res+2 when this unit is attacked. Falchion 16 1 Effective against dragons. At the start of every third turn, unit recovers 10 HP. Nóatún 16 1 Unit may move adjacent to any ally when HP ≤ 40% Dawnbreaker has its unique special, but because of how powerful it is, it suffers 2 MT in comparison to other legendary weapons who all have 16 MT. In terms of power level, I compare Dawnbreaker (the DEF or RES effect) to be more powerful than Distant Counter, which is why I had the damage nerfed by 2 MT. Now, when we start thinking of synergies, I foresee that Dawnbreaker + Distant Counter + Vantage would be hell on Zenith (the world of FE: Heroes). Due to this alone, I will lower the MT from 14 to 12, but the effect will remain the same. See above for Dawnbreaker. Long story short, it will become a 12 MT weapon instead of 14 MT, but keeps the same effects. Tome of Tyr, the A skill, is a permanent -1 to special trigger, yes. However, I will be adding a condition with the skill so it does not stack with Killer Weapons or similar effects (so no "always active" Moonbow or Reprisal.) Also, keep in mind as it is an "A" skill, players will lose out on "counter" skills as well as any "-blow" and Life and Death to get the -1 to special trigger. Honestly, think of it as a different version of Heavy Blade. As for Legendbreaker, I will be nerfing it in terms of HP thresholds so it is more in line with Quick Riposte (90%, 80%, 70%) instead of the current "Breaker" skills (90%, 75%, 50%) However, I will be keeping its functionality the same. There has to be some counter to the prevalence of legendary units in the meta, and this skill should promote running normal units (or legendary units with normal weapons) more. I would like to do the "Swordreaver Axe," but given the way Heroes is currently set up I don't think IS wants to have anything that really breaks the triangle. FE: Heroes is more of a casual FE experience after all and players may not want to be surprised by a weapon that breaks the triangle. (says the person who is still advocating for Legendbreaker which breaks everything.) * * * * * Anyways, thanks for all the comments! I look forward to your future creations!
  23. I always do full summons (up to 42 total pulls now), save for one exception where I desperately tried to do a 3 orb summon since I had a really high 5* rate and the banner would expire. I got no 5-stars that day... For the most part, I always end up summoning on every major banner release with new characters. For previous character, I tried Hero Fest (failed to get anyone) and one of the Sibling Bonds (got Erika!). If I get a new character I like, that is awesome. If I get an optimized character, things are good. If I get Skill Inheritance fodder, the summoning was not a waste. Otherwise, I'll be a sad man.
  24. I highly reccomend Days of Ruin / Dark Conflict. It has the best gameplay (and an okay story) out of all the Advance Wars titles. However, it does differ from the traditional Advance Wars formula with it's COs and their powers. Also, the art direction is different as well (and it took a lot of getting used to initially since I played the others.) [Trivia: Depending on what version one purchases, the English script will be different. Days of Ruin was localized for NA while Dark Conflict for EU, and both translations took their own liberties with the dialogue. Essentially, one can get two separate versions fo the same story.] Even though you say you are not interested in Dual Strike, I would put that game as my second recommendation as it more or less has everything from the first and second games aside from their respective campaigns and balance. Now, for the first or second game, I personally prefer the first Advance Wars since the story missions seem to be more varied. Black Hole Rising seems to focus far more on standard "build an army from nothing and attack" - essentially being a glorified skirmish, but I never managed to finish the 2nd title. So, in order of recommendation... 1. Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict (Most balanced out of all of them, has an excellent map editor compared to the previous.) 2. Dual Strike (Has the units and COs from 1 & 2, but also adds additional stuff. There is tons of content in here!) 3. Advance Wars (The original title. Goes back to the basics, but I like the charm of the original Advance Wars.) 4. Black Hole Rising (More of a matter of taste - I just don't care much for the glorified skirmish maps in the campaign.)
  25. For calculations, looks like the new people are up (Celica, Boey, Mae, Genny). Go nuts. Link: https://rocketmo.github.io/feh-damage-calc/ * * * * * * * * * Trivia: Neutral!Celica with Life and Death 3 has... 101 Wins 3 Losses (Odin, Kagero, Linde) 25 Draws (mostly against Blues, to be expected due to weapon triangle disadvantage)
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