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Everything posted by Sire

  1. I know that. I guess I am simply overestimating the ability for most players to have a decent "B" team, and/or underestimating players who have a solid bulldozer team that can handle everything. I do not have the luxury of a bulldozer team, so I'm stuck with the cards I've been dealt. Running two teams for me makes sense, but I guess I'm in the minority.
  2. Congratulations on your perfect run!
  3. On the filler bonus team, Ardent Sacrifice + Marth does a decent enough job at keeping people up. I try to use a 2-Team system, using the filler team to get through as much as possible (ideally to round 4) before moving on to my main team*. If I were to make a change, I could try subbing out Marth for Serra for better heals all around, but this is supposed to be a "quick clear, filler team." They are meant to be replaced at some point as I do not have a good 5* that I can incorporate into my main team. (A 5-Star Lucina would work wonders, but I do not have one. Tharja would probably be my best bet, but the one I have is +ATT, -DEF and is just a 4*. That, and Nino is superior to Tharja,) As for running a healer on my main, the only healer I really have of use is a 4*-Star, Highly Inherited, Lvl 33 Azama (I placed lots of staffie skills on him such as the various assists and specials, but he still lacks proper passives. However, he does has Rehabilitate.) Thing is, if I do run him, I am not sure who to replace since everyone plays an important role... As for the general tips... Anyways, thanks for the tips! I'll see if I can swap out Ryoma or Erika for a Healer and see how I fare. - - - - - * I don't understand the fascination with "immediately surrender and solo everything with one team." Ideally, there should be a one team solo in the first place, but if one needs to field a second team for the bonus unit, why not go full out with it? Use the second team to one's advantage and to offload some of the earlier chapters so the main team can start fresh about halfway in. Using the second team merely to field the bonus and then surrender seems like a waste if one has the resources to somewhat outfit a "B" Team. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = That sounds like a good team composition. Ephraim provides the buffs and physical bulk while Nino and Tharja nuke things. Genny heals, but she can also nuke things due to Wrathful Staff (unless that was swapped out). I could run something similar if I ran... 1. Buff Ephraim (Probably Fortify DEF, although if solo he may want Hone SPD. If only he had lots of SP and I had proper SI fodder...) 2. Nino (The character I do have fully outfitted and can actually use. +SPD, -RES, Draconic Aura, Drag Back, Fury, Desperation, and Breath of Life. Nino does her best!) 3. 5* Tharja (Mine already has Desperation, she just needs Robin Life and Death to "complete" her build. Sadly, my Tharja is a mere 4* and there is no L&D3 in sight, and she would appreciate the extra polish with her other skills.) 4. 5* Azama (The healer I put the most effort into, but he really needs passives and an upgrade to 5-star status.) Thing is, I lack the feathers to promote Tharja and she would really appreciated L&D3. Azama I can leave as a 4-Star as he is but a healbot, but outfitting him will help immensely with his survivability.
  4. It seems I do not have any sort of tactical superiority. Ever since my first run, instead of improving, I have been doing worse. It doesn't help I do not have an optimized team outside of Ephraim, Erika, Nino, and Ryoma, and they can only handle so much compared to better compositions. (I currently have 2582 points over 5 or 6 runs, with one or two total losses.) Team Bonus Filler - Tharja, Sharena, Marth, Camilla (These guys do as much as they can to offload the burden for my main team. Marth is a healer of sorts with Ardent Sacrifice.) Main Team - Ephraim, Erika, Nino, Ryoma (My general go-to team to handle everything. Thing is, they can't always handle everything here and they greatly depend on each other for synergy. Should one character fall, the entire team basically dies. Nino has Breath of Life to keep HP up.) The Last Resort - Alfonse, 4* Olivia, 4* F!Robin, Extra (Typically used for the finale, with F!Robin attempting to handle Ursula and Reinhardt when they appear and attempt to salvage some form of victory for these runs. The "Extra" slot depends on what is on the final map at the time.) So, I am at wit's end and am finding the Tempest Trials more frustrating than challenging. A sample of my roster is in the spoiler below. Any tips?
  5. Well, my poor run has given me benefits in the name of science! Why must life be such an emotion rollercoaster... Anyways, I lost two teams (Team Filler Bonus and NotOptimizedHorseEmblem) before doing my tried and true combo. The good news is, getting C rank in both Survival and Speed will still net me 560 points if doing a full clear. This is just 116 points lower than my previous run, 676 (Speed "A", Survival "B"). So, just try to run teams that can clear maps quickly. If they can survive, that is a bonus, but the speed multiplier is far more valuable than the survival one. I screwed up my Speed rating because I had one map (Arena Ferox? The one with the breakable walls in the middle) where I spent far too much time positioning my units. I lost anyway but NotOptimizedHorseEmblem. * * * * * Base Score: 40 // Maps Cleared: x7 (7/7) Speed: x1.30 (C) || 1.50 if A // 1.40 if B Survival: x1.10 (C) || 1.20 if A // 1.15 if B Bonus Ally: x1.4 Total Score: 560
  6. Welp, my luck quickly ran out. Tried pulling on the Bride banner for Bride!Cordelia, got a bunch of useless fodder (save for a 4* Abel - Swordbreaker is now on Alfonse). Then I try out Tempest Trials with a different filler team (Sharena, Marth, 4* Nowi, Spring!Camilla). First map, who am I up against? Ike, Takumi, and Linde. The map is Awakening, chapter 2. Sometimes I wonder why I even try and hope for these things. /rant
  7. Completed my first Tempest Trials run. [Surrendered Round 4] Bonus Filler: Sharena, 4* Tharja, Marth, Camilla Main Team: Ephraim, Erika, Nino, Ryoma Teams C & D: Unused - - - - - Base Score: 40 // Maps Cleared: x7 (7/7) Speed: x1.5 (A) Survival: x1.15 (B) Bonus Ally: x1.4 Total Score: 676 * * * * * I want to say I got lucky with my first run. My Bonus Filler team did far better than originally anticipated, but I did do a last minute SI on my non-optimized Marth. (Gave him Ardent Sacrifice, Darting Blow 1, and Breath of Life 1 from Florina). What caused their downfall was Catria, her high DEF was troublesome against my team and I had that "Raven Isle Awakening" map (the one with the two cliffs on the side) and they had a poor matchup. It didn't help that Tharja was a 4* and she could not double anything even with her default Darting Blow. As for the final map, I ended up dealing with Celicia, Hector, Jeorge, and Cain alongside Veronica. As my team was in high spirits, Ryoma killed Celica while Desperate Nino killed Hector. Cain got himself impaled on Ephraim's lance. However, Ryoma had to do a heroic sacrifice, killing Jeorge and getting a vantage hit in on Veronica before relying on Desperate Nino to finish off Veronica. I did have a slight hiccup since Veronica's tome acts like a Panic with 2 range, but even with the debuffs Nino tried her best and defeated Veronica. It is definitely challenging and and I am enjoying it thus for my first run. This mode encourages healers or units that can heal using skills (Ardent Sacrifice, Reciprocal Aid, Falchion, Renewal, Breath of Life, Sol, Aether, etc.) As I run it multiple times, my perspective may change, but as long as I get at least 500 points a run, I'll be set. Now I just have to do some research on the Speed and Survival multipliers and see what I can get away with...
  8. Gonna bump this topic back to the front page (last post here was May 15, featuring the World of Radiance) instead of making a new one every new story release. This way we can keep track of previous theories and discussions in the same topic instead of having to link to it every single time. Of course, if a mod disagrees, then a new topic can be made and this one locked. So, this time around we have a new Xenologue, The Brink of Chaos! This is another one that is a highlight of storytelling compared to other maps (Blazing Shadows and Detached Princess were also good!). What occurs is briefly outlined below. 1. We finally get Veronica to acknowledge that Bruno (the Masked Man) is her brother. We already know of this, but now the audience knows Veronica acknowledges it. 2. However, it seems we have an imposter, Loki, posing as Bruno as Loki talks about the Tempest (since the real Bruno is away, likely searching for a cure as usual). Some speculate Loki is Loptyr, but as I am unfamiliar with Loptyr's source game, I can not comment on this. 3. We get in-universe justification on why the Tempest Trials are a thing. 4. Masked Marth shows up, says some lines, and runs off to save the day. 5. The Tempest itself is a maelstrom of chaos that essentially tears apart the barriers between worlds, lumping them all together. Veronica hopes to use the Tempest as a "mass recruiting ground" so she can finally crush the Kingdom of Askr. As for me, the biggest reveal is now we have Loki running around, and everything that anyone does needs to be looked at carefully. The reason for this is "Is that Loki doing that, or the character itself?" Then we also have Bruno being his mysterious self, so I wonder what he is up to doing the events of Tempest. - - - - - But wait, that's not all! We get some extra story by doing the Tempest proper. This time, M!Robin shows up! Here's another outline for ye. 1. M!Robin appears in the Tempest, which is the source of chaos that has engulfed his world. Masked Marth appears alongside him, foretelling the usual "if we don't stop this, all will be destroyed" speech. 2. The Tempest is explained by Mask!Marth. "The Tempest distorts time and space. Worlds become entangled... and they begin to mix." B. F!Robin shows up! What is this?! 3. Mask!Marth states there are others fighting against the Tempest (likely referring to the Order of Heroes - the player), and that they are the ray of hope. B. We now have Lucina proper. No, I don't mean Mask!Lucina. I mean Lucina!Lucina. She just says her usual lines and does not seem shocked at Mask!Marth at all. Now, this is just the start of Tempest and I have yet to play through it, so I'll edit in the extra story bits as needed. However, with this small intro, it seems to be more just fanservice stuff than anything significant. What is significant, however, is the title of the Tempest Trials - Dark Clouds Over Awakening. So, I presume Tempest Trials will be a reoccurring thing (perhaps alternating with the Voting Gauntlet if both are not shared), with a different world being affected by the Tempest. The main focus will be represented by the dialogue and bonus heroes. * * * * * If anyone else has any comments of insights, feel free to share!
  9. Just to confirm some things before I start Tempest Trials... 1. Speed is more important than Survival for points, right? 2. A "Deathless" run means not switching teams whatsoever. So, if I'm on Team A and had my M!Robin and Erika die through the gauntlet but still have Ryoma and Nino to finish the trials, then am I still good for max rank survival? 3. While a "pure single team" run is the most efficient, how much are the points affected for switching teams? I may have a filler Bonus Team that tries to get through as much as it can before bringing out my main team, and I may try building something specifically for the final map. However, since team switching hurts scores, I am hesitant to do this. For the most part, I'm looking to earn at least 500 points a run, so I'll need 100 runs (20,000 Stamina) to get up to 50,000 pts. The orbs higher than that are just a bonus. // I also think putting Breath of Life on Nino was a good idea, even though I run her with Fury & Desperation. If only my Erika and bonus units were optimized...
  10. Regarding the datamine, for those interested in "Marth's" VA... Also, I like the fact I can have a different defense team and showcase whoever I want instead of my defense lead. Time to put Erika in the spotlight, Ephraim and Ryoma had plenty of time sitting there. (Felicia probably feels lonely since she originally had that spot when I first started...)
  11. What I am expecting to see... 1. Reveals of Corrin, Xander, and Ryoma. (Their swords were on the trailer, so I am waiting for their proper reveal. Also, hoping that Corrin is F!Corrin.) 2. A Reveal of the "Warriors' Villain." I'm expect an evil woman to be behind it all, but if it is a guy I'll be surprised. (Koei loves their fanservice, look at Cia from Hyrule Warriors.) 3. An example or short snippet of a Bond Conversation, such as between Chrom and Marth. What I hope to see... 1. A teaser of a character that is not from Awakening, Fates, or Shadow Dragon. I'm guessing Ike from Smash popularity or Ephraim for another lance user. There is also Alm and Celica due to Shadows of Valentia being relatively recent. This is a long shot to include a character not from the three titles in the base game, but a man can dream, right? 2. A full gameplay demonstration of one of the levels, showing off a character or two. I see an early level being shown off with either Marth or Chrom being used. 3. Showing off a Cavalry hero, such as Xander. A simple trailer would suffice. (Also hoping to see how Mages and Archers work, and if fliers make it in.)
  12. Yeah, I know Hector is easily countered, but the idea of a flying Hector is still intriguing to me. I plan on using Michalis more on an offensive team than a defensive one (unless I manage to put together a flying team together and put it on the defensive for the lols). Hector I can counter fairly easily. Reinhardt on the other hand is a pain, and unless I have Nino around, my team is practically dead. (This is not counting the one time I went up against a highly merged Reinhardt on a Cav Team that killed my Fury Nino with a Res Buff...)
  13. Here are the 5-Stars I currently have. As I tend to focus on optimized natures only, I'll just list those. Present Total: 19 Upgraded: 4 (Nino, Sharena, Alfonse, Michalis) Optimized Natures: 5 [8] (Erika, Ephraim, Ryoma, Nino, Spring!Lucina // Alfonse, Sharena, Michalis) Honorable Mention: 1 (Spring!Camilla) Where art thou, Bride!Cordelia? For the full list, you can check out my spreadsheet.
  14. Distant Counter on units?... Besides Armors, Gem Wielders, and High RES units, the one that sticks out the most to me is Michalis. Michalis - I like to imagine Michalis as a Flying Hector. Give Michalis Distant Counter and Quick Riposte and he is basically Hector with a "Killer Weapon Effect" instead of a "Free B Passive." Yes, Michalis is vulnerable to archers and is less bulky than Hector, but I like to think the extra MOV makes up for it. // Sadly, Michalis can fall short in the "ultra-lategame" of +10 merges due to his limited availability, unlike Hector. For Neutral comparison... Name HP ATT SPD DEF RES Total MOV Hector 52 36 24 37 19 168 1, Armor Michalis 43 34 26 35 19 157 2, Flying -9 -2 +2 -2 0 -11
  15. I think Clive being a bit crap is intentional. Even in the DLC that showcases the Deliverance, Mathilda has a higher rating than Clive despite Clive being the leader (final map - Siege of Zofia Castle). Name HP ATK SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Total Clive 29 14 9 8 7 9 1 77 Mathilda 24 11 12 14 13 8 10 92 For my first run on Hard Classic, I went Cavalier Faye and focused my efforts on her instead of Clive or Mathilda. In the end I ended up using Zeke because Faye did not turn out as good as I thought (and I had her equipped with a shield, so she wasn't killing anything). I want to try and do a Deliverance run at some point (Clive, Mathilda, Clair, Lukas, Forsyth, Python), but I need to get the DLC first for the support convos...
  16. Human!Grima could fit Ganondorf's role pretty well I think. Slow, but wide and hard-hitting area attacks that look awesome with the power of darkness! I'm really hoping Grima's human form makes it in and even has an alt costume to fit with its counterpart. Otherwise, there is Garon, but flashy dark spell effects seem cooler than slimy goop axes. Unless they just transform Garon into a Ganondorf character (I think he can use dark magic alongside his axe), so that may be cool to see as well. As for Shadow Dragon & New Mystery, I have no idea.
  17. Enemy summoners are fine for me to deal with, but at times they can get annoying rather quickly (especially when multiple summoners are present on the same map). If they were to return to future installments, I would like to see enemy summoners not only have a max field limit, but a max summon limit as well. This way there will be a definite end in sight instead of endless summons (unless unlimited spawns are a gimmick in said map). If we were to stick to Echoes mechanics for summoning (HP drain), then let the HP drain until they can not summon any more instead of replenishing that HP. As for Invoke, while I did not spam Invoke at every opportunity I must admit Invoke is definitely useful in baiting attacks. The summoned units being priority targets helps a lot if caught out of position. If player summoners were to return, I would like more powerful summons (preferably scaling with the character), but summon less units overall. They should be treated like any other player unit in terms of being targeted instead of almost always being hit.
  18. Finished up Thabes this morning. Gray and Saber went through a full Dread Fighter loop (20 Villager, 20 Mercenary, 20 Myrmidon) while I had Faye go through Villager and Mage so she can become a Priestess. While I did grind those three characters and had plenty of Silver Marks for forging, the rest of my cast are mostly fresh from their end-game stats save for some levels. As expected, Gray and Saber carried the party. Faye showed off to Alm and Tobin proves that Alm has nothing on him. Kliff helped deal with some monsters while Tatiana was the ever-useful Saint. Meanwhile, Alm and Celica stared lovingly into each other's eyes while Conrad rode around being magnificent (but in reality did nothing). Clair acted as Gray's cheerleader. Honestly, the path to the final boss is harder than the boss itself. The fights up to it have to deal with "Skeletal Shamans" (imagine Terror Priestesses) which are my main bane. Dragons suck, but I rather deal with Dragons and pray to RNGesus than get hit with magic damage. Then, the final encounter only requires one to kill the boss. If one can set up the kill while handling the adds, the fight itself is fairly easy. I think I only used three or four characters to finish off the boss (Celica and Saber weakened it while Gray went full out with his critical hits and finished it off. I don't remember if I used a fourth party member or not.) * * * * * Heroes of Thabes' Labyrinth Alm - Hero (Royal Sword - "Alm's Blade") - The main hero lead. He and Celica stayed away from the fighting, having their fill of it from their respective journeys. This was also done to prevent any untimely "game overs" so one does not have to play through the entire dungeon again... (Note: My Alm and Celica did not get all the stat booster fountains from their respective paths - I spread out the boosters to who needed them most instead of slapping them all on the main character.) Celica - Princess (Beloved Zofia - "Light of Mila") - As an advocate of peace, Celica did little in actual combat and played more of a supporting role. The exception was during the final boss encounter where she contributed with her magic prowess. Saber - Dread Fighter (Forged Brave Sword - "Brave Saber") - We left the heavy lifting to him. Saber did not disappoint. Gray - Dread Fighter (Forged Brave Sword - "Sword of Ram") - The true hero of the "Tale of Gray, Plus That One Guy," Gray was a dodge tank and dealt the final blow to the postgame boss. Can't ask any more than that, save for maybe an Astra weapon for him and the overclass... Tobin - Bow Knight (Forged Killer Bow - "Tobin's Bow") - Tobin shows off his marksmanship skills with the Killer Bow and the Hunter's Volley. No doubt he would have been so much better if he had better level ups, but I guess he kept his strength in check so the enemies can provide somewhat of a challenge. Kliff - Sage (Mage Ring) - Kliff mostly helped guard Tatiana in place of Zeke, but on occasion he would fry enemies with his magical spells if Gray and Saber needed assistance. Clair - Falcon Knight (Forged Gradivus) - Clair cheered on Gray from the safety of her Pegasus, allowing him to dodge attacks more easily. Tatiana - Saint (Speed Ring) - Tatiana helped warp Faye to the frontlines, as well as fortify the party when the need arises. When Faye was no longer sufficient, Gray or Saber was used instead. Conrad - Paladin (Forged Gradivus) - Originally brought along to be power leveled with Gray, Saber, and Faye - Conrad rode around triumphantly as the real heroes did the work. This is mostly due to the tactician's impatience and not wanting to level up yet another character just to be "super prepared" for the final boss. Faye- Priestess (Ladyblade) - The surprise contestant since the original plan was to bring either Mae or Sonya. I suppose Faye did not want to her precious Alm to leave her behind, so she grabbed a pitchfork and class changed from the Cavalier line to the Mage one. Due to her frontline experience, she acts more like a warrior priestess than a magical one. However, despite her contributions being just behind Gray and Saber, Alm did not take notice. I suppose Faye will get her chance, another day...
  19. Going to update my original post regarding Thabes, the postgame dungeon. Floors 1-5 are definitely doable if one promotes as soon as possible (save for Alm and Celica), but Floor 6 and beyond will begin testing the limits of your teams. I decided to "chicken out" since my 20/20 Alm had some difficulty handling the enemies (Alm was not fast enough) while my other guys outside of Gray would likely get slaughtered. Of course, if one loves spamming Invoke, then one can theoretically handle anything, but I wanted to rely on my actual units to tank and handle foes. The biggest thing if heading in early is to try and keep the enemies separated and take them on one at a time (so they do not reinforce each other on the battle map) or just plain avoid them. I haven't tackled on the post-game dungeon boss yet since I wanted to do the Dread Fighter loop on Gray and Saber as well as use a Pitchfork on Faye. Also, regarding "end-game," I mean by trying to max out all the stats and not necessarily facing the enemies. Thabes is difficult, but it is no Apotheosis like Awakening. Maxing out character stats completely tends to trivialize the dungeon.
  20. Going to update my "updated prediction" now to put more of a focus on the Weapon Triangle. If the Weapon Triangle is as important as they say, 20 characters may not be enough for weapon diversity. But first, my simplified list of 20... Needless to say, if the roster is limited to 20 characters, it is rather Sword heavy. There are already 5 confirmed sword users and three more that are heavily implied (Xander, Ryoma, and Corrin based off the initial trailer). Then, we have two Dark Magic users in the form of Gharnef and Tharja, as well as two wildcards for more OCs. As for the main changes, I made Walhart and Azura baseline and removed Gangrel and Young!Tiki. If I was to focus on the "main classes" of Fire Emblem, it would be the obvious Sword, Axe, and Lance users alongside Bows and Magic. While I initially thought Young!Tiki may make it in as a playable character, now I think making a unique transforming mechanic for her is "too much effort for too little reward." We also only have one Archer and do not have any Dagger representation at all. Now, if I were to add six more characters (for a total of 26, still trying to be conservative here), they would be... I decide to pass on Daggers and remain focused on Swords, Axes, Lances, Bows, and Magic. So, with the extra 6 slots, I decided to fill out the remaining weapons and give Selena a slot as Bow Cavalry. Arthur and Rinkah are added as Axe representatives due to their personality, and also keep the "Fates" balance between Hoshido and Nohr (until Selena tips it into Nohr's favor). Linde is added as a potential magic user and to be an Archaenan rep (beats out Merric since Linde has fanservice appeal), while Jeorge and Virion make their way into the Bow category. If there was one thing that I can see changing, it is removing Virion and adding in either another Magic user or a non-Lord sword user, preferably from Awakening or Archaena. So, for my "final count" of 26 characters, here is my master list of speculation. There is some Fates bias, but that is because Fates has a giant roster and needs to be split between Hoshido and Nohr (with Corrin and Azura acting as the "middle ground"). If we were to separate Fates into standalone titles, the distribution would seem a little more fair. I could add 4 more characters and make it a "round 30," but I don't want to be too hopeful. Personally, I'm expecting 20-25 characters with unique movesets at vanilla launch. If there are more than that, I'll be pleasantly surprised. (Now, if they take the "class" route and make everyone generic with some special moves to differentiate between characters, I'll be a bit disappointed from the Warriors standpoint. I'm used to playing Warriors games with unique movesets, not the "same but different" scenarios.)
  21. Yes. In all seriousness, I'm a storyteller that likes creating characters. When I make avatars, I tend to use characters from my stories and adapt them to whatever I'm currently doing. So, if I end up using a character that has a love-interest, then the love-interest needs to be implemented as well. The same case applies if I end up using a sibling character or using a parent / child dynamic, having the other(s) along just makes sense. Plus it is fun every now and then to do a "pure Avatar" run of FE games instead of using the main cast.
  22. For me, Xenoblade Chronicles X style. You play as a character who more or less tags along the "important" people in the story. Yes, your character is awesome and a bad***, but in terms of the main plot your character is basically irrelevant. There may be some "Avatar Character" moments here and there, but the main story revolves around the main lord, not your "insert character." As for an idea I always had, have the character be a "champion" or "bodyguard" of the main lord. The Avatar is new to the position and gets dragged along for the ride (the "Academy" could serve as the tutorial levels before the Avatar gets hired by the main lord, where the proper story begins). On a side note, let me create an Avatar Army like in Awakening. I like making multiple avatars and like running them together (so I can ship two avatars together instead of a character in the game.)
  23. Finally got around to updating my mini-characters, and I added a new one, Duessel! As before, they are just mini-characters, so there are no quotes with this batch. All they have are skills and stats. "Already Implemented" (Erika, Ephraim, Ike) Other Characters (Duessel, Flora, M!Grima, F!Grima, L'Arachel, Micaiah, Nolan)
  24. For playing through the story normally with no real mind about end-game (Act 6 and the postgame dungeon Thabes), promote as soon as possible. The exceptions are Alm and Celica who I want to try and get to 20 before their respective promotions. // For future runs, I may try not promoting Mages and Clerics until 20 since they only have one promotion instead of two. I would also say Pegasus Knights, but for minimal grinding, Falcon Knights are best obtained quickly due to their Banish skill. Now, with sights on the end-game, doing the Dread Fighter loop, or using the Pitchfork, I will wait until the character reaches 20 before promoting. Characters in lower tier classes level much faster than in higher tier ones, making powerleveling outside of DLC a bit easier. Now, if only we had unlimited Pitchforks...
  25. Just caught wind of this since it was posted in the news section on the main site, and it was definitely an interesting read! I love the fact the IS itself also seems to be divided between the "conservationists" and "reformists," just like the playerbase is after Awakening's release. I guess now I need to be a bit more mindful of "who's who" during these interviews so I can cross-reference them over time. At any rate, thanks Kirokan for the translation!
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