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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Don't know if this has been mentioned anywhere, but... When doing the Voting Gauntlet, the character led for the offensive is the current leader rather than your Arena one. I discovered this when rushing to go into the Gauntlet and sent in my Level 13 Erika instead of my 40 Ryoma. It was interesting to say the least. All of the enemy characters scaled to Erika as well as the random ally. However, our friendly neighbor Linde was Level 40. You can imagine what happened after that. What surprised me was the number of points I obtained, 50. I got near that amount fielding my main Level 40 team... Edit: All right, I may have misremembered. I just played a battle with 40 Ryoma and got 100 pts. TLDR: Defense teams will always use the "Arena Lead," or the "Top Home Character" for purposes of being pulled into the Gauntlet. Offensive Teams will use the leader of whatever team is selected before battle.
  2. Yeah, my Arena team is also going to be hurting with this new round of bonuses. I do have some Jagens around, one that was even a 4* character, but I decided to go with F!Robin and spent 2k feathers on her so she can become a 4* character. I am debating if I should 5* her once I get my 2k feathers back (I was right at 20k), but I want to level up F!Robin first and see if I can make it within the top 30000. 10k or less is more or less impossible with my current roster, so I guess I have to aim for a comfortable score within the 10k-30k range. I'm hoping having a 4* unit that needs to be trained won't hurt my ranking too much...
  3. Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you, Takumi. * * * * * He lives, if not in the Arena, but in the Voting Gauntlet. Now, how to figure out this one... Edit: I did it with no casualties. Linde was MVP, while my Ephraim and Roy did some chip damage so Linde can finish them off.
  4. Round 17 [Princesses]: 3* Gordin (+HP, -ATT) || 3* Gunter (+ATT, -HP) || 4* Palla (+HP, -SPD) || 4* Camilla (+SPD, -HP) || 5* Erika (+SPD, -HP) * * * * * *Ahem* Now that we got that out of the way... As I always tend to pull immediately once I obtained 20 Orbs, seeing the new Prince and Princess focuses were a great surprise to me. As I really wanted Erika and Lucina in the past (and Elise too), it was obvious what focus would catch my attention. That, and I already have Chrom and Ephraim. Leo is nice, but the odds are not worth it. Erika having +SPD and -HP is a pretty good nature in my opinion as it makes an already fast character even faster. Even the fastest characters will have some difficulty when dealing with Erika, and her Draw Back ability has catch me off guard when I faced her in the Arena. Of course, one may prefer Erika to have +ATT and -HP, especially since Erika gains a +4 boost to ATT instead of the usual +3, but I am satisfied with the SPD boost. Now, Ephraim and Erika can be together, and it helps that both got favorable natures on their first appearance too! I must have the blessings of the Sacred Stones, considering it was my first Fire Emblem game. Gordin is currently sitting on the reserves in case he comes useful for Inherit Skill, while Palla will be used as merging fodder as I happen to like her character. I do have a decent Gordin (+DEF, -RES), but could use a better Palla (+RES, -HP), preferable +ATT, -DEF. As for Gunter, he has become my new "Gunter Prime," taking the place of a +SPD, - ATT Gunter. Camilla is in an odd spot as my 5* version of her is +RES, -DEF while this 4* version is +SPD, -HP. Both are okay natures, but I really want a Camilla with +ATT, -HP. It didn't help she teased me with her special introduction video, only to show up as a 4* character. Either way, she is being leveled and will likely be used as merging fodder for the "Ultimate Camilla" down the road. Overall, quite happy with this pull. Sure, my 5* characters are heavily Red based, but they are all mostly awesome. Now, if only I could also get an awesome Lucina and Elise...
  5. 1. Ogre Battle Favorite franchise, period. Everything about it is good, but the unique thing about Ogre Battle is the gameplay. Command an army and put together a squad of up to 5 units, equipping each character individually, and set their battle orders as combat autonomously takes place. Customizing such a large army is a daunting task, but it is so rewarding at the same time. A part of me really dislikes the fact the franchise was thrown to the wayside ever since Square Enix bought them out and shifted Quest employees to work on Final Fantasy, but then again some key Quest members left to join up with Square. I would really like to see more Ogre Battle games, but it will never happen... My dream game would combine Ogre Battle's customization and map screen with Grandia II's battle system. However, I don't see this happening any time soon since it will likely be "too complex" to play. 2. Command and Conquer A franchise dear to me, even after Electronic Arts guttered it and left it for dead. The series quality dropped starting with Red Alert 3, and C&C 4 killed what was left of the franchise. Specifically, I loved the C&C and Red Alert universes, as well as their experimental shooter C&C Renegade. I never got the chance to really play Generals. Nowadays, C&C is kept alive by the fans with various mods or open source projects. These days I play OpenRA to experience classic Red Alert and Command and Conquer, while I watch videos on Mental Omega (a Red Alert 2 mod) and Twisted Insurrection (a Tiberian Sun mod, featuring a "what-if" scenario featuring Nod winning the first game). Then there's also Renegade X which improves on the original Renegade's multiplayer. 3. Warcraft RTS (I-III) Good ole Warcraft RTS. Most of my time would be messing around in the map editor of Warcraft II when I was younger, and then Warcraft 3 was my main game of choice due to all of the different custom games available. I had plans to work on Warcraft 3 maps, but could never develop the proper skillset or the time to fully take advantage of the editor. These days though Warcraft is mostly done through World of Warcraft, an MMO that I no longer play. The stories also seem to have gotten worse over time as well, and I am not really a huge fan of modern Blizzard despite playing their products. I guess their games just really don't appeal to me any more, and the nolgastic factor or "Blizzard Polish" is not enough to make me come back and play. The exception to this would be Starcraft II and it's Co-Op mode, which is actually somewhat fun when I am not messing around in the Starcraft II Arcade with all of its custom maps. 4. Mario Party Ah, Mario Party, a game that has a stark difference compared to the games I listed above. I absolutely loved the series and even went out of my way to pick up every single title when I was really into it (I own Mario Party 1-7 as well as Mario Party DS, skipping Advance). However, my enthusiasm for the series faded starting with 8 (I did not like the "host"), and it was completely annihilated with Mario Party 9 and all later installments as they went for the "car system"... The last good Mario Party game was Mario Party DS, back in 2007. It may even be the best Mario Party game ever made. Sure, the other Mario Parties have their good points (Loved 1's "Adventure Mode," 3 was fantastic all around, and 7 may have been the overall best out of the console releases), but the fact Mario Party DS was portable and captured the magic of the original titles really appealed to me. I sometimes dream of an "Ultimate Mario Party" game that combines all of the mini-games and boards together into a single package, updating visuals and the like as needed. Alas, I doubt this will ever happen, especially with the current direction Mario Party is heading in. 5. God Eater Probably only making this list because it is the current game I am playing, God Eater is similar to Monster Hunter in a lot of ways in terms of gameplay. However, what God Eater has over Monster Hunter is an actual story and characters to go along with it (alongside some minor gameplay differences). Granted, the story is not the best thing ever, but it is passable and offers some motivation to continue playing and fighting monsters. I think I prefer God Eater over Monster Hunter since single player is much better with actual customizable characters instead of the companions one has in MH (3's were all right, but the original on the Wii and the Ultimate for the 3DS were the only MH games I played.) Honorable Mentions (Here be a long list)
  6. Herons? Reyson can punch people in the face. In all seriousness, I suspect they will gain some form of attack, just like how there are now damage dealing Staves in heroes (Assault, Fear, Gravity, etc.). Whether it be the Herons attacking the enemy physically when transformed or "sing to inflict damage and debuffs" remains to be seen. As for Nils & Ninian, they almost have to be Dragon Singers, unless IS decides to go nuts and give them mortal weaponry instead. To compensate, I do not think they will be anywhere as durable as the current Dragons (save for maybe RES), but maintain decent ATT and SPD. Perhaps Ninian can have Breath of Life while Nils has an altered weapon that gives buffs to allies, like Fae.
  7. 16 Full Draws = 80 Pulls 7 Five-Star Characters $40 Investments Ratio: 0.088 or 8.8% Characters: Marth, Cain*, Ryoma*, Seliph, Chrom* || Camilla || Ephraim // * = Non-Focus * * * * * Out of those 7 characters, only 3 have favorable Boons and Banes (Ryoma, Ephraim, Cain). 2 have decent natures but can be improved (Camilla, Marth) while the last 2 are just merging fodder (Chrom, Seliph). Given that the baseline ratio is about 6% (3% for a 5* Focus, 3% for non-Focus 5*), I am a bit above average. Still, I want more 5* characters...
  8. Speaking of surrendering after losing the Deathless streak, does that still consume the Dueling Crest to reset everything or do the opponents reroll and the player starts back from the beginning? I've been thinking about surrendering if I do lose a Deathless run, but am unsure if it still consumes the Crest. Anyways, did an updated run with only one death. If this is how competitive the Arena is, I don't think I'll end up making it into the top 10k without merged units or someone like Hector or Effie on my team... It doesn't help I didn't get any Defense victories this week either. I am going to be those 500 feathers short of a 5* promotion. Offense Rating: 4,447 || Rank: 11,408 Team Ratings: Marth (173), Ryoma (174), Camilla (160), Ephraim (173) || Total: 680
  9. I personally voted for 10,000. 20,000 Feathers is far too much to promote a 4* to a 5* unit. I understand wanting to keep 5* units somewhat at a "premium" and should be a goal to work towards, but 20k is ridiculous. A good player should be able to 5* a unit every month, not every two months. Then, there is the factor of merging units, which is easily the craziest Feather Sink in the game. In terms of progression, having a 5* team brings the player to "endgame" status and can reasonably compete against other players that also have a 5* Level 40 Team. The next step after making a 5* unit is merging them together until they reach 5* Lvl 40 +10, which is the current highest cap (and I hope it stays that way). As it stands, players will have to get lucky with their pulls to get 5* units. Some have been playing since launch and used up all of their free orbs and still do not have a full 5* team of four characters, much less a 5* team that actually synergies with each other. Then there is the matter of using non-5* draws who have to be promoted to 5* status manually such as Sharena and Olivia. Fire Emblem: Heroes is more about diversity and using one's favorite characters instead of relying solely on a "super hero" team. I would love to train up 5* heroes and then start using alternative progression (Merging & Inherit Skills) instead of trying to slog my way through the Training Tower using 3* or 4* units. (3* units far off sharply after Level 20 since opponents in the "TT" become 4*, making playing with them somewhat cumbersome.) I want to level up alts to eventually merge them with their "prime" counterpart, but the costs are too expensive. This new "Voting Gauntlet" system looks like a reliable way to possibly obtain new Orbs, another scarce (F2P) resource in Heroes. Either FE:H needs to up the feather rewards or lower the 5* cost as the other promotion options have reasonable prices. The former may be nice (and is a lot more useful to those mass promoting instead of 5-starring), but I'll be content with the latter.
  10. I have far too much time on my hands... Within the spoiler are various character builds and team compositions based off "no skill restrictions." Due to the massive amount of information, I will not be providing reasoning on them unless asked. I have tried to mark new or revamped skills with a " * " mark, but there may be mistakes. Also note I changed weapons on some characters, such as Lissa and F!Robin. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the read!
  11. Round 16 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Azama (+DEF, -RES) || 3* Beruka (+ATT, -RES) || 3* Frederick (+HP, -ATT) || 3* Olivia (+SPD, -DEF) || 3* Odin (+ATT, -DEF) Got excited from the unexpected Bonus Orbs from the Switch Launch and pulled immediately from my orb scraps. The results were less than desirable. Azama, Olivia, and Beruka I already have with favorable Boons & Banes (Azama +SPD, -RES || Olivia = Balanced || Beruka +DEF, -RES), not to mention my Olivia and Beruka are of 4* rank. Then, Frederick has a poor nature of +HP, -ATT. Frederick would much prefer having DEF or RES if going defensive, but my personal preference would be +ATT, -HP for Frederick. Olivia gets a special mention though for possibly being a sacrifice to the Inherit Skill system or eventually being merged into my main Olivia. This leaves Odin to become the sole hero of this batch. Once upon a time I did have an Odin, but I sent him home for reasons forgotten. Either way, this new Odin shows some promise with his nature, but when comparing him to the other "blade" users like Nino and Tharja, it is clear why the "all around nice guy" is outclassed. Below is a chart I made, stats are taken from FE:Heroes Wiki - Max Stats Table. (Note that the numbers assume a balanced nature.) Name HP ATT SPD DEF RES Total Tharja 39 45 34 23 20 161 Nino 33 46 36 19 29 163 Odin 43 35 32 25 22 157 Not only Odin has lower total stats than the other two, but his ATT is ten points lower than his competitor, Tharja. Sure, he makes up for it in terms of HP and DEF, but ATT and SPD are highly valued stats. After all, the enemy can do no damage to you if they are dead. Even with Odin's Defiant ATT and Moonbow, Tharja and Nino will still output more damage on a consistent basis and have more utility than Odin. He may get his time to shine once a "must-have SS Ultra Awesome Tier" Red Tome is released as Odin can counter with Red Tomebreaker, but until then, Odin is sadly stuck on the sidelines. I'll use him because it's flipping Odin, but otherwise I don't see a reliable spot for him. * * * * * On the plus side (No! Stop the walls of text! Please!), we now have willing sacrifices for the Inherit Skill system that may be coming "soon." I don't know what all can be transferred, but here is a list of stuff I am interested in. Olivia: Silver Sword, Hone Attack Frederick: Hammer, Luna, Fortify Defense Beruka: Killer Axe, Glimmer, Defiant Defense Azama: Pain, Martyr, Threaten ATT Now I just have to start writing now giant lists of all of my owned heroes and how to build them with the Inherit Skill system in mind. That however, is for a different topic.
  12. Going Team Ephraim, because Sacred Stones and Lances beat Swords. Now, as for actual unit, I may not actually use Ephraim and may try fielding my awesome Ryoma instead. The other players can get their bonus points and I'll offer backup support and be an anti-green and anti-Takumi. If only I was rewarded for being a support... The other characters are good too and could have gone for either Lucina or Sharena. However, I did not go Lucina because I do not have her and I would like a "classic FE" game to win. For Sharena, I think she will have plenty of supporters since she is a unit everyone has. I could have also gone Chrom, but my Chrom is a 4* and I prefer Ephraim to him. As for possible finalists, I want to say Ephraim has it in the bag for the guys as he has WTA advantage over all of them with his only threat being Leo with his magic. Pure favoritism could turn the tide if there are enough supporters for the other three, but I still think Ephraim will win out. Now, for the girls, I am almost certain it will be decided between Sharena and Lucina, with Erika being the wild card. I say Erika is wild because if Sharena or Lucina loses, the members of that army could go support Erika in an attempt to thwart the winner of their top bracket. I also say Erika wins because while Elise may be somewhat popular, she will not have the advantage whatsoever in terms of combat.
  13. 1. Awakening Generation 2 - I want to see the war-torn world and their struggle for survival as they try to maintain their bonds to each other and such. I know this technically has been done already with the Awakening DLC "Future Past," but I would love an expansion to their story as I enjoy the child characters of Awakening. Also, a "darker" Fire Emblem might be nice, even if it is just with the apocalypse theme and characters dying left and right. If they want to go one step further, even add an arc where the parents play a role and showcase their eventual fall. Their final mission could be a last ditch effort to take on Grima, but they fail. Then the children try to do the same, but they too fail, forcing them to escape and go back in time instead where they are found in Awakening. The final chapter could be a grand defense one where Grima throws everything he has at the kids while Naga attempts to open the gate so they can escape. For that extra mile, show off what happens to Inigo, Selena, and Owain after they come from Fates. Do they do back to Awakening, or do they go back to their war-torn world? Is that world healed by Anakos now, or did something else happen in that Fates DLC? What about Soleil and Ophelia, or the crazy "Awakening Prequel" DLC? There are so many questions... 2. Garon from Fates - He had so much potential, but the story transformed him into a generic monster that made him meaningless. I want to know about the Concubine Wars. I wonder how Garon handled affairs with Hoshido when he was a better man. Tell me how this womanizer and loving father transformed into his Fates incarnation. While they are at telling Garon's story, re-release Fates with an updated and improved story as a "Definite Version." I could go on a long spiel here, but I'll stop myself before I write another essay. If I had a time machine, I could try my hand at rewriting the entire thing. However, I have too many projects to work on... 3. I could go about Elibe and its sidestories, but those already exist as fan projects and I'll get around to playing them once they are eventually finished. 4. Sacred Stones Legendary Heroes - The five legendary heroes from Sacred Stones who originally locked away the Demon King. There can be a lot of liberties taken with them as they are not well established in lore. Honestly, I just want an excuse to visit Magvel again with its monster enemies. It would be a bonus if they had the SS artist come back for the character portraits and we had a pixel aesthetic that improves on the GBA formula. The one thing I fear though is the fanservice and "poor character development / supports" creeping its way into the world of Magvel. Characters can have their gimmicks (Gaius with candy, Lon'Qu with women, Arthur and Justice), but the support conversations that are memorable downplay these gimmicks or give an explanation for them (Gauis x Maribelle, Lon'Qu x Cherche, Arthur x Azura). The thing is, I think there are more "poor" supports in the modern FE games than in the previous ones, and the push for everyone to be romantic with each other is not helping. Alas, I am off-topic, so I'll cut this here. 5. Walhart and his Conquests - Just for fun, maybe play as Walhart (and Cervantes, because his stache) as he conquers an Outrealm. Maybe he somehow even ends up saving that world by conquering everyone and uniting them against a common threat. Of course, once peace is restored, Walhart gets bored and goes off to conquer another Outrealm.
  14. Figure I'll throw more random theorycrafts here. Once again, I'm working with no restrictions save for weapons. To learn more, click on the Spoiler button. Ryoma Raijinto || Astra, Swap || Defiant ATT, Vantage, Hone SPD Marth Falchion || Escutcheon, Pivot || Death Blow, Escape Route, Spur SPD Ephraim Siegmund || Luna, Pivot || Defiant DEF, Brash Assault, Threaten DEF Camilla Brave Axe+ || Dragonic Aura, A. Sacrifice || Darting Blow, Desperation, Savage Blow --------------- Takumi Fujin Yumi || Glimmer, Shove || Close Counter, Vantage, Threaten SPD Clarine Fear || Att Balm, Rehabilitate || Close Counter, Live to Serve, Hone DEF --------------- Hector Armads || Pavise, Pivot || Distant Counter, Vantage, Threaten ATT Effie Silver Lane+ || Luna, Pivot || Death Blow, Wary Fighter, Hone Armor Young!Tiki Flametongue+ || Sol, Ardent Sacrifice || Armored Blow, Renewal, Breath of Life
  15. There's gotta be a better way to do this, otherwise this topic will be flooded with "Suggestion" posts mixed in with the analysis and comments about said analysis. Anyways, I got two. Actually, make that three... no, four now... 1. Next Focus - Nino, Felicia, Setsuna, Effie: While I sorta know how effective Nino and Effie are and the fact I like Felicia, the detailed information would be nice and hopefully prove to be helpful for individuals wanting to spend their orbs. 2. Askr Heroes - Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna: Starter heroes and the main characters of FE:Heroes. New and veteran players may like to know how useful (or useless) these units are. 3. Starter Heroes - Matthew, Viron, Raigh: The "free heroes" the player gets from the start of the game. 4. Free Rotation Heroes - Sophia, Viron, Hana, Subaki, Donnel, Lissa, Hunter, Cecilia, Felicia, Wrys, Olivia, Stahl: Other "free heroes" the player may obtain.
  16. Man, five years? That is a lot of training. Well, I suppose he didn't train enough to be in Smash proper and just ended up as a support. After many more training sessions (and broken walls) he is a veteran and can easily handle whatever is thrown at him. Now he is in Project X Zone 2, TMS#FE, and Heroes. Where will Chrom show up next? Risen King Chrom for Heroes?
  17. Another great analysis! I would like Klein to mess around with, but I don't see him being on my Arena teams unless he is a Focus and I actually have him. As for the updated poll, it seems I cannot vote in it. I assume it is because I participated in the last one, but since the poll is new and different, I am not sure why it will not let me vote.
  18. Man, RNG just has to be RNG, doesn't it? This matter is made worse when players send home units they not particularly like or need, only to be screwed over down the line. So, another change for Heroes would be to get rid of the difficulty gating for Quests (Normal -> Hard -> Lunatic) and just open them all up at once. Quests that rely on "padding (see the previous Arena quests) can simply jack up the numbers but keep the same general progression intact. Eh, I'll give the Feedback system a shot for once. Problem is I also have lots of other stuff I would like to send...
  19. For those who are near or at the 20000 Feather threshold, I recommend holding off until next week when the Arena resets. This way when the "Bonus Characters" for Arena changes, you have a chance at promoting a unit that can fill the bonus slot. I say this since "Arena Seasons" last weekly, but the "Bonus Characters" may change every two weeks (that's next week) if the the precedent holds. Alternatively, if you don't care about mix-maxing the Arena, then just go, promote your favorite, and enjoy the game!
  20. Decided to do some random theorycrafting for the inheritable skills. For this particular case I went all out with no restrictions whatsoever (save for weapons). If I could change weapons, I would like to mess around with changing Selena's and Caeda's swords (say a Silver for Selena and a Ruby for Caeda), and would love to see Hana go to town with a Brave Sword. Give Hana Desperation and either Threaten DEF or Savage Blow, and watch the fireworks. For now, I'll keep it simple and stick to starter characters (save for Raigh who I do not care much for.) Alfonse Fólkvangr || Sol, Pivot || Defiant SPD, Desperation, Threaten SPD Sharena Fensalir || Luna, Rally Attack || Death Blow, Drag Back, Fortify DEF Anna Nóatún || Astra, Reposition || Armored Blow, Vantage, Fortify RES Matthew Rogue Dagger+ || Galeforce, Reciprocal Aid || Close Counter, Poison Strike, Spur SPD Viron Silver Bow+ || Astra, Harsh Command || Darting Blow, Seal DEF, Spur Atk Alfonse: More or less changed him up completely to take advantage of his high ATT and weapon special. I transformed him into a "risk vs reward" character who can become extremely dangerous when below 50% HP as his subpar SPD is suddenly boosted while opponents are slowed. Desperation allows Alfonse to follow up immediately when he can double, and Pivot allows Alfonse some nice maneuverability. Now, Sol may be an odd choice and there are no doubt better specials for him, but I kept Sol as I feel it is iconic for Alfonse and helps him stay alive. Sharena: If Alfonse is the sun with Sol, Sharena can be the moon with Luna. Otherwise, not much changes for Sharena, save for swapping out SPD +3 for Death Blow and giving her Drag Back to set up kills if need be. Anna: Another character who stayed mostly vanilla, I gave Anna Reposition to move allies around (and reflect her status as a Commander). Then, she gets Armored Blow as I find Anna to be a bit squishy when dealing with physical units. Vantage is unchanged, but I did change Spur RES to Fortify RES to suit my playstle better. Matthew: He doesn't do much damage, but as a spy, Matthew has to be moving around a lot. So, I gave him Galeforce. Then, as I miss daggers being able to retaliate in melee, I gave him Close Counter to debuff enemies that hit him and help Matthew act as an "off-tank" of sorts due to the Rogue Dagger. Poison Strike is unchanged, but Hone SPD is now Spur SPD to not conflict with Alfonse's Defiant SPD buff. Viron: Some changes, notably going from Seal SPD to Seal DEF. As Alfonse already has Threaten SPD, I find the Seal SPD to be redundant. Viron has Darting Blow to help him chip away at enemies, and he supports allies with Spur ATT and Harsh Command as he comments on your subpar tactics. In short, Viron takes shots at the enemy to deal damage and seal their DEF, and then someone else can finish the opponent off with the Spur Atk bonus.
  21. On the Fire Emblem Heroes - Skills - Passive B page, there is no mention of Poison Strike even though it is a B passive.
  22. Whoa now, hold up. I see the doom and gloom about armors, but where is the concern here? I can see there being one for Normal difficulty if a player has zero armor units, as one cannot progress to the next tier without a full clear. However, there is no Armor requirement for Hard Mode, and the Lunatic one for 7-5 is only for 2.5k Red Shards. Now, if the 5 Orbs was locked up behind that, I would join in the doomsaying, but while 2.5k Red Shards is really nice, they are nowhere near as useful as Orbs, Stamina Potions, Dueling Crests, and Light's Blessings. Then, there is no "clear bonus" that I know of for completing all of the Lunatic quests. Are the 2500 Red Shards that valuable? Sure, they can (almost) instantly promote a Level 1 unit to 20 and save some grindings, but I fail to see the issue here. (As an aside, I don't have the 4 Armors needed, but would have if I didn't send 2 Gwendolyns home and my spare Sheena.)
  23. FE: Heroes is my first ever Gacha game (heck, first ever mobile game), so I am unfamiliar with the business model save for the RNG mechanics and events like many "Asian F2P" games like Dungeon Fighters Online and Vindictus. I don't even know if sales and discounts are a thing with the model.
  24. Many thanks for translating and sharing this with us, Kirokan! I enjoy the fact there will be more original characters added to FE:Heroes. However, I don't see it happening unless we get a story expansion. I thought it would have happened with the previous Focus change, but we got a different Paralogue instead. When will new story chapters come out? The monthly characters and paralogues are a nice touch. A part of me is thinking they are using the "Splatoon" model, where there is lots of stuff made (and still being made) but may be held back to release everything over time. Although, I wonder when the event characters from "Choose Your Legends" will make their debut. I'm hoping before May, because I am sure there will be more of a focus on Gaiden because of Echoes being released.
  25. @Korath88 @Elieson I somewhat enjoy speculating on occasion. With this new "Camus" info, if it is real, I'm definitely leaning towards Cain (maybe Xander), Gunter, Reinhart, and Camus. Camus has 171 over Ursula's 154, and is a Physical Blue to complement Reinhart being a Magical Blue. That, and I like Camus more than Ursula. Now, as for Arena, Gunter/Camus/Reinhardt/Eldigan may have a total of 666 rating. My current Arena team (Ryoma/Marth/Emphraim/Camilla) may have a rating of 682. If trying to go for super high ratings, I may try to replace Reinhart with Abel to gain a new total of 671. If Xander's story stats are his caps, replace Eldigan with Xander for an additional 4 points, giving a new total of 675. However, an important note on the Arena - set a ranking goal and stick with it. If you are comfortable with making it into the top 30000 for 1.5k feathers, then I think you will be fine running more "for fun" and "gimmicky" teams. However, if you plan on trying to make it within the top 10000 for 2k feathers or more, be prepared to put more value on units with higher stat values and units that you have merged that are 5* rank. Here are some total stats for Cavalry units. Source: FE:Heroes Wiki - Stats Table * * * * * As for my closing thoughts, I apologize to Elieson for potentially hijacking his thread with my own ramblings and observations. I tend to do a lot of theorycrafting in my own time, and sometimes I get caught up typings out walls of text without realizing it. Now, as for the Eldigan write-up, it is amazing! However, under "who I suggest to run" it still says Reinhardt instead of Eldigan. May want to get that fixed. :)
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