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Everything posted by Reality

  1. Travant is definitely a better villain than Alvis in FE4.
  2. I swear wikipedia is gettting Worse. This kind of definition for the epic seems aimed for the Odyssey, The Illiad, The Shashanah, and if you stretch things maybe the Eddas, but it's utterly absurd when applied many other epic poems. Thinking of Patterson, or The Cantos in these limited terms would be ridiculous.. Even in the context of the "traditional"folk-epics, such a list does not adequately explain commonalities in the epic as a form- and they (the listed common features) focuses much more on commonalities of plot and subject matter which are obviously not a fixed part of what defines an epic. Anyway, no Fire Emblem game is remotely like an epic.
  3. At the bottom of part 1 of the Radiant Dawn chapter guide the Part 2 link goes to the character page for Binding Blade characters instead of the second page. The correct link exists on the Hub page and the links at the bottom of part 2 and part 3 work correctly. Additionally the Hub page does not have a link to part 4, despite one being on the site: https://serenesforest.net/radiant-dawn/general/chapter-guide/part-4/
  4. I'd rather not have the Radiant Dawn- Capacity System: It is flexible and lets you go back on mistakes, which is nice, but I it's distracting for newer players. I remember making my niece play Radiant Dawn and how much it slowed her down. I like how Fates worked for enemy skills, but didn't particular care for it from the player end- if you take a spreadsheet out from the begining and deal not only with a charather's class evolution, but also which of their supports is sealed, with, then maybe you can come up with something decent in the context of the storyline. But otherwise charather's are mostly a mish-mash until you do postgame and DLC stuff. To add to the insanity is those chapters that give you capturable units that blatantly have god-tier skill synergy. - Command lists disgust me- please god no more Shadow of Valentia arts I'd like skills to be minimized in the next FE game. If they do appear Heroes is best since making all skills enemy only is probably too much to ask for.
  5. I prefer FE 12's shards- Growth affecting items are kind of overkill, especially with the enemy levels of the original FE3. I think they are real nice for hitting thresholds in lots of combat situations without being quite as overwhelming as forging is.
  6. Offense - Charge (FE4,FE5) The totally absurd skill (most cases it causes you to double or triple attack, but can do even more- and pretty much 100%active enemy and player phase) with a very small downside of making ranged attackers hurt you more. Defense - Resolve- (FE9, FE10), once activated, the unit gets not only an skill boost, but enough of a speed boost to actually dodgetank most enemies, meaning whoever you use the scroll/assign it too can instantly become one of your best units if not THE best unit. let's say nothing of it being to easier to kill BK with it than Aether. Support: Elite/Paragon/Veteran - double exp doesn't matter if you plan on eventually maxing people, but if you are playing the game effiecently, in most cases it's a crucial advantage for the units it have it over at least others of their type. Their are some games where nobody good has it (Path of Radiance), but most of the time it can either put a weak unit on the level of good ones or else fix a units earlygame. Hopefully they stop changing the name of it between games. Dishonorable Mention - Breaker skills- Although nice with grinding DLC- most units can only ever get 1 class lines's breaker skill in a playthrough Rally Skills- While very good with multible on a dedicated unit, usually takes much too long to actually get that unit in a playthrough- The very silliest is Rally Movement, since it can only be gotten once in the class that has that other movement skill - Seal skills(Seal speed, Seal defense, etc) - Fun if you want to capture something that Niles is too weak to handle or feed a weak unit. However, naturally not given to support classes- look at Seal speed on spearmaster- is a unit with the best reverse effective weapon in the game (among other things) really going to need a second units help getting kills? Replicate and Warp- Require copious grinding to reach their potential in combination with other skills, meaning they can only ever be used in PVP maps for the most part.
  7. I would have liked if the KT staff had picked personal favorites irrespective of in-game importance or marketability. Some people say there's precedent for this with Agitha in Hyrule Warriors and DW 7- 8's.... obscure charathers side from the Three Kingdoms Novel over more prominent ones, but they may be overstating KT's quirkiness. My other concern is how characters affect the writing especially in the occasionally mentioned support system in this game. From all appearances, KT staff have only played modern games, so while say putting in Telius/Judgral might have been nice- I wouldn't actually expect them to be written as true to form as other charathers due to the developers not having a personal connection or history with them. If FE Warriors had been a more in-house project or had leading developers in common with the original games (as Shadows of Valentia and to a lesser extent Heroes) then their inclusion would be not only nice but might add something to them. With the current mostly outside team, it's all too likely that even if these chaarathers had been in , they would have basically be token anyway.
  8. I'm not going to claim that I hate ALL tutorials- MDK2 (at least level 3) was quite funny. But I do hate them in general, and Inteligent Systems in particular isn't very good. Obviously in an ideal puzzle or action game I would demand no tutorial at all beyond the stage design- definately no text. This is generally seen as "unreasonable" for RPGs, although I'ts not unprecedented- granted most tutorial-less RPGs were from the 3rd console generation or earlier. Personally, I think whether FE Switch can get away with it will depend on whether it is a more minimalist fire emblem, or if they decide to incorporate stuff like Shadows of Valentia's Arts, or worse FFT/Disgaea style command lists. Personally I've of the opinion that FE is strongest when it's most stripped down, and that such a game could easily afford to leave tutorials in the manual due to being built around the premise of being natural to pick up.
  9. The table for item locations for Sacred Stones is missing the armourslayer, even though it is listed on chapter guides and under swords. Locations are Chapter 5 east village and Chapter 14B enemy mercenary on west of map. Armourslayers aren't buyable from shops, so 'm not sure why they aren't on this table.
  10. The weapon triangle is pretty redundant in a lot of games FE4 - Almost totally pointless for player hit rates. Can sometimes positively affect player avoid but usually isn't steep enough to negatively affect it. FE5 - Some very low skill users might struggle (bryton/marty), but almost all lance, sword, magic users and many of the other axe users othin/halvan/dagda) will probbably have 80-99 hit for their entire careers. In any case it's only +-5 and the 1 RN causes much bigger hit rate problems than the weapon triangle anyway. FE6 - Fairly substantial, it's not called sword emblem for nothing- That said the magic triangle IS pointless. FE7 - Still important for weighed down lance units using Steels and Axe users, still unimportant for magic/swordies. FE8 - Almost completely unimportant due to enemy stats in this game. If it factors at all, it's solely for throne boosted bosses. FE9 - Same as FE8 except even the bosses are weak. FE10 - Can matter in DB chapters, a few times in Part 2. Doesn't matter very much in the tower regardless of difficulty. FE11 - On normal mode doesn't matter at all, you can bulldoze everyone with marth the whole game if you want to. In H2 the earlygame makes it obvious that it wasn't in the original game (as you are forced into triangle disadanatage for the majority of like 12 chapters solely due to what the first recruits are versus the first enemies) H4 onward yeah it matters a lot. FE12- Like FE11, except the early game recruits are better balanced across weapon types. FE13- Totally irrelevant. FE14 - Matters on Conquest Lunatic. Try to use it to improve avoid doesn't work very well though. For player units their Hit is the stat that you have to worry about being positively or negatively affected. Can matter for more inaccurate units in Rev and Birthright (eg Takumi, rinkah). So it's only seriously mattered in 5 games. I kind of feel like even then, 3 of those are more due to giving unneceasry bad hit rate on ceirtain weapon families or low skl/spd to player units, or in the case of FE11 and SoV, lack of planning when implementing modern features into the old game. Overall I think Weapon Triangle has been a badly used feature of the FE franchise. It matters more for LTC because in many games (especially GBA) units might need the extra damage to hit OHKO thresholds on maps, especially early-midgame.
  11. So I was bored and spent the 2 hours to see what doing a Ephriam draft run with joshua actually looked like. Joshua's base HP is actually kind of high, and the +2 def giving him the c10 hero crest instead of garcia actually gave him survivabilty- I actually used him as the forward unit crossing into the ghost ship at 10/1 and he finished without even losing half of his health. Even before the promtion I was able to throw him over the Fort Rigqald C9 enemy bridge at only level 8. enemy attention was split by the cav squad but about 6-7 attacked him here However on the bad side- utterly useless for bosskills- C6- even with optimal trading of the village armorslayer from vanessa, he shouldn't kill the boss before somebody else C7- as if you are going to use vanessa's turns getting him over the mountain>< He had no problem grabbing exp from the bottom right though since I wasn't using it for cavs/gilliam/garcia. C8- Can't really get through armor knight room on his own, so doesn't even have a shot at the boss. C9- he 2 rounds the boss even with armorslayer and won't come near getting to him first since also obliged to transport epriahm. C10- takes 3 turns with boss, and that was with a killing edge crit. Rubbish compared to Seth or Duessel. However at this point he was actually able to move into unpromoted enemies, such as the horde surronding the boss which is a cute upside, . What's worse is that even though I used him as the lead unit on ghost ship- unpromoted Garcia (left on the starting boat) still outperformed him due to 1-2 range helping out with the mogalls and gargolyes way more (never mind ephriam,the mounted units, and duessel, all loaded with javelins) Chatper 12 was even worse (it has high amounts of ranged attackers) - I think he was cabable of 1 rounding every enemy other than the boss here, but between his lower movement and being able to be delayed for multible turns by enemy's poking at him, he was just awful compared. Chapter 13 is too short for most foot units to matter- Chapter 14, his increased crit was nice, but as we all know, it's not like the c6 armorslayer has that many uses if any at all by this chapter and even then the large travel distance causes the problems as C9 even though joshua's bulk issues are over at this point.. So in conclusion- Joshua, if used, can become surprisingly durable, and can help rout normal enemies, but even with criticals, really high HP generals and things like Ogre bosses can't realistically be 1 rounded by him (maybe double crits, but that's asking too much). In "defeat boss maps" he can sometimes do enough for the boss to die enemy phase, thus not losing turns over stronger bosskillers, but it's obviously unacceptable on seize maps. His main crippling flaw is the fact that A: you have near-unlimited money. B: Hand axes/javelins are buyable from the map screen after chapter 3. This pretty much automatically makes him worse than ross/gilliam in their respective draft settings and imo Dozla's full charather ltc contribution in C13 (mostly just using his waterwalk to physically block archer for the flier rescue drop)+ minor bodyblocking and potentially combat in C14+C15) Is actually bigger than the sum of what Joshua does in the chapters C6-9 just to fill the deployment limit. Joshua, doesn't require much investment, but doesn't pay of much either- it also makes experience kind of low for the knight crest users (franz+whoever) who will probbably promote later than usual. The small(IE not costing turns or consumable)amount of favoritism to give him his potential leads to interesting results in a draft run (mostly because his 10/1 bulk surpassed 10/1 franz and 10/1 forde ) but the sword lock is overwhelming- At least draft gillam and draft ross's potential is either unique (1 of 3 units one of which is ephriam who is being rescue carried the other Seth who can 1 round cavs on C9 or just solid on at least the low move chapters like 11 due to 1-2 hand/axe javelin ability. He was just an offensive unit in his first 3 maps, and then a dual offense/bulky unit around Fort Wigwald which lasts until the route merge, which would be good, if not for Garcia and even Gilliam doing it better- C16 onwards is bad for him, but that's true of most units. I'm convinced that he's easily the worst unit in C tier. I think that while what he can combat and bulkwise do is already replicable by standard units and no chapter has a unique contribution, it at least exists and applies to a fairly broad range of chapters. He's still better than the current D tier (Knoll might be debatable) Also Natasha needs to drop to D- even if you didn't use eph (arthur), eir(saleh) or a level up rigged moulder, she couldn't possibly do the c19 warp with her magic stat, so even in a draft the people she is actually competing with /replacing are the rescue stave users supporting the main warp+ some miscellanous physic (only on rout levels where non main people fight) and barrier uses on siege tome levels.
  12. Eph(saleh) is mainly just a beater, and would cost turns if you tried to get him to warp. That said, no-one else is going to have Excalibur, so he can potentially be a 3rd/4th unit that can hurt the demon king. It's sad that he misses Purge and therefore misses out on the C18 Gorgon egg utility. Nevermind, forgot Rescue was B rank and not C rank, only moulder can do this- For the C19 warps, Arthur needs Saleh (or moulder) to Rescue stave the warp targets to him because of the distance involved. Finally on the second part of Endgame, he can either smack the demon king himself or help rescue stave a second target up to it (in addition to whoever arthur warps) to increase reliability if hit rates/ criticals become otherwise neccesary for the 1 turn. So he has 1 major contribution and and 3 minor contributions in the 6 maps he's in. (c15 desert combat, c16, c19, final) . If going for warpless strats for whatever reason he can contribute in his other 2 Ephraim maps. I would probably put Eph (saleh) below Myrhh but above the other late units Syrene, Eph (Innes), and Eph (Eiraka)
  13. I would consider this but I only have access to emulators, and I dislike speed running without actual hardware due to unfair timing differences (mostly lag). I don't think that the FE speedrunning community is all that big because the strategies for going fast start out interesting but then getting a little boring on the last half of the game (due to putting all the experience into a few units) and then just powering through and in the case of FE5, using the warp staff. This is especially true of using the Japan speedrun category for Fe5 and playing the game without doing all the recruits The only weird thing I notice with the JPN record is chapter 20. I feel like blocking the spawn points would save animation time. Although on the other hand I think so many units are captured that you can't block enough of them. Not sure if the 16ish minutes of Chapter 20 would go down enough with the animation time blocked out to justify the time spent not letting people get captured.
  14. you only need 7 door keys. If you have any lockpicks left you can also just slowly use one of the thieves to deal with it. Many of the later shops outright sell keys, and unlike GBA games they are actually really affordable the only thing you have to keep in mind is the number of items characters can carry and that they can't purchase things at all when on full (sending straight to the convoy) like in later games.
  15. I'm obsessed with speeedrunning. Really obsessed. I go through every SGDQ and AGDQ and look through for games I know or at least have been mentioned by RIchie/Hommel, and so I watch like a minimum of 40 every event. I also watch some RPG limit breaks, ESA (years when their audio is bearable anyway), and the Cal Fire Relief. Individual streams are not really my style but I keep a few, one for Goldeneye player RWhite goose, A Torneko: Mystery Dungeon player, a Doom player, the Body Harvest crew, and then my many Monaco buddies. I got into speedrunning Late 2014 because the top runners of Monaco were messing around the game in an open lobby and all 3 of them tolerated me because they each was convinced that I was a personal friend of one of the others and therefore they accepted my "strange" strategies. I was a fast learner with Monaco, mostly because I'm very consistent. That said Monaco does require you to think on the fly because of lots of little RNG factors. The game inspired me to watch other speedruns, but I don't think I actually tried any other games myself until 2016. I'll probably be playing mostly Monaco for the time being since the (Sept 7) giveaway/sale has produced a lot of new players. I guess my only unique speed runs are Steambot Chronicles - It's a semi-sandbox game with good setting but awful awful combat. Not very proud of it since for the life of me (and 3 other people) there are no breaks in this game so it's all about going from story event to story event. I advocated a pseudo low% strategy since I was convinced that fighting with starter weapon would save time over elaborate money routes. Other runners disagreed because making the combat shorter is a big deal because of how quickly it can go wrong. Future Tactics: The Uprising- This is a weird 6th gen cross platform game (I play Ps2). It's kind of cross of turn-based artillery game (worms 3D) and a spiritual ancestor to Valkyria Chronicles. By the time I played it, a very good route had already been established so running this game is mostly up to getting the most precise things to work (knocking off the car on the dam level). I tried to add a new category by running the second story (which I only knew existed since last year) but it's A: stupid, and B: grind heavy. The second story is the same levels, but changes from turn based to phase based, on levels where enemies reinforce this breaks everything since they lose all of their actions for doing so instead of getting it free, but on other levels (eg the final boss) this makes the game harder since it'll attack 4 times as often. Running the first story is pretty chill though. Monaco: What's Yours is mine - My first speedgame and still my favorite and most active. I used to keep track of records for the entire community until PC rendered my ugly table irrelevant by writing a program that read from the game's servers. I miss having all those video links in one place though Ape Escape: Pumped and Primed- The only game that I feel confident about saying that I've played it more than anyone else in the world. It's a spinoff game, but the classic gadgets from Ape Escape 1 and 2 are used for it's minigames, the best of which are platforming based. It probably has too many scrolling sections for its own good, and also is probably a good argument against what happens when you make a party game without a rubber banding mechanism. (too easy/one sided) Beyond those a few marathons inspired me to casually run a few games. Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie (no DCW), Mario 64 (70 star), Robot:Rocket on Wheels, Goldeneye (IL), Perfect Dark (IL), Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (more just testing whether doing all the story levels low level via gil toss was faster than grind on frosty mage strats), and Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim. I also like to do blind races of NES platformers, because there's something comforting in 100+ games using the same control scheme and basic physics. There are a few things I'm thinking about in the future, More n64 platformers (Probbably Chameleon Twist 2 and Duck Dodgers) Mike Hommel's games, (Dr. Lunatic, Loony Land, Loony Land 2, Sleepless Hollow), Colony wars and Colony Wars Vengeance (Little worried about having to do certain missions on demand).
  16. For me: Myrmidons. I know they're fan favorites, but personally I found the GBA and Tellius myrmidons to be boring characters and when I got around to playing the other games, the only real exceptions I made where when they were ridiculously favored. I don't really like their "gameplay personality" as imo, they are EXTRA good at the early part of the games and just drop off in the second half of any respective game once enemy hit rates rise. Oh yeah, and the random nature of level ups actually matters because with like 2 exceptions, Mryms REALLY depend on growths and not bases for STR. I hate growth units in general and Myrms are basically growth units as a class. Second place to priests and troubadours . Light magic is usually comical (if I promote them), and they constantly fluctuate between TOO USEFUL and "Might as well replace with consumable healing" In games like FE7, 8, 9, Awakening, I seriously consider just waiting until I promote the first mage and using them as the staff man, completely bypassing the clerics/troubadours. I will admit that the non-healing staves that are all over FE5 and Fates are pretty fun though, but other than those appearances I never like them, and simply use them as required.
  17. I completely forgot about Star Wars! Rogue Squadron is fondly remembered by most, although it's not a "must own" game for n64 the way that rogue leader is for the Gamecube. and I'm blatantly biased in favor of all space shooter games. I feel like it was important because of Factor 5s technical accomplishments, they managed to tame the n64 "fog" and achieve a decent draw distance (moreso in battle for naboo) which most 3rd parties were incapable of and the voice acted sound clips functioned properly.( other 5th gen consoles (PSX) could do this, but it was still important in 1998...). Rogue Squadron had okay variety of mission objectives, mostly virtue of the level design, but the difficulty was pretty low with the exception of Escape from Fest (the snow level) and Raid on Sullust (the lava level). Definitely a good game, even top 30-25 as far as n64 goes, but nowhere near the classic status of Xwing vs Tie Fighter, or contemporary 5th console gen competitors like Descent.(despite important differences in control/physics/subgenre). Factor 5 also helped port other companies games, sometimes with limited input (Resident evil 2) and in other cases (Indiana Jones) making substantial overhauls to the original. On the other hand Rogue Squadron was re-released for PC a few years ago anyway, and I think inclusion in a classic edition should have more to do with video game contributions than hardware contributions.
  18. It depends on if you are determined to eventually play all of them. IF yes, then, do you intend to go worst>best or best>worst. I know for me I like to go best>worst when playing lots of game/series in a row just to get that motivation boost. Anyway, if you want to play Genealogy before New Mystery or the NES games, all you really need to know is how units in Genealogy work. Bad Units: 1 round any enemy they encounter, have enough durability to last for 3 turns within enemy ranges, and while they CAN take damage their bulk makes it easy to get to a point where your other units can join in and rescue them or simply "walk" the enemies to your own base. Good Units: All of the above plus 2 more movement.
  19. Promotion will just give you a stat boost on top of your existing stats, it doesn't SET your stats to a pre determined amount like FE1/4. There are definitely enough bad guys/ experience to go 20/20 if you really want, but I think you should at least promote clerics/mages at Lvl 10, since as you've probably seen by now spd growth is kind of low, and the +6 promo bonus is higher than what a lot of them will even get in that many level ups. (In addition to new weapon access /weapon ranks)
  20. As many of you know there is a lot of buzz about whether Nintendo will keep extending the "classic" console thing. Obviously, the Nintendo 64 comes next after the SNES chronologically, and in addition Nintendo has been filing trademarks that have gotten a lot of people talking about it. Personally I don't think another classic console will happen, as the NES and SNES classic were launched WITHOUT trademarks being filed in advance. The article I linked suggests the line-art is most likely for use as icons in the Nintendo Switch version of virtual console. For me this makes more sense as the Switch could probably use the boost to its feature library rather than having its big Christmas titles face direct competition from another year of a "side console". But assuming that an N64 classic was made what games would it have? NTSC n64 virtual console (wii and wii U combined) JP n64 virtual console that aren't on NTSC Company licenses involved with SNES and NES classic. In the context of the n64 these companies represent Chameleon Twist 1 and 2 (third tier platform games), Resident Evil 2 (a technical marvel, but a port and mostly notable for being able to compress FMVs onto cartridge format), Bust a Move 2, Bust a Move 99 (Puzzle games that are good to this day), , , Three International Superstar Soccer (Konami's soccer games were historical competitors to the now dominant licensees) The three Goemon games (2 platform, 1 goose/party game) Rakuga Kids ( 2D fighting game that thankfully uses traditional 6 button attack setup instead of being gimmicky) Quest 64 (one of the more memorable RPGs on the n64 despite being mediocre) Hybird Heaven (An RPG in the same boat as Quest 64) Castlevania 64 and its sequel (also 3rd tier platform games), as well as a dozen or so other games that are worth even less mention. There are also a few non-Nintendo groups that have tried or successfully launched HD versions of certain N64 3rd party games. Night Dive Studios with Turok and Shadowman (although they seem to have used the PC version), Throwback Entertainment with Extreme G, and Microsoft with the relevant Rare Replay games come to mind. Licensing Partnerships are less difficult for nintendo than they used to be (nintendo got a console minecraft game out of microsoft after all), so it would be nice to see at least some of the 3rd party pillars of the N64 on any classic edition. As for what deserves to be on a classic edition: For me it would be the following first party games Mario 64, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Puzzle League, F-Zero X, Ocarina of Time, Sin and Punishment, Wave Race 64, Star Fox 64, Ogre Battle 64, Paper Mario, Mario Kart 64, Mario Party 3 as well as these third party games + Rocket on Wheels, Rayman 2, Beetle Adventure Racing, Space Station Silicon Valley, Mischief Makers, Banjo Kazooie, Goldeneye 007, Turok 2, A wrestling game from Aki Corp (preferably one of the later ones with Ladder matches and other bonus events), This is a nice round 20 games. I leave things games like Worms Armagedon / Tony Hawk Pro Skater out because while Rayman 2 and Turok were also multi-platform, they originated on n64. A good case can be made for things like Pilotwings, Majora's Mask, Pokemon Snap, 1080 snowboarding, NBA courtside 2, or Rareware's other games but I don't really think they fit as well into a representative compilation as the 20 aforementioned games.well maybe Beetle Adventure Racing was overly personal and not of historical signifgance Also looking at Starfox 2 on the SNES classic, I wonder if any of the canceled prototype N64 games could resurface (including the ones that shifted to gamecube) or maybe 64DD games could be included in the N64 classic. Anyway I'm opening this thread if anyone wants to discuss this (unlikely) future console, what nintendo's licensing policy with 3rd parties are, what games they would pick, etc.
  21. Is it bad to admit that I saw the GBA games getting shafted in the favorite starting character group thread, and right now I am deflating a little bit because of the renewed support for Blazing Sword? My favorite games will always be those with what I find to be engaging gameplay, although admittedly, I would find playing FE11 on NM to be just as excruciating as playing Sacred Stones. While the harder games in the seriees are my favorites, it's mostly because I believe the difficulty is neccesary for the mechanics to reach their full potential- many FE games have well-developed mechanics that could have made great games, but end up as only good due to being able to ignore the systems when you can trivialize the game by using only a few parts of your options...
  22. Fire Emlbem is a franchise tha clings to tradition. FE6 relative to Archanea, and Awakening being the stand outs, but even the Telius games, for all their fanfare, have the shadow of the originals looming over them (especially regarding gameplay). Most of the game's probably "take a stab" at deconstruction, but only sustain that for a few arcs or chapters in the game, as Any of the FE plots taken in its entirety, is startlingly conservative. For me stand outs- FE3: Mystery of Emblem- Hardin, an ally of the Marth from FE1, takes power, and is partly motivated by and jealously and petty fame, but it's heavily implied that he comes to realize that he wasn't Nina first love and she accepted him due to politics- bringing up an angle that could be construed as sexual frustration with his wife. "In the previous war, it was only because you were the descendent of Anri that Nina gave the Emblem to you, and chose you to become the leader of the alliance.Prince of Light… What nonsense!If you hadn’t received my support you would have died long ago, so don’t act all big, Marth!!From that day on, I hated you.I kept silent for Nina, but I knew I would have to deal with you eventually.This has nothing to do with this Orb!" However FE3 after this point can't properly perform as a "deconstruction" because afterwards the dark wizard/dragon plot takes over. Still, most of the game builds toward a different type of conflict than had been seen in FE1. FE5- The game limits itself to a regional conflict (being an actual side story, unlike gaiden) instead of a continent/ world spanning one. In addition, while all of the FE protanganists are e technically teens or young adults, it's probably the closest to addressing the issue of how the trauma affects charathers - From the opening naturation "as Leaf stares on the blaze cradled in Fin's arms, can he even begin to understand the terrible signifgance?" FE9: Ike is commoner is thrown around a lot, but is not really deconstruction, the lord being noble isn't really in Fire Emblem's DNA more so than the lord being a moral paragon. The game does much more interesting things with your allies- getting people to join you is not unilaterlly a good thing, and it's explained that Begnion's armies COULD fight the final battle,s but that it is necessary for Ike's party, as a vangaurd representing Crimea's own troops to carry out the final assault or else the newly restablished country will have no legitimacy and will be seen as a vassal state. However having a few plot threads and scenes that re-frame the genre and its tropes is not enough to make ANY of the Fire Emblem games a de-construction, and the comparison with Comics is really disproportional (maybe 1 or 2 games, rather as opposed to few books leading into entire imprints like Wildstrom and Vertigo jumping on the deconstrion trend, to the extent that when comics returned to Silver Age ideas (Mark Waid, Grant Morrison) it is often called re-constructionalism. If any Fire Emblem game is a deconstruction, it has hardly affected the status quo of how Fire Emblem games are written, much less set off a trend of other deconstructions or counter-trends of putting the genre back together. I'd sure that some people could tell you about how FE4's plot doesn't hold up very well in the later half, but my personal bias against the game prevents me from being the person to say that FE4 fits into the same conservative mold as the simplest "save the world" games like FE1 and FE6.
  23. Just having the crusader scrolls in the character's inventory when they level up is enough. You don't need to equip them like the FE9 growth bands or anything.
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