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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Actually, I think they can do more than just flying, they can climb through mountains and seas as well.
  2. It cost you 2 mines? Don't you only needed one to perform the glitch? Either that or HHM is hard to perform that glitch.
  3. Ohhh Please Teacher! and Please Twins! I see...you certainly made a best priority. Good thing too.
  4. Even if this post is official, I do not approve with this since I don't think Lethe should be FE's mascot.
  5. Having Druids enabling to use Anima tomes aren't really their style...
  6. As I said, usually only stat averages matter for ranking characters statistically. Fire Emblem is governed completely by mathematics and probability. All stat growths can be determined exactly, and they're easily comparable between characters. For example, on my previous gameplay for FE10 I have a file with Boyd who happens to maxed ALL his stats at a level 20/20 third tier with the bonuses from FE9. And you don't see me going around telling everyone that Boyd can surpass Nolan by everything judging from my personal experience which means nothing to me at all. Thus, I'm not allowed to argue that Boyd is better than Nolan because even though it happened once through personal experience, it doesn't mean a thing to other people. Plus, its most likely to never happen again. The chances of certain characters ever surpassing eachother are a probability of 0% meaning it would most likely never to happen again. So its pretty pointless to debate about anything from your experience playthroughs since it probably only happened once in a lifetime. Thats how the RNG works. Applying rules from other FE games to characters is just plain pointless. The correct way to guage a character's ability is by looking at just the game they're from, not by seeing how they'd do in a fight against foes they'll never meet in-game. Personal Experience can't be factored in because that's just it. It's personal experience as in only what happened for you. You can argue about how personal experience means something all you want, but it doesn't mean anything to people.
  7. Trolls are users who purposely goes off-topic and tends to piss off people (sometimes eachother) with flaming spams. <_<
  8. I finally manage to finish watching Great Teacher Onizuka, its one of the most hilarious animes I've ever seen. You guys should check it out.
  9. Don't forget GameFAQ's is completely ruled by trolls...and I hate their rules...
  10. To be honest, I don't really care what to have in any next Wii games. Just as long as the game gets addicting afterwards I'll like it eventually.
  11. Personal Experience means nothing. It's a phrase thats been around with almost all serious FE debate forums for quite sometime. It's to show that just because something happened to you doesn't mean it should hold any weight in a real debate. Usually, only actual character averages count. Usually only stat averages matter for ranking characters statistically. FE is governed completely by mathematics and probability. All stat growths can be determined exactly, and they're easily comparable between characters. Average stats The purpose of this site is to show how they turn out average more than any specific order. That's why they're called "averages". It's also unlikely to have every single stat hit the exact percent, chances are at least a few will land, and it all comes down to average. Thus, it's good to have any guarantees in order to prevent any RNG screw-overs through any gameplays. Even for beginners. You cannot argue whos better and whos not in the game judging your personal experience.
  12. I don't really like racing games...especially if its a Mario game, so yeah.
  13. It all comes down to either who is Nino's father. Erk or Jaffar though...
  14. I never said that the ruins were hard. There pretty easy. But yes, luring the phantoms and using them as a human sacrifice is pretty smart though. Plus it saves you the opportunity of wasting money to buy Purge/Aura for your Bishop's to slay them with their Slayer skills.
  15. Sothe has higher Mag and Luck growth, he reduces HP to 1, which sometimes prevents a overkills. I'd personally say that the gamemaker intend to curse your party with Sothe. I'd wish I didn't had to bring him in the final part. He's a waste of space.
  16. Phantoms are only good at luring enemy units. To be honest, I actually find them very useful. On the Tenth Floor of the Lagdou Ruins. I had to use Lyon's Phantoms to lure those 10 Draco Zombies one at a time. It took me a long time since most my units were using Iron weapons but was really easy afterwards. I know there are also another alternative path of beating the Ruins but thats pretty much the only one I could think of so far. So if it hadn't been for the Phantoms I would just keep losing. <_<
  17. Remember that Boyd would only be better than before if you were to transfer your FE9 data into FE10 so that the averages in FE10 is most likely be different. Thats like one of the advantages that Boyd has of being better. Not that I'm saying Boyd is better than Nolan in a fact. And just to end my sentence personal experience means nothing.
  18. neh, I pick neither. I never bother even consider promoting either of them. Knoll barely gains any Luck of Def. I wouldn't even want to bother consider using him instead I rather don't use him at all. Ewan would make either a great Druid or a Summoner but I never bother promoting him to either of them. I'd say hes way better off as a 3rd tier Super Trainee. Even as a Super Trainee, hes able to use 2 more additional tomes such as Light and Dark tomes which is very unique.
  19. Like I said, to me Jeigans are underrated. What I also don't like about Jeigan archetypes is that they're your exp. hog for the whole game and in the end they're not worth bringing.
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